A couple weekends ago, I spent a night housesitting with Cher, and playing with some itty bitty foster kitties! Being the dorks that we are, we named them. We tried our best to figure out their genders, which was harder than it sounds because yes, they were that young! But, we tried, and we named them names that we liked!
To be clear, none of this is serious. They will not be rehomed with these names or anything even remotely close to these names. It was just for fun.
Here is the mama cat. We think her name is Albatross, which while creative, we weren’t fans of. I accidentally took to calling her Bird Cat, as in “What should we name Bird Cat?” It became her accidental name, but I think Cher took to calling her Birdie after I left. Probably nicer.

Bird Cat had SIX kittens!!

It was fun to watch her love of them, hug them in to feed them, clean then, and pick them up and transport them where she wanted them. She’s a good little mama.
In no particular order, these are her kids!
Timber will be first! Cher’s favorite. Timber was originally named that because he fell over a lot. I think he looks like a little big cat.

Timber’s almost twin is Miss Meowie. The goal had originally been to name it Mr. Meowie, like Mr Miyagi, but then we figured out the cat was a girl. Not willing to sacrifice the name, we changed the pronoun and carried on.

The oragnest cat we called Apricat, which I’m pretty sure is super witty. It was a good fit for this little boy.

The slightly less orange cat we called Cornflake. She’s cute and patchy and super fluffy.

The patchiest kitty of them all we named Furgie. Furrrrrgie. I don’t honestly know how we got there, but it was an immediate click. Another little patchy girl.

And Jeeves is last, because she was super shy and took a little longer to get out from their little safe space beneath the bed and brave the rest of the bedroom. I probably favored Jeeves the most. Her moustache and tux leave her looking all fancy. Plus, she played with me, and batted at me before she even played with the other kittens.

Four girls and two boys. We think, anyway.

They were SO cute and SO soft and not sharp or dirty or peey or poopy or noisy. Easiest little group of babies ever! It was fun to snug with animals. Its been a while 🐱 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