Thats a Wrap!

Today was the preschool windup! We went to a nearby town and all brought our kids to an indoor play place for a couple of hours. Its a very well known place, yet I have never been, nor taken the kids. It was a new experience, and the place was just BURSTING!

Not only were all three preschool classes together, but parents and younger siblings were also welcome. So I was on the hook for three, and I can honestly say I expected it to be a lot crazier. Only once did Rowan get stuck on the top of the structure and wanted me to come get him. Not to be a total twerp, but I REALLY didn’t want to go climbing up in there, so I asked Laela if she’d help him. She ran to his rescue right away, and they were making good headway until another kid came in and tried to just push him down the levels. Rowan completely freaked out and headed back up to get away from that kid, which seemed justified. Luckily, Laela had gotten him down far enough that I could talk to him from the ground and help coax him down. After that, he stayed and played on the ground level.

Solly spent a good amount of time exploring and running back and forth between me and the structure. He was happy as a clam minus two brief cries he had when he got knocked over. I wasn’t even there for one of them, but another loving mama scooped him up and held him until I came back.

Laela had the most fun, as she should. She was beaming, calling to me from every platform, chasing her friends, and going down slides over and over. I couldn’t convince her to stop for a snack, even. Just water, and only once or twice. She was a ball of sweat and energy!

See? THAT is a girl who has truly enjoyed her morning!! Those cheeks and that hair are a dead giveaway.

I gave the kids a five minute warning, which sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. I was expecting an absolute meltdown from at least the little boys, but instead, they surprised me, and everyone cooperated and came willingly with me when it was time to go. I got them all buckled, and gave everyone a banana in an effort to keep them awake for the drive home, and I’m happy to say they are ALL sleeping!!! What a fabulous morning they all had. It really shows.

I, on the other hand, really enjoyed the morning as well. I got lots of visiting in with some other preschool moms, and I got to sit and relax my body for a couple of hours. It was definitely a win-win.

Now, I rest, though, because even great outings take energy, and this evening, I’ll head into the city for fresh nails!! I think tomorrow is a commitment-free day??? Correct me if I’m wrong! Or, wait. Don’t. Ignorance is bliss.

Womb in Bloom: 34 Weeks

As these weeks roll on by, it just feels more and more surreal that we may actually have our baby girl in hand soon!! If you’ve been keeping up with my blogs recently, you know its hard for me to see outside of my lists, but they’re very relevant right now! They’re keeping me sane and organized, considering how soon baby is due to arrive and just how many commitments we have leading up to that point. I’m pretty stoked, though, that I can actually put thought into these things. I don’t feel “home stretch-ish” just yet, but I realized just the other day that its almost June, and June is the LAST month before baby comes! So thats bananas.

Size Comparison: This weeks size comparison is all over the map, once again. Our app says the baby is the size of a cauliflower blossom. Also, the size of a basketball hoop. These two things are not the same size, in my book. Baby Center suggested she’s the weight of a cantaloupe. To mix it up, we looked on Fit Pregnancy and while it makes next to no sense, it suggests the baby is the size of a mid-century modern hanging lamp 🤣 Awesome, right? I, on the other hand, look like a potato. If I was always standing up, always with flawless posture, maybe it would be different, but I have caught myself at angles many times in the recent past where I just look like a potato with legs. While its not exactly my favorite silhouette, I’m thankful to be at the “potato” stage of pregnancy at all!

Appointments: I really enjoyed my prenatal appointment on Friday, actually. I’m up one pound, making my total 16 lbs so far. I’m sure there are a good handful more coming, lol! Brady and I brought the three kids along. (Dekker was in school) It felt a little like old times, when Brady would come to all of the appointments, and the kids were super acclimated to the office. Its gotten trickier as our family has grown, but not impossible, and they actually did quite well!  

