Womb in Bloom: 24 Weeks

Thanks to the amazing people who put into our lives and helped with our kids this week, time has flown by yet again! The hard weeks tend to be the slow ones, and we have had a couple of ROUGH weeks i a row, but so many beautiful people have offered to help, without my asking, and it has helped tremendously! So thank you, friends, for all your care and love! Even just looking at the weeks to come, I have lots of help lined up, along with a handful of fun things to look forward to that. I’m hopeful that time will keep moving right along, and that I’ll enjoy the fast-moving days. That way, I can avoid wishing time away, yet it might not feel like quite the eternity that is has up to this point. I’m so thankful for what and who I have 💕

Size Comparison: As usual, the baby’s size is variable. I just read online that her size is compared to a cantaloupe, but I just can’t picture the baby as a ball. So my app likens baby’s size to that of an eggplant or a GI Joe. Last week said a Barbie, so I guess a GI Joe is a bit bigger than a Barbie?? Beats me! What I can say, though, is that apparently this last week was a big one for Bambina, weight wise. While I haven’t had an ultrasound for 2.5 weeks to confirm, according to my app, baby gained about a quarter of a pound this week!!! She’s theoretically 1.25 – 1.5 lbs now!! CRAZY! 

Appointments: I had an appointment with my new student doctor on Friday. I am happy to report that he is really loving his job, specifically the prenatal side of things. Its always good when your student doctor is gung ho to work with you, right? He was thorough in his questions, very positive, and knowledgable when I had questions. He was pretty relaxed with me, almost a bit too much, but I think that was just a personality thing, and I’d rather have him comfortable than uncomfortable and stiff. He was quick to print out my previous ultrasound report for my, too. Towards the end, when he went to bring Dr. Guselle in, he had clearly relayed back to her our entire conversation, and she confirmed everything had been done right and well. Notable things in the appointment were that my blood pressure is still nice and low, my weight is still doing what its supposed to and I’ve gained a little, baby is growing at the “normal” rate and had a good strong heart rate, and I’m coping well with my anxiety and nerves. Everything appears to in order.

How am I feeling emotionally: My general anxiety has been amped these last weeks, but mostly about other things. Still, its not great. Regarding my pregnancy, I don’t anticipate its going to ever just be gone. My fears rise more than I care to admit, but they do. I can’t imagine how I’d keep moving if we lost her now, or ever… But I feel some peace, suddenly, knowing that its completely out of my hands. Everything that can be monitored from here on earth seems to be in order. If she dies, she will. While I HATE that I  can’t protect her anymore than I already am, its just simply what we’re dealing with in our life. Its not up to me. That both relaxes and infuriates me. I really, really hope she lives. 

How am I feeling physically: I’m feeling ok, actually! According to the apps, I’m actually supposed to be feeling a lot worse than I am! I do have reflux, but its managed. I have a sore lower back, but thats not uncommon, and is also helped along with my soaks and physio. As for my pelvic stuff, as I mentioned a while back, my physio is really paying off and making a significant difference! I have less pain these days than I have in a long time, though the sore days really take their toll on me now that I’m not as used to them! Haha! This morning has been a weird one, where I’m not in very much pain at all, but everything is very loose! Like VERY! Every time I shift, my pelvis cracks and pops, but so far my pubic bone hasn’t separated today, and THAT is the one that REALLY hurts!! Lets hope the day continues this way!

Wish Lish/Purchases: As you know, I have wish lists, and they keep growing!! Jerilee and I finally booked our annual girls trip to Edmonton, so hopefully I’ll get to knock a few things off that list while we’re there! Maaaybe the diaper bag I’ve been wanting for literal years. Maaaybe the few little articles I keep staring at from Old Navy. Maaaybe decorations for the baby party. Maaaybe another pair of Gap maternity jeans. We’ll have to see, haha! I feel like that list just spend all of my fun money…

Pictures: Cher and I got to this month of pictures on Friday, so this is what I’m looking like, give or take a few days 😉 I’m not actually always this strange…

Who am I kidding? Its not that uncommon actually. But here are some normal ones for the normal folks.

And this was the part where I tickled Laela until she peed. My bad.

