Today felt like a really special day. Rae offered to take ALL EIGHT KIDS for the day, just to give me a day off 💜 Which was LOVELY! I went back and forth between having the laziest day I could imagine, and accomplishing a million tasks, kid-free. But when I floated an idea by Brady and he went for it, I knew we had chosen the right option. Brady took the day off from work, and we got into the island renovation!
I’m not going to show any pictures just yet 😬 Maybe that’s mean. I’m not sure. But it isn’t done yet! And it has to be done by Tuesday, because that’s when the new stovetop is being installed. So because I know the end date is soon, I think it’s best to wait. Right? I don’t actually know. It really isn’t this important, hahaha! 😂
Brady and I did break for some leftover KD and true crime for lunch. We snuggled up, old person style, dragging our recliners side by side, in the middle of the living room. We are dorks and I’m super ok with that.

We worked like crazy, had some lunch, worked some more, and then left to go pick up some supper! The place we had planned to go to was closed, which we did not expect. A crude sign was taped in the door that stated they were closed until a certain future date, and that was that. So rather, we picked up big Subway sandwiches and brought them home to eat later in our bed 🤣 which is the best place to indulge in too much food.
I picked the kids up from Rae just after we got home. Absolutely everyone was happy. There were fresh cookies in to-go containers. Babies were even bathed. It was amazing 💜 Thank you, Rae. There is NO WAY we could’ve gotten this much done without your kind offer.
Honourable mention goes out to the lovely man from our church who offered to come haul away our old island pieces and stove top. That saved us so much time and energy!
Everyone is down, and Brady and I are ready for supper! Off to bed we go! Lol!
Boy it feels like a weekend.
Sleep well, friends 💜