Its Weird at Superstore

I spent about an hour this morning in Superstore. Its been a shocking amount of time since I’ve been there, Months. Pre-Covid. Super weird. But, I needed to go for a couple of things, and because Cher did, too, we went together. 

She only needed a couple of things, but I had a lot more things to look for. I was able to snag a birthday gift for Solomon, a couple of shirts for myself, a potato masher to replace our super sucky one, a stainless steel pot to replace our last big teflon one, bubbles, and most importantly, a ton of our creamer! That stuff is way harder to find these days, and somehow, I found it at $3 a pop! I bought two, and Cher bought two. I could’ve bought WAY more, but I tried to keep it just the fun stuff 😉 Still necessary stuff, but not a bunch of random groceries. Salad dressing and spices can wait for another day. 

After our shop, we went for a super windy walk, and then Cher went home. And then I went for a walk with my mom! Look at me and all my walks 💁‍♀️ Lol! My Fitbit is happy with me. 

Thank you, Brady, for supporting me while I hang out with our people 💜 I love you SO much.

Hopefully the wind lets up soon so we can get back outside and keep at the yard work! That means the fence, the raking of the topsoil, watering and nitpicking the garden, and playing!! Aaaaany day now!! 

Plants and Productivity


We PLANTED yesterday! SO MUCH PLANTING!!!!! 

It began with the front yard, where we sectioned off a flower bed and filled it with lillies, daylillies, irises, and peonies – my favorite!! They were ALL gifted to me, and I am SO thankful!! It was a beautiful morning working in the front yard with my family ❤️

Then, lunch, and back out to the yard, with a bigger project in mind. 

Garden time!!! 


Brady had tilled the space up nicely

and my mom came to help me know what lived best next to what, how deep to plant, how heavily to cover, and what fit where.

She is a wealth of information, in a loving, warm, non-pushy way. I’m learning that I have some pretty heavy insecurities about certain things, and for whatever reason, I feel VERY nervous setting my yard up. The first row felt victorious! And dorky. Lol!

It was an amazing afternoon, and we got the entire garden in!!! 


The day ended with wind and heat stroke, but it was so worth it, to get things in before the rain! We are forecasted for a thunderstorm this afternoon and I’m counting on that! We’ll of course still water things, but nothing beats real rain water. Oh, and thank you, Tom and Rae, for finding us a rain barrel!! Is it strange that I’m already SO excited that there’s water in it? 😆

Cher helped me threw some glads into my flowerbed this morning, so the rain can come anytime now. I’m ready. 🌧 ☀️ 🌱 

Topsoil and Trampolines

Oh my goodness! These are such beautiful, crazy, busy days!! These are the days I’m not mad at the quarantine. Days where I just live in my little bubble where we’re playing in the yard, getting things done, making our property finally look like people live here! 

Yesterday, we got ALL of our topsoil delivered and spread, and some fresh gravel for our driveway. 

That alone makes SUCH a difference to our property, I can’t even believe it. It felt like everyone around us was so excited for us to finally be taking that step, and that just made it more exciting! 

As if the land development wasn’t enough, our neighbour texted us that he had seen a trampoline on someone’s front yard, marked “free.” Its smaller, and decently beat up, but a trampoline is a trampoline! He offered to take his truck and go get it for us, so Brady hopped in and they were back within ten minutes with a trampoline 😳 That felt pretty insane.

I tried it first… 

And then everyone else 😉 

I was actually really surprised at how well Wavy did on there! She’d bounce once or twice, and plunk down and laugh like crazy. Everyone was SO thrilled with their new trampoline! Thank you, Adam, for bringing it to our attention and picking it up for us! 

SO much is still to come today! But I’ll share that tomorrow 😁 And in the coming weeks, hopefully we’ll finish the fence up! Eek!

Guys. Its happening. I’m LOVING this season! 

Costco and Covid

Oh. My. Goodness. 

I haven’t been to Costco since Covid exploded. (Ya! Rhyme. Covid exploded.) But today, it needed to happen, and Brady had yard stuff to do here at home. So Cher volunteered to push my second cart and accompany me. Sooooo we went for it. 

I wish I could’ve taken pictures of strangers, because the line ups and methods of entering the store felt SO strange and deserve to be remembered. That being said, it was really nice to have a friend along, and we chatted with each other and occasionally other people in line while we made our way into the store. 

