Saying Thank You Doesn’t Cut It

I have been working hard to keep record of the people I want to thank. To be clear, I do believe that these people who have poured into us in the last two months are not doing so for thanks or recognition, but to bless and help and aid us in one of the most surreal, daunting, upside down times of our lives. But my gratefulness and appreciation is abounding and I feel like it has nowhere to go! Its a little overwhelming, to be honest. 

So far, we literally have 100 financial donations online, plus countless gifts of cash, cheques, and gift cards galore. You do not understand how crazy that is. Or how much you have saved our butts with Brady living at the hospital for two full months. So, if I were to send out thankyous, that would be a confident 150 cards right there. 

Then there is food. We were fed every single supper in February, and three days a week in March. Many people have brought a supper, plus something else to freeze, or a big dessert, or something for the kids lunches, etc. Even with meals brought every other day, I have made a meal once or twice at the very most. And my freezer is FULL of premade meals, baking, meat, and every food gift you can imagine. On top of the scheduled meals, I am regularly offered fresh baking, a pail of soup, etc. We have NOT gone without. These gifts have saved me from cooking, have given me the opportunity to actually rest in that half hour before supper. They’ve saved both hassle and money. I will never forget someone casually bringing a pan of cinnamon buns over with an envelope filled with 20s on top. Its such a crazy time of life. If I had to guess how many people have fed us in one way or another, I’d say AT LEAST 75 people. Minimum.

Then there’s the kids. People have not forgotten about our kids, and it shows!! They have not gone without in any of this, having been blessed with gifts of books, craft supplies, games, and treats. They’ve even been on some special outings with a couple of people in our circle, so they have felt solidly special and loved. Every weekend, they ALL go off together, and get some good attention and a change of scenery, and I can breathe while our friends take on the task of five active children for an entire day!

There is no possible way to remember everything that has happened in order to show us support. Our house is cleaned regularly. Our laundry is done weekly. Other moms have taken my parent helper slots at the preschool. People have driven my kids to school. Their bikes are set up, oiled and filled, for the season. The garage is tidier because of others helping me move heavy things and hauling away donations. Blogs have been written for me. Groceries have been paid for and brought over often. Flowers were sent. Parking was paid for. Gas was paid for. People come at the drop of a hat to help me with mundane jobs. People going out of their way to make our life easier, over and over and over again. 

And here I am, beating myself up for not doing ANY of these things myself!!! But then, at the end of the day, I am dead exhausted, without having accomplished ANY basic house tasks, and I see the deep obvious need for help. So I accept it, gratefully, and humbly. All of this is completely unreal. Never have I seen anything like this, nor did I ever expect such a thing. 

On top of ALL of these needs being met, with love and willingness, we are being prayed for in a completely overwhelming way. I know we don’t all believe the same things, and I cannot make anyone believe anything. But consider that Brady healing and progressing the way he is is NOT a thing of this world. Him defying odds and defying science is because his strength is found in Christ alone!!! No other explanation will suffice. We know this to be true, and I hope you see it for yourself. The prayers of our church, our friends, our family far and wide, certain Facebook prayer groups, and many many people we don’t even know. That has been one of the craziest things – to see people come out of the woodwork and reach out, without little to no knowledge of us at all, to help us carry the load. To bear the burden of others. It is so strange to be on this side of the fence, but it would far more devastating to be completely alone. I imagine the number of people who I would thank for praying for us would be astronomical. I can’t even fathom. I can’t even ballpark. 

We could not do what we’re doing without every single one of you. We are not entitled to an ounce of help, yet here we are, surviving fairly smoothly, never going without anything we truly need. 

For you, friends, and for this support, I praise the Lord. 

The Day Brady Came Home

Yesterday was a gigantic whirlwind of a beautiful day. What we expected to be a one last hour at the hospital, packing up his room and saying some goodbyes turned into a fast paced effort to get Brady a WAY better wheelchair than the one he’s had the entire time he’s been at the hospital. Its a very long story, but the one that had been ordered for him so long ago appeared to not have even been started, the requisition lost, and on top of that, it was clear to everyone around us that it wasn’t a good fit for Brady. So he was swept away with the Golden Mobility guy to have measurements taken and to list his preferences for a number of things for what will eventually be HIS new chair. One of the OTAs worked her butt off for the next while assembling him a significantly better chair to go home in than what he had, which was a huge relief. And while all of this was going on, I was back in his room, trying to pack it up as fast as I could. At this point, we have a really nice relationship with the lady who often cleans his room, so she was in there, visiting with me. It was really really nice.

