Day Two of Kindergarten

I promise, my posts will eventually stray from school updates, but this is just where we are right now.

This morning, my mom came over once again, to watch the littler littles, and I took Dekker to school. The big difference from his first day is that his whole class came today. His first day was just half of his class, to make the transition a bit easier. Today, there were twice as many kids. So immediately upon entering the boot room, Dekker was really put off by the amount of kids in there. He couldn’t find a spot on the floor to sit to take his shoes off. Did not like that. I tried to just remind him to relax, that this wasn’t a problem at all, and that we weren’t in a rush. We made it out of the boot room alive and headed to the classroom.

We walked with a couple of other kids and their moms. I met another mom, who tried to talk to Dekker, and he just looked away and ignored her. She was super understanding of him, and wasn’t at all put off by his standoffishness. I’m realizing more and more that I am not the only parent with a nervous kid. We got into the classroom, made our way to the coat area, and got him all unpacked. We went and found his shoes, and he plunked down to put them on. He was definitely still put off by the amount of kids walking so close to him to get their shoes or to get to the coats. But he handled it. The moment his shoes were on, he was up and searching for my hand to hold. So I held his hand, and he walked me over to the table where he was supposed to sit. He kind of tried to get into his chair without pulling it out. He got super huffy about it, and I whispered “just relax” and I pulled it out for him. And he relaxed. He let go of my hand and stared straight ahead. I asked if he was ok, and he didn’t answer. I told him I loved him, and he didn’t answer. Finally, I kissed his head, and whispered to him to have a good day. And I left!

A friend texted a little while later, and said she had left just a few minutes behind me, and that Dekker had been fine. No tears! So I am calling today a great success!! He was definitely hesitant about all of the people, but he didn’t complain, or cry, or struggle. I think I can explain it by saying that he was still just as uncomfortable as he was yesterday, but he knew what to expect. Dekker is BRAVE. But he is so very cautious. Now that he knows whats coming, he can be courageous, and face it, even if its hard. I am SO proud of that! I wish I was as courageous as he is!

My day was filled with a lovely visit with my friend, Candace, who I know from high school. She took my maternity photos, and some family/baby pictures of Solly, and we just kind of reconnected! She and her little girl came for a few hours, and it was really nice! The kids played beautifully together, and I think our visit was really nice too. I hope we have them over again really soon.

I went to school a little early, and waited outside the kindergarten room for the bell to ring. When it did ring, the kids began to filter out, and I looked for Dekker. He was towards the back of the group, not super eager or concerned. When I did spot him, he lit up and reached for me. Being that kids were all around us, I scooped him up, took a few steps, and crouched down so I could give him a big hug. He hugged me back so tight! I asked how his day was, and got a whole hearted “It was GREAT!” My mama heart was so warm and fuzzy, haha! I asked him what he had done that day, and he just said “I’ll tell you when we get home.” I tried to coax some info out of him on the walk to the van, and on the drive. “I’ll tell you all about it, mommy. At home.” He is such a little punk!

And of course, I still know nothing about today! He’s so funny! I’m sure I’ll know more as the days go by, but I think he’s still processing, so I’m letting it slide. For now 😉 I am just SO happy with his response to today. I hope it keeps getting better and better! Its sure looking like it will.

How Did He Do?

Everyone was so encouraging when I posted about sending Dekker off to school yesterday! Thank you for all of your kind words, from experience, faith, and confidence in my son. It helped me feel more comfortable throughout the day.

I drove to the school and ran into the principal on the way in. Being that her office is right off of the K room, she was familiar with Dekker’s nerves, and she encouraged me that this is just another part of learning to be at school. I agree with her. She also said that Dekker had settled in just fine after a while, which did my heart good to hear. She started to tell me something about his day, but then stopped and assured me “He’ll tell you all about Chester.”

I continued walking the hallway and waited with the other parents for the expected time. The whole group of kindergarteners were waiting just inside the classroom door for the bell to ring. Dekker was right in the middle of the group, looking pretty relaxed, in his fall jacket, hat, and backpack. When they were released from their room, he made his way over to me leisurely. I scooped him up in a big hug, which he accepted, and lay his head tiredly on my shoulder. “Hi, mommy.”

We walked out of the school, hand in hand like always, and I tried to ask him about his day. “It was did. I did good, mommy. We played. I don’t really remember.” Would NOT tell me anything!!! We walked with Kim and her kids, and her oldest wouldn’t slow down with the stories, and Dekker just wouldn’t say a blessed thing!

