Guest Post: Hailey ROCKS

So this blog is inspired by this meme I just saw. I recently went to a memorial for a friend who passed away and everyone marveled and spoke of her kindred spirit kind of way, and her inner child that never died. 

I couldn’t help but appreciate my own best friend even more for those qualities she has. Although I would call Hailey an old soul, she has an innocent, youthful quality that i thoroughly enjoy. 

She in fact DOES still show me beautiful rocks. She loves rocks and her kids know it and they even bring HER rocks.

Hailey is not afraid to just be completely SILLY. And I’m talking like a total goober! Not a care in the world who is looking, she’s just secure like that. (She wouldn’t agree but she’s wrong).

She takes every opportunity she can to be a nut, and I am here for it. I love that she is so full of life even though these days are really challenging with business. 

The way she teases her kids is just golden. Especially the thing she has going with Dekker. One time I was napping on the couch and I felt a presence so I opened my eyes. There was my best friend. Holding a fish cracker with two hands. As soon as my eyes opened she started to sing “PETITE POISSONS” with a low, but loud French accent. 

I am so thankful for the silliness in my life and the people who bring it. 

I love you Hailey.

Tom Turns 60

Today was a terribly important day. Our dear grandpa Tom turned 60!!! 🥳 There was a special plan for him to come have a birthday supper at our house, but as the day wore on, I found myself doubled over with sickness and had to pull the plug. It was SO disappointing, but the day was not about me 💜 So the party was redirected and everyone met at his house for supper.

While I couldn’t be there to celebrate Tom in person, I hope he knows how much I truly love him, and how grateful I am to have him part of our family. A father figure to me. A grandpa to my kids. Someone who we can count on, no matter the request. Whether its building something with a kid, or teaching them about knife safety, or moving furniture, or bouncing a baby, or buying everyone cotton candy at a town event, Tom shows up.

Years ago, Tom and Rae joined us for a family brunch, and somehow he got stuck right in between the middle boys at the table. And while he visited, he served the children he could reach, cutting up their food for them and being so kind and present. There was something super extra special to me about that time, and it is something I will never forget 💜

I love you, Tom. I’m sorry I missed your party. I hope you felt happy and celebrated and truly cherished, because you are.

Hair Daaaaay!!!

It has been a hot minute since I got my hair done last. I don’t even remember when. Maybe innnnnn November? I’m truly not sure. But what I am sure about is that it was more than appropriately grown out, and it was for a refresh.

Can you even call that roots?? I think not.

So today, I got my dirty chai tea latte and headed to spend a few hours with my hair girl!

Bleach is first. As always. You know that itch? My bleached out people get it. Ya. It was rank today, but also effective!

Then she dried it up all nice and gave me a trim, just to cut the crap off the ends.

She gave me options and I picked the final colors. I asked for the brightest, neonest (yup) pinks she had, with deeper roots, as well as neon peach if it existed, and a couple little tastes of yellow in there. Loooooook!!! 😍

Aaaaand she delivered. As she does. Every. Single. Time.

If this isn’t the color of summer, I don’t know what it.

Its possible I followed this appointment up with a run to Value Village where I purchased a handful of obnoxiously bright, neon summer tank tops and tshirts.

I reflect the sun now, so, if you need to tan, some stand by me. I’m your girl.

Trying to Laugh

There were MANY positives to this weekend away, but WOW did it end hard. I feel positively bedraggled and relieved to be home. Things are still challenging, but its easier to struggle at home sometimes. I’m sure you guys get it.

I have no lighthearted happy pictures from today, and I don’t have fluffy stories either. It was just tough. So rather, I’m going to post some ridiculous things I’ve taken screenshots of and recently came across in my favorited photos in my phone. Lots will have been on here before, but I’m going to lump them all together and you can take a minute or two to judge my humor. It is a bizarre mixed bag today. Deal? Deal.

I think this first one is positively genius 🙌

I actually think about this one a lot, lol!

So. Sexy.

Oh hey, check it out, a Solly froggy!

By the look on this guys face, I bet he can 🕺

I used to walk fifteen miles to school, uphill both ways…

This gave me a GREAT laugh haha! 🤣 What a deeply uncomfortable conversation!

Does anyone have this type of conversation on the regular? Just us? Cool cool coool cool cool…

This one warmed my heart, while also making me laugh. Hella wholesome if you ask me!

I am a GREAT gardener. My dead plants are not myyyyy fault! They’re just quitters!

I can’t explain this one at all but I love it so much!

I would FOR SURE make squirrel sounds. Without question.

This is also one that makes me snort pretty much every time I come across it while I’m searching for something else in my photos. I can’t not laugh.

This one is SO unsettling but I like it so much somehow. And why does that guy have his nipples out while the other guy is wearing a polo and dress pants? Where are they??

This one isn’t new. I’m sure many of you have seen it. But it gives me the giggles. “D’ans l’area de oolala.”

I think this person and I would be really good friends.

Aaaaand this is me right now. How come everyone eats every day?!

Ok. I think thats enough for today. Too much to do still today. Unpacking. Laundry. Finding that will for food making. Soccer. Or will there even be soccer with the impending weather warning? I have no clue. I need to wash some babies. Maybe even myself. I need to crochet. As in I need to, because deadlines.

