Celebrating Dekker

We took today to celebrate Dekker a few days ahead of time in order to party at the lake with all of our people! He got his wish, and absolutely every food item he asked for.

Birthdays for us are mostly about choosing food. Dekker chose a breakfast of hashbrown casserole, bacon, and fruit salad. Lunch was sandwiches and chips. Supper was his signature steak at the lake, with garlic toast and caesar salad.

It was a successful day of celebrating, eating, and enjoying each others company.

We sure love you, Dekker 😍

The Gang is Back Together

The morsel and I are back at camp. Mom and Cher are with us as well. And the kids who were at summer camp this last week are baaaaack!!

Our Dahlsjos even all congregated at our campsite before heading out for a night at home. We will see them again soon 💜

We had a simple supper of hot dogs and burgers, and everyone is now tucked away in their respective camper and bed for the night. As we listen to the sound of rain, I can’t help but feel that I’m right where I belong. I am so unbelievably grateful 💜

Quick Trip Home

Our week at the lake came with a few little disjointed parts that left me driving home in the middle. Not only did we have an unmovable appointment, but we also had an appointment that was taking way too long to come to fruition get bumped UP to this week! Alas, the timing wasn’t perfect, but we decided to take that small hit for the greater good.

I drove home today with just one tiny morsel in my backseat. We ran an errand before the appointment, and then ran another errand before heading home. My mom came by shortly after I got home with a delicious home cooked meal ready to pop in the oven. She helped me with a few jobs I had to do. She snuggled the morsel. It was really nice.

Cher joined us shortly before supper. It was so so lovely to be all together 💜 We ate a crazy delicious scalloped potato casserole with sausage and fresh corn from the cob. And cheese. And sauce. It was SO good.

Both of my beautiful guests whipped up dishes and headed out the door.

The house is super quiet. The dishwasher is running. Nothing else is. The morsel must wake up for a bath soon. And then I need a bath soon, too. And some crocheting. And some tv. And a sleep in my own bed for a night.

I anticipate good comfy rest, but even more so, I anticipate being back with all of my people tomorrow afternoon! After appointment number two.

Tomorrow will be fun. Cher is joining for the drive back up to the lake! I except the party will be brought 😎

Butter Blunder

Today, we had pie irons. Pizza ones. And they were great! But I have no proof. The only photographic evidence I have of todays lunch was my blunder during the setting up of the meal. 

The short version goes like this. 

The better was in the fridge and virtually unspreadable. So I put it on the hood of the dealermobile to warm up in the sun. Smart, right? 

It was. It was TOO smart. 

Anyway. That’s it. The end. The long version isn’t much longer than the short version. Just take my word for it. It was an effective method, but, flawed. You’ve been warned. 


More Beauty – the Rainy Kind

It was another beautiful day. There was both fire time and beach time. New friends. Good food. Brave geese. Fruit. Steak.

And it ended with rain. It doesn’t get much better than these days. 

I am so incredibly grateful for these deep breaths in after a very busy season in our lives, and heading into another one. But God knows that. It is undeniable to us that this is from Him. 

Holiday Sunday and Monday

Ok! Photos plus captions for our week at the lake! Get ready for the speed round of the first couple of days!

The day began with rainbow looms. More bracelets and anklets and chokers than any of us knew what to do with. It was fun and relaxing for all.

Wavy went up to the Dahlsjos camper to “help” Stacy prep some food. And by “prep” I do mean “eat.”

We dropped the kids off at camp in the early afternoon! 💜💜💜💙💙💙

Sunday held an unplanned and much loved visit by our dearest Cherice!!

We enjoyed the sunset, as well as the entertainment. Wavy donned two tubes and Dekker chased her around with a pool noodle, whacking her tubes while she squealed with delight. It was adorable. They are a beautiful pair.

Back at our site, we dragged our feel just a little bit longer before it was time to tuck in the little ones, and then ourselves.


We spent the morning by the fire and moved to the beach for the afternoon! Some of us, at least. Cher, Stacy, and I, plus the few kids left with us. Brady has renovation goals this week.

I know, it just looks like he’s pooping. He isn’t. It’s a bathroom reno.

