With Brady being home a bit this week, we have been crushing a handful of small jobs, and it feels SO good!! So to recap…
Yesterday, Brady worked in the morning and was home before lunch. But before he even went to work, he picked up our beautiful new gazebo for the deck!! He assembled the frame, and then tied the canopy on while the kids were eating lunch.

You saw a picture of it yesterday, but here are a few others that are just SO good!!!

While the littler ones napped, Brady took Dekker with him to run some errands. While they were gone, Cher came over to take pictures and chat for a bit. Our photos were successful, as always, and the boys brought back iced coffees for us, because dollar days!!! There errands had been a bit of a bust, but they managed to find a mesh strainer that we needed, and new bulbs for our pot lights, two out of three of which are burned out and have been for quite some time. Win!
The strainer strained our first batch of cold brew of the season. Still haven’t found a second to drink it yet. Sigh. One day.
Beyond those obvious jobs completed, I ordered two playpen mattresses, some sheets for them, and a fold out mattress for this summer at the lake. Last year worked decently well, space wise, but this summer Laela will be without a bed in our little condo set up. So, crisis averted now, thanks to Walmart!
Today has been far busier than yesterday, but once again, in a super productive way! It kicked off with Brady taking Dekker to an eye appointment. He’s stylin’, I know.

Apparently he laughed like crazy while his eyedrops were administered, which has NEVER been the case, but was obviously SO much better than him wailing and panicking. Brady took him to the hospital cafeteria for a treat to celebrate, and to pass the time.

As time passed, however, Dekker’s eyes got more and more sensitive, as happens when they’re dilated, so he wound down a bit. Look at those huge pupils. Dekker looks like a teenager here, to me.

Matchy-matchy boys!!
While they were away, I took Laela to her LAST day of preschool for the year!! She still has a little grad and a wind-up, but the last preschool morning was this morning. She is SO much different than when she started. I sure love her!!
I took a load off while she was away, and Brady made it home just in time to drop Dekker back at school and pick Laela up from preschool. They picked up the mail on their way home, so Laela’s little car seat toy (the coral pineapple teether!) is here, along with this month’s Ipsy! As soon as Brady and Laela were home, the kids started eating lunch and Brady and I made an afternoon plan. It was quickly in place, so we got the kids lunch finished up, dressed the little boys, and headed out to run errands!
We started by picking up an adapter that will let us use our infant car seat in our beautiful new stroller. We had a friend offer us a newer, sturdier car seat, and I think this adapter will work with it, as well. Maybe. So we’ll see!! Whether we get that or not, we have an adapter that currently works, which is a HUGE worry off my plate! And it wasn’t even beastly expensive like the new ones are! Yay for second hand everything. While we were in Martensville, my girl Cher messaged me that she was at Dollarama and had found the elusive baby hangers we couldn’t find the other day, and offered to grab us a stack. Thats another thing off my list! YES!
She saved us a stop, so we booted it into the city from there and bought some printer ink, as well as a handful of hooks to hang up bikes in our garage. Brady and I have been working tirelessly in our garage to get it a bit more organized, and getting these little bikes, trikes, wiggle cars, etc. off the floor would be HUGE. So, bikes hooks.
We made it to my chiropractor just in time for my appointment. Laela had to pee so she came in with me.

We waited a bit and she experienced the Etch A Sketch for the first time. She LOVED it. The receptionist insisted she could bring it into the little exam room with her, so that was a treat, since we usually insist they leave the waiting room stuff in the waiting room. She played patiently through my treatment, and Dr. Mike said for the first time ever, “Keep doing what you’re doing, because its working! You’re in great shape!!” This has NEVER happened! I’m always so broken by the time I go in, and this time, my pelvis was just a little off kilter, but nothing compared to the pain of previous appointments. Win!
On our way home, we hit up OTV and bought some memory cards that we need for cameras, and that was it! We made it home a bit early, and the little boys were fast asleep, so we drove aimlessly around town. It was cute.

We got Dekker from school, and Brady has the kids now in the garage with him while he’s been trying to figure out how to hang ALL the bikes and such. Its a pretty adorable set up, if you ask me!

Our adult bikes and trailer are closed to the overhead door. This is just the little stuff 🙂 The kids are happily playing away, even though they’re in the garage and not on the deck. The deck is SO FUN but Dekker’s eyes are still very dilated and he needs the shade, so its working.
Once I’m done this, I’ll head down to the kitchen and peel and chop up a ton of carrots, because I’m pretty sure we ate all the prepped ones, start supper, and tidy dishes a bit. If I have time, I’d love to hang up all the kids clothes that have been sitting, draped over stuff, without hangers for a few days. Dekker has some homework to do, but we need bedtime to happen on time because we have a music practice at 7:00! Eek! Lol!
These full days feel just crazy, but SO productive! I feel like we’re crushing ALL the little things off of our list! There is obviously more to do, but it feels really good to me to know these things aren’t forgotten! May has been a HUGE month, and while some things are coming to a close and winding down, I think it would be foolish to anticipate June was going to slow down. In fact, I don’t anticipate much slowing down in our life anytime soon! Not for years, likely! These crazy days are going to be normal, likely, and I think thats great 🙂 I’m completely on board!
You know that rewarding feeling of having sore feet and messy hair and a super hungry tummy? Yup. I’m there. I earned that feeling! Brady more than me, but still. WIN!