Two notable things from my appointment were 1. trying to describe the frequency and type of contraction to my student doctor, and 2. asking if we could bring a photographer with us. So, story number one goes like this. He asked if I was having contractions, and I told him I have lots, but they’re just braxton hicks. He right away started making notes and asking about their frequency. I told him they’re not consistent, I’ve definitely never timed them, but they’re just always. If I go from sitting to standing, or standing to sitting, I get one. If I eat to fast, I get one. If I roll over in bed, laugh too hard, bend, pour milk, etc. I always get one. Brady piped up and said “Sometimes she thinks about contractions, and then gets one.” This seemed to totally baffle our student doctor, but Dr. Guselle laughed about it with us later. She gets it 😉 Story number two is my FAVOURITE! I asked my question about bringing a photographer when both doctors were in the room. I know many people bring photographers into labour and delivery with them, and have for years, but I wasn’t sure the protocol, if I had to confirm in advance, etc. My doctor was actually surprised that I never had before, and we had a funny conversation about some of her birth videos, where she turned a bit red and finished them up with “Well, that was too personal!” It was hilarious. But when she boiled my question down, she simply said “Some people don’t want a photographer in the room in case they do something wrong, but really, then just don’t do something wrong.” I LOVE that! I know there is always room for human error. Always. But I trust my doctor implicitly, and she is confident in her skill! Her saying that to me reassures me that, no matter what happens, she is making informed decisions that she is confident in, and she will stand behind them. I LOVE that!! I also love that we’re okayed to bring our photographer in!!!! 😁 I hope she’s amped too!!

How am I feeling emotionally: My emotions are all over the place. In general, I’m a bit more on alert, because as Bambina runs out of space inside my womb, she is less able to move in big ways. I feel far less kicks and rather, rolls and wiggles. Some days, I get nervous that I haven’t felt her move hardly at all, but I just have to be more intentional about being still and feeling for her. Almost always, I can poke at her and she’ll shift around a bit. Its just not as obvious as the big kicks and stretches were. Last week, my brother and his wife welcomed another baby, my new nephew, Jonah, into their family. Getting to snuggle that new little dude felt SO good in my heart and my hands. It amped my anticipation and excitement. Yet on the very same day, a friend of mine suffered the loss of her baby when she was just shy of 20 weeks pregnant. So many emotions swirled in that day and the days following. The excitement of remembering how amazing it is to bring home a new baby, and the devastation of not actually bringing that baby home after all. So my heart has been full and heavy with joy and sorrow, and a sprinkling of fear for myself. 

How am I feeling physically: The most notable thing I’m feeling is just that I’m running out of room to house this kid. Or womb, perhaps. Yup, running out of womb. I have the constant “overfilled” feeling, am unable to lean very far forward, and deep breaths are hard to come by. But as I always feel I need to add, I wouldn’t trade it. I don’t want to whine about pregnancy being uncomfortable because I know how many of my friends ache to carry babies in their bodies, and I know how fortunate I am to have the opportunity to do so. Hopefully you all understand what I’m saying. I’m not ungrateful, I promise. Just a bit lumpy. 

Wish Lish/Purchases: I mentioned the other day that I had ordered some playpen mattresses and sheets. It’ll be good to have those for the lake for Solly and Bamiba, buuuuut I’m SO stoked about yesterday’s purchase!! Bear with me if you don’t care about this kind of thing or you’re a dude… Yesterday, I ordered a handful of menstrual underwear! I’m SO pumped to have these as an option as I’ll be in this sort of “recovery” all summer long. I went back and forth between two brands for a long time, as one seemed far better than the other but was considerably more money and harder to get my hands on. However, thanks to Memorial Days in the states, they had a sale over the weekend, which I’m under the impression almost never happens! All underwear was 30% off, and because I was buying seven pairs, I got an additional 20% off the top!! It was still a decent purchase, but SO much more doable this way! I can’t wait to have these things in my possession! I feel so much more prepared!

Pictures: She be bumpin’. SERIOUSLY bumpin’! 

This side shot doesn’t show just how lumpy she is, but those photos exists, too! My babies always lay on my right side, and their limbs hang out on the left side. Therefore, the right side of my abdomen is far larger than the left side, even when I’m not pregnant! This picture doesn’t show it to the full extent but its definitely there!

Its just like that now, and I’m cool with it 😉 Kind of a funny detail.

How are the kids feeling: The three kids who came to the doctors appointment with us really enjoyed listening to her heartbeat through the doppler! My student doctor is usually pretty quick with the doppler, gets his number and turns it off, where Dr. Guselle kind of let it go for a bit so I could get my fill and some relief. Different people, different methods. But this time, he held it in place and even offered the kids could help, if they wanted. They all declined, which was fine, but they were crowded around, listening intently. It was nice. In our regular daily life, they often tell me how much they love her, and how much they want to bring her to the lake. Rowan colors pictures for her constantly. Dekker has clearly been watching his daddy, because he always insists on saying good morning and good night to her, greeting her when he gets out of school, etc. Just sticks his cheek against my belly and talks to her. I love that. He is going to be SO good with her!! 

