I made a HUGE list the other day and its been laying out for everyone to read here at the house. The idea is that anyone can see how full my brain is and they can even look at it and see if there is an opportunity to help. And they have! When Rowan has felt idle, I see him go scan it, and he’ll sometimes follow up and confirm if something on there is actually done or if its something he can help with.
This morning, he came and sat down beside me in the living room. While I was typing an email, he took the brain dump sheet and asked about a few things. He giggled at me that I still have things to do. Lol! Twerp.
Much of what still needs doing is some pre-blogging I always try to do before Christmas so I have a few days with good posts that I don’t have to write in the moment. I always pre-write a blog for Christmas day and New Years Eve. We’ll see if I get there this year. I really do need to do one last errand run. Maybe today after school. I need to write a couple of Christmas cards that ideally would’ve been delivered this week but 🤷🏼♀️ And there are a few things that simply wont get done. I will admit that I feel a little defeated this morning, but likely I’m just short on sleep, and will rally soon enough.
Some deliveries will wait until the break. Thats ok. Some cookie icing will wait. Thats ok. Christmas cards will be handed out during the break rather than before. Thats ok. The mailed ones will be late anyway. Thats ok.
Everything that needs to come together will 💜 It always does.