How are the kids feeling: Dekker’s face is usually stuffed into my belly, talking to the baby. Most of the time, I don’t even hear what he’s saying, but I really love when he does it! The kids biggest concern about her arrival, recently, is where she will sit at the table. Just wait until we have to pick a place for her in the van!! I see that starting a brawl.

Getting to know the baby: I like to think Bambina and I are pretty in sync. As I sit here and think about her, I’m realizing I haven’t felt her move much, or at all, today. As I ponder it, she gives me a swift kick in the belly thats so strong, I see it out of the corner of my eye. But thats it. No more since I kept typing. She stops moving when really anything changes. But she tends to give me a little boot when I’m thinking of her. Like she’s thinking of me, too. Maybe there’s already that mutual love there. I know she has mine!

The BEST part of being pregnant: I think one of the BEST parts of being pregnant is being able to insist on a soak in the tub every night. I can justify it, because my body really does need it. I can feel a huge difference the morning after a night where I skipped the bath. Its very beneficial to me, and in turn, for my family who I need to function for! So I LOVE needing a bath every single night. Sure, throw some bubbles or a bath bomb in there. An exfoliating body scrub? Sure, why not make it a full pampering session! It helps with your bathtub also rocks. 

Favourite thing: Since I’ve already listed my bathtub as my favorite thing on here, I’m going with my coffee creamer! This seems like a small thing, but since Bambina has allowed me to have coffee again, I am SUCH a fan of my double double creamer! 

I know, its not good for you, but its delicious, and a one stop shop for a yummy creamy, sweet coffee. I don’t promise it makes your coffee taste like a Tim Hortons double double, but its pretty smooth! I highly recommend this stuff! Be warned, though, if Superstore has a sale, this stuff is GONE! And its possible we were the ones to buy it all! Its so yummy! Highly recommend, 10/10.

This week is beautifully filled with activities, including seeing some friends, helping at preschool, having some help in the house, getting my wax, nails, and hair ALL done, and all kinds of other things. I anticipate it moving quickly and being fun! Thats the goal. Now if today’s snow would just quit already, and spring could actually make it through, I’d be aaaaall the way happy! Bike ride requests. All. Day. Long.

Little Updates on the Little Littles

I took some pictures of the kids this morning, all put together and adorable and ready for church. In each kid, I noticed some changes here and there that I figured I’d lump into a post and highlight. Along with a new photo, of course 🙂


Dekker has become SO artistic! He spent his free time between getting ready and leaving for church colouring! He pulls out pictures he brought home from school and adds to them. “Wouldn’t this look even better with a rainbow border?” he often asks. He takes great pride in what he creates.

Laela is SO grown up these days! So many things about her are changing, but today, she looked like a teenager! Yes, she is wearing makeup, and yes, I let her wear it to church. And no, I’m not worried about it 😉 She likes to play makeup with me, plain and simple. Its playing, and having fun, and something fun to do together! But seriously, in this photo, she’s deadly, and I know we’re in trouble. She has a good mix of teenager Laela and four year old Laela still, don’t worry.

Rowan has been a tough cookie these last few weeks, but he is growing and changing in some wonderful ways also. Change is always hard, right? Ro is SO clear, SO aware, and learning SO much from his siblings! He’s also started cooperating well with me putting his hair in a ponytail, and now that he is comfortable that way, he spills his milk less, concentrates harder on pictures or toys, and he LOVES reading/listening to stories! Be ready, if you come over to play (with the kids or Brady and I, you will be asked to read story after story after story….) And for those of you nay-sayers, yes, we have offered Rowan haircuts, and he has politely declined each one 😉 Its not just what we want. He wants his hair long as well.

As I’ve been saying, now that Solly’s bowels are healing, he is a whole new man! With his newfound confidence, he is getting hurt a lot! I love that he’s brave, but YIKES he’s a mess these days, haha! You can’t see it in this picture, but he’s got a good blue bruise on his right cheek and a partial shiner from when he was trying to climb between a chair and the front window and wiped out, smacking his cheek hard on the window sill. Whatcha gonna do?? He’s finally comfortable, he’s making up for lost time!

They were all looking and being super cute at church this morning, minus the coffees being held hostage. Sigh.

