I think most people can relate to the feeling of not having enough minutes in a day. There is always so much to do. I’m not even talking in terms of my kids or family! I just mean life in general. And not in a bad way, either. We’re all busy, and we’re all tired, and thats ok!
We had no big plans for today. Well, we have a date night in the evening! But nothing scheduled for the day time. We figured we’d have coffee and a relaxed morning with the kids. Then Brady and I would slowly get ready during the afternoon, and leave for our date before supper. I love those casual days. But sometimes, rather than casual, they just feel idle, and I like that considerably less.
This morning, the kids were coloring, playing with stickers, essentially crafting, and Dekker requested a glue stick. He couldn’t find the one that was usually in the junk drawer, so I went into our big scary closet of all the things. Our storage closet. It consists of blankets, games, puzzles, wrapping stuff, empty boxes, gifts, music equipment, some large glassware, craft stuff, and office supplies. Sooooo, it contains everything. Its a terrifying closet. And today, I went into it in search of a glue stick. And I had to sift through three different tubs to find one. It. Was. Ridiculous.
So as you can imagine, it spiralled from there. I gutted the paper/craft/random electronics section of that closet. I made a garbage pile, a pile of craft stuff, a pile of office things, and a pile of stuff for Brady to figure out, like small hand tools, command strips, power bars, etc. Brady jumped right in with me, thankfully, and hauled away the garbage and his little box of goodies. I tubbed up the actual craft stuff to stay in the closet, and moved the office stuff into his own tub to find a home for. Some of it belonged in the junk drawer, which of course, needed its own overhaul. So that happened. And then the rest of the office stuff belonged in my desk, which also needed an overhaul. So that happened. Not having my house completely finished is a constant lingering piss-off, if I’m being honest. We knew, when we built, there would be a few years of tying up loose ends. The basement is going to make SO much more sense, because everything will belong somewhere, and what doesn’t will have to go! But for right now, I often feel like I’m moving a mess from one location to another. Today was one of those days.
Something as small as walking by this one area of our house and seeing the mess of cords. We have everything we need to install an outlet there, because we need one! But we haven’t had the time. And when we do have time for a little project, its spent working on the basement. And yikes, what about those kids closets?? Our kids hoard all kinds of stuff in their closets, and they’re SUCH huge messes. I. Want. To. Gut. Everything.
On top of all of that, we actually really need to make yogurt and granola bars today. Whoops. We need to run to Coop to buy a few groceries to even make that possible, so maybe once Brady is out of the shower, I’ll make my way over and grab what we need. Hopefully we have the time to actually make them when I get back! We’ll be cutting it pretty close…
I wish we could send our beautiful children away for a whole entire day, or weekend, and we could WORK. We could gut all the junk we’ve acquired. We could paint the whole basement and start on the rest of it. We could tidy the furnace room and get rid of one of our freezers that we don’t use. We could do something with our yard that is leaving out house looking basically abandoned. Ok not actually, but I wish it looked better. We could clean our living room carpet that hasn’t been the right color for at least two years now. We’d wash our car seat and high chair covers. We’d organize our whole craft section so it wouldn’t pour all over the floor when the kids open the cabinet. We’d actually clean our appliances. We’d organize our linen closet and pantry. We would make things make sense!
Yet, we’re adults! We’re in a different stage of life now, and our “helpers” are our children, who, while being SO cute, do not actually help speed the process up much. I think the days of blitzing big jobs and getting a ton done in a day might be behind us for now.

*sigh* Today’s post is a ranty one, I’m aware of that. I promise I’m SO grateful and satisfied with my live! I’m just feeling very behind today. There aren’t enough minutes in the day. Not today.