Public Health for Two

I was counting on Rowan to be my alarm clock this morning. Every morning, he gets me up for the day between 6:30 and 7:00. Today, he gave me gift that every mommy dreams of. He let me sleep in. Until 7:50. And I needed to be out the door with all three fed and dressed children at 8:30. I LOVED the gift of the longer morning, but I had 40 minutes.

That is how I ended up on the road with two kids, each with a ziploc container of froot loops in their laps, and an infant who hadn’t eaten since 2:00 that morning. However, they were all well dressed, and we were on time!

I dropped Dekker off to have some one on one time with my mom, and I took Laela and Rowan into the city. We picked Brady up from work and drove across the city to the public health office in the south end. I know its silly to go pretty much as far away as possible, but we’ve been treated really well there in the past, and they also were able to book both kids in together. We arrived on time, waited five minutes, and were taken back. Our nurse was lovely, and asked each question about both kids rather than one appointment and then the next. She liked all of our answers. Rowan was eating enough, Laela was reaching her milestones, etc.

As for their stats, I had to laugh 🙂

Rowan weighs 14 lbs 2.5 oz, so he gained two pounds last month. Woot! He’s 24.25″ tall, which is more than two inches taller than he was at birth! He’s pretty much 75th percentile all around. He took his oral vaccine very well, and while he cried pretty hard through his shots, he recovered incredibly fast. As in I got him dressed right after and lay him back in his car seat, and he was content already.

Laela weighs a not-so-whopping 22 lbs 12 oz. She’s 2’7.5″. So really, she’s not much bigger than Rowan, haha! She was NOT impressed to have her shots, but the nurse was so good to her and just went nice and fast and then gave her TWO toothbrushes. Those toothbrushes are gold simply because they’re individually wrapped in really loud plastic, and make for great noisemakers. After that, she was fine to get dressed and head out.

We grabbed some coffee before dropping Brady back at work, and I took the kids to go join the fun at my moms. We all had lunch together, then playtime, and then all of the kids went down for naps. They all slept great, whether from the crazy morning or the shots, but upon getting up, neither Laela or Rowan seemed to have any lasting discomfort. That always helps my heart feel better. No sore limbs or fevers. We could have a successful and fun afternoon together before a really yummy supper where I ate my body weight in spaghetti and green bean casserole. Yuuuuum.

Everyone is tucked away for the night, and a bath is running. No snack tonight. Except maybe. Oh self control, where are you?

Planning Weekends

There are so many things coming up in the somewhat near future, and while we’re hoping to sell our house soon, we’re kind of in limbo for that. We won’t want to be gone too much during the build, assuming we get there anytime soon, and we don’t want to schedule anything around any time that could possibly be near possession. I know, that was redundant, but I really mean it. We can’t book much at all, which is a bit nerve wracking for me especially, going into summer. I LOVE a getaway, and I come from a family that made lake time something of a priority, or at least it sure felt like it growing up. So Brady and I have been talking a bit, and while we’re thinking an actual booked off holiday at the lake would be amazing, that might be all we do this summer for big plans. The rest might have to be little spontaneous weekends and such.

All of that being said, I’m SO excited for the next few weeks!!! I have wonderful stuff coming up on so many weekends!

This weekend is mothers day weekends, so that always means garage sale day in my hometown. Brady and I are meeting up with Jerilee for a good chunk of the day at least, to scour the town for bargains. I’ll be the first to admit that I love garage sale day more so for the social aspect. We always run into people who we never see outside of this day every year. We always buy lunch from someone selling burgers or whatever else for some kind of cause. We always get sunburned. Its a great day, and I’m SO excited for it! Then, my mom and I are taking Sunday to ourselves and shopping together for the day. We both need some stuff for summer, and more importantly, we need a date, so this was a great reason to get both things done at once. Dinner reservations are made, and I am planning!

The weekend after this one is when all of my siblings are coming!!! We always like to try and see each other as often as possible, but my brother, his wife, and their boys have been living far away for the last year and haven’t even gotten to meet Rowan yet!! I’m so thrilled that everyone is coming out, not just for that reason, but thats part of it 😉 I love all being together, crammed into one house for a few nights. I can’t wait!

The last weekend of the month technically has nothing scheduled, so we figured we’d sell our house that weekend, hahaha! I can dream, can’t I? Seriously, how marvellous would that be?! Quite. Pleeeaaase sell, house!!

