
At the end of the day yesterday, I couldn’t even turn my head. It was pretty painful, and I constantly pushed down my worries about it, as I had been forewarned that my knots were BIG and I was going to feel my treatment after the fact. I did. She was not kidding. Wow. But I woke up feeling more awake than I have in a while, and in less pain. Now, let me be clear. I was still in pain. I am still in pain. Full body pain. But nothing is impossible to use. Everything is totally usable. Just a little achy. That is a HUGE victory for me!

It probably doesn’t sound like a huge deal to many people, but if you’ve spent literally any time with me in the recent past, you’ll know how decrepit I’ve become. The last few weeks have been bizarrely painful. The last time I felt this level of pain for this length of time was in my pregnancy with Solomon. I was at SUCH a loss by the end of that pregnancy, I remember crying to my physiotherapist and my doctor, saying I felt legitimately handicapped. That SCARED me. While its been a different pain this time, its been pretty debilitating, honestly, and I’ve suuuuuper hated it.

Today feels hopeful. I feel like I will catch up and move freely again. I’ve been feeling pretty “doomsday” in that department as of late, and while I’m in no way “all better,” I’m a little better! All over, a little better. That alone is a win.

My surprise moral at the end of this is that if you feel like you can do something to help someone else, and you have the capacity, time, and head space for it, DO IT! I received a treatment and a brace yesterday, and I am worlds apart improved today! Thank you Lord, for healing, and for working through people around me!! What a gift.

As the Season gets Busier

Evenings are filling fast! You guys too? With all the craziness, Jerilee and I have started to have more morning or daytime dates, so we actually get to hang out, even though evenings are super full. Today was one of those days!

First, my mom came and sat at our house while I took Rowan to preschool. She left shortly thereafter for another commitment and Jerilee showed up maybe an hour later for a date! She was here for only about a half hour before I had to go retrieve Rowan from preschool. She happily stayed with the kids while I went and fed Waverly, as she was on the verge of dying of hunger, or so she was leading us to believe.

At preschool drop off, I had complained about the pain in my hands and wrists, and when I went to pickup, someone had lovingly brought me a brace she had used when she had carpal tunnel. I was SO thankful, and we all started talking about the kind of hand pain I was experiencing. One of the women there inquired a bit more and offered to help me.

I won’t go into big detail, because privacy and respect and all that good stuff, but Jerilee sat with my kids even longer while someone came over and adjusted my body for probably twenty minutes or so, as a gift. She advised me on a few things, and helped me feel hopeful and capable again. I was so thrilled.

Jerilee and I spent the rest of the afternoon together. She opened her homemade gift exchange gift, which she LOVED, and we ate cookies for lunch. It was an excellent day ❤️

Part of me felt bad, as though I was just “fitting her in,” but I decided to throw that out the window, because that is NOT what this was. I am SO thankful to have a friend who willingly comes my way for only a few hours, because our lives and full and we still value our friendship so much! So thank you, Jerilee, for making the effort! I’m SO EXCITED for our family Christmas date on Saturday!!!!! 🎄 😍 ❤️

A Week and a Half In…

Ok, friends. We’re a week and a half into December. Two weeks until Christmas. Now I know not everyone celebrates Christmas, and that’s totally fine! I don’t mean to be insensitive by posting about it so much. I see you, friends, and I care about you! I also recognize that Christmas isn’t about gifts. But that is a part of our fun over here, so again, not your cup of tea? That’s fine! ❤️ This post will predominantly be about those tangible material things. At least I’m not talking about barf, though, right? 🤷‍♀️

Two weeks until Christmas. How close are you guys to being ready for it?? In the world of gifts, you guys may know, we do the four categories of gifts. Each kid gets something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read. Now thats not always cut and dry for us. Something they want is really just something fun. Still not usually a toy, because we have SO MANY, and they get more from other people at Christmas. But something we know they’ll be excited about. Something they need used to be really hard, because we’re fortunate enough not to struggle to get our children what they need. But in this category, we tend to just get them more practical gifts. Something to wear is pretty straight forward, but don’t forget accessories! And something to read is my favorite, because you can NEVER have too many books!