Actually entering Costco felt like a Price is Right moment. I said that to the entry guy and he swung his arms in a big circle and bellowed “Come on dowwwwwn!” It was funny 🙂 That weird quiet waiting area needed some laughter. 

It wasn’t so bad, honestly. It wasn’t so full in there, obviously, which was perfect because we had a HUGE shop ahead of us. 

I’ll save you from reading a whole list. We bought everything. EVERYTHING. And many of the things we’d normally buy, I bought two of. It makes for a really expensive shop, but we have to shop less often. I imagine we’ll pick up some good shopping habits from these times. Seriously, though, we bought everything. Proof…

It was clear the woman packing our groceries was overwhelmed, but she made quick work of it and loaded our two carts to the max! Our shop cost just shy of $900. 😳😩🤮

Once we were through the till, we felt tired…

So we decided to be suckers for punishment and get hot dogs for us and Brady for lunch! Did you guys know that section is back open! For carry out, anyway. SO exciting!! 

So we did that, and then made our way out of Costco, saying a funny, game show goodbye to our Price is Right guy. 

We struggled our way out to my van, as I successfully poured pop all over my shirt and shorts. (Yup, still wearing those, just realized.) We eventually made it to the van and started the huge job of getting things into place where nothing is squished, leaking, or rolling anywhere it shouldn’t. While we tried to do that, someone walked by and chatted with us. He eluded to offering me a job, gave me his card, and moved along. And home we went!

Oy. It was a HUGE job, but it felt really good to have it done. Brady met us in the garage, and we ate lunch and got to washing and putting things away. It was a bit of an undertaking, but we’re solidly stocked up for the next few weeks now! 

The morning started with a drive and a coffee. This afternoon, we’ve had our topsoil spread out 🥳 and had someone offer to pick up a free trampoline for us 😳 The evening holds chicken wraps and tacos, raking weeds and quack grass out of our new topsoil, and getting some flowers planted along our front walk. 

Today has been a BEAUTIFUL day. SO much to be thankful for! 

A Productive Spring Day

First, I want to thank everyone for the love on yesterdays post regarding the bags I made. I love being creative, but I don’t usually love what I make. We’re all our own worst critic, right? But I have to say, I am actually really proud of these bags. I have five currently, two that are 100% cotton and three acrylic. I do not need five of these, and I certainly don’t need MORE than five of them, but you’d better believe I’m making more, because they’re SO fun to make 🙂 A nice way to pass time productively and enjoyably! 

Today is overcast and breezy, but its a beautiful day. We are going to make some really exciting progress on our property today, but I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow, when I have pictures to show. Its going to take shape, though, and I’m really happy about that. In the meantime, I’m making final decisions about what we can manage to do this year in our yard and what will wait. 

We’re a bit behind in the world of gardening, since it seems absolutely everyone put theirs in over last weekend, but we just weren’t ready. The time is coming in a matter of days, so I went out and tried to acquire the last of what I needed. It was pretty brutally unsuccessful, to be honest, but I found a few things I was looking for! 

I have EVERY seed packet I want, down to the detail. 
I have a new hose sprayer. 
I have a new plan for my berries, and eliminated the need for underground planters. 
I have raspberry canes being gifted to me. 
I have peonies being gifted to me. 

I do NOT have seed potatoes :/
I do NOT have strawberry plants :/ 
I do NOT have glads :/ 
I do NOT have a rain barrel :/ 
I do NOT have planters :/ 

As you can see, what I lack are not essentials, except seed potatoes, which I really hope we can find in the next day or two!! I’d also like to have some more bags of top soil, for insurance, basically. 

Things are going to get done. Its funny to have nothing but time, but tightly limited funds. We have a nice chunk of money saved for this exact project, but we need to be responsible in terms of our finances when Brady’s job is still on hold. So I accept the fact that it may not get ALL done this Spring. Thats ok. But I hope we get a good handful of things done, at least 🙂 Its looking hopeful!! 

I hope you’re enjoying your spring days, rain or shine! 

Harvest Bags

Its convenient that I attended a craft retreat right before the pandemic kicked into high gear and everything shut down, because I’m itching to be creative, and I’m getting the opportunity! Being home every day, I’ve had more time to enjoy crocheting again, and to create again! 