The last weekend I’ll talk about is the one after that, and THAT is a SUPER exciting weekend! Jerilee and I are departing on our second annual Edmonton trip. We will be kid free for a night or two (I’m thinking two this year) and we will eat yummy food, and shop til we drop. Last year, we went in February and it was freezing running back and forth from the car to the box store, then driving across the parking lot, then into another store, and back to the car, etc. This time, it will be June 🙂 AND!!, it will be Jerilee’s bday weekend!!!!! I cannot wait for this trip 😀

I’m sure a lot of you can relate to having exciting things to look forward to. It helps a person get through their days to have something to anticipate, right? Now, if we could just sell our house and get things moving, we could know a bit more about the slightly more distance but still quite near future. There are lots of things we’re invited to, and its so hard to know where we’ll be and when, but we are trying, and would love to participate in as many events as possible. Wish us luck.

As for today, tut tut! Looks like rain…

Ages, Stages, and Changes

I know, I know, they don’t all rhyme. Blame the english language, not me!! I tried.

** Before I write what I actually want to write about today, I want to first thank everyone who gave me some feedback yesterday. The general consensus was that I should do what makes me happy, and I really appreciate that! I genuinely enjoy writing this, so I’m grateful that people are willing to take the boring days along with the exciting ones. Thanks for all the support, everyone!

I’ve been noticing lately how my kids are changing. Its rapid and wonderful and unlike anything I ever thought I’d witness. Seriously, how fast does time really go? How would it ever seem to whip by so fast?! I remember specifically feeling like my grade eleven year went on FOREVER. It wasn’t a particularly bad year or anything, but it seems like when something exciting is coming (summer!!) time stands still. So a large chunk of my younger years felt like they dragged by. These years are proving to be very, very different. I guess I just wanted to touch on each kid today, and tell you the changes and development I’ve been seeing in them.

Ladies first 😉


The very beautiful Laela Hazel is SUCH a grown up!! She is learning an amazing amount of things these days, and while she’s still pretty rough with Rowan, and loves to flop on top of him in an effort to hug/cuddle, she means very well, and it shows. Anytime someone is holding Rowan, she goes on the hunt for any way that she can help. Her regular things to bring are blankets, burp cloths, and soothers. Now I’m using plural forms of these words because Rowan doesn’t need one of each. He needs as many as she can get her hands on. My favorite is when we’re downstairs with laundry running, and she will bring me every crunchy burp cloth out of its pile of dirty laundry and present me with it proudly. I love that. I often have a bottle made and ready for Rowan to need it, and the second he whimpers, she’ll walk over to the table its sitting on and point at it like crazy, then back at Rowan, then the bottle, then Rowan, and so on, until I get the message. She takes wonderful care of him.

Another thing about Laela that I’ve touched on recently is her new desire to sit on the potty!!! I know, its insane. Laela has been very clearly requesting to sit on the potty recently, multiple times. While we have yet to see any “fruits of her labor,” its nice to know she’s not scared of being up high or anything like that. She is brave and growing up, and I think her brother is starting to catch on. I hope so, anyway! She takes the celebrations very well, and loves to give high fives, or to pound it.

The last thing I’ll touch on about Laela today is that she’s starting to talk! Just a few things here and there, but she’s SO clear in her communication! But in just the last few days, she’s starting to say certain things without us prompting her to! If I carry Rowan off, saying I’m going to put him down for a rest (nap) she’ll say “Ni-night!” really, really loudly! Its so cute. Or when I tuck her in, as I’m leaving I hear yet another very loud “Byyyyye!” She’s even just begun saying “All done” when she’s full at the table. As I said, even when she’s not saying words, its very easy to know what she wants, but the words just make it so much more fun and cute and, yes, easier.

Onto Deks!


Dekker Thomas is my goofball. He is right in that stage where he can’t sit still, and talks non-stop. And I don’t mean that lightly. I mean he is sort of a constant play-by-play that never turns off. He asks a ton of questions and absorbs a very literal 95% of what we say. Its a bit dangerous, honestly, but we’re learning 😉 As is he. “Mommy, where do scabs go?” Huh.

For those who don’t know, Dekker is not potty trained. Not even a little bit. Honestly, yes, I really wish he was. His poop is no long little baby poop, but thats all I’ll say about that. This morning, he suggested that maybe he should pee on the potty. I told him I would be absolutely thrilled if he would. He asked then “Maybe you could help me?” I agreed that, of course, I would help him. He hesitated a little bit and said “Not today. But maybe tomorrow.” At least its on his mind! I’m very excited to see that all start up.

