It turned out to be a great day for me and my little Bambino. I feel like the late post should show that, but I guess it could also indicate a bad day. Lucky for me, in this case, it was because of good things.
My mom was over this morning, which was SUCH a treat!! I feel like its been so so long. I usually see her a couple times a week, just for quick visits mostly, where she hangs around so I can take Dekker to school without having to take everyone along. But she caught a pretty vicious cold a while back and has been contagious and hacky and miserable for quite some time. But this morning, she was with us, and it was so welcomed! She stayed while Laela was at preschool, and while we visited, Solly fell asleep on me.

It hasn’t happened in so long, where he’s been so wiped out like this that he actually falls asleep with me, but I LOVED it. Sadly, it was pretty close to the time I needed to go get Laela, so he just got a shorty nap in 🙁 But he ate some lunch and had no problem going down again. Thank goodness! With that, Rowan napped like normal, and Laela came home from preschool in a pretty weepy/sleepy place, so they ALL napped! I love when that happens.
I crawled up into my own bed for a little while, and ate a snack with my medication. Guys, this mix from Costco. I can’t say enough good things about it. I’m going to eat the whole bag. I already told Brady. He doesn’t get any.

Its not overly mustardy at all, I promise. And the honey is SO sweet! You should really try it.
Around 12:30, my friend, Cher, popped over to help me out with something. You might remember from my Facebook post a while back, she did a beautiful project with me back in October. Just a few days ago, I was whining on here about kind of hating how my stomach looked, how it looked different than it did when I was pregnant with both Theo and Jamin. That I wasn’t showing the same way and I just felt poochy and belly-y. She offered to come and help me take some pictures, which I jumped all over! I won’t share (Cher! Get it?) any today, but maybe when I finally *gulp* crack out the series I’m putting off. We visited for a while first, and ate some pretzel mix. She’s fun to talk to, because we both have a lot to our lives, a lot to reminisce about, and we relate on a lot of things. I think I can safely say we enjoy each other’s company 😉 We had a really fun little session, and there was even talk of another project we may put together. Fun stuff ahead, guys!
Work called, so Cher was off, and not too long after that, Brady came home. He made it home nice and early, and helped me get the three nappers dressed and in the van to go get Dekker. I got him from class and we kind of hustled out to the van, because it was 3:15 and I had an ultrasound at 4:00!
As always happens, we made it with time to spare, and the place was empty. We took everyones boots and jackets off and they all made a beeline for the couches, magazines, etc. The receptionist was happy to see us and checked me in really quickly and informally. She encouraged us to pull out all the toys and books in the waiting room, but just in the nick of time, our lovely tech came to retrieve us. Right away, she interacted with Dekker, because she rarely sees him, with him usually being in school during my scans. He was friendly with her and she tousled his hair as we all went into the room together.
We got all set up and I lay down for my scan. I had to pee urgently, lol! I think it showed when I lifted my shirt and looked to be about six months along. I am NOT six months along. She put the wand on my abdomen, and then surprised me by quickly showing me a heartbeat before sending me off to the bathroom. “Just pee a little,” she said. I stared at her. “Just if you can, leave some in there. Pee a lot, its ok,” she changed her answer to. Magically, I succeeded at this, and peed “a lot” but left some in there. Lol! This is so much more information than you guys want to know… Aaaaanyway, I came back to the room to see our tech giving Solly high fives and playing with the kids. It was so lovely. I was far more comfortable, and we continued with the scan.
Guys, it was such a great ultrasound. I’m only 9 weeks 3 days along, but there was SO much to see! We saw tiny little arm buds, and we saw two little legs! We saw a nose!!! For the first time, we saw the cord, and we could watch the blood flowing through it. It was just amazing. Best of all, baby was wiggling! Noticeably wiggling!!! I cried, haha! Surprise! It has just been so exciting to see these tiny little stages, one after the other, and have that reassurance that at least, for now, the baby is doing EXACTLY what it should be!! For the specifics, baby is finally about an inch long 🙂 2.6 cms. And the heart rate keeps going up, and was at 176 bpm today! Everything. Was. Awesome.

She printed some pictures off for us again, and the receptionist gave us a big handful of Lindt chocolates on our way out. They are just SO good to us there ❤️ We have the best people!
We had a simple grilled cheese supper upon arriving home, and closed the day off with some fun music videos on YouTube that the kids like the dance to. Not Solly today, though. He was still so wiped out, he just sat with me and chewed his feet like an animal.

All the kids are in bed now, and I am BEAT. Its been an amazing day, but I’m wiped out, and the bubble bath is calling my name… I have the grab some of that pretzel mix first, though! Seriously, guys, it doesn’t disappoint. If you buy it and hate it, you can always drop it off over here…