Let’s take a little look back over 2018.

I started the “Womb in Bloom” series on January 1st. I was 13 weeks pregnant.
So many doctors appointments and ultrasounds this month.
Laela started writing out her alphabet.
A group of ladies from my church planned an evening for me around Jamin’s due date, complete with good food, company, and some presents. January had been a rough month, riddled with missed due dates and miscarriages, and the support I received was overwhelming.
Dekker lost his first tooth!
We wrapped January up by finding out the baby’s gender, but we didn’t tell you guys right away.

More appointments in February.
Brady and celebrated our ninth anniversary this month. We celebrated by going out for dinner and indulging in some shopping for our upcoming baby girl.
February was also the month where we met the doctor who would eventually deliver that baby girl.
We crossed the halfway point in my pregnancy and our appointment count slowed.
I started planning the baby party.
Rowan turned three 🙂

We started to figure out some of Solly’s bowel issues in March and got his laxative treatment rolling. And we got a piano! Not the busiest month, but those two details were IMPORTANT!

April brought in the third trimester of my pregnancy! That felt GOOD. For some reason, I was super nervous about the glucose test during this pregnancy, but I did it in this month and passed without issue.
We hit Waskesiu for the first time in 2018 in April. It was so awesome to be back.
Bikes came out and spring began.
A close friend of ours suffered great loss this month, and it was my first opportunity to see someone through their grief since I had experienced my own. It was eye-opening for everyone, and brought us WAY closer as friends.

May was a big one. Jerilee and I went on our annual Edmonton trip.
Brady shot himself in the hand at work, which turned out to be his grossest work injury yet.
We hit Waskesiu again.
Brady painted our front door purple, in secret honour of the baby I was carrying.
Laela wrapped up her year of preschool.
The school had its wind-up BBQ (where our family ate 19 hot dogs collectively.)
Solly’s birthday wrapped up the month. He turned two.

June was another big month. We started it off by playing music at our local car show. Was SO fun.
The school had their track and field day, which Brady and I brought the whole family to see.
Solly finally started talking!
I hit full term in my pregnancy and got the final things taken care of in preparation for the baby to arrive.
I even started making some of the decor for the party.
Finally, school wrapped up for the year!!

July was obviously the month to note. Beautiful Waverly was born on the 2nd day of the month, setting the tone for an AMAZING summer. Her birth was amazing, as was the rest of the month.
Shortly after her birth was her big party, which we sadly have NO pictures of 🙁
And just days after the party, we went to the lake for our much needed vacay.
The only part of the month I wasn’t too fond of was the very very end, where I turned thirty. Gag me. I’m still not happy about it.

August was supposed to be quiet but it definitely didn’t turn out that way! Brady was very busy with work, and our weekends were full!
Brady and I saw Marianas Trench in concert again.
Jerilee took me to a spa for my birthday.
We crossed one year from the day Jamin was born, and days after, celebrated Dekker’s 7th birthday!

September! Just as fast a summer began, it ended. School started back up for Dekker, and for the first time with Laela! Both were completely happy and not apprehensive at all!
This year, on the last day of summer, it snowed. Because why not? It had been four months without snow so it only made sense. Sigh.
We wrapped up the month with Laela turning five.

October was a big month for Brady. He turned 30, and if I do say so myself, I planned him an epic birthday! We had a lot of fun 🙂
Other than that, Brady bought his work van in October, which has been far better than the stupid Astro.
And Halloween was the last notable thing in this month. Halloween was dang cute.

We were bus-free for about a week in November and MY GOSH what a shake down that was! I’m SO thankful for our vehicle!
In that time, I went away on a ladies retreat where I crocheted for three days straight. It. Was. Awesome.
Brady and some friends got a bunch of work done on the basement in November, which was also awesome.
Wavy popped her first two teeth.

December held another road trip to Edmonton with Jerilee, to wrap up some Christmas shopping, but to also just get away together! Was SUCH a fun Christmas trip.
Brady rolled through his beer advent calendar.
We spent the bulk of December cramming for Christmas and helping some friends get a few details sorted out before winter officially hit! It felt good, and productive.
Something very notable that happened in 2018 was that our circle grew. Like grew grew. Our little village, if you will, is no longer so little. An amazing amount of people rallied around our family this year, and I truly couldn’t be more grateful. It was one of those things you don’t realize you need until you have it, and then you wonder how you lived so long without it. We’ve been fortunate to always have loving support nearby, but it feels like our circle has stretched farther and wider this year.

What an amazing year 2018 has been for our little family. Thank you to all who have been part of it. We hope to have touched some of your lives as well.