Today I witnessed something that I was SUPER excited to see!! Dekker was playing with a ball and it went under the couch. This happens often, and he’s learned to just grab a little hockey stick or something like it, and fish it out from under the couch. However, he couldn’t quite get this one, and asked me for help. I grabbed a stick and managed to shoot the ball out from under the couch. When it was free, Dekker reached for the other little hockey stick, and while he was getting it, Laela grabbed the ball and went to run off with it. Taking toys is a big deal to kids, which I think (hope) that other parents can relate to. Dekker always gets very upset if Laela even nears him while he’s playing toys. As soon as she took the ball that had obviously been his first, I took it back from her and gave it to Dekker, telling Laela that this was Dekker’s toy right now. I wanted to finally prove to him that, even if she does take his toy, I will help and get it back. Well, Laela burst out crying, as one would expect. Her little red rimmed eyes cried BIG dramatic croccodile tears as she gave me her best “betrayed” face. Dekker witnessed this interaction, and immediately rushed over to Laela and gave her the ball. “Laela can just have it” he said. “This helps her feel better.” And he was off to the next thing. Now, this is not the usual happenings around here, but I LOVE that it happened, even just once. I know he has it in his mental capacity to put all of the emotions together and find a solution, even if its not 100% all about him and his desires. I love to see that. I’ve been waiting for that!

Last but not even CLOSE to least…


My little Rowan Toby. Ro is growing by leaps and bounds! He’ll be weighed and measured later this week so I can’t speak on that, except that I guarantee that he is chunking up JUST FINE! While he is still obviously small, being that he’s a baby and all, his thighs tell another story. I love my chunky babies.

Rowan is finally starting to react to things around him! He smiles much more readily. Where we used to basically stand on our heads to get a half-second sideways grin, all I have to do is tease his little lips to get a big, face brightening smile! He’s just itching to give them out! He’s also getting super verbal! He is quite chatty in a one-on-one setting, while he’s quite when everyone around him is talking. He may look like my side of the family, but he’s like his dad in that way 🙂

The one biggish update I wanted to share on Ro is that I’m pretty sure we are entering his very first cold. Already!! I’m not sure where he would have picked it up, but such is life. Last night, he was so snarly through his night feeds, and seemed to gag on just about everything. He didn’t go down as nicely as usual either. Poor dude. However, he’s spent a large chunk of today sleeping. If he’s anything like Dekker, he will sleep away EVERYTHING. Dekker was never miserable when he was sick. He just slept a lot. We missed him when he was sick. So let’s hope that Roro gets through his illnesses nice and quickly.

This post seemed important for me to write, for the sake of recording our lives, and knowing who was doing what when. These kids blow me away with how fast they are moving and changing. People will tell you that time goes by so fast after you have kids, and to cherish each moment. This is 100% true. What they don’t tell you is that it gets faster with each one!!!

Is Daily Blogging Boring?

So I’m just going to put this out there, because I really like blogging every day! Of course, there are days where I’d love to not have to think about it, but a very literal 99.9% of the time, I solidly enjoy it! But I wonder sometimes if the daily-ness bores people. I know that my days aren’t always exciting. Like, today, for instance. I did laundry. The kids played. They were cute, and only little punks once in a while. That about sums up my day. I mean, I could talk about the stages they’re in, and how the bounce off of each other in a big and sometimes very bad way. Dekker is mean to Laela, so Dekker gets a time out, and when he goes at apologize, she clocks him, so she gets in trouble next. Over and over again. Its somewhat entertaining, of course, but its kind of my everyday life.

I also wonder if people struggle to keep up. I watch vloggers on YouTube, and I follow quite a few. However, they all got into daily vlogging a while back and I just couldn’t keep up with them all! I follow two daily vlogging families as opposed to the unknown number I used to follow. Would this be more entertaining if it weren’t every day?

My last question about this whole blogging/vlogging/recording of my life is this: Would anyone prefer video blogs? As in, watching a video on YouTube rather than reading words on a white screen? I’m just curious. That DEFINITELY wouldn’t be daily, as I’m pretty sure thats a ton more work than this is. But I’d consider it if enough people were interested.

Basically, I want to know if things need to change around here. I’m still really happy doing what I’m doing, but I know I have plenty of boring days where I sit in front of this screen wondering what to write about. If I’m bored by my days, I can’t imagine you guys are very entertained. Yes, I do write this all mostly for me, but I like you guys too!! Please let me in on what you’d prefer. I’d love a bit of feedback on this 😀

Officially Taken!