Once we got to the van, I climbed in to get him all strapped in, and tried again to ask about his day. The best I got was “I’m so tired. Why did you get me up so early?” I had to laugh, as I had a terrible night the night before, and was noticeably dragging. He and I were wiped out together.

I felt like a bad mother, but when we got home, Dekker asked to watch TV, and I let him. After all of the schooling, I plunked him in front of the tv. But that kid needed a break for his brain. After an episode of Paw Patrol, I coaxed him onto my lap, and we all took a break and listened to his stories about his day. I couldn’t get too much out of him, but I did learn that Chester was the school mascot who brought cookies to the classroom. The snuggle was good, and eventually he actually asked me to tease him. So I wrestled him down to the armrest of the chair, lay on his face, and licked him.

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I expected a rockier evening, if I’m being honest. I expected him to be WIPED to a point of struggling with his attitude, and potentially going to bed earlier than usual. I’m sure there will be days like that to come, but for a first day, he did AWESOME. He was fairly quiet, but perked up a decent amount after supper, which was good to see. He got upset when it was time to tidy up and call it a night, but thats not too out of the ordinary. Usually he’s a bit grumpy about it, and yesterday, he had a little cry about it. But that was it! It was SO much smoother than I was bracing myself for!

Now, today, he is home, and talking about school. I asked him if he was excited to go again tomorrow. His first reaction was a hearty “Ya!” followed by an honest, I’m still a little nervous, but I’ll get there.” I love the honesty. I figure, even if he cries again, and has a hard time again, he won’t be caught off guard. He knows whats to come, which will lift at least some of the anxiety. I have high hopes for tomorrow. Well, I might be lying. I am eagerly anticipating tomorrow, haha, and seeing how he does. You guys will be in the know 😉

I hope those of you with kids at home have been adjusting well to the new school year! I think almost everyone is starting this week, so best of luck to all of you!!

Dekker’s First Day of School

It officially happened. Dekker went to his first day of school today. He was itching with excitement to get there all morning! I wanted to ask questions and take pictures, and he would pacify me with a lovely, patronizing smile, and then say “Can we go to school now?”




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If only dropping him off had gone a bit smoother :/ He liked walking around the rooms and seeing all of the toys and stations set up. I could tell he was anticipating the trucks and books and wooden blocks. However, when it was time to sit at his spot at the table, he got really nervous and upset. Dekker is VERY obedient, but when he gets in that fearful place once in a while, he panics, and absolutely will not follow what I say. Will. Not. His teacher came and offered some comfort, but he was very clear that he was “really really nervous” and “too shy.” Finally, his teacher offered him her hand and said it was time for everyone to go have circle time. He reached for me instead, and she intercepted his hand and lead him over. His brow was furrowed, but he didn’t look back at us. is teacher turned around and whispered “I’ll text you.”

And she did. Within the hour, she sent us four pictures of him playing, and said he settled in nice and quickly after we left. That he was talking and singing along to the songs. I am so thrilled, because I KNEW he would love it as soon as he gave it a chance, and I’m glad he did. What a relief!

So. Dekker is five,  and starting school. I don’t have a cool sign, or app to make a picture with, but here are his details!!

September 6th, 2016
45 lbs
41″ tall
Future occupation: digger
Favorite toy: Lego and links
Favorite vehicle: Excavator
Favorite color: Orange
Favorite food: (and I quote) “All of the meals you guys make are my favorites. All the food.”
Favorte show: Paw Patrol & Octonauts
Favorite friend: Rowan (lol!)
Most exciting thing about going to school: The playground

I’m already anticipating asking him these questions at the end of the year 🙂 I expect a lot of growth and change. My little boy is officially growing up!


Dekker Thomas starts Kindergarten tomorrow. I almost can’t believe it. My oldest kid is officially starting school! I’m totally blown away by the whole thing. Its not as though I didn’t know it was coming. We’ve known this day was coming for five years now. But the last few weeks have snuck by, and tomorrow is the day. THE. DAY.

I can honestly say that I’m not worried. I am eagerly anticipating his first day. Not because I want to be without him. Not that AT ALL. But because I am so excited to see how he flourishes and grows! He is an incredible boy, and while he is shy and cautious, I am seeing a little leader bud within him. I can’t wait to see his skills be utilized, and for him to learn and gain confidence.

If you asked Dekker how he was feeling about going to school tomorrow, he’d tell you he’s excited. Maybe a little nervous, but mostly excited. His words. He’s feeling pretty relaxed about the whole thing, which is SO much nicer than him being terrified of the changes ahead. I don’t know how he’ll react, for sure, but while I think he may cry and be nervous, I am no longer worried about a big screaming, fearful meltdown. Not too long ago, I would have expected such. He has grown immensely this summer, both in body and mind.