Getting to know the baby: Bambina doesn’t seem too worried about running out of room. She seems pretty peaceful and comfy. I hope thats her MO when she’s born. Just content wherever she is with whatever she has. She seems chill now. But also responsive when we want her to be. I hope she’s always this cooperative! 

The BEST part of being pregnant: I asked Brady his thoughts on this category. He says he likes that I’m tired earlier in the evening, and he gets more sleep. He’s not wrong, I’m very tired these days, though I’m up tons in the night, peeing and rolling over a lot. So maybe he is getting more sleep with me dozing off earlier, but I am not getting more sleep. Not. At. All. Such is life!

Favourite thing: McDonalds dollar drinks!!! I could drink those iced coffees every day! I don’t, but I could. I decided to use dollar drinks in this category almost a week ago, yet every chance I’ve gotten to drink one, I accidentally drink it before I remember to take a picture. Its a real problem. McDonalds used to offer any pop or iced coffee, any size, for $1. Now, they only offer the iced coffees up to size medium for a dollar, but still. I love a good cheap iced coffee!! VERY refreshing.

Thats all, folks! Its been a bit of a crazy week, and this week is proving to be about the same level of crazy, just for different reasons! This coming weekend is going to be SO fun, and while I’m totally looking forward to it, its also a big milestone in my head, leaving us with just one month before Bambina comes!! Eek!!! I just can’t wait! I anticipate that June will FLY by, school will finish, we’ll all sleep for a week, and then have our baby!! Or maybe we’ll work our butts off rather than sleep for that week. What I wouldn’t give to get a spring cleaning in before then! Oy! To have my cabinets wiped, bathrooms scrubbed, and living room rug properly cleaned and back to its original color. If anyone can recommend a super affordable cleaner for a one time thing, send that info my way!! Best baby gift ever???

I Forgot About the Family Appreciation BBQ!!

I just realized I never told you guys about the bbq that Dekker’s school held for all of the families last week!

I love Dekker’s school. Its the same elementary school that I attended as a kid, and some of my teachers are even still there, which I LOVE! In the beginning of the school year, there is a big welcome breakfast, where we enjoy pancakes and ham all together. Now, towards the end of the year, they put on a bbq, with hot dogs and freezies. Its so fun, and even though both meals are mass produced, they’re actually really yummy!

So as I said, last week was the BBQ. last year, Solly was so much littler. I wore him in a carrier on my back and he was just the cutest, most cooperative little dude. Everyone was MUCH more independent this year.

We got there near the beginning of the supper, and snagged six hot dogs off of the first table. The kids all carried theirs over to the table with the condiments on it and waited while we dressed them up. Not Solly, though. He just chomped right into it. While we loaded up five of the six hot dogs with ketchup and mustard, Solly managed to grab himself a cup of juice and pour it all over the gym floor. Sigh. Like we had been there less than five minutes. But he looked so matter of fact about it. Like, we were all busy, so he got his own drink. So that sucked, but someone rushed over within seconds with a big garbage can and an armload of paper towels and solved the problem. Thanks for the speedy, non-judgemental recovery!!

Because we are who we are, we parked our crew over against a wall in the gym and I made my way back over to the table and grabbed a few cups of juice for everyone to share. We don’t need six of everything! They were fine to share, and both Dekker and Laela loved trotting back across the gym to refill the cups.

I am SO thankful for one particular staff member who hung out at the hot dog table I frequented, because while I am SO proud of my family, it was somewhat embarrassing just how often I ventured back over there for yet another hot dog. She was so funny, and a great sport about it. At one point, she reassured me that I needed to feed that baby in my belly, to which I replied by confirming that it was not just me eating all of these hot dogs. I was nervous for a second there. I believe our family packed away 15 hot dogs. Fun fact. Three of those went into Solly. Gross, I know. But as they kept eating and being done and changing their minds and wanting more, it became more of a game where I’d go get one for someone, put condiments on it, and bring it back just in time for someone else to want one. It was an ongoing up and down, but the kids were totally happy and very well fed.

We all ate our body weight in hot dogs and then everyone wailed the entire trip back to the van, because thats so often how it goes, lol! Anyone else?? We were quite the spectacle, but at least everyone was full!

