I have such anticipation for the warmer seasons ahead. For the sun. For the deck. For shorts. For meals outside. For another healthy pregnancy, I hope. There is a lot to anticipate. But these silly snowy days are back, and my morning feels like a winter morning. As I’m thinking about it, my mornings recently look very similar to each other. It changes a little with Dekker going to school every other day, but save for that, here are FIVE constants in my mornings.
First, the basics.
My coffee. Every morning, I have coffee. Lattes are few and far between now :/ They just take too long. Every morning, Brady leaves me coffee in the pot. He makes enough for himself for work, and leaves enough for a nice big mug for me. I zap it in one of my three favorite mugs – the pineapple one, the owl one, and the new pink one from Edmonton. I never thought I’d be someone who microwaves their coffee, but its happened slowly, and its still yummy. Once its all warmed up, I add my double double creamer and my Bebefibre, because thats a thing, just blow past it. I LOVE this system that we’ve set up, and I truly don’t mind the warmed up coffee. Thanks, Brady, for making me coffee every morning <3
I can count on always wearing grey clothing. Hahaha! I don’t know what it is about grey but its just so much softer than any other color. Its not intentional, but come to think of it, I wear at least one grey thing every day. I’m currently wearing grey sweats, and a grey sweatshirt, with grey slippers. I was cold this morning. I’ll likely lose the slippers and switch into a tshirt later today. The one I wore super briefly yesterday I’ll probably wear again. You guessed it. Its grey. I know, I know. I look great.
There are some variations of my third constant. So perhaps its not a constant… You know what I mean.
Every morning, I end up doing some kind of research. I can’t call it “work” but its like focused researching time. Today, I’m continuing to get organized for a music set Brady and I are doing with a friend in a month or so. Beyond that, I’m doing some online price comparisons for a few things. Lots of tabs open on my laptop. Every single day, I think “Is it too early to start making lists for our summer vacation to the lake?” But the answer is still “yes,” so I’m holding off on that. So I plan other things, which works too.
Don’t worry, I’m not neglecting my kids. In fact, thats another one of my constants!
Solly is still sleeping, but sometimes he’s awake and playing in the living room. However, the other three are exactly where they always are at this point in the morning. Dekker and Laela are sitting at the island. Its loaded down with their toys, which isn’t allowed if there’s any food on the island. But this is their time to play up there. While they’re up on their stools, Rowan is currently being mischievous and playing in the pantry. I never really know what he does in there. I know he has Hot Wheels cars, and I can hear him clinking around int he crock pots and the rice cooker, but if I ever go stick my head in there, he says “Bye, mommy.” If I turn the light on, he asks “Off please.” Sooooo there’s that. But at least I know where they all are, right? We usually listen to music around now, too.
Its around this time that my fifth constant pops up. I only mention it on the blog or on Facebook once in a while, but pretty much everyday, someone brings up baby Theo. Questions range from asking why he died, when will we see him, does he miss us too, can we have another baby, etc. Today specifically, it was because of his ultrasound photo on the fridge. While the kids were sitting at the island, Laela commented on how much she loved the baby on the fridge. I looked over and asked if she meant the picture of our friends baby we have up there, but she said “No, the baby that was in your tummy.” Right. I told her I really loved him, too. We all agreed that we missed him very much. Both big kids said they wanted Theo to be here with us, and I reminded them where baby Theo actually is. I hope one day to have such a content peace about that like they do. I suppose I do have that peace, but I hope it won’t sting quite so sharply forever. Who am I kidding? It totally will, but I think thats ok.
So there you have it. A sneak peek into my mornings, and what I can always count on. Anyone is welcome to join in anytime
I may even brew fresh coffee.