I sure love you, Dekker boy. And I am so, SO PROUD of you!!! Can’t wait to pick you up tomorrow and hear about your first day! Sleep tight, little love.

“Oh ya, Rowan always does that…”

(as I’m combing Dekker’s hair in the bathroom)

Rowan: (enters bathroom)
Me: Hey, Ro.
Rowan: Ya. (dips toy screwdriver in toilet without hesitation)
Me: Rowan!! (takes toy) Ew! Thats yucky! Don’t dip toys in the toilet!
Rowan: AAAAAHHH!!!
Laela: (closes toilet) No, Wowan.

Me: (continues combing hair)

Dekker: Don’t worry, mommy. Rowan does that all the time.

Me: Oh does he? What does he do?
Dekker: He puts toys in the toilet. He, like, dips them right in there. Its ok.
Me: I don’t think its ok. The toilet isn’t a clean place. Ro puts that screwdriver in his mouth all the time.
Dekker: Don’t worry, usually he just sticks his hands in there. Not always toys.

*face palm*

You learn something new every day. Todays lesson should probably be “Never let the toddler out of your sight,” but I’m going with “Toilet water won’t kill ya” instead.

Thanks for keeping things interesting, guys. Love you all.

Construction and Shopping

We had a nice sleep in kind of morning, but when we did venture to check on Laela, we found her considerably more awake than expected.


But who could blame her? With all of the activity going on just outside her window!


Brady and I are SO excited to have neighbours, but more and more, we’re thinking this is going to be a spec home. We know Northridge is building it, but thats the extent of our knowledge. However, we haven’t seen any home owners come to watch (maybe we’re the only weirdos who wanted to be part of every step??) Also, while the lot is marked “sold” on the big map sign, the big sign on the lot itself still says that its for sale. Yet if it were a spec home, why would the excavator be here on the Saturday of the long weekend? What would the rush be? Hmmm. We don’t know. But its exciting!


We spent the day in the city, and while we got a lot done, we are all bushed. FAR more tired than we usually feel at the end of an errand day. But we made it, and got a good handful of things done. We even bought THREE Christmas presents today! How great is that?!

And how great is he??


He looks like such a little man <3

We are so happy to be home, and to have almost all of the kids tucked away already. Soon, there will be supper, a soak in the tub, and hopefully a bit of a Netflix marathon.


Please, Lord, let the kids simmer down and fall asleep soon! Haha!

Ten Years Ago

Welcome to the history of Hailey and Brady: The Couple.

Ten years ago exactly, I arrived at Bethany College. I settled into my room with my roomie, Jerilee (we knew each other beforehand, and had requested to room together), and our year began.

Details are fuzzy, and whether it was that evening or the next, we went to a “freshman mixer,” which involved rootbeer floats and meeting new friends. There, we met Bradys roommate. He pointed out Brady across the group. Our gazes met. Thats a lie. They totally didn’t.

The next day, Jerilee and I were being annoying, and harassing a group of guys playing foosball. I put my hand in there and Brady shot a ball against it. And it hurt. But there was love. I’m just kidding. There was not.

In fact, for the next couple of months, I dated Brady’s roommate. (I know, I know, I was sooo close!) He and I broke up sometime in December.

Early February, 2007, Brady sought Jerilee and I out to color his hair. We spent a large chunk of a day coloring, washing, and straightening his hair. I spent a large chunk of that day with my hands in his curly hair. Then there was love. No. There wasn’t actually. But there was attraction. At the very least, I was intrigued.

Over the next 4-6 weeks, Brady kept showing up. My student job was counting how many people came to meals, so I always ate last, and Brady waited. Every. Meal. Except breakfast. I never made it to breakfast, but he began leaving my favorite muffin in my mailbox in the morning. I was officially wooed.

Our first date has always been up for debate. We remember two significant dates in the beginning of our relationship, and we aren’t sure which one came first. I think it was Chianti and a movie, and he thinks it was Bonanza and a movie. Whichever it was, we saw Flushed Away. It was hilarious to our 18 year old selves.

March 26, 2007 was our first kiss. It was in my parents basement after we watched Kindergarten Cop. Super romantic. We called that day the official beginning of our relationship. The conversation went like this:
Me: So, should we talk about this?
Brady: Well, I don’t just kiss my friends…
That was it.


Roughly April 20th, 2007, we left Bethany. I cried. It was hard.

