Today’s post should be about Science Saturday, but we did a different kind of experiment this time around, where we started it last night and it will be completed tonight. I will tell you about it tomorrow! Onto the post!
Today marks my blogaversary. I am floored every year that I reach June 27th. It has been eight years. EIGHT YEARS. I was completely beside myself when I made it one year, and here we are at eight! My goodness that happens fast! Thank you, beautiful friends, for following along and investing in our family this way. I so love having this record for my family, but I love the community we’ve built from this little labour of love. I am so grateful.
Brady, Cher, and I spent yesterday evening in the backyard around the fire. Its the first time we’ve had a yard suited for a firepit, and we are making the most of it.

Brady built a beefy bench on one side that three adults easily fit on, so we tested that out together…

and eventually settled into reclined lawn chairs and relaxed. We drank pineapple pop together, which brings warm, lovely memories of Philadelphia to my heart. It was really nice to share that with my people.

Brady, I love doing life with you. Doing the yard with you. Doing the blog with you. You are the best man for the job. I am so grateful for my life, and that you are in it.
Boom!! Eight years, baby!!