Yesterday’s blog about Brady being able to move his foot was met with so much beautiful support! Its not that I didn’t think people would care, but I didn’t think it would be SUCH well received news, because in the whole big world, two toes and one ankle can be seen as pretty small. But you don’t realize the gravity of it! Except it seemed like you all did 😘 So thank you for sharing in our joy and making that new discovery just all the more enjoyable!
I was SO excited to go to the hospital to see Brady today. I haven’t been to one of his physio sessions in a while, and I was going to be able to be at one this morning. I made Brady promise not to tell his PT until I was there, which was a little selfish, maybe, but I knew he understood I just wanted to be part of the excitement. And guys, it was SO worth it!
We met with her and Brady asked if we could start the session sitting on a mat somewhere, so we could show her something we discovered over the weekend. Her eyes lit right up, undeniably, and she got excited.
“Ooooo! What are you going to show me?? Little bit of movement? Little bit?! I LOVE new discoveries! Show me!”
Brady beat her to a mat, got onto it, got his shoes off, and started moving his foot up and down at the ankle. Dorsiflexion, its called. She squealed and celebrated with us.
“Its a lot! Like, not just a flicker, even. Thats a LOT!”
It was so validating to celebrate with her and have her be so excited alongside us. In the great big world, a foot moving up and down a little doesn’t look like much, but when you know the history, or you’ve walked/rolled through rehab with someone, you can see the victory. And she saw it 🙂 It was SO wonderful!
We ran out of the rest of his PT session with some exercises on his hands and knees, as well as some walking with a different brace. Brady’s brace was shipped off again to Saskabilities for some tweaking, so today he tested out a might lighter, smaller, brace that allows for more movement but less stability. He used it beautifully! It didn’t trip him up at all! I was SO impressed!
That PT session just felt victorious and fun and SO productive! We went from there back to Brady’s room and played some cards. In that time, one of the residents on the ward came by to touch base about Brady’s clonus, and Brady showed her his new movement, too. She was up out of her chair, so excited with us!
It was just immensely validating to have so many of you celebrate with us yesterday over the blog, Facebook, and over text, and then to celebrate here on the ward with his medical team today.
Thank you Lord, for constantly answering prayers, pouring in the good news, and reminding us just how closely you’re watching! We we feel SO cared for.