My breakdown looks like this. Their needs and wears are here. Three of their wants are here, though I accidentally bought Waverly two wants! Whoops! The other two kids wants are in my brain, I just have to go get them. And their reads are on order, promised to be here in time. So yay!!! I have a few more small things to acquire for others, but its all written down in a good little list, and I feel confident in it! I just need a couple of free hours to shop in the near future 😬 Thank to so many of you praying for our family, I’m sure, Brady’s work has filled beautifully for the month of December and a big chunk of January!!! We are THRILLED that he is nice and busy with work, so I’m less upset about the fact that I won’t even see my husband before Christmas, haha! Hopefully I find a way to sneak away for a couple of hours someday soon, because the online ordering ship has just about sailed…

My real quandary when it comes to Christmas gifts is as follows. I’ve been knitting and crocheting up a storm over here. I’ve been trying to be subtle about it, but we all know whats up. I have made about 20 gifts, and I’m SO happy literally with every single one. But you may have noticed me saying I’ve been having some problems with my hands. Ya. I’m really hurting. I can hardly do basic life things because of how much pain in. And with that, I have ONE MORE GIFT to make. ONE. I cannot just throw in the towel after making twenty gifts when I just have ONE left!!! Right?!?! But paaaaain. Ugh. I don’t know, guys. I’m still hoping I can make that happen, but I’m pretty torn up about it… Seems like a small problem, but not being able to use your fingers to pull up your child’s pants is also a problem. Sooooo…

The gift exchange is going along swimmingly! Lots of people have already delivered and received their gifts! EARLY!!! I’ve truly enjoyed organizing it, and I hope there are a group of people who want to do it again next year! I know I do!

I feel pretty organized on the home front of gifts, so while I don’t have everything in hand, I don’t feel overwhelmed by it. All that is left to get organized is food! Its not a necessity, but wouldn’t it be so nice not to have to worry too too much about what we’re going to eat when over the holidays? I think a meal plan and a grocery shop are in order, but thats it 🙂 I’m excited!

All of this being said – are you guys close to being done?? Ready for the holiday?? I’m ready to sleep in, if nothing else 🙋‍♀️

The Last Man Standing

Poor Brady. *sigh* He felt SO sick this morning, and he still had to rally and go to work. He did not barf. Yet. Hopefully he doesn’t! We have located all of the flu medications in our house, so we’re better armed for the night, but hopefully this morning was the worst of it. 🤞 Wish us luck for his busy week! I’ll tell you guys more about his work soon. There may be some change afoot. We don’t even know yet, but when we do, you will!

Brady headed in to work late today, understandably, and Cher came over to hang with Solly and Waverly while I took Rowan to preschool. My mom came for coffee, too, and the three of us solidly enjoyed the preschool stretch. Eventually, though, my I mom went home to get going on some lists and Cher and I spend the rest of the morning and afternoon together. We had lots and lots to talk about, so it was really really nice. We originally thought we’d go downstairs and watch some tv, as both of us were feeling pretty dog tired, but ended up chatting the afternoon away on my comfy couches.

Tonight will hold another super lame supper of safe bland food, for the sake of tummies. You’d better believe the kids who feel healthy today are less fond of boring suppers, but they’re gonna make it. I’m not taking any risks, and I also don’t want to make two different meals, lol! So tonight will hold English muffins, and scrambled eggs for anyone who feels ballsy enough to eat eggs. Anyone else scared of eggs when they’re sick? 🙋‍♀️ Just me? Ok cool. We’ll see what the kids say…

ALL the Men Down

Well, the little men, anyway.

I was the most recent sickie, tossing them cookies last Wednesday. Its all been fine since then. Kids have rallied easily, and we’ve tried to do our part to not be out and about while contagious. But there has been no sign of sickness in any of them for a good stretch. We were officially in the clear.

Except of course we weren’t. Its as though we let our guard down and the bellies just knew.

Just after bedtime yesterday, literally maybe fifteen minutes later, Laela came running out of her room, saying that Solomon was throwing up. We ran in and indeed, he had done some things. No details, don’t worry. But it was a sight. We plucked him out of his bed and moved him across the room with a bucket. Beautiful Laela sat with him and rubbed his back, reminding him to lean over the bucket. He was done throwing up, but still, she was on it. She even helped him get on fresh jammies. THAT was CUTE!!! Brady and I dealt with the mess of his bed and the floor. *shudders* It was quite the thing. Now, Dekker was still up but he was cuddled into a chair, reading a book, and honestly I think he completely missed the whole thing. Rowan ducked out of his room once to check the commotion and offered to help. We reassured him and sent him back to bed, and promised to come ask if we needed anything 😉 Ro ❤️ He’s super sweet sometimes.

