Disappointing adulting post alert 🚨 I know the bulk of this post falls under the “first world problems” category, but still, its a change to our plans so I’m going to share it here.
I think we’re giving up on our garden boxes this year :/ I truly am SO disappointed. We have the money saved up so we could build them the way we wanted them. I wanted them taller than “average,” and Brady wanted to build them out of cedar. We priced and planned and had it all set up.
But then, as we began to talk about needing to take our winter tires off, I remembered our all-seasons got pitched last winter, and we’d need to replace them. In our case, considering everything going on in the world, the lack of work, and the uncertainty, it would be irresponsible to spend money on garden boxes at this time.
I am so disappointed.
As I said a month or so ago, when my itch for spring really ramped up and I started talking garden stuff, I said multiple times that this is a low pressure garden season for me. I said I would be totally satisfied with throwing some seeds in the ground and just seeing what happened. The free time is what caused me to consider changing my mind and planning for garden boxes. Why not? 🤷♀️ We have time, and we had saved for them. But as you can imagine, our bus tires aren’t exactly standard, and they cost more than average.
So I need to backpedal and accept my simple garden this year. I have nothing against that, but I know our end game will be boxes, and we’ll never have more available building time than we do now!
So, plans change. Or, change back, I suppose. And thats ok. It’ll be simpler. And it’ll be another fun outside project for next season. There are pros.

Regardless of where we plant, I just want to plant!