I wish I had a better picture of Rowan’s clothes on backwards day, but what you saw yesterday is what you get. He got a huge kick out of wearing his jeans backwards. That was the ultimate win, hahaha!
Since the kindergarten classes are staggered, they don’t get all the same spirit days. Thy do great over there, and sometimes they make their own fun days, or just do them on different days. What a relief, because our kids love backwards day! So, Rowan had it yesterday, and Dekker and Laela have it today!

Dekker figured he was SO funny wearing his mask on the back of his head, lol! He was super disappointed that I wouldn’t let him take two to school.
I love Laela’s dirty knees, or knee pits, rather.
I think they’re cute ❤️ In earlier days, Dekker never wanted to participate in spirit days. I remember him crying, not wanting to dress up for school on Halloween in kindergarten, asking me to just choose a costume for him. Poor little anxiety-ridden Dekker 💔Its been an HONOUR to watch these beautiful people grow and develop and come into their own over the years. I hope we have sooooo many more years together! Thank you Lord!