Before we left, I was able to chat with and say goodbye to Brady’s physical therapist, Kari. I really really like her, and I feel some sadness to now just be gone… I was honest with her about that, and she was SO warm and reassured me that we were by no means “cut off,” though she understood how it could feel that way. She gave me her contact information and told me she would be disappointed if we just left and never got back in touch. I liked that.

After a longer wait than we anticipated, Brady got the loaner chair that fit him SO much better, and we left the hospital!!

It was at that point where we decided we still had enough time before radiation to go out for lunch. And I do mean out for lunch. No drive-thru food in the van for us!

The firecracker burger is just about always the way to go for Brady! We ate and held hands and enjoyed each other’s company. A maybe 40-ish year old man was wheeling out of the restaurant, smiled BIG when he saw Brady, and offered up a “Nice wheels!” I secretly loved that! Yet another community we did not choose to be in that contains warm, understanding people.

After his appointment at the cancer centre, we picked up some iced capps for us and Cher, in honour of her brothers life, and headed home! HOME! Finally!!!

The wheelchair stayed outside, and Brady made his way into the house on his crutches, just how he had wanted.

It was a warm reception, to say the least. 😍

After we all spent some time just sitting together, Brady decided he had enough energy for a photo opp, so we did that!!

We may not have the ramp yet, but the sidewalk is a BEAUTIFUL addition to our home! A confident place to show the kids his wheelie skills.

We tried to get organized for some impromptu family pictures! Only one kid cried.

We finally got there!!!

Wavy in the back, hahaha

We went back inside and ordered a feast of pizza. Our first legit supper together in a long, long time.

At the table, we thanked the Lord for bringing Brady back home to us, and for keeping him safe. And if you think the ribbon cutting for the sidewalk was good, this one was even BETTER!

Just gonna say, that hospital bracelet has been on for two months, and it was disguuuuusting, hahaha! Will spare you that picture 😂

We spent the remainder of the evening opening cards, from all of us here at home, as well as EVERY student in Dekker’s class! That was an incredible surprise!

The theme was bang on, if you ask me.

Be srong 🥰

The night ended early, with immense fatigue and total, complete exhaustion. But relief, finally falling asleep in the same bed. I have dearly missed sharing my evening with Brady, and I like to believe he’s missed sharing space with me, too.

There is just such relief. There is SO much more uncertainty to come, but at least I have my partner in crime beside me again.

Thank you, friends, for being so supportive and excited with us as we anticipated Brady’s homecoming. The road is long, and continues to be bumpy and messy, but it is incredibly reassuring to have so many of you in our corner, supporting and encouraging us.

Thank you, Lord, for making it possible that Brady can be home. Continue to grant him health and strength, and for the rest of us, as well. Our hope is in You.

Grief in Common

Cher here!

I sat on this for an entire day. How do I start a blog like this? A blog on a big day. It’s not just a big day for me this year, it’s a big day for my Hailey, too. It’s a big day for everyone who is touched by her and her family. So please know, everyone, that when I write about myself, I am not trying to take away the day. 

Some of you know, some of you may not. Today is the day my brother took his life in our childhood home only an hour and 45 minutes after he texted me that he got a new phone.

I had plans. I was at my cousins house, about to head to some friends for the evening. I got the call. I texted some people. I texted Hailey. We had only been friends for maybe five months. Not even close. We didn’t hang out recreationally. I was taking photos of her pregnant belly. She cared differently than most people did. I never would have texted her otherwise. I also confided in her before anyone else that Scott was going to be a dad. 

She texted me back: “Please tell me you weren’t in the house when it happened” I said no. She offered for me to come over. The next day I did. She hugged me so tight in the entrance. I sat on her couch. Her and Brady talked to me for a few hours and then I went home. 

