(A while ago…)
This will be my first ever belated birthday blog for one of my kids! Conveniently, I know with confidence that Sol won’t hold it against me 🙂 He is my most chill, content, roll with the punches kid, and this kind of thing won’t be any skin off his back. He is ALWAYS fun to celebrate, even a little late. He has still had a great year, regardless of the day I write about it 💜

Solly continued to surprise all of us in all kinds of different ways. Our biggest first with him this year was getting stitches!! He broke trail for our family the day he got his head whacked open with a spade whilst digging for treasure.

He’s always been very content to just watch the goings on of others, but in the last year, he’s gotten braver to actually join! I don’t know how to say it without it sounding rude. Grain of salt? Solomon has more original thoughts. And I LOVE how he thinks! He has his own ideas. His own stories. His own input into situations. He has gotten comfortable having babies in the house, and he is SO GOOD AT BABIES!!!! Especially the bigger ones. He will be SO loud and SO silly, and they will just belly laugh in return. Solly is NOT afraid to play, and it is awesome to witness!! Yet, he is quick to wind down and lay beside the smaller baby, under the little mobile, and rub a belly while talking softly. I looooooove who Solly is becoming!!
And then I loved him even more when he put on his birthday gift in the Canadian Tire parking lot 🤣

‘Twas hysterical!

*sigh* I want to be like Solly when I grow up. Carefree. Finding the fun way of doing things. Answering just about everything with “Oh, sure!” and then doing it happily. Saying “I can try my best” every single day, and actually doing it. Something very special is brewing inside this little guy, and I’m really really excited to unlock that level!!

I LOVE you Solly!! Having you for eight years has been an absolutely dream 🥰 I am SO grateful that God gave you to our family!! Happy belated birthday!!!