I saw Brady twice over the next four months.

Our 19 year old selves moved to Winnipeg in September, 2007.

October 2007, I had my appendix out. This was the point in our relationship where Brady learned to take care of me. I had never felt so advocated for in my life.

We broke up that winter. For about a half hour. It didn’t stick.

Those same selves moved back to Saskatoon area in April, 2008. I had a very hard time in Winnipeg, and was ready to come home. Against popular belief, I NEVER gave Brady an ultimatum about coming with me. I told him I needed to go home, and we would work to stay together, but he opted to come. Winnipeg hadn’t been gentle on him either.


July 2008, Brady proposed to me, at Waskesiu lake He played guitar for me on the beach. He gave me a ring. His hands shook, and I cried. It was awesome.


February 2009, we got married. Our 20 year old selves had no idea what was coming. There were some decent bumps (and there continue to be, because we’re humans) but we discovered soon after being married that we were SO MUCH BETTER at being married than we were at dating.


February 2011, we announced our first pregnancy.

August 2011, we had our first kid. And then we had a few more.

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We have come a long, long way in the last ten years, and we have GROWN as people. I couldn’t be happier to be doing life with this guy. I’m so glad for where the last ten years have taken us. If not for our year at Bethany, there may be no “us,” and no Dekker, Laela, Rowan, or Solly.

Basically, I just want to say, Brady, I forgive you for hitting me with the ball during that foosball game ♥ It would appear we can get through anything.

What is Actually Important

I feel like I have SO MANY big things on my list of things to do. I can blame a lot of things on baby brain, and I often joke that if I don’t write something down, it doesn’t exist. This is truer than I wish it were, but I live in a certain amount of fear of forgetting things.

I really like to be organized, and I hate letting people down. I feel like one of the biggest sacrifices I’ve made by having kids is my inability to drop everything and run to help a friend. I CAN still do that, but I bring a group with me, and I am often less effective. I really really struggle to keep everything straight, but I’m learning more and more about choosing my family first. They are priority one.

The last few days, I’ve been feeling a tad overloaded looking forward into September. Yes, Dekker starts school next week, which is a whole separate topic that I’ll try to remember to get into soon. (writing it down…..) but there are just SO MANY THINGS to remember! The month is filling up, with lots of very positive things! I’m certainly not complaining about what we have scheduled 🙂 Its going to be a great month! But in amongst everything, we have appointments, jobs to do around here, and goals to meet. Its so hard to pick and choose what needs to get done.

For instance, we have this blog overhaul that I’m wanting. I’m finally learning and finding my way around in the array of blog themes available to me, but I have yet to find what I want. So the search continues.

I also really really want to send thank you cards to the hoards and hoards of people who backed us up these last few months, with Solly being born, our move, the three previous moves, and the many appointments/meetings we had to get to so close together. We could not have survived without everyone, and I want to send thanks! But that is a LOT of cards to write.

Meal planning is something I was hoping to get into gear with in September, but I’m thinking this one will get bumped until at least October. And thats ok.

Should I throw Laela a birthday party? We celebrated when my siblings were all out visiting, but we never had a chance to throw one with his friends. It might be night to plan a little party for Dekker and Laela together, since her birthday is at the end of the month. But time is definitely slipping away a bit too fast.

I had so hoped to purge the garage of as much as possible, in hopes that we could park both vehicles in the garage when the weather turned cool. We still have time, but not too much. And its hard to think about storing things when we have no shed or outdoor enclosure. We can only chuck so much.

I’ll stop listing at you guys, as I feel like I’ve gotten into a bad groove of ranting about unimportant things. These are things that are important.


BAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Remember that adorable picture I got of the kids laying on the floor a while back? I tried to relive it and it was hilarious!!!! This was the best one I got, too 😀 But seriously, my family sits at the top of the list, always. These other jobs can wait, or they can get left, and thats ok too. Because I would rather sit and hold them and waste the days than work on tasks and miss the moments.

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Those make up for his fearful face in the first picture, right? I’m so glad Dekker called me over from doing dishes to see his game! And clearly Solly enjoyed it, too. Yikes!, how I love them!!!

I encourage you all to take a day, or an hour, whatever time you can, and just be with your family, whether it be your parents, your spouse, your kids, or your best friend. Soak up some time that isn’t based around getting stuff done. Its good for the soul.

