Five Months of Waverly

Today marks five months since we brought Wavy girl out of me and into this big, scary world. Lucky for the world, its that much sweeter now that she’s in it. She’s added an amazing warmth and peace to our family. I know she’s still just a baby, but I’ve often said that she has pretty much all the best characteristics from each of our other kids, just all wrapped into one baby! Lucky girly. Lucky family.

I know at least a handful of you have noticed! Wavy has chunked up!! She currently weighs 16 lbs 10 oz!! Thats over two pounds gained in the last month! Yet she’s still SO little! Dekker had outgrown his bucket seat by this point! Wavy will still be in it for a nice while here 🙂 Her hair is getting longer and longer, and while it may not look curly anymore, it is still amazingly curly when its freshly washed! There’s just too much of it and its too heavy, and the curl doesn’t hold. Likely as it gets longer and thicker, it should show a bit more. A big change in her physical appearance this months is her TEETH! Those two bottom teeth are nicely through now. I often go in there and rub them a little, and she giggles like crazy. As they grow further and further above her gums, her whole look will change, so be ready! I always think I’m going to ache and miss their little gummy smiles, and to a degree I do, but I always LOVE that little toothy look too!

Wavy is learning and changing all the time. She’s stronger and happier on her tummy, and even learned how to roll from front to back this month. She is also well on her way to sitting, which is CRAZY! She’s definitely still not ready to do it on her own, but she often goes from sitting to lifting her legs and her head in a desperate attempt to sit up. We’ve started putting her in a bumbo from time to time, which she really likes! I know not everyone is keen on the bumbo, and we only use it for a short stretch of time anyway. Promise. She just really loves being able to see everyone from a sitting position rather than from the floor.

We’ve finally struck a bit of a schedule with Wavy, but I’m pretty sure its only temporary. Since she’s been teething, she sleeps all. Day. Long. I miss her!! But her current schedule is that she sleeps most of the morning, wakes up for lunch and sleeps until supperish. Then we wake her, usually, to force her to have some wakeful time. Once the other kids go down around 7:00pm, we feed her and let her stay up as long as she can, which at this point is about 7:30, lol! And then she goes down. Sometimes, with this particular schedule, she wakes up around 10:00 or so and we can top her up, but usually she’ll wake up once a bit later on, drink, and then sleep until lunch the next day. Moral of the story is that she sleeps WAY too much and I miss her dreadfully. She’s SO sweet.

Praise the Lord for FIVE MONTHS with Waverly!

What I Want For Christmas

Hopefully no one judges me too hard for making a pot like this, but its the first day of December, and I’m out Christmas shopping all day, so it feels valid. (Yes, I wrote this yesterday so I wouldn’t have to blog today. Because, like I said, I’m shopping.)

I spend a lot of time every year figuring out what to get everyone for Christmas. Its a long process that I actually really enjoy! I try to be creative and resourceful. It can’t always be perfect, but its fun to try! And just for fun, I thought I’d share what I want for Christmas!

Feels like I need to say that I’m not asking anyone for these things! This isn’t a plea for people to buy me gifts. I just thought it would be fun to share! Some things are reasonable and others suuuper aren’t. I keep a running list as desires come to me, so here is the bulk of it, in no particular order.

A lash perm and tint! I’ve always wanted to try that out. My lashes are sad, short, and straight.

Pampered Chef waffle sticks! I only just learned about those things and they look so awesome!

Mukluks! Mine are five years old and are starting to come apart.

Super High Rise Wunder Unders from Lululemon. I love my pair of high waisted Wunder Unders, but I love the sound of the super high waisted ones even more!

The “Sultry” eye shadow palette by Anastasia Beverly Hills. SO pretty!

Also the “Extra Spice” palette by Makeup Revolution

You guys know that entrance mat that says something like “Just so you know, there are lots of kids in there?” I have been tagged in that Facebook post more times than I can count! I should probably finally get one…

A plastic lipstick organizer for inside my makeup dressers.

A pop socket for my phone.

A piano tuner kit so I can work on my piano slowly at home rather than paying for tunings.

Bosch dough mixer. (This is one of the vastly unattainable ones. SO expensive)

A curling wand.

