Yesterday evening, there was some work that needed doing, and it needed to be done in good time. Surprisingly, there were a few too many people underfoot to make quick progress, so I took the kids to the park for an hour. Or at least that the was the goal!

The sky was incredible!! It was windy and smelled amazing, but the forecasted weather seemed totally unremarkable. As the kids played, as well as a TON of other kids, the lightening started. It was really lovely still, and we are no stranger to storms. I had rain in the back of my mind, obviously, so I quietly tried to think about a bail out plan. But it was an easy one. Four of the kids had biked, and could get home really fast. Laela had walked with me, and she loves rain and storms just as much as I do, so I know she wouldn’t be upset to walk in the rain. Morsel in a stroller would be totally secure. With that plan in mind, I knew we were fine to stick it out.
The kids gravitated towards each other rather than the other kids at the park. Watching them group off and play together really filled my heart. It was like they owned the playground, and it was a good fit 💜

We had been at the park for maybe 45 minutes when the thunder started up a bit, and rain came. None of it was big. But it was happening, and it was dark, and we were rocking that 1:6 ratio, so it was time to go.
We made our way home in the weather, happily. It was quite a bit darker upon getting home, and we all felt like we had made it through a storm, yet no one was too wet or cold. It was just the right kind of wrap up to the day.
With all the talk of this next upcoming “polar vortex,” I already miss the rain 💜