Waverly is FOUR MONTHS OLD! All of a sudden, time is MOVING! In one way, its been a whirlwind since she was born, but this month feels like a bigger one, somehow. So much has changed! I had to make a list of all the things I wanted to note in this post in an effort not to forget anything important! So bear with me if today is a longer post! Can never talk too much about this little girl. It helps to have a loving friend who diligently photographs her!!
Starting with the basic stuff, Wavy weighs 14 lbs 6 oz. Thats up 12.5 oz from her appointment two weeks ago. She is now in some 3-6 month stuff, mostly sleepers, and she’s graduated to size 2 diapers. She finally doesn’t have a cold, which is probably helping her growth, as well as the jump to six ounce bottles. When Laela was around this age, she was about a pound heavier, but an inch and a half shorter. Wavy feels so tiny to me, still. Another notable, physical change is in her hair. Its long enough to be tied up!!! I can’t even believe it, but I’m THRILLED! She easily has the most hair of any of our babies up to this point!
Developmentally is where the biggest changes have taken place! SO MANY CHANGES! Waverly will very intentionally smack the toys hanging down in front of her when she’s playing under her little toy. She folds her hands all the time. She almost always has a hand (or both hands) on her bottle when I feed her. Sometimes she gets too excited and will accidentally whack the bottle out of my hands, haha! When I speak to her, she coos back constantly, and giggles in delight. My favourite thing is that she’s learning to anticipate things! If I crawl up to her, before I even get to her, she laughs. Or if I make a kissing sound, she squeals before I even kiss her. I LOVE that! On the note of kisses, she LOVES to be kissed! When I kiss her cheek, she hangs her mouth open and moved her head to me. She’s all about those big wet open-mouthed kisses!
So as I’ve said each month thus far, Wavy doesn’t have much of a schedule. Thats still the case. Sometimes she naps twice, sometimes three times. We try to get a good wakeful stretch out of her in the evening before bed, and can usually stretch her a little further than we used to be able to. That all being said, thanks to that cold that lingered for so long, she’s developed a worse sleep schedule and now wakes up twice rather than once every night. I hope we can retrace our steps and get that back to where it was, because she was SUCH a good sleeper! However, I don’t think thats in our near future, as our little girl has begun teething! Ack! How is she already that old??? She chews her little hands all day long!
Everyday, I catch myself just in awe of God’s goodness. We’ve been gifted SUCH a gem in Waverly. She is so good natured, so easy to care for, so relaxed, so happy, and so beautiful!!
Praise the Lord for FOUR MONTHS with Waverly!