Charmed Aroma candles, because they’re fun.

This sweatshirt!! You got this, mama!

A robot vacuum thats tall enough to eat Cheerios.

Lush sleepy lotion.

A gratitude journal.

Microblading! (Another unattainable one. SO expensive!)

Hopefully no one thinks I’m super duper selfish now. I know there are WAY more important things that aren’t tangible or wrapped up under the tree. I LOVE those things. I don’t care too much about presents, but I think we’re lying if we say theres nothing that we want that could be boxed, wrapped, and put under a tree!

So now you know about me! Whats on your wish list? Share a thing or two in the comments!


I am SO happy to say that Waverly had her first tear-free bath today!!

I know some of your babies love baths, but ours never ever have. Wavy has been the closest, with having one or two where she didn’t cry immediately. Other than that, its taken a long, long time for our kids to appreciate the bath. Before you even ask, yes, we’ve tried the shower, too. They scream like you wouldn’t believe. Its awful. We’ve. Tried. Everything. They just hate the bath when they’re young, and sometimes when they’re older, too.

If you’ve been a LONG time reader, you might remember the struggle we had with Dekker. Bathing him with like a full contact sport. We tried absolutely everything, and we bathe him for a couple of years, holding him down like a rabid dog while he screamed for mercy. Those were some HARD years. The only thing that helped was age. So while I LOVE baths, my kids do not.

But today, while I can’t say she loved it, she definitely didn’t hate it!

What a relief! We usually end up just bathing her and pulling her out immediately, but instead, we did what so many parents get to do, and we chatted and I slowly poured water all over her and she cooed and splashed and it was just so awesome and normal. I loved it.

Let’s hope for many, many baths like this!!

A Little Break

I took a little break this afternoon. Brady finished his work around 11:00 and was home shortly before noon. We had a shot chat before I left. I didn’t put myself together more than clean clothes and deodorant, but it was fine. I wasn’t going anywhere that I felt I’d be judged for my top knot.

I went to get my nails done today! I admit, I was feeling a little unsure about it. My nail girl is on maternity leave, and I’m pretty loyal to her. Going elsewhere feels incorrect, somehow. But I went to the same spa, and saw another girl there. And she did a lovely job! I got me some beautiful nude nails for the month, nice and short, too. Exactly what I always want!

I kind of didn’t want to leave. I try not to delve too deep into all the drama, but we’re in a challenging stage in our home these days, and I’ve had a lot of moments where I just feel like my head is going to explode. Getting out for the afternoon was a much anticipated breath of fresh air! I wasn’t totally ready for it to end. As I was driving home, I thought of something I could go pick up, as it had been on our list for a while, but we keep forgetting. Aaand then I missed the turn. So I rather did an impulsive thing and turned in at Value Village. I have a few things I’m constantly on the hunt for, so when I’m in on my own, its a good opportunity to go do a quick look. And it was successful! About a half hour later, I came out having spent $15, with a shirt and sweatshirt for myself, and two hoodies for Waverly. Go me! I’d show you but they’re all in the wash, because stinky.

I’m now home with the fam, anticipating an evening with Brady and Jerilee. And also sweatpants. Real clothes are so overrated, am I right?

Spoiled punk that I am, I’m going out for most of the day on Saturday, too! And the next weekend! Goodness, I’m one lucky girl to have so many fun things to look forward to!

Milestones for Waverly

Ok. Here’s the thing. I’m not very good at keeping memory books for my kids. I have one for each kid, and I have some info in all of them. But I’m not as diligent as I could be. I’ve spent a decent chunk of time beating myself up about it, but not too long ago, I realized that this is our records. This is our memory book! So whether one day I go back and find all the little details of my kids milestones and put them in their books, or I give up and hope my kids just read these books and find the info themselves, it is recorded. Unfortunately, I didn’t start the blog until Dekker was around 10 months old, so I don’t have all of his first year on record. But he has the most in his memory book, so hopefully it all levels out 🙂

I’ve been doing monthly updates on Waverly, which I’m really enjoying. I almost feel like I should do a “Whats my Kid up to” post each month on the corresponding day they were born. Thoughts?

