A Bit Better

To everyone who has reached out privately and in comments over the weekend, thank you for your love and concern. Its been a bit of a wild ride, just inside my head, mostly. I was able to get a bit of a better sleep last night, so that counts for something. I feel a bit stronger today.

My kids were absolute joys this morning. They were all happy through breakfast, with no scrapping. Dekker had a field trip today so he was through the roof excited! He actually had his lunch and backpack packed yesterday already. Is anyone even surprised by that, though? I know I wasn’t. But he was just oozing happiness 🙂

Once he was off for the day, I woke Wavy up from a dead sleep. Poor little dear.

It had to be done :/

I got the kids assembled and into the van. I had a small errand to run, and my mom came along for the quick trip so I wouldn’t have to bring the whole brood in. She even read them stories while I was out.

I grabbed an iced coffee on the way home, because dollar drinks!! It was a nice morning.

She needed to go home fairly quickly afterwards, so we dropped her off and then went home to play a bit. The kids did pretty well, especially Wavy, who was so happy to be out of her car seat! She crawled madly through the living room, chasing down the toys she’s actually whack out of her reach, and then celebrate when she’d retrieve them. It was cute.

Lunch came and went, and the littles are napping. Laela is up with me, busy with her reading, as always. I brought out some fun coloring/designing stuff that I think she’ll have a riot with next time I can tell she’s looking for something new to do 🙂 And I’m going to keep working on my crafty stuff that I’m sure I’ll tell you about one day! The whole reason for the secrecy is not to be a turd, but because I’m already thinking about Christmas! I know, I know. But I’m making beautiful gifts! I’ve been trying to think of some way to do an extra gift exchange with people I don’t usually see that often, but I’m not sure it’ll be possible to orchestrate. I’ll keep thinking on it. Blog gift exchange? Lol! Maybe just a draw for a prize, handmade my yours truly 😘 We’ll have to see!

But I’m going to do a bit of that to relax my mind, and I bet Laela will join me with some of it. Meanwhile, sanding is happening in my basement, and Brady’s work day is productive and he’s feeling good!

I hope and pray all of our days end smoothly and in a way that leaves us feeling like we somehow succeeded.

Swirly Thoughts

I’m hiding upstairs. I realized moments ago that I haven’t eaten today, and thats not helping anyone, so Brady brought me crackers. I’m now momentarily sustained, and I hear my kids laughing and playing happily downstairs. Its good.

Today was hard. It was good and bad. Very emotionally charged. Not eating didn’t help, and I haven’t slept much since the weekend. My body is mad.

Wavy and I collectively had three appointments in the city today. Appointment number one and two were easy enough, and some fear was taken out of a situation for the both of us. That post has been months in the making and will now have a pretty anticlimactic ending, but I’m comfortable with that. I’ll tell you all about it soon. Appointment number three was also good, but way more emotional. My body is struggling hard, for lots of reasons. More things I’ll share with everyone down the road. But I have some follow up to do in the near future. I cried like an idiot in that appointment, but as per usual, I have the best people in all the right places, and I felt safe and comfortable. Wavy was the best sidekick through the long, hard day.

Her little knees!! SO chunky!

I’m emotionally exhausted. I hope to spend some time this evening working on my crafty stuff. That helps relax my mind, usually.

Sorry for the vague post. My heart is tired, as is my body. Tomorrow is a new day.

What ELSE Happened This Weekend

This couldn’t be truer…

This weekend was SO not how I wanted it to be. But so much is out of my control, so I try to roll with the punches. The lake trip was a HUGE flop, for obvious reasons. The evening after was incredibly difficult, as was the following morning. I’ve been struggling pretty hard. Last night, I lost a few hours of sleep. Its clear to me that its going to be a while before this just blows over and I feel like I can relax. So! Let’s focus on some other positives from the weekend 🙂

Friday evening closed off the school week. Our kids weren’t doing so hot, and Dekker was the only one who had been cooperative through supper and had time to play before bed. While the others sulked over their food, I took Dekker for a walk around the pond nearby our house. He wanted to bike, which sot of crushed the one-on-one time, or so I thought. He’d bike for a bit and then either bike back for me, or wait for me to catch up.