Guys, I’m not single anymore 😉 As in my husband is home again. After a weekend away to go build a deck for one of our friends at the lake, he is back with me and our tiny brood. After a pretty long-feeling day, its really nice to have an extra two hands available to hold, feed, or tickle a child.

Thankfully, those beautiful children are on their way out for the day, and we can go back to our normal routine of putting Rowan down, running a bath, and having a snack while we catch up or just watch Netflix. I’m not going to delay that much tonight, as we are both quite tired. I’ll leave you with one beautiful picture of Rowan, but then I’m signing off early tonight. Its crazy that tomorrow is Monday already. No weekend for the handy!

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Beauty <3

Thankful, and Mostly Rested ;)

I was obviously pretty weary last night, but Rowan gave me pretty nice stretches, and ate very well when he did get up for milk. I didn’t mind the night feedings, just me and him. It was nice to have such adorable and agreeable company. Because I was feeling so nervous before going to bed, I grabbed a couple of bottles and put four ounces of water in each one. Then, I grabbed our travel formula holder thing and pre-measured out what I needed for those bottles and brought it all into the bedroom. That way, I didn’t have to try and wander the house in the dark alone. I know its silly to be so nervous, especially considering that I was confident I wasn’t in any danger whatsoever. The crazy doors closing on their own earlier had been the wind. I knew that. But it put me on edge. This way, I was closed up in my little safe haven with my baby, and the other two babies on the video monitor beside my bed. It was nice.

Everyone slept pretty lightly and woke up early. I had plans to accomplish all of the laundry but decided instead to just take the day and really be with the kids. I like that I’m more motivated recently to keep the house in order and put together good routines of cleaning and maintaining things, but since I’ve taken a couple of days just to sit on the floor with the kids, I’ve learned a lot about them, and I LOVE that. THAT is what I wanted out of staying home with my kids. To be on their level, with them instead of trying to get around them.

Dekker told me I am the cutest sweetheart today. He brought Laela a dolly when she was crying. Laela shared food with Dekker, and said so many words! Today alone, she said all done, come, a book, hi, bye, ni-night, Dekker, and bottle. Rowan has had a lot of really happy awake time, which we don’t always get, and he’s cooperated well with his siblings. When they have come and offered him his soother, he dutifully takes it, but delicately spits it out as soon as they’re not looming over him.

Something cool that happened today was Laela asking to sit on the potty. She’s started to tell me when she’s pooped, which is apparently a sigh of interest, at the very least. In the last couple of days, she’s pointing at her bum even when she hadn’t soiled her diaper, but she does soon after. So today, when she pointed at her bum, she then pointed towards the bathroom. So we all picked up and took off to the bathroom. She was so ready, but we have no potty stuff out! I know, people say to leave potty stuff lying around to sort of normalize it. Well, we had a little potty and a potty seat hanging around for a solid 1.5 years with no results, so we figured we’d pack it up and when we pulled it back out again, it would be a bit more exciting. Anyway, its all packed away in our storage container!! So I lifted her up onto the toilet and just cupped her bum in my hands. She wasn’t fond of feeling so unsteady but she had no issue being up high or on the toilet. In the end, she didn’t actually use the toilet, but we sang and made it lots of fun, and she did great! I made a very big deal of it the rest of the morning, and Dekker kept asking if Laela sitting on the potty made me happy. I told him I was completely thrilled and we celebrated Laela right up until naptime. Maybe that will spark some kind of interest for Dekker! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Those kids are going to potty train together, I’m sure of it!

Everyone is napping, but Rowan is starting to lull. I suppose the mom hat needs to go back on! I mean, the responsible mom hat, rather than the overtired unmoving tucked in bed mom hat…


Tonight is my first night home alone with all three kids! Brady is off with a few guys, building a deck. I had plans to take the kids out to do something fun tomorrow, like go to the zoo or a playground or something along those lines. However, the weather this evening has changed those feelings.

I had no idea we were in for such a “treat.” While I love a good storm, we haven’t had one in a while, and I’m finding myself uneasy and wishing Brady were here. I know, its silly. But its true!

