He was SO excited! I was too, though I admit I emailed his teacher in the morning to confirm that he had arrived. Not that the school wouldn’t have called me had he not, but still. I was “that parent.” Lol! Don’t judge me!
I had offered to come pick him up as I was sending him off that morning, and he politely declined. He had looked me in the eye and told me “I think I’m ready. I think its time.” VERY grown up of him, as usual. We all waited eagerly by the widow to watch him come home at the end of the day, not knowing how long it would take him. It wasn’t long, and he was within view. The kids knocked on the window and waved like crazy. He waved back and ran the rest of the way.
He ran our carpeted stairs with his wet rubber boots upon arriving home. Before I could stop him, he burst out that he had flowers for me. I was a bit caught off guard, to say the least. He ran back down the stairs and put his boots away, and came back up, reassuring me he’d put them in water.
Is this not the CUTEST thing you’ve ever seen?!?! Ack!!!
Two little pink weeds in a medicine measuring cup!! And yes, he put water in it.
It probably seems small (literally and figuratively) but it thrilled my heart!!
After the flowers were set up “properly,” he unpacked his backpack and lunch bag. He made his way to the living room, where he spent the next half hour or so snuggling with his siblings, pretending to rock them like babies, playing peekaboo, etc. It was like the first day of school, only better!
I love our new system. Our new normal. I just love my family so so much.