You’ll notice the word “exciting” is in quotation marks. I’m sure you’ve seen those jokes online about how being an adult means all kinds of lame things.

You get the idea. Adulthood is kind of lame, but its all true. Aaaaall those years of aching to stay up as late as possible are replaced with the desire to nap. The ability to fall and get right back up is replaced with pulling everything so easily!
Aaaaanyway, thats not the point. But its equally as lame.
Our family long outgrew those glass pyrex dishes. I have zero recollection of the last time I used the little square 9×9 ones, and we only use the 9×13 for the odd thing, like sausage, or when I make granola bars. More so, we use this big blue dish I bought at Value Village years ago.
I both this mammoth pre-kids, even, solely because I liked the color. I brought it home and kicked myself forever that I had bought it, because I thought it needed a lid, and how had I missed that?? It truly bothered me. But I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of it because it was a bit overpriced, and that drove me crazy, too! Gah! So, it just lived with us, was never used, and made its way here when we did 4.5 years ago.
Now, this thing is actively in use, and is really the only baking dish we use. Like I said, we NEVER use the little glass ones. They overflow. And that sucks.

What sucks more is the fact that my beautiful blue dish CRACKED the other day!!! 😩

The WORST!! This prompted a pretty immediate trip to Saskatoon on the hunt for another one, or five. Except, poor, so one. Two at the most, because there is just no use for the little pans around here.
We started at Value Village in hopes of finding another gem like my blue dish, lid or not. No dice :/ There was one. It was glass, which is fine, but it was grossly overpriced, thanks to the leafy design etched into it. I just wanted something solid and simple, so I left it behind and headed to Walmart.
I had better luck at Walmart. I got one big off white casserole dish. Its 9×14, so a bit bigger than the little guys, but its deeper. So that worked. I was content.
After that stop, however, we stopped at Lawson mall for lunch and ducked into London Drugs. And guys, maybe this is old news, but it was VERY exciting for me!
Extra. Deep. Pyrex.

…for CHEAPER than the stoneware, even!!! This was SUCH a win! If I had extra money in any capacity, I would’ve bought two! (PS it looks smaller, but its not. Its just the perspective, trust me.)
I feel like the amount of excitement I have about this new Pyrex dish is the epitome of “Welcome to adulthood.”
Can anyone make me feel like less of a dork about this? Would be greatly appreciated.