Brady and I could’ve really used those coffees, haha! We snagged sips here and there, but for the most part, the boys hauled them around. Solly even figured out how to unlock the safety on Brady’s mug. Shoot. They’re lucky they’re so cute!

This weekend has felt short, but there is a good week to come! Another series post to come tomorrow 🙂 I can’t believe that the Mondays keep rolling in and the weeks keep rolling on. Just surreal.

It’s Here!!!

Remember the other day, I showed you that picture of what our dining room looks like now?

Pretty nice, hey? Yet that suspicious empty spot behind the loveseat was waiting for something. Not that empty space is bad, and needs to be filled, but filling it was the whole reason for the reorganize! Now, thanks to a friend making a sale, and two other friends willing to bend their backs for us, its finally filled how we pictures from the moment we moved here!

Thank goodness the move itself lined up with the kids lunch time!

I’ll tell you right now, listening to a piano being moved is kind of nerve wracking, lol! But regardless of the sounds made, the piano was moved successfully, with no broken bones, walls, floors, or pianos! Our somewhat musical family is SO ready to have a piano added to our repertoire of instruments! There are still some holes to fill, but so much of our music centres around a piano and guitar, so its amazing to finally have both!

The kids are super stoked about it too, and have spent some time testing it out. Dekker is already asking about chords and how to play. Rowan’s goal is to play every key. Things like that 🙂 I hope this just adds to their love of music and their natural abilities. We can already see their awareness of rhythm and their love of singing. I hope it grows and grows!

Its been SUCH an exciting Saturday! I hope you’ve all had something to anticipate this weekend as well 🙂 And thank you SO much, guys, and your lovely wives, for giving us your time and muscles this morning! Its all a bit of a “dream come true” moment over here.

One on One with Solomon

This morning has been SO nice. Once again, our loving neighbour has scooped up a few of our kids for some special time at her house. Laela and Rowan are spending the morning there, making cookies. Our kids just love it over there, so I know they’re happy and very well cared for. Its SUCH a relief having people in our loves who are not only willing and happy to put into our kids, but whose values and expectations are similar to ours. I can know (or hope) that the kids will follow our house rules at their house, too. Its comforting for me.

With Dekker at school, and Laela and Ro away, its just me and Solly together at home. This NEVER happens! Solly is a bit hot and cold this morning, but since its just he and I, I figured we could play in his favourite place.

Upstairs, in my room, and my bathroom.

I’m not even kidding.

I had plans to do some reorganizing in my en suite, but I figured pulling ALL my products out likely wasn’t the smartest move. So rather, we washed my makeup brushes. It had been a while. We turned on some music and Solly played with the bottles of bubble bath, body wash, etc. beside the tub while I washed brushes. It was a SUPER cute morning with him!

I’m clearly blogging now, but don’t worry, he is not neglected. He is getting free rein of my bedroom, shaking with my secret stash of chocolate covered raisins, playing with Jamin and Theo’s stuffed toys, dragging laundry around, hiding from me in the closet, making faces in the mirror, climbing on and off the bed, and he is still pretty stuck on those bottles on the tub. He is joyfully occupied, and we are talking lots 🙂 Its been so fun to have him to myself and play with him one on one.

I have an appointment this afternoon that was pretty poorly scheduled, but was all I could get, and once again, the troops have been called in to make sure everyone will be taken care of at the right times. I’d spell it all out in detail here but it makes my head dizzy so I’m not even sure I could explain it correctly. Regardless, its all arranged, which would likely not be the case if I had all the kids together this morning 🙂 I’d likely have to wait until nap time to be able to clear my head, but that wouldn’t leave me enough time to actually make a plan for this afternoon! Eek! Thank goodness for loving, understanding people. You all know who you are, and I am SO grateful for your willingness to help us. It truly takes a village, and I just LOVE ours!!

Perhaps I’ll get some dishes done before the two middles come home. Or I’ll sit still…..

When the Kids Nap…

The mom takes her jeans off, crawls into bed, and eats leftover pizza! Right? Thats the social standard, I think…

Seriously though, the three kids are down for quiet time after an almost scream-free lunch, and I’m taking a load off in my room, too. While things are not exactly smooth around here, a few small successes seem to have reminded the kids that they can still have privileges and special things. The days can be fun! And when it doesn’t work out that way, they seem a bit more accepting of their punishments. So, somewhere in the last few days, maaaybe some things are sinking in?? Maybe.