I think we’re hot dogged out for a while…


I want to say that its not been an especially nutty day around here, except for the fact that I full on FORGOT to blog until right now! I napped through nap time, which is often when I settle in to blog, and we’ve been going since everyone woke up. I’m fully out of breath and have been for about a half hour, and I’ve got say, my attempt to relax and blog for a minute, reclined in bed, is not helping my breathing get easier. Whew! A quick rundown of the day goes like this!

Brady had to work this morning, which sucked, but happens from time to time. He got to work in the new show home, which is great and important and prestigious, but is also a bit of a pain in the butt because it gets to defy almost all of the rules and no one really gets to complain. So today, Brady HAD to be there. So he was, but was home before it was time for lunch.

I was so so tired for whatever reason, and once he and I had eaten lunch, I started to doze in and out. He left me to it, and woke me up when everyone else was up and ready for some errands.

I feel like I’m ALWAYS saying that we went to run errands, but food just doesn’t last too long around here. We had less than a jug of milk left, and it was our skim milk, not the kids milk. We had been out of bananas for a while already, and almost out of a ton of other things. It was time. The kids were happy to get out, too.

We hit Costco and Superstore, and filled up our van with all of the necessities. We officially became a family who buys FIVE jugs of milk at a time today. I can’t even believe it. We’ve been a “four jugs of milk” family for a while but the kids easily finish their two jugs before we finish ours. Now that we have the luxury of a second fridge, we can justify buying more to last longer! Woot!!!

We grabbed some quick drive-thru supper and headed over to drop in on my brother and his family for a few minutes. We made it home shortly before bedtime, after another local stop or two that we had forgotten about. We got the kids to bed nice and quick, and unpacked the groceries and got them where they belong. Its felt a bit hectic, but its all done now!

Just in time for music practice! Our “gig” is coming up soon and there is still a lot of practicing we need to get in! Thankfully, we have a handful of songs that don’t require the piano, so Carrie is over and we’re about to go hide in the basement and practice as much as we can. Hopefully the kids will fall asleep to the sweet sounds of improving music 😉 Wish us luck! And come see us play next weekend!!!

To clarify, no, we are not a real band. But we like to think we are…

A List of Lists

Are you guys tired of reading my lists yet? Because I’m not! Haha! Seriously, there is no shortage of things to do before our beautiful little morsel comes home. I admit, my confidence is shaken a little recently, with so much loss and struggle around me, but I continue to lay my trust in God and try to keep on living positively, knowing that He has everything under control, and that my kids are actually His kids. So we keep plugging along!

I actually have a list of lists that I’ve been making these days, and while that sounds insane, its helping me feel somewhat together. My lists, and my planner, and a whole lot of iced coffee!

On my island, I have my planner in constant use. I have no idea if I ever updated you guys on what I ended up with in my mad search for THE planner. I actively use an appointment book that breaks my day up into 15 minute increments, and I LOVE it. It is the perfect system for me! If a job needs doing, I can sip it into a slot or two, and that way I will not forget it! Beside that, I have a scratch pad for random notes, which is also used every single day. Lastly, I have an open page on my laptop at all times where I can add all my stuff I cannot forget into my lists.

I have a running list of things I’m waiting to arrive in the mail. I was able to cross something off yesterday, but it wasn’t actually something for me, haha! I did add something to it last night, and will add something else today, but I’ll tell you about that on Monday. But seriously, a person has to know whats coming and when! Beside that, I had a list of things I still need to order. It only has one or two things on it, thank goodness!

I have a “before baby comes” list, which is all over the map. It ranges from installing the car seat and packing the diaper bag to hopefully squeezing in a date night with Brady, to backing up the laptop, to planning food for the kids while we’re at the hospital. Like I said, ALL over the map.

Beyond my “before baby comes” list, I have a “before the baby party” list. In an ideal world, the “before party” list would also be done before baby comes, just so I have less to do in those days between both events. That list is also all over the place. I have a few things to buy, a few things to research, a few jobs to actually do, and then weird “day before” stuff like dumping all the ice out of the freezer so the ice maker makes fresh stuff. Such weird stuff, but if I don’t write it down, it doesn’t exist.

I should be making a hospital bag list while I’m at it… You’d think I’ve done this enough times to know what I need, but if I forget my chapstick, we’re going to have a problem.

Laela Graduated Preschool!