That is a very watered down version of what happened, but this blog isn’t about Scott’s life, or my life per say. This blog is about God, and grief, and victory. But first, I want to paint a picture. Scott struggled his whole life, but he was happy. He laughed so much as a kid.

He loved me a lot when we got to be adults.

Then he stopped loving himself. He thought other people could love him enough that he didn’t have to.

Hailey was there for all the grief. She let me cry on her couch. She gave me a safe place to be real without judgment. Over time we got so close. Then, the three of us became like a club. Playing games, eating good food, watching shows, having fires. COVID helped lots of this grow.

There is always beauty in the things that terrify and confuse us. That’s God, though. Unpredictable, and BEAUTIFUL. Scott would be a PROUD dad to a beautiful baby girl. The first year he was gone on the 14th of April, she was dedicated by her beautiful mom to the Lord. The second year he was gone, Hailey bought me an iced capp (iced capps were HUGE for Scott) during COVID and drove me to go see that little girl and her mom. It was such a beautiful day. 

This year on the 14th is a bittersweet day for me. A BIG day for Hailey and her family. 

The past few months I have watched Hailey grieve. I’ll never forget the day Brady got the call that there was a tumor. The day Hailey went to see him at the hospital and they moved him so fast that she saw him for only a few minutes between transferring him to another hospital. Those tears were so heavy, I could not hold them. 

Then, the blood clot through the heart into his lungs. The diagnosis. The uncertainty of it all. Even the fact that the surgeon thought he wouldn’t walk. MRI after MRI, calls, delays, and so much more. 

Through watching Brady fight for his life with such positivity and come home on this particular day… this very specific day.. It feels SO special and planned. It is NOT about me, it is about God’s plan. On such a significant day for all of us, all I can say is, this is AMAZING! God said he can turn anything meant for harm or evil to be for good. This day is SO good!!!! How could I ever be sad, when God gave me a whole new brother out of losing Scott.

And today, the days collide with grief and celebration. A day God knew would happen, before any of us ever could.

Thank you Hailey and Brady for being SO sensitive about this day, even with it being SUCH a big day for you. Today is the day God has made. Today we can rejoice and be glad in it. I love you both, so much!

Beginnings and Ends

The way we often celebrate firsts, today we celebrated lasts. It is Brady’s last day of therapies on the ward.

His physical therapy session began with a final bout of sensitivity tests, to see how much his sensation and strength have improved. Both have indeed improved, thank the Lord! We talked to his therapist about items we need to acquire still, things that are funded and things that aren’t. She made a list of information to still get us before Brady goes. And her last move was to show Brady how to get up stairs with a railing when he needs to hold both of his crutches. A very good skill to learn on his very last day. Everything else is done.

Occupational therapy was next, and it was actually quite productive. He trialled a cool motorized attachment for his chair that would make life SO much easier in a lot of ways. While he was talking to the rep about it, he was able to be honest about being a bit disappointed with the chair thats on order for him. Its a whole long story, but he’s been waiting a long time for his chair, rather than the loaner from the hospital, and he’s since learned that he would vastly prefer a different model. As it turned out, there had been a hold-up on his chair, and thanks to that, they are going to work towards reordering him a chair he truly wants. They had one that was almost perfect just freshly brought to the ward, and they signed it out to him to use until his arrives. This sounds insignificant, but its actually a pretty huge deal! It was immediately clear, upon getting into it, that it was a WAY better style for him. So the ball is rolling with that, finally.

So he rode his new loaner chair back to the ward, and I was given the motorized one to drive 😳It was hilarious and fun and I love that they trusted me enough to drive it through the hallways.

We hit up radiation in the afternoon, where I learned his new wheelchair on the spot, having to disassemble it to get it in and out of the van. I always feel pretty accomplished when I can do those things with some semblance of confidence. I walked with Brady to the front doors of the cancer centre and then let him go in alone, as the rules state. It felt really weird not to go together. We’re not people who care to do a whole lot separate. But, we can do it, if need be.

I took some of Brady’s things home today, and I think I’ll bring a suitcase for the rest of it tomorrow, just so its only one trip down to the van.