Jerilee came over for the evening, which helped a lot. She was super understanding of all of my crazy kids, and my crazy self. Our evening started with us eating supper out on the deck in the sun, and ended with she and I sitting downstairs, hearing doors closing by themselves upstairs. We both booted upstairs with our phones in hand, ready for anything, and were pleasantly surprised to find open windows in our room messing with the doors. That shook me up a lot for some reason, even though I knew it was just the wind. As a kid, I had an incredibly vivid imagination, and always figured I was in some kind of danger. Pregnancy dreams always made it even worse. I just killed a moth on my screen, as a side note. Anyway, NOW in this stage of my life, I can’t even watch an episode of CSI, Law and Order, or anything like that. Its just not worth it, and it works me up. And now this. So uneasy.

I’m nervous enough to make me feel physically cold, so I’m hoping that being all cuddled up in my squishy bed will send me right to sleep. For those who pray and feel inclined to do so, feel free! I’d love to sleep relatively well tonight, since I’ll be on my own for night feedings, without the usual help of the strapping young man who tends to sleep next to me.

Its going to be fine. Two minutes til its tomorrow…

Learning about Mornings

Yet again, I’ve found myself up with Rowan at 6:00am. Its been happening a lot recently, and I’ve felt pretty zombie-like. However, this morning, I felt decently rested. Rowan and I had some great dozy cuddles. The kind where he’s fast asleep, but putting him down would wake him. So he slept in my arms and I watched a chunk of a movie. It was perfect. When I got up for the day, I did aaaaall the dishes that have been staring me in the face over the last few days while the older ones ate breakfast. Its been a good day so far.

I’ve been thinking about Rowans nights and how I can get him to sleep longer. Usually, he goes down around 8:00 or 8:30, wakes up at 1:30 or 2:00, and again between 5:00 and 6:00. It isn’t a bad sleep schedule, especially if I don’t require more sleep after 6:00. If I’m good to get up at that point, then he’s technically only woken up once in the night! Woot! I think I have to cut the kid a break. He’s 9.5 weeks old. I dont think he needs to be sleeping through the night just yet. I haven’t been able to shake the fact that the other kids slept better, though! Or at least longer into the night before waking up. But yesterday, I figured it out!!! The other kids took a lot more work to get to sleep at this point. Not lots or anything, but normal baby stuff. They needed to be rocked a lot, we’d do laps around our room with them, lots of shushing in their ears, etc. Rowan has been rocked to sleep less than a handful of times since he was born. And its not because we’re cruel. He hasn’t needed it. He put himself to sleep in the hospital! He’s just chill that way. Dekker and Laela would be awake waaay later into the evening (as in 11pm) before they’d go to sleep, so of course they’d sleep later into the night. Rowan goes down right after the other kids do at 7:30! If he goes down at 8:00 and sleeps until 2:00, thats six hours! If we kept him up until 11:00 and he gave us six hours, we’d consider him to be sleeping through the night! Crazy perspective for me, anyway.

Thinking this all through has made me actually really appreciate how well Rowan sleeps. I know I’m very lucky to have such great sleepers in my house. If waking up at 6:00am is my current reality, so be it. I genuinely enjoyed the early morning with Ro today. And likely will again soon.

Picnic Yesterday, City Today

Yesterday evening, we ate outside on the deck. Because it was beautiful and who could resist!! We kept it really basic outside food – grilled cheese sandwiches, carrots, and ice cold water. The kids were so happy! I figured they’d like being able to run around while they ate, but they didn’t really do much of that. They ate the majority of their meal from their little chairs, and then snacked a bit more while they played.




Unfortunately, we didn’t think to wash or sweep the deck off first, and it made a huge mess of their clothes and themselves in general.


Its ok. I did laundry.


So the evening was cut a bit short in order to get everyone bathed and into bed at least around the usual time. They were happy, though. It was nice.

We didn’t have the best night with Rowan at all, and I woke up feeling pretty zonked, but I actually really enjoyed today! I spent a good chunk of the morning on the phone with my mom, which I haven’t done in AGES. I miss her. Afterwards, I embarrassingly called every restaurant I could think of that I though might have a “kids eat free” day, and made a master list for our family to have on hand. Maybe that way, we might do less fast food and be able to go out a bit nicer when we have city days. I didn’t think those promos still existed, but they sure do!

Once the calls were all made, I quickly made the kids some lunch. While they were occupied with that, I washed up and got ready for the day. I packed up the diaper bag, picked the kids clothes, and got them ready as well.



On the way out of town, I checked the mail. Apparently I ordered two premium BMs. Suspicious, yes? Its ok, they were camera batteries. Phewf!