I should’ve saved my little brag about Laela from yesterday for today, because she celebrated her last day of preschool this morning!

There is a wind up next week, but today was the FINAL day where each kid got to stand up from, receive a certificate, say what they wanted to be when they grow up, and sing a few songs as a group. It was SO cute!!

Brady took a couple of hours away from work to join the fun, and helped me wrangle the little boys. Too bad Dekker couldn’t come.

My mom also came, but of course I took pictures before she arrived 🙁 Sorry, mom!

Laela felt like a million bucks at the end of the ceremony, and it showed. She had told everyone she wants to be a babysitter when she grows up (that’s handy to know!) and sang the songs better than I’ve ever seen her do! She did awesome!

Straight away afterwards, there was ice cream to be had by all, so we did that as a family, and then Brady waited in line with her to have her “official” grad photo taken!! 💕

She’s been such a surprise to me this year, more shy and reserved than I anticipated, but today, she was MY Laela. The one I know so much better than the shy version she portrays at preschool. She was amped and energetic and silly. She ran circles around the gym with her friends, posed, talked to everyone who talked to her, and even told Rowan he was “rad.” She felt awesome, and so did I, seeing her heart so happy!

Once again, Miss Laela, I am SO proud of you!!! What a pleasure it is to be your mommy!!

Also, you can babysit as soon as the government says its allowed. As SOON as.

Two of my Smarties and how Far They’ve Come

My two older kids have been working on their writing. Dekker, because he’s in school and thats an obvious part of learning, and Laela because she wants to and has been seeing Dekker do it. I’m SO thrilled at how far Dekker has come! He has been jumping into every reading level along the way, staying right on par with where they want kids to be in his grade, even skipping a few because its coming naturally! Win! Laela knows SO MUCH going into kindergarten, which is the beauty of her having an older sibling, I’d say 🙂 She is so ready, yet still so little and funny. I hope all of children always write at least some of their letters backwards!

I’m starting with Laela today, because I ALWAYS go in order of age. Today, ladies go first.

I’m not sure what it says at the very top, but she wrote out her alphabet yesterday all on her own, and I’m SO proud of her!!! I think the E is my favorite, lol! The V is a close second. I’ll be the first to admit that I haven’t taught her much this year at all. This is ALL her! So considering that, or even not considering that, I think she’s doing an amazing job!! Laela, your kindergarten teacher won’t have any doubts about you 🙂

And to Dekker! Not so much focused on his writing, but what he wrote!

“I went to my eye appointment. I loved my eye drops.”


If you guys have been here long enough, you know what a struggle we went through with Dekker and his eyes. It was small potatoes compared to lots of big picture things, but even small things need dealing on and talking about. The fact that this is what Dekker chose to write about for his homework blew me away. He was very proud, too, of his efforts to spell “appointment.” It was “apoytmint” first, which I LOVED, but he insisted I tell him the correct way to spell it so he could get it perfect. The message just choked me up, though. My little boy is no longer scared of eye appointments. I never pictured we’d reach this point. It felt impossible, but just that it was going to be our reality, and that was ok. Sometimes things are hard! But this is even better!!

Way to go, little smarties!! I’m sure proud of you guys!!!

Crushing It!

With Brady being home a bit this week, we have been crushing a handful of small jobs, and it feels SO good!! So to recap…

Yesterday, Brady worked in the morning and was home before lunch. But before he even went to work, he picked up our beautiful new gazebo for the deck!! He assembled the frame, and then tied the canopy on while the kids were eating lunch.

You saw a picture of it yesterday, but here are a few others that are just SO good!!!

While the littler ones napped, Brady took Dekker with him to run some errands. While they were gone, Cher came over to take pictures and chat for a bit. Our photos were successful, as always, and the boys brought back iced coffees for us, because dollar days!!! There errands had been a bit of a bust, but they managed to find a mesh strainer that we needed, and new bulbs for our pot lights, two out of three of which are burned out and have been for quite some time. Win!

The strainer strained our first batch of cold brew of the season. Still haven’t found a second to drink it yet. Sigh. One day.

Beyond those obvious jobs completed, I ordered two playpen mattresses, some sheets for them, and a fold out mattress for this summer at the lake. Last year worked decently well, space wise, but this summer Laela will be without a bed in our little condo set up. So, crisis averted now, thanks to Walmart!

Today has been far busier than yesterday, but once again, in a super productive way! It kicked off with Brady taking Dekker to an eye appointment. He’s stylin’, I know.

