While the day is not done, nor is the work done, we have accomplished things today! Some wins, for sure.
First, the middle boys went outside to play together without my prompting. This NEVER happens. Being my two boys with diagnosed ADHD, and totally different types of ADHD, they butt heads fairly regularly and get frustrated with each other quite easier. Buttheads is right 😅 But today, they went out and played on the hill of snow that the town guys cleared into our front yard. I love that hill so much. Its already brought joy to our kids. And if Rowan and Solly will go play together out there without a fight, I am a happy, happy mom.
Another win. We got the gas fireplace safely removed from its spot in our kitchen, lol! Kind of a funny setup for it, but I get it, knowing there was a much smaller group living here before us. When we looked for the breaker, it was labelled as kitchen and family room. Family room. So I guess thats what we’ll call the pantry from here on out! The family room, hahaha!
Yet another accomplishment. I made chocolate sauce!

We are short a handful of kids today, so those of us that were home decided to crack into some unopened ice cream at lunch, but I realized we didn’t have chocolate sauce. So. I cook now. *tosses hair over shoulder* So I just made some. And ya. It kicked butt.

All faces were appropriately stuffed and messy by the end of it.
Last accomplishment I’ll list for the day is WALLS! After a morning of removing the fireplace and fussing with wires and electrical boxes, we finally got to walls! They’re not all done yet, because the morsel naps, but it counts for now! Just the wall with the door in it needs to go up, and framing is DONE!
We’ll see if we make it to church or not tomorrow 😬 I can’t help but wonder if it’ll just be a snow day, haha! Maybe – just maybe – we’d get the walls actually covered. And SHELVES! Ack!! Its been so weird not having a pantry, the proverbial ants in my proverbial pants are outta control!!