I haven’t had a chance to talk about it yet, but we did some purges around our house recently in an effort to occupy the kids and give them a specific thing to focus on, and they turned out so well! The first was a bit of a toy purge. Now we have TONS of toys all packed up in the garage that no one has missed for 2+ years, so when the basement is done, we’ll do a big sort and decide between keep vs donate vs sell, but for right now, the kids have an ottoman full of toys, a tub of duplo, a tub of lego, a tub of links, and lots and lots of books. They are very satisfied with their toys, and I like our simple system. However, since Christmas and Rowan’s birthday rolled by, the ottoman is overflowing. So the kids and I emptied it out and sorted through it. I didn’t have big goal to throw everything away or anything. Just the obviously broken toys, toys with missing pieces, anything that had tape on it, etc. needed to go. The kids were shockingly on board and chose to get rid of so much!!! Our ottoman now looks like this 🙂

Yes, it WILL get mixed up in there, but at least we know it WILL close, which is the main thing. Floating around the bottom of that ottoman was about half of our duplo, and the bottom of the duplo bin contained almost all of our links, so the reorganize was a HUGE success, and our kids are happily building again! They were so proud of their hard work 🙂

The next day, Brady and I started making plans for our dining room. We are planning to add something to it soon (You can’t know until it shows up! I’m crossing my fingers and toes!) and it needed to be moved around to make space. We weren’t sure where everything would go because we had such a nice layout! I wish I had a “before” picture but I have little to no foresight, so I don’t. But I was suddenly struck with an awesome idea, and I have to say, it turned out SO nicely!!

The reality is that, once we add our mystery thing, we’ll lose more space, so extending the table will leave our dining area a little squishy. But really, if we’re growing the table for a big waffle brunch or something, we’re likely all comfortable enough around each other to be close 😉 And secondly, when our basement is finished, our tv will move downstairs, and the sitting area can shrink up just a bit, so eventually the dining area will be spacious again. I don’t even care, though. I’m SO amped for this set up! It should’ve always been this way, withe the coffee bar off the counter, and the bookshelves along that long wall. Makes SO much more sense and looks SO much nicer.

There are still lots of jobs I’d really love to get done, and I love how excited the kids get to be part of them! Moving the bedrooms around was a big hit, too. I just tend to get discouraged when SO MUCH rests on the basement getting done, because I feel like I’m often just moving messes to new locations because their forever location doesn’t exist yet. Does that make sense? But little by little, we’re getting there!

Small victories in BIG times of life.

Helping Each Other Out

I am SO thankful for the morning I had! Yesterday was an absurd day, and I was living in fear of the next day to come. A friend reached out to me and offered to come spend some time with us this morning, as she had today off work. It was a sacrificial move on her part, and I accepted! Because after the crap shoot that yesterday was, I knew I needed the help.

I was asleep SO early in the evening, and slept like a rock until my alarm went off at 7:10. I hit snooze like always, but was surprisingly rested, and got up before it went off again. It was a really good sleep. When I got the kids up, they were all in happy moods, bragging about how they slept well and they would follow the rules! And they did pretty good! Only one out of the four was screaming bloody murder before breakfast, and that was Solly.

Michelle came in time for me to take Dekker to school, which was SO handy! Not only could we load up and go way faster, but the van is currently living outside the garage and I forgot to start it in advance. It was COLD, and would’ve been such a pain to get all the kids out there. Yes, its doable, but it was such a relief to just go with Dekker. I came back to all three of my kids snuggled in with Michelle on a couch, reading stories.

Solly didn’t even cry when I left, which is awesome!! Thats another thing thats changed since he’s been able to poop again. He is SO friendly and at ease! He was happily on Michelle’s lap, listening to the book.

My wonderful guest also brought lattes and cinnamon buns for breakfast! Cha-ching! We ate our breakfast and chatted while the kids played the morning away. We took story breaks, played catch, Laela did puzzles, Solly threw toys down the stairs, they spread duplo all over the house, etc. It was a successful morning! Save for two little head bumps, there were no other tears!