Wavy played in the water on her own a couple of times, and I was blown away by how bold and brave she was!!! In the heavy wind, with lots of waves, she headed out there in her life jacket AND floaty tube to bob in the water 💜

The skies were bonkers today. Just a gorgeous day to hit the beach. We waited all day for a storm that never came.

Which worked out, since the beach was too fun to leave.

Eventually the time did come to head back up, and wouldn’t you know there was ice cream to be had??

The afternoon was beautiful. No doubt about that, low point being Cher leaving for home 💜It ended too quickly, after only four hours at the beach. But it was time to eat. And that did not disappoint.

We ate like royalty, with ridiculously yummy leftovers from the day before, plus some appies we had in the freezer leftover from my birthday. Then we meandered through the campground a bit, daydreaming of what the future holds. Meanwhile a few of our kids wrestled and played together. They don’t look deranged at ALL!

And it wrapped up with Waverly laughing until she farted, in this exact position 🤣 it was absolutely HYSTERICAL.

Who could possibly ask for anything more?? 💜

Thank you, Lord.


The day has been lovely. Beautiful weather. Invested friends. Excited kids who were so happy to be dropped off at camp for the week. Delicious food. Relaxing fires. The bright sunset closed it off perfectly. 

A little bit more fire and a roasted tomato sandwich, and I’m ready for bed 🥱 

Our Holiday Begins

The first full day of our holiday began with bakes oatmeal by the fire. What more could we even ask for?

We had completely forgotten that this weekend was Christopher Lake Days, so after breakfast. We meandered our way to town for the parade!

My favorite float threw toilet paper and candy canes. While others didn’t voice it, I think they liked the same one. 🧻

Then we hit up the petting zoo and the marketplace/trade show area for a little bit, but we opted to head home shortly after lunch time.

To the beach! It wasn’t hot or calm but it was good enough for the geese, so it was good for us!!

It REALLY looked like the storm was coming, but it just didn’t come. The clouds were fun to look at!

Even our swimmiest swimmer deemed it too cold out for swimming. But there is always rainbow loom to carry the torch.

While it was a little blustery, it was positively beautiful. I will never ever complain about a view like this.

Thank you, Lord.

Mom’s Birthday

My sweet mama celebrates her birthday today 💜 She is someone I aspire to be like in many facets of my life.

Of course I want to be a mom like she is. She exudes love and warmth and gentleness. She values all the little events and milestones that come along. She teaches all along the way, as I desire to do for my children. There is never too much love with my mom.

I also desire to be the mother in law that I see she is to my husband. She has a beautiful balance of contribution and love, all the while letting us make our own choices, and supporting them all along the way!

I want to be a friend like my mom. I want my friends to feel my love through my intentional actions. Just like hers do.

And I want to not go grey until my 60s, because how cool is that?!

I so very dearly love you, my sweet mama 💜 Thank you for teaching me all you have, and for continuing to do so. I don’t know how you found the perfect line between being my mom and my close friend, but you crushed it, and for that – for YOU, I praise the Lord.

The Giant Prep Day

We are gearing up for our holidays this coming week! That means a first weekend with all of us. A week with three of us at camp. And a second weekend with us plus guests. Aaaaahhh! Its SO doable, but a lot of thinking when it comes to amounts of food!

Another moving part of the week is the fact that I’m coming back home for a couple of days in the middle. So those days, Brady will have a couple of kids at camp on his own, and I’ll be home with the smallest morsel. Again, doable. Just lots of thinking and organizing in advance.

Oh! AND a birthday celebration on the second weekend. So, special food for that.

*pulls hair from head*

Thank goodness today is the day we get it ALL done! We have to drive both vehicles in, which is not ideal, but such is life. We need to fit about ten days worth of groceries, plus eight people, and a wheelchair along with us. So. If we don’t have a bus, we have to bring two vehicles!

This evening after Brady’s done work, we will hit a handful of stores, including a few on 8th St that we never hit anymore. But since I’m able to sneak in a leg wax this evening, we’ll be over in that end of the city. Win win! HOPEFULLY going to Superstore will mean we can dodge Costco this time around. But beyond that, we need only two things at Wholesale Club, and another couple of things at Coop. Plus a few more places.

Aaaaand this morning, I’m going in for an appointment, and one quick stop for a last minute gift for a birthday party Laela was invited to!

As Andy Samberg says, “Never stop never stopping!”