Our first lap around the pond, he had biked ahead of me and suddenly slammed on his brakes. He yelled to me to come. He got off his bike and stood beside it, seeming to jump out of his skin. I couldn’t get there fast enough, he just couldn’t keep it together. “BABIES!!!!” He pointed at the water.

Two big geese were on the water with two little fuzzy yellow babies. He was SO excited! I loved that. <3 We went for a second lap around the pond, and and about the halfway point, I challenged him to a race. I finished the lap by walking, and he biked to get aaaaall the way around again before I got to the end. We got there at the same time. He was wiped. It was awesome.

On Saturday, the drive to the lake was really lovely. We got the kids bagels at Tim Hortons for breakfast along the way. I mentioned it on Facebook, but in case you missed it, we tried to place our order through the app, but it only lets you order 6 bagels at once! We’ve officially outgrown Tim’s technology, haha!

So we had a good laugh, went through the drive-thru, and the kids demolished some bagels with strawberry cream cheese 🙂

Laela played peekaboo with Wavy on the drive 🙂

Saturday evening wasn’t our best. It was tense and struggly for everyone. But, mostly me. So I was showered with hugs and compassion, which felt pretty much amazing and reassuring. I slept HARD Saturday night, which Waverly hasn’t really allowed recently. I really appreciated that.

My mom spent Sunday with us. We skipped church, because we so desperately needed the break. My mom brought Subway for lunch, which was SO wonderful, and SO yummy. Could anyone else eat Subway all day err day?? I know I could! So we did that and then I rushed Laela off to a birthday party. As soon as I got back, Brady left to take Dekker to yet another party. Dekker’s party was in Saskatoon so Brady stayed in the city. My mom and I spent the afternoon visiting while the little ones napped. We had a lot of ground to cover, so it was good to spend that time together, just the two of us. I love her so much.

I retrieved Laela from her party mid-afternoon and Brady and Dekker were a couple of hours behind. When we all came together for the evening, we had a yummy feed of scrambled eggs, breakfast sausage, and sautéed peppers. Are you guys pro-sautéed peppers? Throw some Montreal steak spice on them. You’ll thank me.

Supper went long, right up to the kids usual bedtime, but I was feeling the need to do something a bit extra. Plus, the party go-ers were still pretty sugared up. So the group of us (our little fam and my mom) headed out for a trek around the pond, to get some wiggles out. We even picked up our neighbour along the way! Our group of nine moseyed around the pond and talked about our weekends. Our kids played on the big rock and enjoyed the sun. It was refreshing.

The kids were so happy at bedtime.

There are four kids under this blanket, lol!

I think a lap around the pond might have to be a permanent fixture in our bedtime routine. If you happen to see our gang, pajama-clad, running around out there, you know its almost bedtime, haha!

So based on these things, we had a lovely weekend. The rest was hard, but we learned from it and got a serious reality check.

Praise the Lord for this weekend turning out as it did – with some happy memories and all of us, together, safe at home.

A Bit More About Yesterday

I was very rattled yesterday. In all honesty, I still am. My skin is still crawling. But Wavy let us sleep better than she has been recently, so that helped. Here are some slightly clearer thoughts about what went on at the beach.

I want to believe that the woman taking pictures and interacting with my kids meant no harm. I don’t want to write these people off as predators. I, too, have been in situations where my kids are interacting with strangers kids. But I look for the parents. If I can catch their eye, I make sure I smile or wave or somehow make contact. There’s just some safety there. When I approached the group on the beach, I was far from menacing. I believe I had a smile on my face, and I was just casually wandering over. I was anticipating a short conversation about how cute all of our kids are. But, nope. Their whole group instantly got up and left. Why?! Why, if not for guilt?? They looked and acted guilty.

I struggled through the evening really hard. I was just emotionally drained. I cried a lot, on and off. I was SO disappointed. I LOVE Waskesiu, and this lake day was already such a stretch, and I cannot believe it ended the way it did. Just SO discouraging.