It goes such a long way to have someone come into your house and just go with the flow. Not only did Michelle’s presence break the morning up a little and give the kids a fresh audience, but the extra set of hands was wonderful! She beat me to the punch often on getting the kids something they requested, and willingly played their games so I could just sit. She helped tidy toys before lunch. Things like that. I could’ve gone upstairs and taken a nap, but I slept SO hard last night, I didn’t even need to.

The kids all went down for their quiet time, and Michelle and I visited a little bit longer before she headed out for the afternoon. I can honestly say I feel some refreshment. It was nice for me to have someone to talk to. It was nice for the kids to have someone new to play with. It was nice to have some help with the daily stuff, and to have some good solid distraction. Michelle, I hope you know how much we appreciate you!!!

Soon enough, I’ll get the kids up and take them to pick Dekker up from school. I can’t wait for it to be Spring. I hope I can start walking the kids to school rather than drive! This in-between season will NOT win!! But having some help here and there throughout this season definitely makes time move a bit quicker 🙂 So thank you to ALL of you beautiful people who have touched base with us and offered to help in different ways. I’m floored at how many of you care about our family ❤ Its truly humbling.

That Good Cleansing Cry

I got to bed super late last night and woke up early with Brady. Unable to fall back to sleep, I finally got up and tried to busy my brain. This last week or so of life has felt like a full moon that will not quit! My short, restless sleep is what broke the camels back. And not only did the camels back break, but the camel proceeded to fall over on its side and land with a bone-crushing lump on my chest. My goodness.

The morning started rough, as has become our usual. I don’t care to fill in the details because I don’t want to remember them myself, but the screaming match ended with me sitting on the opposite side of the island as the kids, weeping uncontrollably, and the kids sitting at the table, discussing me.

Mommy is sad.

She’s having a rough time.

I think she’s mad at us.

I’m sorry you’re crying, mommy. Mommy?

I wasn’t sure whether to scream that, yes, I absolutely am FURIOUS with them, or to just keep crying and wallowing and soaking in my failure. I chose to continue crying until I was done. So I did.

Eventually, I got back up, finished putting lunches together, picked out clothes for the kids going out, put backpacks in the entrance, and did the things that needed doing, because survival. My mom came to watch the little kids while I got the big ones off to school, and then I spent a decent chunk of the morning in and out of tears. I am now completely physically exhausted, but in all honesty, I feel a bit better. Its amazing what a good cry can do for a person! I look dreadful, lol, but I feel ok.

My kids made me some promises over lunch about how the rest of the day would go, and while I don’t have the highest of hopes, I’m happy to know they’re absorbing what I want from them. They told me “These are big rules” a number of times, so they know. I hope they remember and it sticks. Even if it doesn’t and we have another tornado of an afternoon, at least I have first hand knowledge that they are picking up what I’m putting down. Its like the ONE time out of the hundred times they fight about the same thing. You know what I’m saying. It will work out that ONE time, and in that moment, you know they CAN resolve it, or obey, or share, or whatever it is! Thats how I feel right this moment. Hopeful, and knowing that its in there.

I won’t lament forever, I promise. It has just been an unbelievable stretch of time over here. I have never experienced a power struggle to this capacity. I am wiped.

I ate a pizza pop for lunch and am now taking a much needed lay down with my little baby girl, who literally cannot fight with me yet. Peace is here, for now.

Womb in Bloom: 23 Weeks

I know todays post is supposed to be centred around Bambina, and it will be! But first, I want to thank you all so much for your love on yesterdays post ❤ It felt so vulnerable for me to share some of those details, because parenting methods are SO “hot button” and SO controversial, and while I’m happy to share and be honest about these things, I do NOT care to stir the pot at all. So for those of you who commented, texted, or messaged me with love and encouragement, THANK YOU for your understanding!! I did not expect the outpouring I received. We are clearly all doing our absolute best, and we clearly all struggle. A good reminder to hold each other up!

Onto the star of the post! 🤩

Size Comparison: Todays comparison finally makes sense, unlike some of the previous weeks. Our baby girl is roughly the size of a Barbie! I can’t speak for her physique however, as I assume she is shaped slightly more like a potato than Barbie herself is, yet I like my baby WAY more than I like Barbie. I’m pretty sure they’re around the same height anyway.