Today is bittersweet. I am desperate to have Brady home, and I know he feels so ready to get here, too. But there is some safety and security in his team here. They are beautiful people, and I will dearly miss seeing them on a daily basis. We trust them a lot, and I’m nervous to go forward without them being fully involved.

As inpatient rehab ends for Brady, home can begin again.

A local man (you know who you are ❤️) donated his efforts to gift Brady freedom to come and go out of his house as he pleases. This was a GIGANTIC gift, and we are beyond grateful!! It may look like a sidewalk to random passers-by, but it is greatly more.
A hand-built ramp will be built atop this beautiful level surface over the weekend, all on gifted time.
Extra railings are being added in the house this evening, also with labour donated to our family.

Everything is coming together. Everything is in order. We’re just missing that one key piece.

Tomorrow. Less than 24 hours now. Lord, protect us.


As you may remember, Brady’s tumour was tested upon removal, and was deemed as cancerous. It has actually been a bit of a mess as different doctors in different cities believe it to be different stages of severity. For the time being, Brady has been diagnosed with stage four cancer. We have agreed to a five week radiation plan, where he will receive twenty-five “fractions” (doses) of the treatment. Twenty five appointments. Every weekday for five weeks.

And that began today.

Parking in the handicapped spot for the first time, like a boss. With our cancer centre parking pass to boot!

I was able to drive him myself, so we went together. He checked in and they gave him his schedule for the week. He immediately put it into the calendar on his phone, though we’ve been warned it can change from day to day to day.

As it was Brady’s first treatment, they permitted me to join in the tour and explanations. We were led to the “Atlantis location” where we met a handful of staff members who will be our constants through the next five weeks. They were SO friendly and reassuring, taking us behind the desk to show us that there are camera in the treatment rooms if Brady needs any kind of help or has an emergency. They also showed us the scan of the spot on his spine that they’re treating, and explained that they’ll take a picture every time, and why. We were told that, once a week, Brady would have a check-up with his radiation oncologist, and I am very welcome to attend.

I was offered a seat, and Brady was wheeled back to his first treatment. The machine glitched, so some tech guys came and overrode something. Right away, the staff started to reassure me and explained exactly what was happening so I wouldn’t have to feel uneasy. We cracked a couple of jokes and everything moved forward again. I sat and waited quietly. Its hard not to worry.

But what good does worry do?

Brady was under the laser for all of three minutes. He sounded so happy and relaxed when they went in and announced to him “Thats it, thats all!” I mentioned to the staff how much I desire this all to be quick and painless, and they agreed that they hoped for smooth sailing for us. This method of radiation tends to be very well tolerated, with less risk of further damage, as this oncologist does shorter fractions of treatment for a longer span of time.

It had been a smooth first treatment, and we are so grateful for that. As time progresses, things could change and he could find himself uncomfortable or in pain. We pray deeply against those side effects, and that God would fill Brady’s body.

He can, and He will. We pray with expectation. Do Your will, Lord. We’re here for it.

Dekker Takes the Cake

A few days ago, the evening felt like a total and complete disaster. The kids fought supper SO hard, and I went from patient and understanding to stark raving furious at them. I’d remind them to eat, they’d say “Ok mom” and then just keep talking. I swear, you’d think they were just never hungry. 

Except Dekker. Dekker ate lots, and completely accepted my answer when I said we wouldn’t have dessert. He asked for a little more salad instead, and then I let him get down from the table. Everyone else sat and picked at their plates, clearly just trying to wait out the clock. 

When the time came to tidy up toys and get the evening routine going, I freaked out a little. Laela cried, and all four kids at the table apologized. They offered up that they knew what apologies were and that they were going to turn it around. So I gave them five more minutes. But they continued to doddle, and I grew more and more frustrated. I was angry at them for not caring about what I wanted from them, and I was angry at myself for giving them more time, and I was angry that my basement was wrecked and if I let them go tidy up their mess, they’d be getting out of supper, but if I made them stay at the table, they’d get out of tidying. I was in a bind. 