We met Brady in the city, abandoned his work van at Costco for the next few hours, and ran around to run our errands. We renewed our vehicle insurance, dropped my family ring off at the jeweller, and stopped at Walmart to buy a ring to wear while its gone for the next week or so. Does anyone else feel naked without their rings?! From there, we did a quick grocery shop at Superstore. Revlon stuff is on sale for unbelievable prices, so I got a lipstick and a two pack of their awesome gel envy nail polishes. We’re loving Dekker’s cool new hat from Superstore, but we don’t much care for any of the girls hats we’ve seen, so we opted to finally buy her a cute hat from the baby boy section and she LOVED it and wore it the rest of the time we were in Superstore 🙂 We got the rest of our stuff, and the kids got their cookies. We picked up our weekly savings after that, where I looked back and saw this sad sight, haha! No idea why, though!


We actually picked up a CHRISTMAS GIFT in the afternoon as well, before stopping for supper. We weren’t there long before taking our happy kids with full bellies to Costco for the last stop. I swooned a bit over these nice athletic looking zip up jackets they had there. I have a nice bright pink one that I got last year, but there is a lovely dark grey one that I’d love to get my hands on as well. Oh well, I got enough treats for myself today 🙂 We grabbed our bulk groceries, plus a tin of pretty hand lotions, and we were off. For the first time ever, Dekker put his arm around Laela in the cart and cuddled her. Of course, it turned into a headlock, but she was all in, and soaked up the snuggles with her big bro.

Yes, there is a lipstick kiss on his face. While we waited for our turn at the till, Dekker asked me to put lipstick on his face. His idea.

Its good to be home now. We dragged them into the house and straight to their room to get their jammies on. Laela was more than ready, but Dekker was doing everything he could to NOT put his jammies on. Finally, Laela walked over to him and tried her hand at helping him into his shirt. It was hilarious to watch, and definitely delayed the process, but was SO worth it!! Now, however, the two older kids are trashed after not sleeping AT ALL today, and Rowan isn’t doing too much better, honestly, so it could be an interesting night. But hey, last night was interesting as well. We have interesting kids, so I suppose they’re allowed these nights once in a while.

It was a nice day, filled with visiting and outings. But now its time for a bath and a small snack. And tomorrow – three days worth of dishes :/ I like it so much more when I’ve kept up with that. Oh well, its gotta get done. Not tonight. Tomorrow.

So Many Pictures: Yay or Nay?

Before I get to the bulk of todays post (which I’m actually super excited to share about!) I wanted to ask if you guys are annoyed with all of the pictures? I’m putting up considerably more than usual, since I’m LOVING this new camera, and while I think people usually seem to enjoy seeing pictures, I know that it can cause some problems. On my end, our internet is patchy, so if I blog in the evening, it sometimes goes up super late while I wait for the pictures to load. Also, I know some people have told me that all they see is tiny little white squares when they view the post. The pictures are in fact there, but they take longer to show up. What do you guys think? Keep the pictures, even amongst the annoying time suck? Let me know!

Onto the next thing, I wrote yesterdays blog in the early afternoon, and therefore didn’t get to tell you about the cool thing that happened in the evening. Dekker asked for a bath. It went like this:

Me: Rowan needs a bath.
Dekker: I need a bath?
M: No, just Rowan. You don’t have to have one.
D: Maybe I’d like one?
M: Well, you can have one if you want…
D: Ya! I’ll just go get in.

And off he went, to the bathroom, where Brady was running a tub.

Of course, anything he can do, she can do better. Laela raced him there and tried desperately to get into the tub before him. Luckily, Brady was able to snag her just before she got in and get her undressed first. That is how we got ourselves here 🙂


It was hilarious, and chaotic, but awesome. Its a pretty small tub for three! I think we may have to follow this trend though, because they all loved it. Well, ok, not Rowan so much. He cried a bit, but was a pretty tough cookie for the most part. Dekker poured water on himself and on Laela, and they really enjoyed themselves! Not having to wash their hair made it way more fun. Who would have ever thought Dekker would ask for a bath?! Awesome!!!




That was the story I was most eager to share, but of course, I must add yet more pictures from this morning. Because I love these kids. I woke up FREEZING cold this morning and haven’t been able to shake it yet, despite my sweat pants, hoodie, and socks, but they really kept me entertained and happy.

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Do you see the look of fear on his face??

Super ladylike
Be still, my heart
Be still, my heart

Best. Kids. Ever. I know, none of Dekker, but he’s less inclined to let me photograph him these days. I love him too, I swear!! Looking forward to taking them to the city tomorrow. Cutest little dates ever.