Appointments: I had an AWESOME physio appointment the other day, but I haven’t had a baby appointment in a little while. I’ll see my doctor for a prenatal at the end of the week. I have a few things to remember to ask. I’ve been having some racing heart, and my reflux is officially out of control, yet I’m hoping for a different plan for the last couple of pregnancies. My tech also noted something about our ultrasound that I’d like to ask about. It wasn’t like she mentioned it as a concern, and no one has called about my results so they’re likely fine, but I’m eager to ask. Just a few things. I made a list. 

How am I feeling emotionally: My emotions towards the baby remain the same. I am potentially more excited than I’ve ever been for my baby to come out and be safely in my arms, but with every passing week, I’m aware of how much worse its going to hurt if we lose her. I’m trying desperately to give these fears to God, which is proving to be an enormous challenge. This week is particular has felt more difficult, but thats likely thanks to some of the struggles we’ve been having with our children over the last several days. Nothing has been easy this week. 

How am I feeling physically: I feel pretty ok physically! I felt quite empowered after my physio appointment, where my therapist was able to show me all the areas that have improved in the last few months. I feel stronger and more capable knowing that my work is paying off! My biggest beef is with my crazy acid reflux. That, and itching!!! My legs itch SO BAD when I’m pregnant, every single time. No joke, in the past, I’ve taken a hairbrush to them. I’ve scratched them to the point of bleeding. Its BAD! Thankfully, an excessive amount of lotion and the occasional dose on Benadryl are keeping the crazy scratching at bay. 

Wish Lish/Purchases: We’ve done a TEENY bit of purchasing recently, but weirdly, not too much of it is for Bambina, haha! There have been some nice sales that we’ve been able to take advantage of and get Dekker some new tshirts for spring, as he sized up over winter. Just a few things like that. However, I DID fill a hole in Bambina’s wardrobe that I am probably WAY too excited about! I found her some itty bitty newborn jegging shorts!! They even have a ruffle bum! They were dirt cheap, so we got the teeny tiny size and then one size up, in case they shrink, or she has a booty, lol! I can’t wait to put them on her, with a little diaper shirt, and maybe a headband, just because its cute. Eek!

Pictures: The only relevant picture to todays post is the belly shot I took this morning.

Some days I feel huge, and others I feel petite. This one feels small, but it was pre-breakfast. I’m SO much bigger by the end of the day, lol!

How are the kids feeling: It was really the cutest week, with the conversation with Laela about talking to the baby. It was as though that was a new revelation! Laela has now worked up the courage to talk to her once or twice, but the boys LOVE it! The will come ad rub my tummy, kiss it, and tell Bambina that they love her. She will definitely know those voices when she’s born! Her siblings love her SO much. Sure, Solly doesn’t get it, but the others absolutely do! Its so fun to see their excitement for her grow!

Getting to know the baby: She likes ice cream. Like a LOT.

The BEST part of being pregnant: This whole pregnancy feels like my first time around, where everything was new and fascinating. This last week has been so fun with her! When baby is kicking in the same spot for a while, and I go to feel her, sometimes I can feel exactly where her body is! Its CRAZY! Not uncommon, obviously, as she gets bigger, but just SO cool that she’s continuing to grow and develop! I’ve also felt some GOOD movements that I couldn’t feel before! She’s definitely getting bigger! I’ll be able to feel her kick, and I can see my stomach move out of the corner of my eye, and suddenly, I’ll feel a good roll in there, and she’s kicking my bladder, or just my insides in general. I’ve even felt a couple of unmistakable bicycle kicks! Its so amazing how much keeps changing! 

Favourite thing: I am loving the yummy honey lotions out of Bath & Body Works these days! With my itchy legs and back, plus a belly that needs some moisturizing, we are burning through lotion. I gave up buying the specific “stretch mark” lotions a long time ago. I figure any lotion is better than none! Seriously, if you like the sweet honey smell, those lotions are the ones to try! I would recommend the exact one I’m currently using, but its from their Christmas stuff. Still, aaaaall the honey things!