Anyway, because I’m doing monthly updates on Wavy, I tend to hang onto info abut milestones until the 2nd of the next month, but I also want to have the exact date on record, and in this case, I’m just too excited! Hahaha! Don’t judge me. Its a mom thing.

I mentioned on November 24 that Wavy had cut her first tooth. Now that tooth was like a teeny tiny bit poking out for a couple of days already, but when it really pushed through was when I counted it. It was out almost all the way across. On the 26th, she went to bed with most of that tooth poking through her little gums and woke up on the 27th with TWO teeth completely through!!

Was SO awesome! She felt SO good about herself, too. Not complaining at all!

She continues to chew away at her hands, happy as a clam. I wonder how many more are on their way out! Our kids tend to teethe in twos, and the first four are often pretty back to back. Give yourself a rest, Wavy girl! I know you’re a pretty top notch individual and all, but you do NOT have to be an overachiever at such a young age!!

What Wavy Brings

I keep noticing these little things in our life that we wouldn’t have without Waverly. Some of them are really just about having a baby in the house. Others are more specific to her.

Wavy brings a high pitched celebration when she first wakes up in the morning and makes her grand entrance.

Wavy brings little diapers, and fills them with inoffensive things.

Wavy brings the BEST hair.

Wavy brings bottles that our older kids LOVE assembling. It is often an argument to see who gets to put them together at the island for me. The more the better! With the bottles comes the smell of her milk, which you may find off putting but I think smells like a newborn baby.

Wavy brings conversation, especially recently, as she yodels alongside us as we talk. She’s such a cute interruption distraction contribution.

Wavy brings a purple diaper bag and a Lillebaby carrier that has never once hurt my back.

Wavy brings the smallest white ankle socks I’ve ever seen.

Wavy brings drooly spit bubbles.

And my favorite thing…

Wavy brings pink dryer lint. I was absolutely beside myself when I first dried a load of her receiving blankets and cleaned out soft pink fuzz out of the lint trap.

Literally EVERYTHING about her is cute! If she weren’t here, our life would be so different. I couldn’t be more thankful!

Cozy Winter Mornings

Its not a secret that I don’t love winter, but its amazing what a good nights sleep will do! I felt pretty capable this morning upon waking up, and headed down to get the kids up at a reasonable time that didn’t leave me rushing them through breakfast. I got Dekker packed up and sent off to school, and got the dishes done while Solly finished eating the Rowan and Laela played. I sorted laundry and started it going. When I came up, I was greeted by this beautiful sight.

Laela has been paying attention over the last year or two, watching Dekker learn to read, and she has been really interested in it! We talked with her teacher the other day, and Laela said she wanted to start bringing books home to read that are in her reading level, not just library books for us to read to her, though of course we’ll keep doing that, too! Her teacher agreed, and Laela brought home some level A books the next day. And crushed them. That alone seems to have boosted her confidence. She spent a good chunk of the morning reading a book that is definitely out of her reading level, and while she had to ask a handful of times about different words, she never got discouraged, and she limped her way through that entire book!!! I was SO impressed! Once it was done, she requested a snuggle, so we did that too.

The little boys seemed a bit lost without her, lol! It was pretty cute!

Wavy has slept through our entire morning, which is both awesome, and inconvenient, haha! She’s sleeping through teething, which is ideal! But I also have a parcel waiting for me at the post office that I ordered three weeks ago and I want to go get it! I obviously can’t justify waking her for that :/ Merp. Self control, guys. I may have to exercise mine and wait until Brady gets home! *sobs internally*

I pulled out the laptop to get today’s blog up and Rowan was loaded with suggestions of what to blog about…

Christmas trees

All solid options! But on mornings like this don’t require too many extra ideas. These kids make stories just by being here! Its been a cute day so far 🙂 Let’s hope it continues!

Getting Organized!!

Christmas is ONE MONTH AWAY! While I had such high hopes to be done Christmas shopping by this point, I’m not, and thats ok. I have plans!

The tree is up! Its not decorated yet, but its up, so the rest will happen soon. At least the kids can get used to it in the meantime.

