I know todays post is supposed to be centred around Bambina, and it will be! But first, I want to thank you all so much for your love on yesterdays post ❤ It felt so vulnerable for me to share some of those details, because parenting methods are SO “hot button” and SO controversial, and while I’m happy to share and be honest about these things, I do NOT care to stir the pot
at all. So for those of you who commented, texted, or messaged me with love and encouragement, THANK YOU for your understanding!! I did not expect the outpouring I received. We are clearly all doing our absolute best, and we clearly all struggle. A good reminder to hold each other up!
Onto the star of the post! 🤩
Size Comparison: Todays comparison finally makes sense, unlike some of the previous weeks. Our baby girl is roughly the size of a Barbie! I can’t speak for her physique however, as I assume she is shaped slightly more like a potato than Barbie herself is, yet I like my baby WAY more than I like Barbie. I’m pretty sure they’re around the same height anyway.
Appointments: I had an AWESOME physio appointment the other day, but I haven’t had a baby appointment in a little while. I’ll see my doctor for a prenatal at the end of the week. I have a few things to remember to ask. I’ve been having some racing heart, and my reflux is officially out of control, yet I’m hoping for a different plan for the last couple of pregnancies. My tech also noted something about our ultrasound that I’d like to ask about. It wasn’t like she mentioned it as a concern, and no one has called about my results so they’re likely fine, but I’m eager to ask. Just a few things. I made a list.
How am I feeling emotionally: My emotions towards the baby remain the same. I am potentially more excited than I’ve ever been for my baby to come out and be safely in my arms, but with every passing week, I’m aware of how much worse its going to hurt if we lose her. I’m trying desperately to give these fears to God, which is proving to be an enormous challenge. This week is particular has felt more difficult, but thats likely thanks to some of the struggles we’ve been having with our children over the last several days. Nothing has been easy this week.
How am I feeling physically: I feel pretty ok physically! I felt quite empowered after my physio appointment, where my therapist was able to show me all the areas that have improved in the last few months. I feel stronger and more capable knowing that my work is paying off! My biggest beef is with my crazy acid reflux. That, and itching!!! My legs itch SO BAD when I’m pregnant, every single time. No joke, in the past, I’ve taken a hairbrush to them. I’ve scratched them to the point of bleeding. Its BAD! Thankfully, an excessive amount of lotion and the occasional dose on Benadryl are keeping the crazy scratching at bay.
Wish Lish/Purchases: We’ve done a TEENY bit of purchasing recently, but weirdly, not too much of it is for Bambina, haha! There have been some nice sales that we’ve been able to take advantage of and get Dekker some new tshirts for spring, as he sized up over winter. Just a few things like that. However, I DID fill a hole in Bambina’s wardrobe that I am probably WAY too excited about! I found her some itty bitty newborn jegging shorts!! They even have a ruffle bum! They were dirt cheap, so we got the teeny tiny size and then one size up, in case they shrink, or she has a booty, lol! I can’t wait to put them on her, with a little diaper shirt, and maybe a headband, just because its cute. Eek!
Pictures: The only relevant picture to todays post is the belly shot I took this morning.

Some days I feel huge, and others I feel petite. This one feels small, but it was pre-breakfast. I’m SO much bigger by the end of the day, lol!
How are the kids feeling: It was really the cutest week, with the conversation with Laela about talking to the baby. It was as though that was a new revelation! Laela has now worked up the courage to talk to her once or twice, but the boys LOVE it! The will come ad rub my tummy, kiss it, and tell Bambina that they love her. She will definitely know those voices when she’s born! Her siblings love her SO much. Sure, Solly doesn’t get it, but the others absolutely do! Its so fun to see their excitement for her grow!
Getting to know the baby: She likes ice cream. Like a LOT.
The BEST part of being pregnant: This whole pregnancy feels like my first time around, where everything was new and fascinating. This last week has been so fun with her! When baby is kicking in the same spot for a while, and I go to feel her, sometimes I can feel exactly where her body is! Its CRAZY! Not uncommon, obviously, as she gets bigger, but just SO cool that she’s continuing to grow and develop! I’ve also felt some GOOD movements that I couldn’t feel before! She’s definitely getting bigger! I’ll be able to feel her kick, and I can see my stomach move out of the corner of my eye, and suddenly, I’ll feel a good roll in there, and she’s kicking my bladder, or just my insides in general. I’ve even felt a couple of unmistakable bicycle kicks! Its so amazing how much keeps changing!
Favourite thing: I am loving the yummy honey lotions out of Bath & Body Works these days! With my itchy legs and back, plus a belly that needs some moisturizing, we are burning through lotion. I gave up buying the specific “stretch mark” lotions a long time ago. I figure any lotion is better than none! Seriously, if you like the sweet honey smell, those lotions are the ones to try! I would recommend the exact one I’m currently using, but its from their Christmas stuff. Still, aaaaall the honey things!
Its been a really big week around here, and its been actually really good for me to write this post out and remember some of the positives 🙂 Big milestones still feel far away, if I’m being honest. I still have a month left in this second trimester, but I’m finally getting a bit of a taste of what a “normal” second trimester is supposed to feel like! That last little bit of nausea seems to have given up. I’m not getting up to pee every night anymore. I have a bit more energy. While I wish these things had kicked off at 14 weeks like every book and app promises, I’m happy they came at all!
Time continues to move forward, finally a bit quicker these last few weeks. Just wait until spring really hits!!! I can’t wait!!