We Stayed Home

We spent all day yesterday at my mom’s house, and we had SO much fun! The kids played hard, and the nappers napped long. So long, in fact, that we ended up keeping them up way past their bedtimes. It benefitted them because they could spend more time at grandma’s, and it benefitted us because we were able to get a ton of stuff done all together! A very successful day!

We decided to stay home from church today, and have a solid day of relaxation. Yesterday was honestly SO FUN, but a home day is always good, too. The first chunk of the morning was super chill, as everyone woke up slowly.

Can you tell Wavy had pigtails in yesterday?

😂 Its a look.

Brady and I sat and enjoyed a cup of coffee together while the kids played, but it wasn’t long before they wanted to go out!

*Brief rant ahead*

I can’t wait until we have a yard :/ Its so hard not ever being able to let them out on their own. Not only are they young with age-appropriate judgement, but the alley behind our house is driven frequently (often carelessly) and people also use our street and area of town as an off-leash. They’re all TERRIFIED of dogs. Not saying danger will befall them, but it could. So if they go out, we go out, no matter what.

*Rant over*

Brady had some things to do outside on his work van and on our deck stairs, so he took the kids out with him to bike and play on the swings. I stayed in and worked on some projects while Waverly napped. It was so nice and restful.

Everyone came in for lunch, and the nappers went down for naps. The big kids played Lego, and Brady and I had a little lunch together. Nap time was cut a little short, and the rest of the afternoon was spent outside.

Our kids and their helmets 😆 I swear, they start with bikes and just leave those things on! We’re not a “put on your helmet before you go outside” family, lol!

I’ve never been more proud of a toque I made! Seriously, the cutest part of winter right here!

Supper was a bit of a battle, and the evening is spent on BATHS, because WOW those kids got dirty yesterday! And knowing they were going to spend the bulk of today outside, we saved baths for tonight. But seriously 😳 Them scalps are in rough shape!

Wish us luck for the remainder of the evening! Whats everyone doing tomorrow? Not sure whether to have another restful home day, or run errands, or hit up the lake real quick? Probably not the lake. It will be crazy this weekend. Plus, we have baaaaand practice tomorrow night!! Who’s coming to the car show??

Mid May???

So. This is awkward. I swear we’re in the first week of May. Like I’m SURE of it!!

Our towns annual celebration weekend is in two weeks. Thats HUGE! Coincidentally, our little bandy-band is playing some live music that weekend! Whooooo wants to come?! Assuming we’re ready for it in time. Good thing we did that coffee house!

Seriously though, I can’t believe how much this month has got away on me! Just over a month of school left before SUMMER BREAK! Aaaaahhh!!! True story – I’m so stoked 🙂 July holds so much fun for our family!

We’ve spent this morning at my moms place, doing some work, playing outside with the kids, and eating so much delicious food. I’ve currently ducked back home to nap the three littlest kids. Brady’s hung back to do some more work, and my mom is hanging with Dekker and Laela. Its a super lovely day for all of us, I can confidently say 🙂 We’ll head back there for the afternoon and stay into the evening! The kids are so jazzed about being at grandmas “aaaaall day!”

Now I should take more time to blog something specific, or something more important, buuuut I’m working on some fun projects that I’m not sharing with anyone yet, and I’m far too distracted by them sitting beside me. I don’t often get quiet hours to work on them, so thats where I’m going to spend this nap time. Don’t judge me! If you had all of your kids napping at once, you’d do the same! Or maybe you wouldn’t. But I would! And I’m gonna.

Have a LOVELY long weekend, my friends. Get some sun, or some family time in. However your days look, I hope you love them.

A Cute Day Off

I was a touch nervous about today. Its like its built into our family that a day off SHOULD include Brady. He managed to take the stat Monday off after this weekend, but today left him at work. But I have to say, today turned out really cute.

Breakfast was smooth, and I didn’t have to pester anyone to rush. So that was awesome!

