On Friday afternoon, I took Wavy to the doctor for our six week check up. We’re actually 6.5 weeks out, but our appointment days have always been on Fridays, so we’re sticking with that. She and I got there a little bit early, and I got to have a little chat with one of the receptionists who we’ve known for years, back from the previous clinic Dr. Guselle worked in. She hadn’t had a chance to see Wavy yet, and was super lovely and interested in her. We sat and waited for only a few minutes, but the little miss took it upon herself to fart and grunt like crazy in the quiet waiting room. In case you couldn’t already tell what she was up to, she kind of wears her emotions on her sleeve…

We were called back pretty quickly, and the girl who usually calls us back was there this time. She hadn’t been around for our two week check, and was SO excited to see Wavy! She just gushed and baby talked and couldn’t seem to get enough of her. She did confirm, however, that Wavy stunk, haha! I changed her diaper quickly and then we weighed her. She has gained just over two pounds in the last four weeks. She’s now 10 lbs 5 oz! That is almost as big as Dekker and Solly at birth, lol! She’s still so dainty, but her chins are working hard. I’m so smitten.
When we were walked back to our room, the girl who came along with us just hung around and chatted for a bit. We talked about her experience having her son, and some of the tough stuff she came across, and how we could relate on a handful of levels. It went on probably longer than it felt, but suddenly there was a knock on the door. It was Dr. Khatra, ready for our appointment, and we had just been doddling. He was in no rush, though. She commented to him how pretty Wavy was, and he jumped right in and went on and on about how she had been pretty right from the start 🙂 He’s not wrong. I ducked back out of the room for a second to get weighed and such. That all looked fine, and Wavy and I made our way back to our appointment.
It was a really good one, honestly. I like Dr. Khatra. He’s comfortable and knowledgeable, and I can tell he’s really implementing what Dr. Guselle is teaching, because the little things that I’ve always really liked about her are showing up in him as well. We talked about a lot of things. I’ve had a lot of low days this summer, and this is the first time I’ve gone into this type of appointment without a confident answer to the inevitable questions about postpartum depression. Its so hard to know whether my feelings have been based on having Wavy or just life circumstance. He gave me some advice on where to start and what I could be doing to help my body level out naturally, and see where that takes me. That was the big question for me today. My iron is up, I’m sleeping enough to function, and my mood is at the very least ok, and I’m working on a new plan for that.
Wavy was next, and she also passed all the test with flying colors. Not “tests,” obviously, but just everything. She’s eating great and growing great. She’s nice and alert, sleeping well, has the right reflexes, with a straight aligned body. At one point, Dr. Khatra commented “She’s just so perfect, she doesn’t even need me. Aw. I feel kind of left out…” He’s sweet to her. She stayed very still for her exam, only flinching a bit with the cold stethoscope. She’s lovely.
We talked about another appointment, vaccines, etc., and then closed off the appointment with the dreaded pelvic exam. I got myself all prepped and as you’d expect, as soon as I was less than dressed and laying on the exam table, Wavy started crying. Dr. Khatra, as well as the lovely girl from before, came back in. She held and bounced Wavy while Dr. Khatra checked everything over and gave me the all clear. Everything is healed and happy! Woot for me!
I always love to see Dr. Guselle. She will never be replaced. I may just keel the day she retires, which I hope will not be aaaaanytime soon. But I felt really good at this appointment. Really comfortable. Like they really like Waverly, and are happy to have us. Not everyone can say their doctor compliments their baby’s beautiful bright blue eyes, or says they’re happy to see the whole group once in a while, or that their staff smell their baby’s hair, or that you can shoot the breeze about life for a bit without feeling like you’re setting their day back. And the fact that we all came out healthy doesn’t hurt either.