Finally, all was cleaned up enough and Solly went back to bed without argument. The house stunk a little, but thats not unheard of. We eventually sent Dekker off to bed, visited with our neighbour a bit, Brady cut baseboard for the basement, I had a soak, and we went to bed.

Aaaaand woke up around 4:30 to a click of the closet door outside of our bedroom. Dekker was barfing, and had come up to get himself a bucket. 🤮 Ugh. Here he was, trying to take care of things all on his own. Our door is inches from that closet, and he hadn’t even come in!! Better yet, had contained it ALL! He had made it to the bathroom, thank goodness. Then he’d retrieved a bucket, where he’d tossed the rest. Dekker was SO brave, shivering in his underwear by the sink. I wiped him down a little while he reassured me he was ok, and we tucked him back in. Not much to do in that case. He had done it all on his own ❤️ He’s so big.

I had a hard time getting back to sleep at that point, and right around 6:30, Rowan woke me up to tell me Dekker was on his second round. This time it was ALL in the bucket, and it just needed a rinse and he was back to bed!

I feel so bad for my kids when they’re sick. But I have to say, I am SO proud of how brave they are! I still sometimes cry when I vomit, and they rarely do. In some ways, I’m a bit of a no nonsense parent, but I have nothing but compassion for them when they’re ill! Yet, they power through and handle it, as though they already know how much better they’ll feel after they throw up. They just roll with it.

My big and little boys ❤️ I’m super proud of them for getting through yet another difficult bout of sickness (its not our first, if you hadn’t heard) and smiling through the day anyway. Remind me to be more like you!

SUCH a Busy Sunday

It was a super lovely, albeit busy, day. It started at balls a.m., where I stumbled through getting dressed, brushing my teeth, and getting out the door before 8:00, coffee in hand. I know, I know, many of you do it every day, but I myself am NOT Sunday ready so early. Thank you, mom, for being at our house so early as well, and helping our kids gets their breakfast finished up and their clothes on.

Brady and I picked Carrie up and headed to church for our sound check and practice. We practiced from 8:00-9:00 when the older kids were set to practice their Christmas program. Carrie’s husband had lovingly picked Dekker and Laela up for us, so that was one less trip for us to make. We helped the kids practice one song that they’ll do at the Christmas program, and then were free to go. We took Carrie back home and headed home ourselves. Brady loaded the middle boys up and took them to Sunday School with him, and my mom and I visited a little while we got Waverly ready for church. We actually talked about some really good stuff that was on our hearts. It turned out to be a really important time of conversation for me. I sure love you, mom ❤️ The three of us made it to church right around 10:25, about five minutes before the music was about to start!

It was a pretty smooth Sunday morning! We led the church in song, and it didn’t flop! Lol! Woot! The service was good, but as soon as it was done, Brady beetled the kids out of there and mom and I stayed for the budget meeting afterwards. Once that was done, I contacted Brady. He had lunch and naps under control, and plans to work on the basement after the fact. Mom and I had a commitment at 3:00 that afternoon anyway, so we decided to spend that chunk of time, having lunch, and getting a few things organized for the rest of the day. We wrapped a baby gift, wrote a card, fried some bacon in advance for bacon cheese buns for supper, and made some plans for Christmas. It was productive and also really enjoyable. I love that balance. Its so hard to find.

While I was at moms, Rae got in touch with me and said she was ready for my big kids! Dekker and Laela ran across the street to go decorate cookies with her. They’ve been looking forward to that activity for literal months. I think Dekker started asking in October. Thank you for always loving and inviting our kids ❤️

We hit up a baby shower in the afternoon to celebrate a very special little rainbow baby girl. ALL babies are miraculous, aren’t they? Well so was this one, and she sure looked the paper 😍 Just beautiful. We had some nice visits and headed home. Was coming time for supper, and Brady had texted that Wavy was not so agreeable since her nap.

True. She was pretty needy, but she was just hungry earlier than usual. So she ate a little while we put the bacon grilled cheese buns together. We had SUCH a yummy supper! And even some cookies a la Dekker and Laela for dessert!