So I came to peace with my decision, where I decided they would stay at the table, and the mess to clean up tomorrow would just be bigger, and that would be fine. One by one, they either finished their food, or gave up and decided to go to bed. Each kid used the bathroom and went to bed, and then I made the rounds to tuck them in, pray with them, and say goodnights. 

Except Dekker. Because he had done really well! As I headed down to tuck Solomon into bed, I found Dekker in the basement, tidying up the toys. Little toys were spread everywhere and he was carefully putting each thing in its spot, WAY more carefully than they do on a regular day. I was completely floored, and sputtered out a surprised “thank you!” He didn’t want any recognition, and kept his head down while he tidied, briefly saying “you’re welcome” and nothing more. 

Once everyone was tucked in, Dekker offered to help if I needed any other help. Being the monster I am, I actually did ask him to do another job! How awful is that?! I asked if he’d be willing to put the chairs up on the table. We do that every night so Meryl can run around and clean up the dining room really well. He agreed and got right to it, happily. I finished putting some leftovers away and then we were both done our jobs. He plunked down in a chair in the living room to read, and I plunked down across the living room from him to stare at nothing. 

But that just didn’t seem right. And I know the way to that mans heart. 

“Dekker, do you want to have some dessert with me?” 

He lit UP!! He was SO excited! I went to the kitchen and scooped him a big bowl of a really indulgent dessert. He started to shut his book and come over to the table, but I told him I trusted him to eat on the recliner. Again, he was completely thrilled. He sat in the comfy chair, and I sat on the couch just next to him, and we ate dessert together. A really good treat for a REALLY good attitude and a job well done! 

When the time came for bed, he actually noticed it before me. He wandered into the kitchen the checked the time. He informed me it was time for bed, and I asked him if he was tired. Because he definitely looked it. He assured me he wasn’t tired, but rather he was “kind of missing my bed.” And that was that! 

I tucked him in, prayed with him, and we snuggled for a few more minutes. I just couldn’t get enough of him. He was SO warm and caring and loving. And why should I be surprised? Because that is how he IS!!! 

Dekker, you ACED it! I am absolutely thrilled with the young man you are becoming! Your selflessness, your ability to read the room, and the ability to work hard are all remarkable qualities of a boy your age, and many boys much older than you, too. I am so unbelievably proud to be your mom!!! I love you!

Two Months Post-Op

We’re looking back today, on where Brady was, and how far he’s come, because today marks TWO MONTHS post injury!

First, education. Because I love information, I’ve eaten up all of these new concepts. Spinal cord injuries are often referred to as SCIs. And an “injury” isn’t just an accident or a broken bone. In Brady’s case, the injury wasn’t the tumour. The injury was the surgery.

So the date of Brady’s injury is February 10th. He is two months post injury.

Now the level, or the ‘”height of injury.” This is labelling the highest post of his spine that was affected by his injury. There are four sections of the spine. The upper back is the cervical spine (C), ribs are thoracic (T), lower is lumbar (L), and the very lowest is sacral (S). From the section of spine, then, its counted by vertebrae. Brady’s tumour affected his T7-T11 vertebrae, but the surgery began at T6.

The height of Brady’s injury is T6.

Lastly, SCIs are either complete or incomplete. Believe it or not, complete is worse. “Complete” means the spinal cord was fully severed at the height of injury. Brady is fortunate to have an incomplete injury, meaning that he still has nerve function between his brain and the part of his body below the injury.

All of this being said, in the medical world, Brady’s SCI is a T6 incomplete.

Boom. Educated.

I am VERY excited to share with you today, at two months post injury, that Brady has a confident discharge date! We’ve carried this date as our goal the entire time, always being reminded that it is a moving target. We’ve not wanted to hold our breath or count it down, but as the discharge plans move forward and its finally written on his schedule, we feel hopeful enough to share it with you all!!

Lord willing, Brady will be coming home on Wednesday. April 14th. FOUR MORE DAYS.

Consider where he was two months ago. And where he is now.

Things have CHANGED!

Find me a man who works harder than this man.