Apparently he laughed like crazy while his eyedrops were administered, which has NEVER been the case, but was obviously SO much better than him wailing and panicking. Brady took him to the hospital cafeteria for a treat to celebrate, and to pass the time.

As time passed, however, Dekker’s eyes got more and more sensitive, as happens when they’re dilated, so he wound down a bit. Look at those huge pupils. Dekker looks like a teenager here, to me.

Matchy-matchy boys!!

While they were away, I took Laela to her LAST day of preschool for the year!! She still has a little grad and a wind-up, but the last preschool morning was this morning. She is SO much different than when she started. I sure love her!!

I took a load off while she was away, and Brady made it home just in time to drop Dekker back at school and pick Laela up from preschool. They picked up the mail on their way home, so Laela’s little car seat toy (the coral pineapple teether!) is here, along with this month’s Ipsy! As soon as Brady and Laela were home, the kids started eating lunch and Brady and I made an afternoon plan. It was quickly in place, so we got the kids lunch finished up, dressed the little boys, and headed out to run errands!

We started by picking up an adapter that will let us use our infant car seat in our beautiful new stroller. We had a friend offer us a newer, sturdier car seat, and I think this adapter will work with it, as well. Maybe. So we’ll see!! Whether we get that or not, we have an adapter that currently works, which is a HUGE worry off my plate! And it wasn’t even beastly expensive like the new ones are! Yay for second hand everything. While we were in Martensville, my girl Cher messaged me that she was at Dollarama and had found the elusive baby hangers we couldn’t find the other day, and offered to grab us a stack. Thats another thing off my list! YES!

She saved us a stop, so we booted it into the city from there and bought some printer ink, as well as a handful of hooks to hang up bikes in our garage. Brady and I have been working tirelessly in our garage to get it a bit more organized, and getting these little bikes, trikes, wiggle cars, etc. off the floor would be HUGE. So, bikes hooks.

We made it to my chiropractor just in time for my appointment. Laela had to pee so she came in with me.

We waited a bit and she experienced the Etch A Sketch for the first time. She LOVED it. The receptionist insisted she could bring it into the little exam room with her, so that was a treat, since we usually insist they leave the waiting room stuff in the waiting room. She played patiently through my treatment, and Dr. Mike said for the first time ever, “Keep doing what you’re doing, because its working! You’re in great shape!!” This has NEVER happened! I’m always so broken by the time I go in, and this time, my pelvis was just a little off kilter, but nothing compared to the pain of previous appointments. Win!

On our way home, we hit up OTV and bought some memory cards that we need for cameras, and that was it! We made it home a bit early, and the little boys were fast asleep, so we drove aimlessly around town. It was cute.

We got Dekker from school, and Brady has the kids now in the garage with him while he’s been trying to figure out how to hang ALL the bikes and such. Its a pretty adorable set up, if you ask me!

Our adult bikes and trailer are closed to the overhead door. This is just the little stuff 🙂 The kids are happily playing away, even though they’re in the garage and not on the deck. The deck is SO FUN but Dekker’s eyes are still very dilated and he needs the shade, so its working.

Once I’m done this, I’ll head down to the kitchen and peel and chop up a ton of carrots, because I’m pretty sure we ate all the prepped ones, start supper, and tidy dishes a bit. If I have time, I’d love to hang up all the kids clothes that have been sitting, draped over stuff, without hangers for a few days. Dekker has some homework to do, but we need bedtime to happen on time because we have a music practice at 7:00! Eek! Lol!

These full days feel just crazy, but SO productive! I feel like we’re crushing ALL the little things off of our list! There is obviously more to do, but it feels really good to me to know these things aren’t forgotten! May has been a HUGE month, and while some things are coming to a close and winding down, I think it would be foolish to anticipate June was going to slow down. In fact, I don’t anticipate much slowing down in our life anytime soon! Not for years, likely! These crazy days are going to be normal, likely, and I think thats great 🙂 I’m completely on board!

You know that rewarding feeling of having sore feet and messy hair and a super hungry tummy? Yup. I’m there. I earned that feeling! Brady more than me, but still. WIN!

