Whew! Say that five times fast! ☝️
What I’m referring to is a cross between a breakfast sandwich and a grilled cheese sandwich, served as a breakfast for supper dish. Its not as complicated as it sounds, I promise.
Yesterday was a bit rough, I won’t lie. I’m catching a cold and as the day wore on, my voice got less and less. Then Brady ended up having to work quite late, so I was on my own wrangling the kids at the most hands-on part of the day. This isn’t foreign to me, but while I’m entirely capable, my energy was dwindling alongside my voice and I just really wanted the backup of my husband. But! Such is life sometimes. My kitchen was a mess and as I brainstormed what to make for supper, I googled a little.
I wanted to do something with eggs. And I came across a different way to make breakfast sandwiches, and thought it would be worth a try. Its a bit of a fussier way than I’ve done in the past, so I knew while I was testing it out, it would be slow going. But!! That way was going to be easier to manage with no voice, because I would just feed whoever floated by. We are big believers in eating all together, but I opted to do it differently, just for a different kind of day, to try something new.
And it was FUN!!! Solly ate one first. Wavy joined for the next one, and the two of them fed breakfast sandwiches to the babies! WIN!! Eventually Laela floated by, and Dekker surfaced. We had to call Rowan to come get some food. Everyone ate at least one sandwich, plus a good handful of fresh garden tomatoes, courtesy of Rae. It was a delicious supper and, in my humble opinion, totally worth the fuss!
I fried a pack of bacon, sliced up some cheese, and got to buttering bread.
They go like this.
Medium heated pan. Maybe a scooch over medium. Add some butter. Enough that the pan is nice and slidey.

Whip up two eggs. (Wow. I just typed aggs. Thats my level of fatigue, lol!) Salt and pepper if you want. Pour them in there.

Add your bread in there when the eggs are still wet and yucky. Two pieces, butter side UP. Lid it so they cook through without overcooking. Its a skinny egg layer.

It is important to actually make sure the eggs are cooked before this next part. Like, maybe overcook your first one, just so you can see. Because you need to flip the whole shebang and its MUCH harder when the eggs are still soft.

Now in some of the videos I saw of people making these, they would cut the edges off. Why, you ask? I have no idea. Fold those suckers up onto your bread. Throw some cheese on, and some bacon. Next time, I would crumble the bacon instead of leaving it in strips. Maybe its less aesthetically pleasing, but then the whole thing doesn’t come out at once.

Then lid that pan so your cheese melts good and proper while the toast gets crispy.
Flip that sucker in half, fold the one toast on top of the other, and you’re done!

Wait wait WAIT for it!!!!

Brady confirms they were indeed delicious! 🏆

And I concur, they are. Though they are best served up in bed, while everyone else is on the other side of your door 😌

And that’s it for todays “Tales for Supper.” Hope you tune in next time. I’m sure we’ll eat again…