We spent the earlier morning hours doing dishes, coloring, reading, playing, and watching Wavy practice her CRAWLING! Its SO fun to watch her be so proud of herself, and even better to see her siblings encourage her and get so excited for her.

She’s just motoring around now 🙂 I drank a lot of coffee and watered my plants.

Cher came for a visit and managed to capture some of the MANY tough life moments, of which we seem to be having a lot.

We’re working hard at some shifts in parenting out here, and its paying off! But its a long, painful process. I’m glad we’re doing it.

Dekker and Laela played Lego during nap time, and once Wavy woke up, we played with her.

She wasn’t as into it as we were.

Some good laughs tho, haha!

After naps, we played some games with my Amazon Alexa. She’s kinda the worst, but we laughed A LOT. Brady was home around 4:30, and started up the BBQ for the first time this season. We had burgers and potato salad. It was delicious!

Once supper was over, Laela got a new bike! 🚴‍♀️ Of course I was WAY too excited to take pictures, but Jerilee tipped us off to a girl she knew who was offering a little girls bike for free in the exact size we wanted for Laela. She had been using a 12″ bike, and it was pretty small. Dekker’s old bike was 16″ and quite a bit too tall. This little free bike was 14″, cool colors, and just seemed like the perfect fit.

Laela approves this message

Laela was pretty stoked, and was VERY disappointed to go inside after a few rips up and down the road, but she’ll get plenty more chances soon enough!

Tomorrow is another day that will be full and great. This is shaping up to be a fantastic weekend 🙂 Have a wonderful long weekend, friends!

Beach Day

The kids always have a beach day at school, and in my humble opinion, it always feels a little too early in the year for it. While my kids are still little, I’m less inclined to send them to school in shorts or more summery clothes until I know for sure that its going to be warm all day. This morning was not that way, so once again, I was left floundering, trying to make jeans and a hoodie look beachy.

If you’ve followed long enough, you may remember what I did last year. I did it again.

Yup. Like jackets. So. Funny.

My favorite thing about this is watching them try to put shoes on, sit properly, etc.

Laela could hardly stand up from sitting down in the entrance this morning, after I had to help her put her shoes on. It. Was. Hilarious. Backpacks were challenging, too.

Laela’s life jacket was also a hair shelf.

I got a super kick out of watching them walk to school. In life jackets.

Yes, I find joy in small things. Not going to apologize for it, haha! Funny memories 🙂

Windy Walk

The plan for today was to hang at home. The company who taped our basement walls planned to come back today to do some standard touch-ups. Also, the company who fixed our siding (I use the word “fixed” loosely, its been SUCH a gong show) is coming back for yet more repairs today. At least thats what they said. They don’t usually come the first time they say they will. So thats fun for us. Anyway, with two trades on the books to be at my home today, we were just going to be home.

For the most part, its still going to be a home day. Except I got an email from Dekker’s teacher saying he had forgotten his form for hot lunch this Friday. Shoot! I thanked her for letting me know and said we’d plan to come pick him up after school today rather than letting him come home on his own. But she replied and said it actually had to be in by lunch time today.

Of course, as I’m reading this, a truck pulls up. Timing, am I right? Once he was set up, I started getting the kids dressed and out the door. I tipped him off that I was stepping out for a bit and the house was his, whatever he needed. I like their company a lot, so I trust their people a lot, too. They’ve been nothing but respectful and efficient! We left, and I loaded a couple of kids into the stroller.

WOW did I underestimate the wind!!! It was SO windy!!! Thankfully, my kids are total troopers, and toughed it out. Remember a while back, I said that my cure-all for wounds is putting “stuff” on it? They just accept that as a fix. A drink of water, and some stuff. Well, my “solution” to wind (as if it somehow needs solving) is ponytails. Everyone gets a ponytail when its windy. Somehow, when I do that, there is no longer any frustration with the wind. They just take it! So, thats what we did. Two kids in strollers, two kids in the stroller, a whole bunch of ponytails, and we trudged on to school!