As the evening wound up, mom helped me with some fundraiser stuff for the kids, and I tried to get some details organized. There is SO much to do these days! Oy! Meanwhile, someone came by and picked up one of the homemade gift exchange gifts, and another one was dropped off! Eek! Its happening, guys!!

I didn’t sleep well at all last night, so my body is OVER it, haha! I’m gonna hop into a late bath and hope that relaxed my muscles and I’m in less pain overnight. I think my body will forgive me as soon as I stop knitting, honestly, hahaha! I’m ALMOST done! I promise!

Wish me luck! Tomorrow, the crazy starts all over again! Bradys at work, kids going to school, me having to be SO organized! Yikes! But there is just so much to look forward to in the coming weeks 🙂 I can’t wait!

The Second Act!

Guess what! If you missed our Christmas giggity gig at Clearcut this week, you still have a chance! If you’d like to sit, sip, eat, and sing along a little, PLEASE come join us IN DALMENY at Granny B’s on Wednesday the 18th at 6:00pm!

We knew that many wouldn’t be able to attend our Clearcut gig for one reason or another. It was the opening night of the high school’s production of The Sound of Music. That was a big one locally. We had a number of people say they’d love to come, if not for that. Well, folks! I hope you show up, because we made it happen! We may not have a coffee shop here in town but we have a restaurant with a warm owner who loves a good community event and was happy and willing to host us for the evening.

This particular gig is on a Wednesday, but the week after kids club wraps up for 2019. So if you’re looking for something to do with your kids that Wednesday, you know where to come!!

We’re SO excited to play locally!! Hope to see a bunch of you there!

Christmas Coffeehouse

Last night was one of the most fun coffeehouses we’ve done! Thank you, Clearcut, for always hosting us so willingly!

We got there yesterday around 5:45, and already had some people there waiting for us! Hailey and her three kids, plus a couple we don’t know personally who came to a gig a while back and wanted to see us again! Its kind of cool to have people like our music who don’t have a predisposed loyalty to us, haha! We chatted with them and found out they had to leave a little early, and told them we’d squeeze in as much music as we could. We set up our stuff and were ready to go a little early. We doddled and chatted and joked around until 6:00, and our group hadn’t grown at all. Now we knew more people were coming, but we also wanted to respect our people who had come out for 6:00, so we started.

Somewhere around 6:20-6:30, a big group of our friends showed up and settled in. We were about a song or two away from the point where we normally pause for a coffee break. And intermission, if you will. But since people had just arrived, we decided to skip the coffee break and just get some after.

We played, and the kids who had come danced around in front of us like crazy, getting all of their donut and hot chocolate wiggles out. They were amped, and it was super cute.

Because we skipped our usual coffee break, our hour worth of music was over in an hours time, hahaha! Usually its about 1h15 with the break. It seemed short. As a group, Brady, Carrie and I decided to grab a coffee and then play the first half-ish over again. I hung back for a second, and Brady and Carrie headed up to the order counter.

Aaaaand came right back down. Apparently there was a long line, and lots of people had come to listen to us! They were just late! Some who were there earlier had cleared out and a whole group of new people moved in! So, we skipped our coffee break and decided to go again!

We skipped a few songs, but for the most part, we played our entire set again! Like at least ten songs. And once again, it went over great. The kids danced, people clapped, and the music played. The atmosphere was a solid 11/10.

We called it quits at 7:45, fifteen minutes from closing. We ordered quick coffees and they put them in to-go cups. We visited for a few minutes and then packed it up.

It always feels so invigorating when we step out of there, happy with how it went and excited to go again 🙂

Who wishes they could’ve gone but couldn’t make it this time?? 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️

Daytime Nappin’

I hate to even admit it 😩 I got sick yesterday. I was feeling fine all morning, went to physio, and then felt a bit nauseous upon returning home. I wrote it off because I realized I had forgotten to eat lunch before I left for Saskatoon, and thought I was just hungry. I ate some crackers and drank water, but my nausea didn’t go away. Then I started to feel it lift a little in my body and knew I was in for it. I went upstairs and Brady ran me a bath. I sat in it while I waited out the foreboding doom. It came on, as expected. My body ached SO bad after that, oh man!!! How dare I be sick the day before an event I was very committed to!

