It has been a hot minute since I got my hair done last. I don’t even remember when. Maybe innnnnn November? I’m truly not sure. But what I am sure about is that it was more than appropriately grown out, and it was for a refresh.

Can you even call that roots?? I think not.
So today, I got my dirty chai tea latte and headed to spend a few hours with my hair girl!

Bleach is first. As always. You know that itch? My bleached out people get it. Ya. It was rank today, but also effective!

Then she dried it up all nice and gave me a trim, just to cut the crap off the ends.

She gave me options and I picked the final colors. I asked for the brightest, neonest (yup) pinks she had, with deeper roots, as well as neon peach if it existed, and a couple little tastes of yellow in there. Loooooook!!! 😍

Aaaaand she delivered. As she does. Every. Single. Time.

If this isn’t the color of summer, I don’t know what it.
Its possible I followed this appointment up with a run to Value Village where I purchased a handful of obnoxiously bright, neon summer tank tops and tshirts.
I reflect the sun now, so, if you need to tan, some stand by me. I’m your girl.