They were all such great sports, I actually dragged our walk out a little and took the long way there and back. It was WAY windier on the way back. Our street was the worst for it, easily. But the windier it got, the more they giggled. I thought the wind would be off-putting to them, because honestly, it is to me! It makes my ears hurt and my throat dry. I don’t think they loved the wind. They didn’t ask to stay out in it, specifically. But they didn’t complain even once!

I think I need to be more willing to go out in less than favourable weather with them.

Always learning.

Quiet Time with Laela

Believe it or not, Laela napped in the afternoons until just recently! There was a time where she didn’t, when she was maybe two or three, and she just didn’t need it. But when age four hit, she had a HARD time. I put her down for naps experimentally, and it helped tremendously. So Laela was back on the books for napping.

We tried maybe once or twice a month to keep her up at nap time. She would be SO excited, but be a total disaster by maybe 4:00pm. And I don’t mean she was hangry. I mean she picked fights and cried and struggled hard for the rest of the day. She so clearly needed that extra sleep.

If you’ve been around us recently, you may have noticed a marked change in Laela. Maybe in the last month or so, she’s grown up quite a bit! She’s so loving to her siblings, helpful to those around her, and she’s learning to handle disappointment with grace. She’s always been an amazing girl, but everything is just amped up these days. She’s more capable, and her judgement is better. Bottom line – she’s awesome.

That road rash is healing nicely, too!

In the last week or two, we’ve kept Laela up during nap time, and she’s thriving and loving it!! Its working! And I’m SO happy!! I’ve been wanting to hang out with her sweet little self!

Yesterday was a good one 💕

It started with Laela snuggling Wavy before I put her down for a nap.

Wavy wasn’t so much having it, but Laela was quite determined, and offered her toy after toy, talked sweetly to her, and didn’t rattle when her sister didn’t immediately recover. It was SO great!

From there, Laela wanted to play outside. It was SO windy, but again, she was pretty determined to play on our swings. Did I tell you guys someone GAVE us a swing set?? Its beefy and strong, and our kids LOVE it!

She didn’t last too too long, though, before she came up to the deck and hung out with me.

That wind was cold, though. We were outside for maybe a half hour before we headed in. I had some crafty projects on the go, and she inquired. So, I taught her something new!


Seriously, a girl after my own heart!! Can she forever think everything I do is awesome?? I would LOVE to teach her, or any of my kids, to crochet or knit or somehow find joy in the things I love. But I really want them to love what they love! It just excites me when we can relate on these things 🙂 And WHEN did she grow up enough to learn how to loom knit?!?! She is so bright and intelligent, and she loves to learn! Its amazing to watch. I hope I can foster her love for learning properly.

Laela, I am LOVING hanging out with you during nap times. I’m SO proud of you!

How Mother’s Day Wrapped Up

Yesterday’s post was a shorty, and it was like that for a reason. I hope you know, if you’ve been following along long enough, how much I LOVE being a mother, and how much I LOVE my mother! Yesterday was no different, except that we celebrated that love a bit extra 🙂 Rather than write all about that love, I lived it instead. And it was awesome.

We had waffles for supper.

And then went out for a walk. It was SO chill and SO nice.

Three generations of women…

When our walk was over and bedtime was looming, mom headed home for the night. Shortly thereafter, a handful of half naked kids abandoned their bedtime routines and presented me with gifts.

Dekker made me a card at school, as well as a ceramic tile with a picture of the two of us on it. He told me I can put my coffee mug on it, if I want.

I wonder how far down the road we’ll all laugh at my purple hair, haha!

Laela made me a bookmark, and drew me a picture with a note on it. Can you read her note?

Brady helped them get me a shirt, also.

I think this shirt is a follow-up to the “Best Dad Ever” shirt we all got him last year 😉

I also got a beautiful card from my mom, but I’m keeping that close to my heart.