The win from the day? I was talking to Laela about everything that had happened, and I told her that the most important thing was keeping her and the other kids safe. She corrected me and said that the most important thing is “not to run from God.” Her words, not mine. She knows what true safety feels like, and where it comes from. And that is AWESOME!

All in all, God prevailed, like He always will.

This One is Important

We went to the lake today. We don’t have too many more chances before summer actually starts. We battled whether or not to go today, but decided it would be good to break up the weekend, even if our group was truly exhausted and struggling. Its not been an easy go of it around here as of late. But we’re plodding on, and the lake was going to be a much needed pick me up.

We got to the beach at 11:30, and the kids attacked the playground.

There were just a couple of other people around, but not many. There was a woman (maybe two of them? I don’t remember for sure) running around with a little boy, and two big burly men sitting on a bench nearby. They looked a bit out of place, not at all dressed for the beach, but they had a baby with them, and seemed to be along with the woman and little boy.

At Waskesiu, there are two play areas on the beach. They’re very close to each other – think a five second run – but they’re separate. Brady and I watched the kids migrate from the bigger playground to the one more geared towards younger kids. So began their instant friendship with the little boy we had seen. He was stoked to have all these new friends, and our kids chased him up and down the ramps, played tag with him, and seemed to have a hoot. It was cute to watch.

Brady and I were keeping an eye out, always counting heads, but we were hanging out on a nearby bench, playing with Wavy and watching over out stroller full of rejected hoodies, shoes, and water bottles. I noticed that woman I assumed to be the little boys mom had gone over to join the fun. She seemed pretty smitten with the fact that her super cute kid had all these new friends!

And then she started taking pictures of them. As in, posing them together on a bench, motioning to make sure all of our kids were in it.


I said to Brady “Is she taking pictures of them?” and he almost sighed, and confirmed that she was. “Well, thats not ok.”

I don’t have to tell you guys that a red flag went up. Truthfully, it was already up. Those men sitting on that bench hadn’t budged, and they weren’t interacting with the woman we thought they were with. So we were already on alert. And then this. I do NOT like to assume the worst in people, but it felt like an appropriate time to go join the group. It was lunch time anyway.



We got the hell out of there.

We were there for less than 40 minutes.

I admit, I was completely shaken. We loaded the kids up into the van, and they cried and complained as we buckled them in. We had promised them a long time of play on the beach, and then a picnic. And we were not making good on that promise. We drove to find a spot to park that wasn’t at the beach, and started serving out the makings of our picnic in the van.

I flip flopped hard on what to say to the kids. I didn’t know how to talk to them about what happened without scaring the pants off of them. But if I’m being honest, losing a child is easily my biggest fear. When I see those terrifying stories of people having their children abducted, I have to look away or I’ll never sleep again. But I couldn’t be ignorant today.

So I got everyone’s attention and we discussed what had happened at the playground. How they were having so much fun, and that maybe that little boys mom was just so happy he had friends. BUT, she should not be taking their picture without asking for a parents permission. And she, as an adult, knows that. We talked about how probably she meant no harm and probably everything was totally safe. BUT, we need to be so careful, and always abide by safety rules. We talked about NEVER going anywhere with a stranger, even a really, really friendly one. We were able to reiterate a big one that we talk about a lot around here. Screaming. In our house, screaming is for emergencies only. So we said, if a stranger ever took their hand and tried to lead them away, SCREAM! As LOUD as you can, SCREAM! That is the right time!

Our kids listened intently and responded to what I was saying all along the way. They had questions, and I answered truthfully. It got into very raw territory, talking about how there are people out there who take kids, and hurt kids, and how this lady probably wasn’t one of those, BUT there are rules we have to follow. We don’t need to be afraid of everybody, but we need to be careful.

They understood, and I died on the inside. HOW is the world like this?!?! HOW do I even have to have this conversation with them??

After some thought and prayer, we hit the RCMP station, but the officer on duty was out patrolling. So we called 911 and they helped us get connected to the officer we needed. Thank you, Brady, for making that awful call.