Hopefully I’ll order our Christmas cards today! The price is right (thank you, Black Friday) and the design looks good! We even figured out the message on the back, so its all good to go! They may not reach their destinations before Christmas, but I doubt we’ll be the only people who have that issue.

I have a Christmas shopping date this weekend, so I’ve spent a good chunk of this morning getting totally organized gift-wise. I have my list of who I’m buying for and what I want to get them. I’m hoping to streamline shopping day and get TONS done! I’m still a bit stumped for a couple of people, but I have time still. Time-ish. Not much. I always struggle with what to get my doctor (Though yes, I KNOW I don’t have to! I want to!) and this year I have two doctors to think about! Gah! What do you guys get for people who you really know nothing about in real life?

There is even talk of a girls trip with Jerilee to Edmonton! Because I could REALLY use Ikea…

In a lot of ways, I feel prepared for Christmas. And then in others, I’m so lost! I don’t actually have even half of the gifts I need. I haven’t baked. I don’t know when the school Christmas concert is. I don’t know where we’re going to be when. We haven’t replaced our Christmas lights that the hail destroyed. But this week feels like a solid kick off! Its less full than last week, and I’m determined to get organized and get rolling!

One month, folks! ONE MONTH!

Brady Worked Today

Its been a really big work week. Brady has worked late every day this week, and he had to work a full day today. Usually work Saturdays are just for catching up, but this time around, it was an entire day in order to get a house done in time. Even though it should feel like an extension of a work week, I always have a hard time when he works weekends :/ I know, I’m spoiled. Lots of people work weekends. Its just not our usual.

Cher spend the day with me and the kids, to help lighten the load, and to just be a friend. It was so good to have her around to visit with, and help break up the day.

Today, we did lots of reading, coloring, and playing. We drank a lot of coffee. We looked through our recent family picture photo shoot. We chatted about fun stuff and heavy stuff. Brady came home with milkshakes. I chatted with my mom on the phone. Wavy cut her first tooth!!

Now, Brady has begun setting up the Christmas tree. Because Christmas is coming!

Its been a full day, but a successful day! I’m excited to assemble and order our family picture Christmas cards, though apparently they won’t get anywhere by Christmas :/ Kind of a bummer about all the strikes, but I do understand. I’m excited that Waverly is teething productively and is still such a peach! I’m excited to potentially finish getting the tree up and decorated tomorrow.

And while today was great, I’m really excited for a less chaotic week next week. More “regular” work scheduling makes such a huge difference!

Stay warm!

Our Family Appointment: Rowan

Last day of updates from our doctors appointment! Last day of disclaimers and reminders to be nice! Lol! For now, anyway 😉 We should ALWAYS be nice.


The first thing we talked about regarding Rowan was his hearing. I don’t have an especially big concern regarding his hearing, but I did not too long ago. For a refresher, we had his ears checked periodically over many months and there was always fluid in them. He never got startled, and never answered the first time I called him, and I couldn’t figure out if it was his personality or he really couldn’t hear. I took him to a private audiology appointment and we were told there was absolutely no echo back in one of his ears. At that point, I had gone back to Dr. Guselle, and she had referred us to an ENT (ear, nose and throat doctor) to get the process of ear tubes started. Our specialist wasn’t the most helpful, and said things like “I understand why she says there’s fluid in his ears, but there isn’t.” And he wouldn’t explain any further than that, even when I pressed. He was far more concerned with thinking Rowan “looked like a girl.” So nothing ever came from that. Since time has moved on, its hard to know if his hearing has improved or we’ve just gotten used to it. But this summer, I noticed a big difference in his balance and coordination, and therefore figured it would be worth a second look at his ears. So with ALL that backstory, Dr. Guselle checked his ears and said again, they looked dull and covered. She did one very basic test, where she puffed a little bit of air in his ears to see if his eardrums moved, which they did, which didn’t really tell us much. So she suggested I go back to the ENT and see his audiologist rather than the random Lawson Mall guy.

His balance and coordination is pretty bad, and again, we’re not sure if its just who he is, which is a distracted, busy little dude who doesn’t pay too close of attention to his surroundings. He also tends to walk on his tip toes, which apparently can suggest some muscle developmental/maybe sensory stuff. We’re going to see if the hearing tests turn anything up that might shed some light on some answers, and if not, we might make our way over to occupational therapy. But nothing about any of that feels impending doomy. Its all good.