Its been a really big week around here, and its been actually really good for me to write this post out and remember some of the positives 🙂 Big milestones still feel far away, if I’m being honest. I still have a month left in this second trimester, but I’m finally getting a bit of a taste of what a “normal” second trimester is supposed to feel like! That last little bit of nausea seems to have given up. I’m not getting up to pee every night anymore. I have a bit more energy. While I wish these things had kicked off at 14 weeks like every book and app promises, I’m happy they came at all!

Time continues to move forward, finally a bit quicker these last few weeks. Just wait until spring really hits!!! I can’t wait!!

Some of these Stages…

Its a bit nerve wracking to share publicly when I’m struggling with my family, for a handful of reasons. I never want to seem ungrateful for my children, and I feel the need to constantly state how I would choose my exact life, and the trials that come along with it, with no hesitation. Also, because I blog publicly, I’m obviously available to be criticized, through comments or messages. While I’m no stranger to this, it doesn’t make it easier. It really hurts my feelings when people who aren’t actually present to observe our life choose to judge.

All of this being said, I truly am running out of other things to write about right now 🙁 This last week specifically has been incredibly difficult over here, and I am DRAINED. I know kids are kids, and disappointment is a tough thing when you’re little, but these days, it doesn’t matter what I say. It is ALWAYS questioned and argued back at me. No. Matter. What. And its exhausting! I swear, even when its something that they like, there is SOME “but, Mommy…” after it. Always. I have NEVER argued as much as I have in the last few days. Not ever.

Please don’t say this is normal kid stuff. I am aware this is not uncommon. But it is so much more than usual, and I feel like I’m about to hit capacity on this level. Some straight up blatant disobedience added to the mix has juuust about put me over the edge. Each day, I am completely finished, and then someone pushes that last little bit. With that, most special privileges are lost, and the kids are furious. Them losing the things they love is just as much a punishment for me as it is for them. For the record, the things they’re losing never ever include reading stories, coloring, building, playing, snuggles, etc. Its more they’re losing tv, certain toys they’re fighting over, sometimes their bedtime stuffies, dessert that day, etc. I can’t tell you how many times in the last week one of them has lost a stuffed toy, and the moment they get it back in bed with them, they hurl it across the room and lose it again.

Please don’t judge our parenting. I know I’m putting things out there that not everyone will agree with or practice in their own homes. Its just been a really hard stretch for us, and I’m having trouble pinpointing what changed in the last week that makes them suddenly feel the need to push absolutely every boundary. I suppose its a stage, and sometimes the close age gap stings more than benefits. In this case, sometimes they all go through the same stages at the same time. And its hard. But we’ve done it before, and can do it again. I’ve just been trying to avoid writing a post that just harps on the kids, yet here we are.

Know how much I love my kids <3 I wouldn’t change them for anything. But YIKES this was a long week! I’ve never slept so hard in my life.

“Can I Talk to Her?”

Brady got home yesterday and made his rounds, kissing every member of his family. When he got to me, he kissed me, and then kissed the baby and greeted her. Laela giggled at this, and asked why Brady had talked to my tummy. We explained to her that we talk to Bambina a lot.

Laela: Can I?
Me: Can you what? Talk to her?
Laela: Ya, can I talk to her, too?
Me: Of course you can! You can talk to her anytime!
Laela: Well, can she hear me?
Me: She can, yes! If you talk to her lots, she’ll remember your voice when she’s born. So its like she’ll know you already! Isn’t that exciting!
Laela: Ya…
Me: Did you want to talk to her?
Laela: Do you?
Me: Haha! I talk to her all the time.
Laela: Well do you want to now?
Me: Laela, are you a little nervous to talk to her?
Laela: Ya. A little bit.
Me: You don’t have to talk to her, but you can anytime!
Laela: Can you tell her my name?
Me: Of course! *to my belly* Hey, sweetheart, Laela is your sister. She loves you and she wants to talk to you!
Laela: (HUGE smile) I can’t!!
Me: Do you want to give her a little rub instead?
Laela: Ya! I’ll do that! (rubs my belly)

Within seconds, Dekker was next to us. He put his hand on my belly, kissed it, and said “I love you, Bambina” to his little sister. Rowan was close behind, and did the exact same thing.

I checked in with Laela one last time, and she said she felt a little shy, but she was full of smiles.

I love how much my kids love each other, and how much they understand what is to come. We are ALL anticipating her arrival so so much!