Brady got me a gift this year, as well! I’m SO amped for my new Echo Dot!

Do you guys know about this thing? She basically takes the place of a mothers helper 😆 so its fitting for Mother’s Day. She reminds me of stuff, tells me the weather, adds stuff to my grocery list, answers questions, and mostly – she solidly entertains the kids! I read a Facebook post where someone with lots of kids said they felt bad for their Echo Dot. I totally get that now!

It was a very cute, fulfilling Mother’s Day. I feel SO grateful.

Mothers Day 2019

I’m so grateful to be a mother to my beautiful children ❤️

I’m also VERY thankful for the strong woman I call my mother. She is more dear to me than most.

We spent our morning at church…

And will spend the rest of the day together, loving each other and resting in each other’s presence. Low pressure. Waffles, playing outside, etc.

I know that not everyone gets to be a mother, or wants to be a mother. I always try and write a strong inclusive post on Mother’s Day. Please forgive me for keeping it short this time around. I choose to spend time with my people instead. But I love you all!! Whoever you are, wherever you are, I hope there is joy in your day.

Garage Sale Day 2019

We had our first garage sale today!

I have to say, it was pretty cute 🙂

Yes, we sold the bear, and the little couch 😉 Among ALL KINDS of other things! Very little was left at the end, which felt SO good! We priced it all pretty cheap, so we didn’t exactly haul in a ton, but I’m so happy to have so much cleared out!

For most of the day, Brady happily manned the garage sale. The kids played in the garage and nearby,

and Rowan made every effort to sell people on our items. I watched him give other toys to kids to entice them to buy them, or encourage little ones to sit on the ride on toys, etc. He was in full salesman mode! I ventured out into town pretty early on. I spent the morning shopping with my mom, and Jerilee came for the afternoon! We drove/walked every street in town and had a lot of fun chatting, perusing, buying, and getting some solid fresh air. We are BEAT now, haha!

Sugary faces from Anne’s donuts!

I practiced some serious restraint, and ALL I purchased was some donuts for the fam, and a succulent I’ve been looking for! Go Hailey! I did, however, come home with a few bonuses, which I am SO grateful for! You generous people know who you are ❤️

This evening holds a chill supper, baths, some serious tidying up, and a movie with Jerilee. Its wrapped up to be a pretty great day 🙂

Mother’s Day in Kindergarten

Today, the mothers of the children in Laela’s class were invited to a Mother’s Day spa at school. It was SO cute!

There were a handful of stations to go to, and we had an hour. Laela did my hair, and gave me a massage. She was really just stalling, though. She had been waiting to paint my nails! That was easily the highlight! Things were a bit too sticky to take many pictures at the time, but I did after the fact.

Don’t they look pretty?

She asked me if I could paint hers too, so we did that at the very end with our last few minutes. Her hands were already a little painted from doing my nails, but hey. Whats a bit more color, right?

Besides the much anticipated nail painting, we ate some treats and read some stories. She read a few to me, because #overachiever, and I read a few to her, because #adult. It was pretty cute, though. A little girl sitting near us was bragging to me about what a good reader Laela is ❤️ Nothing but love! It was SO sweet.

All of a sudden, it was recess time, and off she went! She is SO comfortable at school, it really warms my heart to watch her interact with her friends and know her way around so easily. She’s so confident. I love that!

I doddled my way home, hijacking Laela’s teacher’s entire recess break with visiting before actually leaving. Whoops. Unsurprising, though. I haven’t been home for long at all, and its already coming up on the end of the school day! Hopefully they both had great days at school!

Its a busy weekend ahead! Tomorrow is garage sale day, and we’re hosting our first sale! Nothing too crazy, but please do stop by! And Sunday, we’re on music for church, and then spending the rest of the day with my mom! Because Mothers Day, if you hadn’t picked up on that.

Happy Friday, all!