In an effort to follow our trend of the year, Solly was SO snotty and fevered that we decided against going to church. We knew he would sleep all morning, and while we could try to lay him down in one of the playpens our church has set up in a cozy little back room, even if he did sleep, he would snot on
everything, and we knew it wasn’t a good idea. Sometimes I fear you guys must think we actually just don’t care to go to church. On the contrary. We miss church dreadfully. We desire to be there. When we do finally find our way there, we feel uplifted, fulfilled, and much more prepared for the week ahead. But we just haven’t been able to make it happen :/ And today was no exception.
However, I had picked out the kids clothes for church the evening before, and there was no reason to let the cute outfits go to waste! We were still going to my parents for the day 🙂

We went to my parents right around lunchtime and were greeted with an amazing smell and friendly faces. We ate a crazy amount of ham, mashed potatoes, and cooked carrots, all slathered in gravy. My mom has NEVER flopped gravy. Ever. Its a guaranteed win, and today was no different. It was such a yummy lunch!

After lunch, the kids searched for some Easter treats that my parents had hidden for them, and then Brady and I searched for ours, haha! Yes, we are still children. Don’t judge. It was another part of the “delicious day” factor.

After the chocolates were found and toys were played, the little boys went down for a nap and the rest of us visited and relaxed a bit. It was a lovely family day. Supper was a simple faspa of buns and cheese and things like that, which is pretty much our kids favorite kind of meal. Then, a little bit more playing, and transferring some pictures between the two families, and we headed home.
My favorite part of the day happened right as we arrived home.
I’ve mentioned recently that Dekker and Laela have been at each other a bit more than usual these days. Just scrapping non-stop. They learned in the last year that being mean can be fun, which has broken my heart. I knew it would come, but they were so innocent, and didn’t try to upset each other. But now they do, and it drives me up the wall. Like I said in another post, they struggle to breathe the same air.
But in our garage, right after we got home, they shared air. Happily. And it was awesome!
Dekker can let himself out of his booster seat, but everyone else needs a hand getting out of their car seats. Brady has reached behind his seat and freed Laela once the van was stopped, but Dekker is still always the first one out. Today, Laela stood at the door of the van in her long pink dress, regarded the running boards covered in dirt, and asked for help to get down from the van. “I don’t want to get muddy!” She had gotten SO muddy SO many times in winter, getting in and out of the van, so she usually asks for help. Brady and I had a small moment of hesitation, as he had a baby in his arms, and I had a diaper bag and two grocery bags in hand. In that moment we paused, Dekker said “I’ll help you, Laela.”
These two can barely sit next to each other right now. And I saw Laela step back when Dekker offered. But he smiled at her and lifted up his arms.
And she went for it!!
She trusted him, and reached down for his shoulders. He grabbed her in a big hug and helped her down onto the floor, safely.
Laela: Wow. Sanks, Dekker!
Dekker: Happy to help!
And off they went.
Sometimes I share stories like this, and I wonder if you all think they’re just small, insignificant stories. And frankly, you can think that 🙂 Its ok if you do, and its awesome if thats the norm in your home so it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary! It isn’t common here, though I want it to be, and I was SO thrilled to see it happen without any pushing from Brady or me. My two oldest, who don’t even want to hold hands or rub up against each other in a tight space, got up close and personal so Dekker could help Laela out of the van.
It was SUCH a big kid move!
Brady and I hung back in the garage for a minute, somewhat in awe. When I made it into the entrance with them, though, Laela told me right away how nice Dekker was, and Dekker offered to help Laela out of the van any time she asked.
My heart is warm. These moments give me hope through the stages like the one we’re going through right now, with those two arguing so often. They truly love each other, and care about each other’s well being.
This was the best way to wrap up our day, hands down. Couldn’t have been better. I’m SO smitten.