Yesterday, we ALL surfaced! Today, we’re hiding out again, but yesterday was a good day in a lot of ways 🙂
Once Dekker and Laela left for school, walking, we loaded the others up for some errand running. I was still feeling pretty sick post-tummy bug, and I hadn’t slept more than three hours, but as usual, we were out of milk, motivating a trip to the city. Plus, we had a couple of oddball places to hit as well, so we all went together.
We loudly laughed our way through Superstore, making a bit of a scene, perhaps, but we had fun. Got all that we needed and met some nice people along the way, as we often do.
We stopped at Lululemon to pick up the leggings Brady got me for our anniversary, but I had chosen the wrong size. Merp. So I didn’t end up taking them home, and instead ordered a new pair. They were super nice about it, though.
We grabbed some lunch on our way to Life Labs, where I got some blood work done. (Nope, not pregnant. Just some odd health “concerns” recently that I’m checking into with my doctor.) It was quick and relatively painless, and I joined the fam back in the van.
We hot Costco last. I wore Wavy in the carrier, and she was SO good. Once again, we got everything we needed, except lettuce! How did that happen that there was NO lettuce?! Ah well. We got it all done and were home in time for late naps for the little ones! They all slept SO well!
When we arrived home, stuff was going on in the basement!!!! Guys, I’m resisting HARD not to give you updates on the basement too often, lol! Its so hard!
While the littles were napping, a friend messaged me and asked if she could bring us some supper! Guys, that is so much who I want to be. That person who just looks for a need and helps. Because WOW was I touched by her gift! I accepted, and she dropped off a beautiful meal shortly there after.
Everyone got up from their naps as Dekker and Laela walked home from school. They looked so good. Just SO ready for spring!

Dekker looks like a teenager, all of a sudden!!

Rowan was all cozy on his llama (still not officially named)

As was Solly, lol! Poor dude was completely under his blankets when we got him.

Eventually, once homework was done, the afternoon rowdies kicked in. The kids played until supper time, and then ate the heck out of supper! It was undeniably delicious, even for the ones who prefer to pick at new foods rather than eat them. Everyone ate. Myself included! For the first time in several days, I ate a full meal! Thank you again, friend.
Even Wavy ate it!

After supper, I spoke to my doctor for a bit on the phone, which always feels uplifting to me. And seriously, I can’t say it enough, I have just the best doctor. And the most attentive doctor!! A doctor who could definitely call with answers the next day, within business hours, but chooses to call on the same day rather, because she knows you.
Once the kids were in bed, Brady ducked out to a church meeting and I had a phone date with my mom. It was a really nice chat. One of those ones where, as you talk, you make realizations and have someone to instantly share them with, and bounce ideas off of each other. Very encouraging. So much love there.
The night wrapped up with a little bit of Netflix with Brady, and we slept all the way through, thanks to Wavy. The same Wavy that is EIGHT MONTHS OLD TOMORROW!!! Watch for that post!!