Blogging the way I did yesterday worked so beautifully, don’t you think? It was a fairly seamless process. It used a decent amount of data, but we were fairly ready for it, and as long as we’re careful through the rest of our trip, we should be able to make it happen! YES!
We woke up to BEAUTIFUL weather and no wind!! I started the day with Laela, to go pick breakfast up for the family. Those little one on one walks are SO special!
As soon as breakfast was over, we headed off to the beach!!! Finally!! I have been positively aching for the beach! Aching for laking? Yup, going with that. And today is was finally time!
The kids did a lot of toe dipping before they wanted to go in further. Out came the life jackets. Except Ro really didn’t want one. So he agreed not to go into the water much past his ankles, and he kept to that.
They raced back and forth to the waters edge, filling buckets with water and filling in holes that Brady was madly digging.
(I did a ballsy thing and bought a couple of bathing suit tops for this trip while I was still super pregnant, and conveniently, both worked out to fit beautifully! This one is the most forgiving, obviously.)
They found rocks, a shell or two, and a few other treasures.
It felt like a dream come true for me to be back at the beach, this time with my baby. Last year, when we booked our trip, we expected to be here with a little baby in our arms. Jamin. Its obviously been a massive year, but we did make it here, and our precious Waverly Violet made the trip with us! I couldn’t be more thrilled to have her here, at one of my absolute favourite places in the world! My happy place is definitely happier with her in it!
Even this teeny tiny swimsuit that was gifted to us was big on her! I finally gave up and just let her be soft and nudey in a towel.
I’m so grateful.
We played and ate lunch at the beach, and headed back to our place for nap time. That transition wasn’t gentle, as you can imagine, some of the kids were pretty overdone. Dekker stayed up and zoned with some tv while the other four kids slept for a solid couple of hours. The long nap suited us perfectly because tonight was the one we had planned to take them out for supper!!
What is it about chicken nuggets shaped like dinosaurs anyway? They were SUCH a hit!
Our kids were super well behaved, and enjoyed supper. It was obvious that they were really hoping we’d hit up the ice cream shop after the fact, but I think we’re going to save that for tomorrow instead 😉 Instead, Dekker asked if we could “go for a walk in the breeze.”
So we did, and ended up back at the little side beach where the kids throw rocks into the water. So we did that!
And a couple of weirdos….
SO MANY of today’s pictures are courtesy of this man <3
Brady, I appreciate so much when you take pictures! I know you try really hard to think of it so its not always just my job.
Laela gashed her leg good and proper on the walk home, so I cleaned that out and bandaged her up before bed tonight. We had a nice little quiet moment where I was able to calm her and clean her up SO gently without hurting her at all. It reminded me of a time I wiped out hard outside of our church, and my mom took me home and took such good care of me. I remember being surprised when she said I was all cleaned up and finished, because I was still waiting for it to hurt. I hope to be just a fraction of the mom she was, and continues to be.
Everyone is tucked away for the night, and its soon to be our turn! If Wavy cooperates, anyway! She is some of the cutest company, I don’t even mind if she hangs out for a bit 🙂
It was a good day. I’m feeling considerably better than yesterday. We’re finding out groove.