Its nice to mix up our usual routine with a game. But like I said, we went to bed late, and Solly woke up twice. Thankfully, after his 6:15am feeding, he went back to bed, and therefore, so could we! It was really refreshing to get those extra couple of hours! Thanks, Solly! It gave us good energy for the day ahead.
This morning has been SO productive! We’ve done a few regular house chores, and a bit of tidying up, but we finally got to a job we’ve been anticipating!!
When we were in Calgary the other weekend, we bought a dresser to use a tv stand. We do not hope to have our tv in our living room for long, as the plan is to move it downstairs once the basement is finished, but when that time came, the dresser would switch out the one in Laela’s room. Laela’s dresser used to be our change table, but we haven’t used it to change a diaper in years. Therefore, its not the best use of space, and we thought a taller, skinnier one would suit her room better. It all made sense when we bought it. However, bringing it home, we realized the new dresser was WAY too tall to be our tv stand. Not to mention that it specifically said not to put a tv on it. We hemmed and hawed and I suggested we use Laela’s dresser as our tv stand, and just put the new dresser in her room. It wasn’t the plan we had originally, but it was the best thing we could come up with.
And it actually worked AWESOME!
Does it look a bit like a changing table in our living room? Sure, maybe a little bit. It needs new drawer knobs, but I really think that’ll do it! The top two drawers are full of dvds, the third drawer is wii games and accessories, and the bottom is diapers, wipes, and bum cream, since we change so many diapers in the living room during the day. Our wii, dvd player, and apple tv all fit great on the top of the dresser beside the tv, and so far, there is NOTHING in the little side cabinet. Besides all of the space that its given us to actually watch our movies and play vids from time to time, it also puts the tv out of reach from the curious hands. Our kids aren’t super mischievous at all, especially around something that they’re pretty used to, but I know not everyone is used to our house, so its probably better to have it a little ways up 😉 You know what I mean. We love the new set up. WAY better than the black glass tv stand that was always covered in dust, showed all of the cords, and that didn’t hold anything besides our tv.
With that being the case in our living room now, Laela has a dresser that is WAY nicer than she needs as a three year old, hahaha!
Its gorgeous. I love this line of furniture from Ikea, but had we known it wouldn’t have worked as a tv stand, we would never have bought it. We would have downgraded to something also very nice but not quite as extravagant. Maybe its nice that we didn’t know 😉 Because I love this dresser. Maybe I’ll steal it from her… (Two things! One, forgive our boxes. And two, we know, the top two drawers are super crooked. We’re in contact with Ikea, hoping they’ll send us a couple of new pieces to replace the pieces that were pre-drilled in the wrong place.)
With this whole project came a lot of running around, cleaning under furniture, moving stuff around, unpacking a few boxes, etc. It felt great to get so much done, and the kids were SO patient and excited through it all. It was awesome.
Everyone ate lunch, and the little boys went down for naps. Dekker and Laela are riding their bikes in the garage while Brady works on the garage door opener. Do you remember me lamenting about how loud our opener is? Its SO loud. Like if we run it while the kids are sleeping, they wake up. Its ridiculous. So we purchased a new one that promises to be quieter, and he’s beginning the installation this afternoon. I hope it does what it says its going to do! That would be so nice! (This is one of those things to ask your builder about when you build your house! ESPECIALLY if you have a bedroom above the garage.)
I’m currently inside, having a quiet break, and making Brady some coffee so he doesn’t freeze to death in the garage. The insulation and poly has helped immensely in there, but its still cold, and today isn’t the most balmy that it could be. The break in here is so nice 🙂 Brady gave me an hour or two to myself yesterday evening, and I went upstairs and just played with my makeup. I created a fantastic coral/rose gold eye look for spring, kind of by chance. It was so fun. Thank you, Brady, for giving me these little stretches of time away to play and discover and rest.
Its been a fun work day around here, and I don’t think its over yet! I hope you all have a great end to your Sunday!