The day is not done, but the sitting in front of the laptop sure is!


Today was lovely. It was warmer and restfuller and peacefuller today. The food was crazy good. The fire was hot and burned beautifully. The company was loving and kind. There were even a few stretches where I was baby free and could crochet. 

The day has ended harder than expected, but tomorrow is fresh 💜

We Have Arrived

We are finally back home to our home away from home. 

Hellooooooo Kinasao!!! 

We came for summertime… 

And it did not deliver. 😅 Cold and rainy!

But the food did not disappoint, which helps a lot! 

What is it about eating outside around a fire anyway? 🥰 It’s something special. 

Night the second is impending, and while I’m apprehensive, I think I’m feeling better than I thought I would at this point. Bring on the day! 

And a YUGE attaboy for the Dahlsjo’s who willingly – nay HAPPILY grab a baby or three in order to give me some hands free moments 💜 I feel seen and loved and considered. Thank you, friends 🥰 

Guest Post: Hailey on the Daily

Cher Bear here!

Just a shout out to my sweet best friend (Brady too). They have been moving non stop through a very busy period in their lives. They roll with the punches smoother than anyone I have ever seen. Some days I don’t even know if they get adequate bathroom breaks.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of sitting and having a coffee with the two of them which is a rare occurrence these days, but I thoroughly enjoyed their company. It’s really special to have them in my life. We can go from laughing hysterically to talking about deep life things, and back to laughing hysterically again. 

If you see Hailey out and about, know that you’re looking at a very strong, capable, amazing woman. If you see Brady out and about, same thing, but he’s not a woman. 

May your weekend be refreshing, even though nights might take a little getting used to. You’ve got this. I love you guys. 

A Bit More About the Lake Date

Tuesday was spent at the lake, getting our campsite ready and a few of the bigger things organized to streamline the upcoming camp season!

Our family loves a good road trip, but a road trip with only Brady and I is a very special treat.

Welcome home to us 💜

Our first move upon arrival was to park the van over by the bump out and boost the camper to get it slid out. Once we knew that was in order, the inaugural fire was built 🔥

This is SUCH a happy place for us, even before its all green and sunny and hot.

The restaurants were closed, but the grocery store was not, so we bought some fruit and had a light lunch by the fire.

But then we got into it all. So here is where we are.

I got to the grocery store and bought a few water jugs. Water jug is plugged into the electrical and is fully operational.

Water is running. Drop in is dropped in.

The absolute grossest part of the camper is cleaned.

Mouse poison is cleaned up. NO SIGN of visitors over the winter months.

Bump out is mostly good. It wouldn’t come all the way out, and a bracket bent badly after a weld let go. A super helpful guy from the campground came to help us get it muscled out the best we could, so while its not perfect, the fridge can open! Heyooo!

I did not get to fill the wood bin. Nope. The bump out took too much time :/

But! The golf cart batteries installed perfectly and hand controls went on easily. That first ride was SO peaceful. Probably the last quiet one of the season!

It was positively beautiful out there. The lake is ready to be photographed at length by yours truly.

Trees were easy on the eyes as well 😍

We drove home pretty much immediately after the drive, stopping for Subway, which we rarely justify when we have all the kids, lol!

Aaaaand home we went 💜 It is always good to be home, but always sad to leave our Kinasao home.

Every single time we go to the lake, it highlights how good we have it. Praise the Lord for providing such an amazing getaway for us!!


Behold. A very vulnerable picture of me.

I know. Excuse the chest hair. I’m just being real with you guys. This is me. Taking a shower. Preparing food. Whilst on an important phone call.

Well I REALLY psyched you all out! This actually is not me. Maybe the height gave me away. Darn.

Anyway. It COULD be me. It is definitely how I feel on the inside. Chaotically juggling personal care, while trying to keep a family alive and every possible social worker and medical professional in the know of every little detail. I barely remember the days of screening calls from unfamiliar numbers. Now, I pick up evvvvverything. Including the baby in my house that will not be set down.

Thats really how you know this picture isn’t of me. Because I wouldn’t be in the shower. Unless the baby was, too.

Blog ✅ done. Another thing off the list for the day! Whew!

Lake Date

It was an incredibly beautiful day 💜 Brady and I spent the day at the lake getting some of the bigger things for the season organized and worked out before it actually begun. The kicker is that we were KID FREE! 😳 Guys. That almost never happens!!!!

It was its own kind of refreshment. We got things done, of course. And we visited with a couple of familiar faces. But we also sat around the fire quietly, held hands, and rested together. Now don’t confuse rest with sleep. We sleep next to one another every night, barring any crappy hospital stuff. But how often we rest together – its hard to say when the last time was that we did. This was precious. We could in no way swing this without our immense support system 💜 Thank you, mom and Rae, for spending the day with the babies and the sickie. It was truly a gift to us.

Tomorrow brings another full day, but much more “normal.” Work. School. An appointment. Some planning and organizing. You know the drill by now. But I will cherish today 💜 It will not be quickly forgotten.

I love you, Brady 💜 Thank you for spending the day being productive and restful with me.