Onto the biggest thing we needed to talk to Dr Guselle about. The whole milk thing.

We recently picked up on some *ahem* stinky *ahem* issues with Rowan and realized that things had never been quite as they should be. In talking with a few friends, we thought he might be lactose intolerant and decided to give that whole thing a go. Simply switching his milk to almond milk and his yogurt to apple sauce made a HUGE difference! He’d go a few days without dairy and be the most “regular” he’d ever been! But then we’d have a lapse and feed him cheese, and nothing would really change, which was extra confusing, because if dairy were the issue, wouldn’t cheese be part of that? Then questions started flying from a handful of different angles. Is it a dairy thing, or a lactose thing? Is it an allergy, or just a sensitivity, or an intolerance? Guys, I DON’T KNOW! I’m totally new! So I asked Dr. Guselle. She agreed that we were on the right track, and that it seemed like straight up lactose intolerance. She began to load me down wth tips and tricks, and as per usual, left me feeling totally capable, and uplifted, and like this shift wouldn’t actually be as challenging as I had originally thought. She told me that lactose intolerance is very simply the lack of the enzyme needed to properly digest milk. At this point, Rowan isn’t in any pain from lactose. It just makes his poops yuckier than necessary. I told her I’m nervous about trying to accommodate an allergy with a big family, because without milk, we’re without most of the easy kid-friendly favorites. Grilled cheese. Pizza. Macaroni. That brought up the conversation about Lactaid/Lacteez. We did a quick google search and learned that there are little chewable tablets for kids now, as well as drops. Dr Guselle said that if I had to, I could buy him regular cows milk and just add the drops. While I don’t think we’ll do that, its good to know the drops and tablets aren’t JUST for emergencies. I figured we’d need them for going out to other people’s houses or situations like that, but she said we could use them whenever needed. It feels SO good to have resources! If a meal kind of needs dairy, then so be it! (This is mostly the part I’m nervous people will debate me on, so PLEASE don’t! I’ve done my research, and I trust my doctor, and I’m not going to force feed Rowan three tablets every day. Its just so comforting to know we have options, and our easy options aren’t out the window.) So, that all being said, I guess Rowan is offically lactose intolerant now!

This conversation branched into just a general conversation about milk. I had a question about milk SO long ago and felt so silly about it, so if anyone else wants to know, here it all is! What do you switch from whole milk, and what do you switch to? The general Sask Health guidelines suggest that children drink whole milk between nursing/formula until around age two. Obviously there are exceptions, but this is the guideline I’ve heard and am comfortable with. However, I haven’t known really where to go from there, which means that all of my kids still drink whole milk. I know thats perfectly fine, and no one has a weight problem or any reason to be concerned, but I was curious what she figured would be our best move. I told her they drink whole milk, I drink skim milk, Wavy drinks formula, and now Rowan drinks almond milk. My gosh! Add to that, what, some 1% or 2% for a couple of them? Thats FIVE milks for seven people!! Nooooo!! She laughed at my odd predicament and pointed out that everyone, besides Wavy, was past the two year mark, so if we wanted, we could jump to 1% or 2% for the kids. She said either or was fine. They both have the same amount of calcium and vitamin D. It’ll be mostly about the change in taste. I made a joke about continuing to buy whole milk and just blooping some skim in there, and while she laughed at me, she said that would have basically the same effect. That all being said, we picked up some 2% yesterday, so I guess we’ll start there!

All in all, Rowan did really well at the appointment, cooperated well with having his ears checked, and answered Dr. Guselle’s questions well. He was super charming the entire time, smirking at her when she’s glance over at him throughout our conversations. She seemed pretty smitten.


I think thats it for our appointment! It was loaded, and I think we spent about an hour and a half going through everything. I am SO thankful to have a doctor who makes exceptions and stays late to see as many of us as we need. No fifteen minute appointments for this family! I appreciate her so much. I always leave her office feeling uplifted, and hopeful, and capable, and this appointment was no different. Praise the Lord for good humans and our health care system.