I firstly want to thank those of you who got in touch with me one way or another about yesterday’s post. I really appreciate the encouragement, and that so many of you see so much value in what I’ve been doing. Not that everyone finds every day super interesting, necessarily, but that the record is something that perhaps, one day, my kids can enjoy, and potentially even their kids. And thanks, Hailey, for offering to help with proofreading! She has a HUGE job ahead of her, so if anyone else cares to help, that would be fabulous, hahaha!
If you’ve spoken to me at all about Dekker’s school experience, you know I’m very happy with Dekker’s teacher. Today has only amplified that appreciation.
This morning, I passed Kim on her way back from dropping her son off, and she commented quietly to me that the kids had all been shuffled around, and that Dekker wasn’t sitting beside Em today. I appreciated the heads up, since Em is something of a constant for Dekker. He’s a familiar face, and a friend. Yet I knew the shuffle was inevitable, and very important in learning, and making friends with other kids. We definitely can’t always stay in our comfort zones! Once Dekker was in the class, out of his jacket and into his shoes, his teacher came to greet him and we had a little visit. We had recently written her a letter about Dekker, to help her know him a bit better. She had clearly remembered some of the info, and asked him some questions about his siblings, which he answered, albeit quietly and from behind me. She didn’t even flinch, and responded by telling him about her daughter. “You know all about two year olds, don’t you, Dekker?” It was so warm. I love when people go a bit further than they need to, and it really seems like she does. I was sort of dreading taking him to his spot at his table and seeing him get all stressed out and scared about sitting with unfamiliar kids, but before I had to even think too much about it, she said “Well, why I don’t take you to your table, Dekker?” He took her hand, and off they went! She turned around to say goodbye, and I thanked her. She seems to be strangely all-knowing, haha! Its not as though she didn’t know this would be new and a bit scary for him, but it had to be done, and I think she is just graceful enough to make the transition (and likely many many more transitions) as smooth as possible. I have such confidence that this is a very good match!
Now that Dekkers gone to school, and Elvira is in the air, heading home, the boys are napping, and Laela and I are watching some Octonauts. The basement forms are being built for the place going up next door, and I’m expecting a “buy and sell” pick up soon. Once I pick Dekker up, the whole group of us will head to the city for some grocery shopping. Its a strangely relaxed and busy day, all at once. So much going on, and SO much change, but I’m feeling so good about this change! God has certainly been good to us!