When covid was new and trendy, all the school events were cancelled. I’ll admit that part of me was a little bit relieved to have fewer events on my calendar. But it didn’t take long for me to really feel weird and disconnected from the kids things. With that, I have a very real, newfound appreciation for school events! And I LOVE the meals at school! They tend to be chaotic, and LOUD, all while being totally low key. Yet, on the flip side, the entire school staff is on site, working hard and FAST, all with genuine smiles and love to pour out on the families! I am SO grateful for the school our children attend, and the staff that care for them.
Yesterday, the school put on their annual family appreciation BBQ. Its part of the year end wrap up, and I really do enjoy it. Its good to see the kids teachers, both current and past, and have some banter with other families while we all juggle our kids, as well as hot dogs, iced tea, and freezies. Anyone elses kids inherently bad at holding freezies without dumping out the juice? 🙋🏼♀️ Just ours? Cool cool cool cool cool…
Anyway. It went well. Kids ate lots. They were happy and hyper.

Dekker was at a friends house after school, and by the time they joined us at the school, we were done eating! So Dekker ate with them and then wandered off to hang with friends. No pictures, but he was also there, lol!
With the BBQ also comes a book swap. So each of our kids brought a book to swap out, and you know we have readers. So some of the activities had to combine so certain kids could read their new books as soon as humanly possible.

Captain Underpants waits for no one.
When it was time to leave the school, Laela opted to walk home. We had taken the minivan because we were short one kid, and while we can all fit in the minivan, its really tight and usually ends up in some squishy scrapping. So in an effort to avoid that, she decided to walk, and I walked with her.

It was really nice. I love one on one walks with the kids when I can get them. Its nice to see whats on their hearts when its just the two of us 🙂 On this walk, Laela told me a decent handful of stories about some kids at school who tease her about being short, and of all things, weak. WEAK. My girl! She told me about a kid who grabbed her by the hair yesterday and just yanked and yanked and yanked until a teacher stopped him. We talked about how, yes, people have hard scenes and sometimes they do mean things, and we can still love and respect them! But with that, they don’t have to be people we hang out with a lot either. That line between loving our neighbour and having self respect is a fine one. I didn’t make a whole thing out of it, I just made sure she knew she didn’t HAVE to entertain close friendships with people who have bad behaviour.
We got home and learned that our choice to walk caused almost everyone else to have a full breakdown in the van. Sooooo sorry about that, Brady 😬
Another BBQ done and done 💜 A great success.