Womb in Bloom: 33 Weeks

Six. More. Weeks. Oh my gosh, I can’t even believe it! There is SO much happening in those six weeks, I couldn’t be more thrilled! I feel like JUST the other day, I entered my third trimester. I remember being 29 weeks and feeling like time was MOVING. FINALLY. Now, being 33 weeks along just feels surreal. On one hand, I feel pressed for time all of a sudden, yet in the exact same breath, she still can’t come soon enough. I’d break ALL of my commitments over the next six weeks if I could just have her! (Yes, people, I’m aware that she ideally wouldn’t be born yet 😉 I know we want her full term. I’m just EAGER!)

Size Comparison: A ferret? A 5 lb ferret. Not my favorite mental picture, but ok. I’ll roll with it. Baby Center says a pineapple. I like that WAY better!! 🍍

Appointments: I have one this Friday! I’ll let you know next week how it goes 🙂 I think the only real question I have for them is to ask permission to have someone come along to take pictures. Because that is only fitting for the most well documented pregnancy of all time, right??? I don’t anticipate an issue with it, but I’d hate to have an issue on the day because I neglected to ask. 

How am I feeling emotionally: Its been a weird week in the way of emotions. I mentioned the other day that we have two dresser drawers in our bedroom, waiting to hold Bambina’s clothing, blankets, diapers, etc. One is currently holding some baby stuff we’ve picked up through our losses, and the other holds paperwork and Jamin’s scary little box of cremains. I just don’t know what to do with them. While I KNOW that it is perfectly acceptable and wonderful that we are pregnant again and excited to welcome another life into our family, it sometimes feels really bad 🙁 In this case, I feel pretty sick about moving Jamin’s ashes to make room for stacks and stacks of pink sleepers, flannel blankets, and teeny tiny white socks. I haven’t been able to do it quite yet, but I really want the jobs to start getting done. I combined the drawers into one for the time being, so Bambina has at least one drawer of her stuff, and the other drawer is filled with the memories I’m not sure what to do with. I know that drawer needs to get sorted and reestablished before she comes, but I’ll get there. This just wasn’t the week for it. 

How am I feeling physically: Last night, I slipped getting into the tub. I’m SO careful, but alas, it was bound to happen. I slammed my knee into the tile edge, and wrenched my back HARD. At least it was before the bath and not after, right? So needless to say, not only is my knee super swollen today, but my body is pretty unhappy. Thankfully, this week is less slammed than the recent weeks, and I was planning to hit up my chiropractor anyway, so it couldn’t come at a better time! I also have a super annoying and persistent eye twitch that refuses to quit. I’m sure its partly due to stress, but usually this kind of thing is resolved with a chiro treatment. All the more reason to get there! Beyond that, not much as changed. Reflux is still around, I’m still congested with plugged ears, etc. I don’t anticipate much change in that area until Bambina is born!

Wish Lish/Purchases: I’m SO excited! Baby party invites have arriiiiived!!! Eek! They’re SO pretty and just exactly what I pictured. I’d show you, but then I’d have to kill you 🤷 Because her name is on them. Twice! Besides that, I was gifted a bag of beautiful little baby girl things to add to her adorable little wardrobe. We are so well set up these days <3 Branching off of this, though, I need more kids hangers!! Lol! I bought a TON from Ikea when I was in Edmonton the other weekend and they didn’t even dent my “issue.” Lol! Add that to the wish list! Or just the errand list… I haven’t bit the bullet on anything from the bigger list that I shared last week, but I’m working on it. I’ve made a few decisions finally! So, success.

Pictures: Have you noticed the fresh “day of” pictures recently? Cher has been coming every Monday to take pictures recently, so it would appear that, barring any unforeseen changes, I’ll have a new picture for each series post for the duration of this pregnancy!! If you don’t care about belly pictures, thats completely fine! Just you wait for what comes after the belly pictures!!!

That bumpity bump just keeps getting bigger and bigger… No lie…

It keeps happening!

How are the kids feeling: These kids were just built to have a big family. They make my heart swell on the daily. Even after those really long, trying days when I have my mama doubts and fears, Brady and I always end up discussing how amazing they are, and how grateful we are, and how hard they try, day in and day out! They are exceptional! I will never tire of the cards Dekker makes for her, the pictures that Rowan has started coloring for me and her, and how Laela insists that she will hold Bambina all day, every day. 

Seriously, I am just so excited to add another family member to our group. And so are they! I know many people view a baby as a bit of a shake down, but I feel like when we finally have our baby out and in our arms, things can finally go back to normal!!

