Guys. I’ll deliver a baby in ten weeks. Ten. Weeks. Give or take a day or two, obviously, but thats the plan! I wonder if those of you who follow this series feel like time is moving quickly, or if its just dragging on. I finally feel like things are gently clipping along, and I’m just thrilled about it. I’ve been waiting for that good mix of time moving quickly without me wishing it away, and its finally here! Every Monday, I’m surprised that another week has passed, and then all of a sudden, its Friday. Where do the days go?? I don’t have a lot of busyness this coming week to help time pass, but Brady is back to work on Tuesday, so I think being back on kid duty by myself will have the same effect 😉 Either way, time continues to pass, and its feeling more and more reasonable to start thinking ahead and preparing certain things! Its not forever away anymore. Baby day is COMING!
Size Comparison: This week is confusing for comparisons, as so many are. The Ovia app suggests the baby is the size of a Hawaiian pineapple, or a Barbie convertible. Hawaii must have some BIG pineapples! But seriously, I sneaked a peek at next weeks comparisons and they’re just as absurd. I have resisted getting a 3D ultrasound at this point, so I can’t tell you how big she actually is, but I hear the “average” is about 2.5 lbs and 15” tall. Who knows.
Appointments: I mentioned in my last series post that my hemoglobin finger poke had tested low, and I was asked to go confirm it at a blood clinic. I did so, and my student doctor called a day or two later to tell me I am, in fact, low on iron and needed to start taking a supplement. I wasn’t worried about it, because its happened before. I think maybe only with Laela? I can’t be sure, but its never been a big deal. In the past, my doctor has called and said I’m close but could use a boost, so please take iron. The end. This time was a WHOLE different story! Its one of the quirky things that happens with the student doctors. They overshare. I get that. I expect it. But I’m SO much more confused than I was before! He told me I need to take two iron tablets every day, but I cannot take them together. Must be two separate occasions. I can neither take them with food, nor drinks, nor other medication. Specifically CANNOT take them with zantac, which I also take twice a day now. I can take them with orange juice, which I never have in the house, or with vitamin C, which I could do except that taking iron with half of my vitamins but not the others is ridiculous and I’ll never remember to take the others. Sigh. I can’t take iron anytime I have caffeine in my body, either. WHEN ARE THESE TIMES OF DAY?!?! I have to find a time where my stomach is empty of food, caffeine, or medication, and take a pill that will quite likely make me feel sick. Twice. I have no idea, haha! I know I CAN take them whenever, and they just won’t absorb as well or as much or as quickly, but something is better than nothing, right? I swear, in the past I was encouraged to take them with food because they commonly upset the stomach. So I’m kind of choked and annoyed by the whole thing now… Yikes. Iron rant over.
How am I feeling emotionally: I’ve had some genuinely sorrowful moments this week that have kind of caught me off guard. We’ve walked through a bit more loss this last week, and while its not been our own family, its brought reflection and memories back into my heart. I admit, I had a cry in my van one day when I was driving alone. I cried for my little babies that I won’t get to hold every again until I’m in Heaven. I told God I believe that He has them safe and sound, and that He has control of my grief. He has everything safely in His hands. I’ve given it ALL to Him. But I told him, honestly, that I just wanted to hold it all again, just once. Lucky for me, thats not how it works, and realistically, thats not actually what I want. I know this. But grief hit hard, and I just needed to talk it out with Him, and as usual, He answered. Thank God for God!
How am I feeling physically: I feel strangely tired these days! I know many people get tired in their third trimesters as they grow and their bodies wear a little, but its like it hit RIGHT in the beginning of trimester #3. I thought it was in my head at that point, but its been persistent! I’m WIPED! Not that I’m out of commission in any way, but I have NO trouble falling asleep when the time comes, save for some rare occasions. Beyond fatigue, I don’t have too many issues. Still some lower back pain (going to have to get another adjustment this week) and lots and lots of braxton hicks contractions. If I’m tired especially, they show up just by me standing and walking somewhere in the house. And they last so long. Kind of annoying, but not painful or anything yet. So its all pretty tolerable. Worth it for the little miss.
