The season of toasted tomato sandwiches has arrived!! I know this can happen any time during the year, but this is when the fresh garden tomatoes come out to play, which makes it all just SO much better!
Ta-daaaaa! Thank you, Cher, for bringing these tomatoes for us to enjoy!! These delicious morsels walked through the door, and I texted Brady that we required cheese buns and cottage cheese! Because those ingredients, while not necessary, make it so much more special!!!
It’s funny how the blog has changed since we began fostering, because so many of our pictures have an extra face in them that unfortunately isn’t allowed on the blog 💜 I know the rules for covering faces for social media and such, but the blog is less secure, so I won’t be risking it.
With this new aspect of photos, you’ve seen less of my kids recently! So here’s a bit of that for you to enjoy 💜 They are positively lovely.
I could caption, but you get the vibe 💜 Togetherness. Hanging out. Summer ease. I am really loving these moments. We certainly are leading a busy life right now, but we are finding a nice groove and it still feels restful from time to time. Our norm may be busier than that of others, or it may be way more relaxed than many of you, also. Happy medium is a great place to be 💜
Todays priorities are getting the bulk of the packing done for camp this week, having Wavy’s friend over in the afternoon, and sending Brady a grocery list so he can do a quick shop after work. Tomorrow is THREE appointments, prepping all the food for the weekend, and getting to the lake! Its all going to get done! The to-do list is a LOT smaller than it was yesterday!
We had a giggle at camp last weekend and I keep forgetting to write about it! So here you have the story!
Brady and I joined the throngs of people watching the kids’ demonstrations before gathering them from their week at camp. It required us going a bit of a distance, so we took the golf cart for Brady’s benefit. We chatted with other kids and other parents while we waiting through a couple of demonstrations that weren’t Dekkers. It was outside and nice and social and relaxed.
At one point, an older man approached Brady and exclaimed “What happened?!” Brady hasn’t had that question in a while! And so out of the blue! Bradys mobility is so normal for us now, we forget that it is kind of rarity.
So Brady really casually responded that he had a cancerous tumour taken off of his spinal cord.
The man just stared for a second, and without speaking, pointed at Brady’s leg brace. Brady’s use of the golf cart to get around wasn’t what was in question, but the brace! Brady, surprised, responded, “Oh! I’m paralyzed!”
The man definitely had nothing to say 😅 I reached over and gave Brady a fist bump before walking away.
It was SO funny.
The poor guy was probably anticipating a story about a soccer injury or something, haha!
Anyway. We giggled. It was hilarious. And I’m sure it will continue to be hilarious every time it happens.
Whew! I was out most of the morning but now I’m back at it! My mom made grilled cheese buns for everyone, and now she’s on her way and I’m home, on my own way! Thank you, mom, for babysitting and feeding everyone 💜 That helped a LOT.
Yesterday worked out to be nicely productive. While I didn’t come close to getting everything done, I got a small handful of things done. Enough to make my list feel better, hahaha! Aaaaand enough that it looked empty enough to add more things, lol!
I watered plants.
Dekker and I picked raspberries.
I did up the August calendar.
Brady replaced the ball catch and lightbulbs. Yes, the twerp got up on the ladder 🙄
School supplies still aren’t finished but the actual supplies are ALL in hand as of yesterday! Just have to actually package them all up and put them in backpacks. Oh, and steal a few old tshirts out of Brady’s closet and call them “paint shirts.”
And while I did not work on the foster expense forms, I did speak to my social worker yesterday on an unrelated topic, and she mentioned expensing extras to me. When I told her I was intimidated by the forms, she told me she would help me through the forms when I see her next. So thats a relief!
I did add a couple of things to the list. I need to tidy up our en suite in a big way. And I changed the one about expense forms to making a list of expenses I need to claim.
Ok. Enough blogging about what needs to get done! Time to get on it!
I have a running list on a whiteboard in my kitchen. The multitudes of sticky notes on the island were going to be the death of me, so rather we bit the bullet and stuck this thing to the wall. It goes against Brady’s grain to put adhesive on the wall, because contracting and drywall and patching and painting and resale and all that stuff. But. Sometimes you just have to. So we did it, and it was a good decision because I used it every single day.
This is how it looks today.
This will not all get done today. I’m not crazy. There is no way. But some things will. And I can take a bite out of some parts of it.
From the top…
Printing Dekkers picture and a card. Those are not immediate needs at all, but they’ve been on the list for a long time and I really should do it! I even have the good printer for it!
Foster expense forms. We are super behind on expensing out extras to the ministry, ie: gas, prescriptions, etc. We haven’t expensed before and I hear the new forms are a nightmare so I think Brady and I are both pretty intimidated by them.
Finish school supplies. I’m SO close to done!! I just need to gather the last three items from a willing friend who picked them up, label them, and stuff things in backpacks. And I’m DONE and ready for September!
Bedroom tidy. This is an arbitrary task because every week when we get home from the lake, my room is TRASHED. No one is mad about it except me. Our en suite is also a total mess. Now that we have our foster babe, our room holds a lot more stuff, and some of our other stuff needs to take a hike. The clutter has officially been highlighted. I see you, mess. And I don’t like you. I’m almost done with you.
Lightbulbs. This isn’t anything big. We have a few burnt out. Specifically one in the girls room, and all of them in the little hallway by the main bathroom. Just need to replace them.
Book tests. Both middle boys need ultrasounds on their lymph nodes. But the place I was referred to doesn’t offer that kind of test anymore. So I have to call around and see if another place will accept a requisition with a different business listed.