Coffee for Brady

I wrote my angsty, frustrated post yesterday about not being tech savvy, and rather than just feeling better and relieved after ranting, I felt motivated! Thats probably the best outcome I could have had. I worked every spare moment I had that afternoon, and poured over templates and themes and pages until I found one that was pretty close to perfect. Not completely perfect, but I figured that along the way, I’d understand parts of it more and be able to put it together into exactly what I wanted, even if it wasn’t quite right at first. A few hours in, I saw three little icons that would show me what my page looked like from desktop computers, tablets, and phones. And to my dismay, the mobile version destroyed the header. I am aware that my current template isn’t particularly mobile-friendly, with the tiny print, which is another reason for wanting to switch the look up. So all of that hard work lead me to absolutely nothing. Kiiinda disappointed, but now I have another thing to consider when choosing a template. Just armed better for my next battle with blog themes.

This morning was nice. However, Brady had a bit of a rough one, and wasn’t feeling as productive as he wanted to be. Around here, we appreciate the importance of a regroup more than just pushing and pushing and getting more and more frustrated, trying to go fast and faster. So after a late breakfast, I got the kids kids dressed and ready, and we drove to the city to bring Brady coffee and a donut. A coffee break with the fam is a nice pick me up, or so he’s told me. We listened to some old Andy Grammer (highly recommend his older album) and made our way in.

The drive-thru at Tims was SO dumb today. It wasn’t lined up at all, but MAN they couldn’t seem to grasp what I wanted. I ordered two double doubles, a boston cream donut, and then I asked if they ahd any donuts with fruit filling. This is about how it went:

Do you have any donuts that have fruit in the centre?
Oh, ya, we do.
……..Ok, what do you have?
For what?
For donuts with fruit in the middle.
Ummmmm…like the gourmet donuts?
No, I just want a basic one with fruit in the middle.
Ok, so one boston cream and one chocolate dip?
No. Not that at all.
*order disappears, another car drives through the other side*
Hi, can I take your order?
No, its already been taken. I ordered two coffees and I’m trying to order donuts.
Oh, oops. What were they?
Two double doubles, a boston cream, and I’m asking about a fruit filled donut.
Oh. I’m not sure we have fruit donuts.
You know what? Forget the donuts. We’re good. Just the coffees.
Ok, so three double doubles and a boston cream donut?
No. Not that. Just the coffees.
Ok, hope we have this right, drive ahead.

Sooooo I was kind of annoyed, and drove out of there with two coffees, feeling like a bit of a failure. But my husband was happy to have us, regardless of whether or not he got a donut. He ate his lunch and we had a little visit. I think he was feeling better before we even got there, but it was nice to visit and break up the day.

Kissing the kidlets goodbye <3

Now we’re home, and half of the group is napping while the big ones play lego and have some quiet time. And I”m doing this before I get ready for later today. I have an evening of shopping, coffee, and opening up Ipsy packages ahead with Kim. Should be nice! I can’t wait to get the kids wardrobes filled up and ready for fall!

Who is Tech Savvy?

I’m getting more and more annoyed with this stupid blog, haha! Seriously! It does. Not. Work.

In high school, I had a blog. I forget what it was called. It was powered by Blogger, and was fine. Nothing riveting, from what I remember. Then, at bible school, I had another blog. That one was called “Utopia of a Troubadour.” I’m pretty sure I just liked big words. It was also a Blogger blog, and it was also pretty basic. I remember wanting to change the template at one point, and I found one online that I liked, but it wasn’t technically a Blogger template. However, a friend of mine tweaked it a bit, and made it happen. I remember him typing in his own codes and making it happen.

I thought it would be easy to tidy up around here but it really hasn’t been! I spent hours sifting through WordPress-friendly templates and I just don’t like any of them! I may just have to settle for something I don’t love, which is ok, I suppose. A challenge that I’m met with is that I post daily (in case you guys hadn’t figured that out yet) so I have very limited time to redesign the face of my page. I’ve played around with a couple, just seeing if I could make them into something that I like, but I can’t save what I’ve done! I have to either “cancel” or “activate.” Thats crap! I guess I thought this whole thing would be more user friendly, but apparently I was mistaken :/ Another thing I was wrong about was the ability to buy my domain name. I thought that could be done – buying the name outright! I expected to pay a chunk for it, which I’d be willing to do at this point, but apparently I will forever be paying a monthly fee for it. C’mon, internet! Help a girl out!

Sooooo that is my tangent for the day. The search is still on, and continue to expect some changes and hopefully some improvements down the road. Be patient when you do see that somethings being done, if you can, because it might not be able to all come together in one day like it should. And PLEASE! If anyone knows how to help with any of the things I’m griping about, I’m listening! I’ll take any and all help I can get!