Wish Lish/Purchases: I put in a bitty little order at the Gap and Old Navy today for her. She got a little tank top diaper shirt with shiny gold pineapples on it. Also a little rash guard swim suit, which yes, I know, will NEVER touch the water. I am aware that her swimsuits are just to look cute in on the beach, and I’m ok with that. Also a romper. What do you think she’ll wear to her baby party? I’m thinking maybe a romper… A dress would be SO cute, but kind of annoying when passing her from person to person, to have it ride up constantly. Hmmm… I also bought myself a cute pair of floral capris that claim to have a compression top! While I don’t love the belly panel over my pregnant belly, its going to be handy to tuck that belly flap into something once the baby has left the proverbial building. So, win for me and my jelly belly this summer.
Pictures: The bumpity bump is growing actively! And honestly, guys, I love it.

I love being at this point in pregnancy where I look solidly pregnant, and it makes sense with the amount of weeks I am. I think it does, anyway. I’m over feeling huge, and am just thankful. I had another mom mention to me the other day that I’m growing, and that I literally looked larger than I did the week before, and I was honestly SO happy to hear it! So that tells me I’m not as self conscious as I feel when I post pictures. So, YAY for the belly!! I’m SO thankful to have it! Especially when it wiggles and pokes out in funny directions. Keep moving, baby girl!!
How are the kids feeling: Today, Dekker announced at the table “We should have a party when Bambina comes!” I assume he’s heard us talking about our baby party, and wanted to bring it up, and I assume the other kids have heard talk of it, too, but they all erupted in agreement! When would we have it? How old would she be? Who would come? It was fun to tell them the few details we knew and speculate about the others. Talk of summer plans ALWAYS leads to talk of the lake, and Rowan ALWAYS jumps in with the fact that the baby will come with us! I think our first few day trips are going to be confusing when she doesn’t join us just yet 😉 They’re cute. The last thing I’ll add in this category is that the kids have finally just blatantly asked what her name is. They want to know, NOW. If I wasn’t positive they’d either spill the beans on their own, or that one of you lovely people would squeeze it out of them, I’d happily tell them! I LOVE her name and wish desperately that they could call her by name, too. But without sounding like a jerk, I don’t really want to know everyone’s opinions on her name, lol! And those opinions tend to be quieter and fewer after the kid is actually born. So, I think we’ll wait. Sadly.
Getting to know the baby: Ok, this one is just speculation, and there is still lots of time, but I have a guess. I think Bambina is going to be born with her hand by her head. I think. Like I hope I’m wrong, haha, because thats super annoying. When I was pregnant with Laela, I always felt a LOT of little movements aaaaall the way down, and she was eventually born with her hand up by her face. With Rowan, I felt similar movements towards the end of my pregnancy, and he too was born with a hand up. So, while thats a total pain in the butt (both literal and figuratively) its just a guess about something we’ll only know when she’s born! Maybe she’ll sleep with her hand up like Laela did! Wait and see!
The BEST part of being pregnant: The BEST part of being pregnant this week is the weather warming up, and being able to wear clothes that don’t make me feel super bulky and huge and frumpy. I’ve missed capri pants and tank tops and cozy cardis. I even bought myself a pair of sanuk sandals out of Value Village the other day, because I am SO ready for sandals!!! Time moves faster when the weather is nicer. Only ten more weeks…..
Favourite thing: I don’t drink pop very much. Its definitely a treat. But as the weather tried (and failed, multiple times) to warm up, it became time to get a bit of pop around here. I’m not picky with pop. If I want one, I’ll take what I can get. I just like how refreshing it is. But I stumbled upon some yummy ones a while back that I would recommend for a ‘fruity” alternative to the dark cokes, root beers, etc. Presidents Choice makes both a carbonated watermelon lemonade, as well as a mango pop! They’re both super yummy! Super sweet, for sure, but what pop isn’t? They’re yummy, refreshing treats!
Another week has come and gone, and I’m just having so much fun 🙂 In a couple of weeks, Jerilee and I will go on our annual road trip, and I can already tell I’m going to have to watch how much I spend, specifically on the kids, specifically Bambina. I have a few things on my shopping list to look for that we need for her party, or little items that I really really want but don’t need, haha! Don’t worry, I go with a budget 😉 I’d go a bit crazy without one, I’m sure! I hope I can find her a perfect little outfit for her party. What do you guys think? Romper? Dress? Diaper and blanket? 😉 Its going to be a hoot no matter what!