Its been a really really lovely day. Dekker was happy to jet off to school in the morning, which is something I am always thankful for. I reminisced the other day about how difficult school was that first day, and how thrilled I am that Dekker never really missed a beat after that, embracing school full force. I love my happy kindergartener!
The other kids had a fairly rough start, with some mysterious screaming that no one would explain to me, resulting in some punishments and a baby being woken up sooner than usual. I was pretty upset, but managed to bring myself down and enjoy the morning very much 🙂 My mom came to watch the kids while I took Dekker to school, and she spent the morning and lunch with me. We caught up on life over the past few days, since she was away on a trip and we hadn’t been in touch. It was so relaxing and positive and nice. I love my mom. I miss her when she’s not around.
Its nap time, but Solly isn’t really sleeping :/ He dozed a bit this morning and now he’s a bit too awake for his own good. Luckily, he’s just chatting away in his crib, not at all upset or sad, so I think he’ll get there soon. Rowan is fast asleep, and Laela is resting on the couch. We have a cold brewing in a couple of our kids, and Laela is just pouring snot 🙁 Not ideal, but she’s been a trooper since this morning where she turned her attitude around. Its going to be ok, guys. Its just a cold. We can do colds. Just no more midnight vomit, pleeeaaase!!
Brady is already done work for the day, but he’s off getting his tires rotated and balanced. He should still be home at a good time, and hopefully that’ll give us lots of time to get ready for tomorrow! While the forecast doesn’t instill much confidence, we are driving to the lake tomorrow morning!! Its supposed to be kind of crummy and rainy and grey tomorrow, but regardless, we have been telling the kids all about our lake trip coming up, and we want to give them a preview of what they’re anticipating 🙂 Even if that just means driving around the town a bit, stopping for food, showing them where we’ll stay, etc., it’ll be worth it. I’m so looking forward to tomorrow. Its fun to have things to anticipate, right?
I hope you are all able to find something positive to focus on today, despite the grey weather <3