First, breakfast.
Then, the beach!

Onto today! Behold, my list of highlights:
We drank all the milk.
We had to purchase some groceries when we got to the lake, including milk. We got a 2L of skim and a 2L of whole milk, and on the very last day, we finish off the end of both cartons. Win! Yes, a lame win, but Brady figured that since it warranted a high five, it deserved to be on the list of highlights.
Someone thought Brady was a girl.
Brady offered to change Rowan’s diaper in a Tim Hortons bathroom on the way home. He was in there, changing the poppy bum, when a man walked in, said “Oops, sorry” and walked out. A few seconds later, the man returned and said, rather gruffly, “This is the mens room.” Brady responded in his equally gruff voice “Ya?” Apparently Random Man #1 backpedalled, peed as fast as possible, and got out of there. Also, as a side note, apparently poop glows in those blue lit bathrooms.
A bird rode on our hood.
We were briefly stalled in traffic thanks to come construction, when we noticed a silly little bird walk into the lane beside us, seemingly ready to stare down the cars. We both loudly rooted for this bird to find its way back to the safety of the shoulder, and when the cars started to move, he flew, fairly half heartedly, onto the hood of our van. He grabbed onto the windshield wiper for dear life. Brady shouted for me to take a picture, but of course, the little guy took off while my prehistoric phone took forever to open the camera app. So I have no proof, but the memory is there.
We found moms plates.
We stopped at Value Village in the city on the way home, and I found a few plates to go with my moms set. She’s had the same dish set forever, and all of us kids have brought home extra pieces for it at one time or another. Today I found some little dessert plates. Those things are hard to come by. Win!
Signs are up!!
When we were just about home, we started seeing our realtors signs. There are a few of them floating around town, to point people in the direction of our house. I’m so happy that we are not only listed again, but that the signs are up, and that she is ready to sell for us!!!
We broke into our house.
This is a very special thing I never expected to do on my birthday, haha! When I dropped the plates off at my moms, I brought a chunk of my keys in with me, as I carry one of her house keys. That chunk also carries my house key. And I left them there. So Brady broke into the house. I have some great pictures, but a concerned party suggested I maybe not put those on the internet 🙂 A very smart party, I should say. But if you want to see them, I’ll private message them out to friends. WAY too funny!!
We’re going to Winnipeg!
A fun new twist in our plans is that we’re adding another destination! We were hoping to get to Winnipeg this summer, but opted instead to go to the lake as a family, which is something we haven’t ever really done. Especially not with all five of us. But my sister sent me a text today saying that there was still time, if we wanted. And somehow, we decided to go for it! We asked Dekker if he wanted to see Auntie Caity and Uncle Stefan tomorrow, and he said “Today maybe?” We reiterated tomorrow, and he started whimpering and crying. That about settled it for us!!
So we’ve been unpacking, laundering, and repacking the last few hours, and we’re so excited 🙂 I’ve had a super funny day, and I’m expecting some more fun to come.
Though I always miss you, Waskesiu…..