So I loaded up on meds and hit the sack. My stomach stayed settled all night, but I struggled to sleep because my back and neck hurt SO badly. I lay flat on my back and cringed all night. Brady had cancelled his work for today, for my sake, and thank goodness it was one of his more flexible jobs where he could just go when it suits him. He let me sleep in, and brought me more medication, for my stomach and my head.

I spent the morning in the bathtub and in bed. Brady brought me a heated rice pack to try and shake the pain that was right at the base of my skull, and as my pain was relieved, I dozed off to sleep.

THREE HOURS LATER, I woke up in a panic! I had so much to do before our gig at Clearcut! Ack! I got up and ate some lunch, and then had yet another bath, for muscles and also cleanliness. I did my hair and minimal makeup. Cher had been studying in the basement for most of the day, and she came up and re-shaved the side of my hair. My poor hair is SO neglected, and has been looking pretty haggard. But it finally came together, and we ended up rushing out the door really last minute to get to our gig on time.

I’ll tell you all about Clearcut tomorrow, but it went well. I feel healthy again, just sore in the neck and body still. I think I’ll take a drowsy gravol or something tonight, to combat possible leftover illness and also make sure I sleep after my enormous nap. Guys, I never ever nap. Not even when I have a newborn baby. I wasn’t built to nap. But today, no regrets. It was excellent.

Sorry for the late post! Talk tomorrow, friends!

Physio Follow Up

Guess what happened last night.

No. One. Barfed. NO ONE!!! 🥳 So we slept way better! Yet, full disclosure, Brady and I both are still completely wiped. Goodness 😴 So tired.

Thank goodness he had a short day today, for a couple of reasons. Reason number one is that a gentler day when you’re tired is appreciated. Reason number two is that I could go to physio without having to haul the kids there during nap time for Brady to watch, and then him having to go back to work. It was definitely a win.

I drove to Saskatoon and listened to good music. Spotify has opened my eyes. Its SO nice to have! What a huge gift that was for Brady and I. I made it there in good time and even got into my appointment a few minutes early.

In case you don’t remember, I was seeing my physiotherapist about my weird shoulder pain. When she asked me how it was going with my shoulder, I kind of caught her up on the week and what it all was. How my friend had gotten in an accident and I seemed to carry a great deal of sympathy pain for her, therefore increasing my shoulder pain, among all my other new pains. She was SO warm and reassuring, and seemed to think as I did that really, it was nice that I cared so deeply about my friend, and that this sympathy pain will find its way away eventually. But that I shouldn’t stress or overthink it. We know what it is, and thats just that! Plus, for the first time in maybe five days, my wrists feel WAY better, and I can grip with my fingers again! It was a difficult handful of days where I couldn’t bear any weight in my hands (think pouring cream into coffee, changing a diaper, opening a gate, putting on my own pants, etc.) and I’m SO relieved, emotionally and physically, that there has been some improvement.

My shoulder was the main reason for the visit. The pain I’ve been having so consistently in my one shoulder had ended up moving to my right as well, so she checked over and treated both. She said my mobility is much better than it was a week ago. She told me I could stop one of the exercises and do the other a bit more gently. Apparently I was pushing too hard, but I’m glad for that because there is proof that I have been doing them! She gave me one more to do, and I tried it out. Seemed good. I understand the general gist of what she wants from me. I need to open up more in the chest and shoulders, as though wanting my shoulder blade to meet. But not actually. But, you get it.

We talked about a couple of factors. I have hypermobility, which means my joints have a larger range of movement than others, so I can bend a little further but then I can also overdo it without really being prepared for it. She also says I’ll “hear about it” from my joints for a bit longer than average. She also said I clearly have a sensitive nervous system, and that the bond between my mind and body is strong. And thats a great thing. We all have that bond, but that clearly, when I feel something strongly, it’s going to show up in my body maybe a bit stronger and for a bit longer than others.

It was oddly a very encouraging appointment. We laughed about a lot of things, as we often do. I snagged a few of her business cards when I left, because I really believe more women should seek out pelvic floor physio, and if they’re going to, MINE is the BEST one!! She’s just the best ☺️ I took my exercises and walked out feeling centred in my body and capable of doing what needed doing to strengthen my muscles.

Its a good day ❤️