I have a big project going, but it’s really inconvenient to haul it around :/ With the type of crocheting it is, one “row” takes about a half hour, and if I slip at all, I lose a HUGE amount of work. With five active children, I’m not willing to take that risk, so that project only comes out when I take a couple of hours upstairs, to myself. 

Instead, I’ve been playing with some new projects. I’ve been seeing the trend of crocheting reusable bags to take to the grocery store, and a different spin on that idea came to mind. 

Harvest bags!

Gathering bags!

Garden bags!

Some people could go out to their garden and grab a tomato or a cucumber for supper. Thats not how we roll. We BURN through fresh produce, and would need more than a hand or two could carry. I know me, and I know I’d be quick to just grab a grocery bag. But, as you can imagine, we’ve run out, because we rarely shop anymore. So I made these, specifically to use for the dirty garden gathering stuff. Yes, they’ll get dirty, but that is their job.

They’re 100% cotton so they’re easy to wash. The yarn doesn’t stretch much at all. They take up next to no space. They’re user friendly. And they’re cute 🤷‍♀️ 

I’m really enjoying making these, because I like the idea, but I also really like spending time creating things. I’m proud of these! I think the off-white one is my favourite. But I haven’t made a purple one yet, so we’ll see what happens then 😆 We all know me. 

I’m eagerly anticipating garden season. I know I’m a step behind everyone else, but hopefully mine will go in early next week, and hopefully I’ll eventually get a chance to use these beautiful bags! 

The First Good Storm of 2020


I’m sure I don’t have to tell you guys about the storm last night. I LOVE storms. This isn’t news, I know. I’ve been excitedly anticipating our first good solid crashing storm. And last night was that storm!

Yesterday afternoon and evening already, we had our heat up and kitchen window open so we could enjoy the sounds and smells of the rain. The wind was whipping, and there was occasionally a quiet rumble of thunder. Out the window, I kept questioning whether or not I was seeing flashed of lightening, but it was hard to say. It was kind of an unsure beginning to an excellent storm!

Cher was over for the evening, and the three of us were watching tv as the storm picked up. Once we finished our episode, we decided to go upstairs and watch the storm for a bit. Cher also enjoys a good storm, so she fits right in 😆 We pulled a chair and love seat up against the living room window and snuggled in for the lightening show. I complained about the street light just across the street from us, wishing it could somehow be turned off. 😳 *ironic foreshadowing* 

At one point, we were watching the lightening behind the houses across the street, and we saw a BIG fork of lightening blast behind it. It lit the whole house up! The lightening stopped, but house remained backlit for a few seconds longer. The light changed colours. It was pink, even! It was reminiscent of the majestic northern lights you only see in pictures! Cher and I both were flabbergasted, and couldn’t figure out what was happening. Aaaaand then the power cut out. It got super dark out. And then lightening. And then dark. And then lightening. 

It was unbelievable. SO bright. Constant lightening. And the thunder was LOUD. 

And then it was too loud. If you were up last night when we were, you know the crash I mean. There was a big, shocking crash of thunder that made us all jump. Moments later, Dekker wandered up the stairs, bleary eyed and nervous. He figured something big had fallen outside and he was unsure about it. He was shivering. Brady pulled him up onto his lap and invited him to join us for a little bit. This never ever happens, because storms are usually pretty late, and our kids tend to sleep through them, so this was special. It was also kind of important, because it was clear Dekker was scared. Cher ducked downstairs for some cozy blankets and we all tucked in for a storm watch with Dekker. He moved onto my lap and eventually warmed up and stopped shaking. 

We kept Dekker up for maybe twenty minutes or so, and then took him back to bed. He wasn’t afraid anymore. The three of us continued to storm watch, watching flashlights out in the field where the lightening appeared to hit, and speculating how long it would be before power came back on. We watched until we were all really nice and tired, and the parted ways for the night. It was SO nice to watch and enjoy the storm! 

The wind continues to blow today, but the sun is trying to shine! Plans are still in the works for this weekends yard projects, and we hope the weather cooperates! Even if it doesn’t, the storm was totally worth it. 