Replace ball catch. One of the ones on our pantry doors busted last week. Thats a Brady thing. Its not urgent, but I don’t want it to sit forever so its on the list.
Mow. The front yard is rough.
Water plants. Another easy one. Just need to water indoor plants.
Water jug needs refilling.
Raspberries need picking.
August calendar needs filling in! I really like having my calendar written up with pretty colors, stickers, etc. It helps me stay sane, and it gives the kids access to knowing whats up in the day, upcoming birthdays, etc. I’ve been using our calendar this way since January and it hasn’t petered out at all. We all really like it! They’ve been such busy months, and its really really helped.
Beyond this list, there is still basic life stuff. Baths today. Dishes. Laundry. Meals. And then playing and chatting and music and fun!
I hope the stormy weather actually comes along. That would be SUCH a nice touch!
I have not loved aging these last few years. I’ve fought my thirties a bit along the way, and I wrote it off as nerves around getting older. But I think I finally put my finger on it, and I’ve decided not to dislike my thirties anymore.
I gave birth to Waverly four weeks before I turned 30. My fifth child just snuck into my 20s. And I loved that!
I spent the next year conceiving constantly, and miscarrying constantly. I had a chemical pregnancy at least every other month.
The next year, I stopped conceiving, except for the couple of exceptions that I lost.
Then came covid.
Then Brady’s surgery, and two months of being apart.
And then an entire year of chemo.
And only then settling into all the change that came with a newly paralyzed husband.
The last few years, my thirties, have been HARD. Like, NUTS.
My thirties held my last biological baby years.
They’ve held my friendship with Cher, my dear sister.
They’ve held family together time during covid that we never would’ve had otherwise.
They’ve held Kinasao.
They’ve held the best years of my marriage, and the strongest years of my faith.
They’ve held the beginning of being a foster family.
Bottom line – the years have been loaded, and I wouldn’t trade them. There has of course been loss; plenty I haven’t even mentioned in these quick lists. But the gains are positively beautiful, and now I can see that a bit clearer. These difficult years could’ve started at any time in my life. It’s irrelevant what year it kicked off in.
So. Forward we go! In faith and in glory strength! There is more on the horizon and we are here for it!
Thirty five feels ok. Better than the last few, for sure. I’m very grateful to be where I am, with who I am. For that, I praise the Lord.
We picked up Mr Dekker from camp today, which felt like a long time coming 🥰 Our numbers have been off for an entire week, and it was good to have him back in our good graces.
We spent time watching demonstrations from each group at skills camp – outdoor survival, sports, drama, and robotics. Dekker was part of robotics camp, and while they couldn’t show us fully what they had been up to, there was a good video showing the kids working on their projects and their successes along the way. It was very cute 💜 He loved it and would happily go back!
Once Dekker was appropriately retrieved and we were back at the site, we spent some good time chatting at the fire. Not chatting with Dekker, of course. That would’ve made too much sense. He was off with a new friend until we made him come back for supper, hahaha! We ate big chicken salads before quickly switching gears and getting to the beach for a quick evening swim!
It was worth the work and the extra outing 💜 the weather was beautiful and the kids did well. It was a beautiful wrap up to thei day!
We thank the Lord for the chance to bring our kids here to camp. And for us as a family to have such a precious place to let down so much in this season. We are entirely grateful 💜
Laela did dishes this morning, which is different for her because she usually does supper dishes. However, Dekker is away, and she won’t be here to do her evening dishes, so it worked out! With her not usually doing breakfast dishes, she was slightly out of the loop, and I realized she was waiting for each kid to doddle their way through their food so she could add their dishes to the dishwasher. I would not have asked this of her, because some kids can eat forrrevvvvverrrrr. But I let it happen, because she was chatting and having fun and being friendly.
Wavy had finished an apple sauce cup, and Laela went to grab her spoon when she noticed the cup wasn’t scooped out as well as she deemed appropriate. Like the little mama she is, she scraped it out good and proper with the spoon and went to hold it up for Wavy to eat. In that moment they both realized what was happening, and burst out laughing. So began a game of “airplane” while Laela tried to feed Wavy a spoonful of apple sauce. Both were laughing so hard, it took WAY too long to actually get the last bite into her, but it was worth the time 💜
It was a really cute moment in time where Laela was accidentally maternal but no one was mad or bossy or fighting. It was just wholesome and adorable. I loved it.
Yesterday, I threw a whole big list at you guys of what needs to happen over here in three short days. Here I am with updates regarding what I listed off.
No medical appointments! This is still true, though I need to book a couple for next week, and I should do that today.
Big messes accumulating that need to be tidied. Did NOT get done. Not even a little bit.
Evening meeting was done and done. No follow up there.
Finishing school supplies. I actually got really close to this! All thats really left is gym clothes, which I’m waiting until the end of summer to stuff in their backpacks. The ONLY actual supply items I need are three bloody duotangs. A red one, and two white ones. I can’t justify a trip in JUST for three duotangs, so I’ll hold off until the next time I’m in Saskatoon, which will be early next week. I’ll do that then 🙂
Training. Have not started that yet.
All the kids bathed. Done and done! Last got cleaned this morning!
Laundry = done!
Berry bushes got picked clean!
Meal planning for camp is done-ish. Mostly done. Not 100% done but close. Just have to decide one more meal in there and we’re set!
So far today, the kids who can pack for themselves have packed for camp. I have started to put together a few things to pack as well. Now that my napper is napping, I will try to accomplish a few more things. But kids have to lunch first.
There is simply (wait for it) never a shortage of things to do!