Getting to know the baby: We had a big errand day last week, where we shopped Costco, Walmart, and Superstore. Among those things, I got super lost in the hospital trying to visit a friend. Basically, I got my exercise that day! And WOW, the baby did NOT like it! Lol! She’s not so much into the “physical fitness” side of things. Which I’m ok with. She’ll want to be busy soon enough. I hope she just wants to sleep and snuggle for the first little while. I know thats all I’ll want to do! Thats SUCH a good part!

The BEST part of being pregnant: These days, the best part of being pregnant is my children, specifically Dekker, snuggling up with my belly. Most of the time, I get down to his level and hug him tight, but the times that I stay standing, he takes as opportunities to snuggle Bambina. I LOVE this, and will miss it so much when its over. He’ll gently rub my tummy and talk to Bambina. Sometimes he makes jokes to her, or pokes his nose into me. And then he just rests his head there, waiting to feel her. He hasn’t yet felt her move, because attention spans are a thing. I hope she puts on a good show for them still before she’s born! I know they would all get a kick out of her kicks 😉 

Favourite thing: THIS is my favorite thing!!! 😍 

To be fair, I haven’t had the opportunity to use it yet, but I know it will be one of the best things for this summer!! We had absolutely no cover on our deck last year, which was fine, but not ideal. The kids got red and sweaty and overdone very quickly, and this way, Bambina and I can join the fun when the kids want to play outside, and we’ll all be able to enjoy the deck together, whether its sunny or shady.

I often write these series posts all throughout the day, which is handy for a few reasons. It leaves time for my lovely friend to come take pictures and even edit one or two up for me to use. It gives me wiggle room to remember things that I don’t necessarily jot down my first go round. This is my third time sitting down to work on it, and as I lay here, reclined in bed, which I can only do for a short, short time before Bambina’s weight crushes my insides and makes it impossible to breathe, she’s rolling around like a maniac in there, trying to distract me from the task at hand. I’m sure it’ll only be more so that way when she’s on the outside. Which will be in roughly SIX WEEKS!! Somebody pinch me!!

Except don’t, because I’ll cut you 🤨 I mean it. Do not pinch me.

Church, Shopping, and Baby Party Stuff

Today has felt a bit crazy to me, though it probably really hasn’t been. Brady and I had breakfast in bed before getting the kids up, fed, and ready for church. We were weirdly ahead of the game and had lots of time to play before it was time to go! Brady and I even started our first big batch of cold brewed coffee, to test our recipe and make sure its yummy enough to be one of the drinks at Bambina’s party this summer. I’ll let you know how it turns out 😉

We got there on time, and everyone sat well for the first few minutes or so, but that was it. I’m sure a handful of you can relate to the challenge of trying to keep kids quiet during church. Its HARD. And today was just not an easy day for it. I think Brady walked Solly out five different times, mostly thanks to Solly demanding Brady’s travel mug, and when upon finally getting it, smacking it into his teeth, face, etc. It wasn’t easy. Church went longer than usual, and we actually ducked out early, which we never do, but it just wasn’t happening, and I knew they wouldn’t calmly sit through communion. Plus, with Solly crying on and off, red faced, chewing his hands (two year molars maybe?) it was just time to get some food moving so naps could start.

Our plan was to have my parents over for waffles for lunch, so we headed home and started right into it. We figured if we had to, we’d just feed the kids the first ones, and the rest of us could eat after. No biggie. But my parents arrived shortly thereafter and we all ate together. We got them down for naps a bit later than usual, but all was well. The nappers all fell asleep in great time (which is sort of unheard of for Laela these days) and mom and I ducked into the city for Costco, since she needed a thing or two, and we had forgotten a handful of things last time we were in.

We moseyed through the big store and chatted, shopped, took advantage of a few sales, and made some plans. I picked up something I wanted to try out for the baby party, and it was SUCH a winner! Guys, its going to be SUCH a yummy party!

While we were driving home, Brady texted that there was some construction going on next door, with lots of loud beeping and such. He was pretty discouraged that naps would end early :/ I tried to reassure him that tomorrow is a holiday and it would be fine. Thankfully, they didn’t wake up immediately, and still all got probably roughly 1.5-2 hours of sleep. Just one left to wake and we’ll head to my parents for supper! This 50 km wind has changed our backyard wiener roast plans, but I think hot dogs are still on the menu, which should please the masses. Some relaxing is whats sounding good to me!