Since Starting Sertraline

As you know, I’ve been taking a new medication since mid-February. It was a bit of an adjustment, but not as bad as I thought it would be. I was a bit nauseous while my body figured itself out, and I was very tired. Thats since all been long ironed out, and I’m ready to talk about the positive things I’ve noticed since being on the meds!

First, I’ll go with the obvious. I started taking these meds because of my insane body pain that refused to quit. ANY small change would result in immense pain. My body was heavily overreacting and that needed to change. And it has! Praise the Lord for hands, arms, and shoulders that can bear weight again! 

Beyond that, I’ve noticed that I’m more comfortable with silence. I’ve never specifically been someone who hates silence, but now, if there’s a break in the conversation, I don’t feel as compelled to find another topic, or to fill that lull. So I can definitely tell my brain has slowed down a little bit, but in a good way. 

Something else that is definitely worth mentioning is that I haven’t had eczema on my face since I started this medication. I’d love to say its just thanks to Spring and humidity levels in my house, but I made this change in winter, so I know that is not the case. 

What I think is that my body is truly stressed out. Which is weird. I felt so strange starting an antidepressant when I felt like my mental health was in SUCH a good place. Probably the healthiest I’ve felt in years. My mind and heart were pretty lined up, and I feel stronger and more confident than I can remember ever feeling. 


We all know our brains, hearts, and bodies don’t always agree. And maybe – just maybe – my body was stressed, and I didn’t know. Maybe, while I’m quite used to my life in general and don’t find it especially overwhelming as a whole, my body was struggling really hard and it needed some levelling out. I just didn’t know! I now find myself feeling healthier, more energized, and maaaybe a tad more patient. Jury is still out on that one 😆 Some days are definitely better than others! But isn’t that with everything? 

I’m SO happy with my final decision to start this medication. I praise the Lord for guidance, and for modern medicine! 

Positives From the Pandemic

I have a secret. I bet some of you have the same secret, but I’m going to be the ballsy one who says it out loud. 

I’m totally enjoying the pandemic. 

I know! I know! Don’t come at me! I know its not a great time in the world. But there are a lot of really special things about these weeks and months!

I LOVE our groove of getting outside every morning. I LOVE getting these yard projects done. I LOVE better breakfasts and coffee in bed with my husband before getting the kids up. I LOVE having Brady home. I LOVE chatting more with my neighbours. I LOVE crocheting more. I LOVE going for long walks in the daytime. I LOVE the simplicity.

I LOVE that my family truly loves one another, and we’re not going all that crazy being in each other’s space. I LOVE that we’re not sick of each other. 

I’m not naive to the fact that there are plenty of changes that are not ideal. While I’d love for Brady to stay home forever, income is also super important, and we need some to stay afloat. I know many are suffering in many ways, and I don’t desire to gloss over that at all. I’m not ignorant. 


I think its important to remember what was GOOD during the pandemic 🙂 

What are some positives you’ve been experiencing since everything shut down?

Making Avatars for Others

I’m sure many of you have seen all over Facebook that people are making their avatars. For those of you who aren’t on Facebook, an avatar is a character you can build, detail by detail, to look like yourself. People are sharing them all over the place! 

Brady and I love the Animoji’s on our phones, which is sort of the same thing, except you can make them talk and move along with you. There has never been an emoji to look like Brady, ever, but his Animoji is hilariously accurate

After Cher and I had made our avatars on Facebook, we pressed Brady to make one. Brady technically does have a Facebook profile, but he probably actually visits it twice a year. He’s totally inactive on social media. Thankfully, he’s a good sport about it, and agreed to make one, just for fun. And then Cher and I decided we’d make one of him, too, and see how they’d compare! 

Behold, Brady! 🙌

The first one is ours, and the second one is Bradys. I think his version of him is way scarier than ours 😂 Which one is closer?? 

Aaaaand then I convinced them to make one of me, so we did that, also. 

First was mine, then Chers, and then Bradys. Thoughts? Which is closer? I’m so happy a hairstyle somewhat like mine finally exists on things like this! 

It was kind of fun making each other’s avatars. You guys should really try it for your friends/spouses/whoever else. I should make some for my kids too… 

Bonus picture of Brady!! 😂

I’ll leave you with that. Make some funny avatars and share them, if you feel so inclined!