Today begins the three days between camp and camp again! Three daaaaays!! Thats SHORT! Three days for unpacking, laundry, re-packing, and food planning/shopping/prepping.
Currently NO medical appointments are booked for this week!!! 🥳 When was the last time I could say that?! No one knows!
Things also glaring me in the face are as follows.
Some big messes that are accumulating that need to be tidied.
We have a meeting this evening.
I need to finish school supplies, mostly motivated by the counter space its all currently taking up.
And, believe it or not, we have TRAINING to start! Never done learning, it seems!!
Not to mention, all kids needs to be bathed. Still grimy from camp at this point. Thankfully, almost all of that is done independently now!
Laundry is humming.
Berry bush is being picked clean.
At least three kids will wash up this afternoon.
I will start on school supplies this afternoon, no question. Don’t claim I’ll finish, but I’ll take a bite out of it.
Made a supper plan for today.
Today’s meeting will be off the books – wait for it – by the end of the day.
Meal planning can happen pretty easily on my phone, and Brady can do the shopping tomorrow after work.
I love our busy seasons. I just have to stay on top of it 🙂 And I am! Win!

This is the vibe today, haha!
Oh and this also 😅

*adds “resting” to the list*