He stepped out of the van to give the officer a breakdown of what had happened. We had seen them loading into their vehicle and Brady was with it enough to grab the plate number and make and model of the vehicle. The officer was attentive and recounted the story back to Brady to make sure he hadn’t missed anything. He said he’d do some laps around town, and go ask at a few business near where their vehicle was parked, but beyond that, a file was opened.

While Brady was on the phone with the RCMP officer, the kids told me that the lady on the beach had initiated all the pictures, and was asking their ages.

There wasn’t much more that could be done. But that was all we needed. Reassurance that they were recorded, in case anyone else reports the same thing of the same people. He’ll call if anything comes of it.

Our kids, while very understanding of the situation, were very disappointed to leave so soon. I was too. I LOVE Waskesiu, but today, I was more than happy to see it go. I was SO shaken. Still am.

We promised our sad little troop some ice cream, so we did that on our way home.

A yummy supper is in the oven already, and we have high hopes of some outside play and music videos before bed. We all wanted a fun, relaxing day and rather, we’re all kind of emotionally exhausted and rattled.

So. All that said. What is a person to do in a situation, like at a big playground, when you can headcount to your hearts content but it is physically impossible to keep an eye on every child every second? Help me, friends. I’ve thought about a buddy system, but does that put too much responsibility one the older “buddy?”

My heart is shaky. I’m rattled. I don’t know what I’d do. The “what ifs” are useless and also rampant.

Pray for peaceful hearts for all of us, please.

School BBQs, and a Milestone for Laela!

Yesterday, the kids school threw its annual family appreciation barbecue. Its always fun.

The kids eat lots and we all schmooze a little, and then the kids run off their sugar rushes (freezies!) on the walk home.

We got home right around bedtime, and I took Waverly upstairs to give her a bottle while Brady got the other kids settled into bed. Right as everyone should’ve been laying down for night, there was whooping and celebrating. Laela ran upstairs with something exciting to show me!

HER FIRST TOOTH CAME OUT! We celebrated and oohed and aahed at it for a bit. She was SO excited. Her bottom two teeth have been hanging by a thread for a while now, and upon looking into her mouth, we could see one adult tooth coming through behind already! Brady and I talked to her a bit about the other tooth, but she would not have it pulled. Understandably. I didn’t find the removing of teeth thing enjoyable either. She was open to trying to pull it herself, though! It barely took anything and that sucker was out!

Her first TWO TEETH came out!!!!

She was SO excited, and SO proud of herself! We’re pretty proud of her, too.

You were SO brave, Laela!

Laela, My Sidekick

Laela and I have had our differences and stages together, and there were times when her days home from school were hard. In the last few weeks, maybe a month, there’s been a big change in her. I can’t quite nail it down, but others have noticed it too. She has hit her stride, somehow. It’s AWESOME.

Yesterday was a home day for her, and she was just the sweetest, softest little girly, all day long. She was my little sidekick. My tagalong. In the very best way.

Not only did she jump up for everything, but when she wasn’t helping or working or reading to the boys, she was snuggled on my lap.

She thought Woody’s holster was “a coffee cup on his little jeans.” It was SO cute how she said it! Maybe you had to be there.

We had the sweetest little day together yesterday. We sat together for probably a couple of hours in the afternoon, pouring over some craft stuff, patterns, designs, etc. I could see her brain ticking away as she watched what I was doing, and we planned and chatted about what she could do. She was so graceful about it all.

I miss her a bit extra today, to be honest.

Quick throwback to her baby stage, thanks to Facebook!

She actually looks a bit like Waverly here! Crazy stuff!

I love you, Laela Hazel!

ALL the Sleeping

Don’t ask me why, but I was completely trashed by the end of the day yesterday!

I make the “mom life” joke a lot. When things get difficult, or messy, or catch me by surprise – boom! “Mom life, am I right?” But guys, this is true mom life! I wouldn’t trade it for anything! All of those other things are part of being a mom, but this is mom life! Wavy playing on the floor. Laela reading a book way out of her league to her little bros. Dekker reading nearby, pretending not to be listening to Laela 😉 Brady nearby, taking pictures, and me, tucked underneath their little bodies, half asleep from the days events. This is what my dreams are made of.

I got to be exhausted yesterday, but my big kids were exhausted this morning. When I went in to get everyone for breakfast, both big kids were still completely cashed out!

It almost never happens thats its just me and the middles! I was thrilled, to be honest! It was the best morning for this to happen because today isn’t a school day for Laela, so she could sleep in as long as she wanted, and when Dekker goes on his own, he can bike, so could afford to sleep in a bit, too.

The middles and I enjoyed breakfast together for a good while before someone zombie walked out of their room… 😂

It was 8:00. He took a second, but soon enough he was eating breakfast at a decent clip. Laela was another 15-20 minutes behind him.

Dekker has since gone to school, and Laela finished her breakfast. And now, we’re just hanging in the living room together, listening to Laela read stories while I sip coffee. Everything else can wait.

I hope Waverly joins us soon!

Little Snippets About Everyone

I have lots of cute to share about today 🙂 But in the spirit of including everyone, I’ll get Brady and I out of the way first. Our tidbits are considerably less adorable.

Brady. Brady overslept this morning and got to work to hours late. Good thing he works for himself and can make the time up another time.

Hailey. I have zits on my neck that look like nipples. Fuuuuun.

In order of events…

Laela. Laela slept IN this morning. Like, WAY too late. I woke her finally around 8:00. They usually leave around 8:20. I dressed her zombie self in some long shorts and a tshirt she loves, and plunked her at the table. She obediently ate her breakfast as fast as she could, but I ended up shovelling the end of it into her mouth. If you know Laela, you know she’s independent, almost to a fault, but she was SO zonked this morning. I brushed her teeth and hair, and she had a few minutes to spare to get her backpack together. Except.

Dekker. Dekker had packed her backpack for her. He had stuffed her lunch kit while I prepared their food, which I already thought was nice of him. I had no idea he was still doing work for her. He put her library books and green bag into her backpack, along with her lunch, and carried it down to the entrance for her. He responsible oldest son.

Rowan. Rowan surprised me this morning. I had gone upstairs to pee (every mom’s mistake) and upon coming back down, found Solly had spilled his milk. And Rowan was on his hands and knees, paper towel in hand, cleaning up. He was FULL of smiles, seeming so happy to do something nice for me. I came to help him, obviously, and mopped up a weeping Solly while Rowan dried the floor. He told me “I’m trying to be nicer today.” I thought that was awesome 🙂

Solly. Solly loves Wavy so much these days. As I slipped her into her high chair, he shuffled over to be next to her. He greeted her warmly and told her she was so cute. I put some Cheerios on her tray and he excitedly announced “Cheerios! Eat those! Eat those!” He talks to her in this squeaky baby voice. Seeing him rock his role as a big brother is pretty wonderful. I’ll throw a video on Insta 😉

Waverly. Wavy learned how to blow kisses. Its INSANELY cute! She’s been making a kiss noise for a couple of days now, but last night, she started doing it way more, when we asked. This morning, she would only do it for Solly 😉 So thats saying something.

I’m quite smitten with my little fam jam.

Last Day

We’re wrapping up the long weekend at home. You guys, too?

We had this beautiful peaceful morning. I almost made a quick video of it, just panning around the room, but for fear of jinxing it, I decided to just revel in it quietly. This morning, we all existed in the same space, effortlessly. Brady put some song sheets together on the laptop. I worked on a craft project. Dekker looked at a book with Solly on the couch. Laela and Rowan played with a busy book on the island. Wavy slept and slept. It. Was. Magical.

The kids ate lunch, and nap time is on the go. Rowan and Solly are sleeping. Dekker and Laela are playing Lego. Wavy is – you guessed it! – napping. Brady is building some Ikea furniture for my mom. I’ve since finished my project and am dreaming up the next one.

I hope very much to spend the remainder of the day outside, biking and swinging and the like. And once the kids are in bed, band practice begins!

School and work kick off again tomorrow. That, plus a few little things here and there, will fill the week up quickly.

Have a super beautiful end to your long weekend!