Breaking therabands and taking names 💪

I am deeply proud of my husband for taking on this GIGANTIC challenge of recovering from major spinal surgery, relearning his mobility from being flat on his back and numb, surviving a pulmonary embolism, and gracefully accepting a truly vulnerable, humbling experience. As if I didn’t love you as much as a person can love another before, it has only grown over these months.

I am ready. It is time to bring my man home. Lord protect us, as this fight is not over. This is long game, and we deeply appreciate our people who see that and continue to encourage us. Times are tricky, but God knew we’d be here, and He has not forgotten us.

I love you Lord
and I lift my voice
to worship You
Oh my soul rejoice!

Cows, Slushies, and Pizza

Cher here!

I picked the kids up right after lunch! I was greeted with a VERY sweet little note from Laela and I felt SO loved and so happy they were excited for another date!

On our way to Warman, we saw some cows!!! So, we pulled off the road to go say hi to them!

I taught the kids to move slowly and keep their voices down because cows are much more afraid of us than we are of them, lol. So, a couple times the kids spooked them, but they were able to call them back softly and move slow enough to invite them close. Dekker and Laela had fun trying to feed dead grass to them.

The owner of the farm at one point came in her truck to see what all her cows were doing. So we visited a little and she was happy her cows had friends.

When we got to Warman, we did a little shopping at Dollarama and Dollar Tree, and then off to 7-11 for slushies as big as our heads!

Then we went to one of the first parks we didn’t have time to visit the other day. I let each of the kids pick a candy at Dollarama, so they went back and forth from the playground to the picnic table, taking chugs of water and slushie and snacking on their treats. 

It got a little cool when the sun hid behind the clouds, so we went for a drive out of Warman so I could show them the Ferry! They loved that! Too bad it wasn’t up and running though.

When we got back to Warman, we went to the second playground.

THE KIDS LOVED IT! They went wild. I have never watched them run so much and laugh so much!

They made up a lot of games and enjoyed the patterns and built-in trails that go around the playground equipment, and through tunnels and up and down stairs.

Laela spent so much time in the tunnel that her hair got staticky. I tried to capture it.

At one point Dekker got his foot stuck in a hole, that was a very funny moment. That kid is so laid back these days. I took pictures of him struggling and Lalea came to join in the fun!

It was supper time, so we decided to go through Little Caesar’s Pizza and get our own yummy suppers. We wanted to eat outside so we went back to the park and ate on the bleachers.

But it was too cold, so we went and ate in my car instead.

SUCH a fun day. The kids asked me a lot if we can do this again. YES we can!!! I had SO MUCH FUN!

Too Much to Talk About

Yesterday was SUCH a loaded down, I hardly even know where to begin. So. Much. Stuff.

I left for the hospital in the morning, same as always. Once I arrived, I texted a friend and arranged some childcare for another day. Locking down childcare is something that really stresses me out, and it turned out to be a smooth, easy interaction. Thank you Lord!

I met Brady up in his room and we went right to OT where he made us grilled cheese and bacon for some early lunch. It was a nice session, where we made good food and talked about family, Easter, and plans when Brady got home. Meanwhile, Brady stood and cooked, sitting for the occasional break, but standing almost entirely for a half hour. It was a great accomplishment! His endurance is amazing.

After OT, Brady and I played a handful of rounds of Skipbo and made coffee. It was relaxed and normal and really really nice. We periodically did some texting and planning for home modifications. Lots of contacts needed to be made, so we did that while we played, sipped, and listened to music. While I was at the hospital, a friend texted me and offered to bring supper for tonight. What a beautiful gift! I accepted!

Around 2:00, we spoke to our family doctor. It became an hour conversation, but she is SO willing to help us through a handful of roadblocks, wade through some contradicting information, and help us hunt down a bit more info where we feel we lack. She clarified a bunch of things and printed off some reports for us. We talked for a long time and laughed a LOT, as we tend to do. She just has such a way about her, where everything is honest and straight forward, but she remains reassuring and warm.

Brady had PT and I headed home. I had the windows open and listened to AJR. It was a nice drive home.

When I got home, a big project was started at our house. I’m going to tell you more about that one another day, though.

Shortly after I got home, Brady got out of physical therapy and called me. It had been a loaded appointment, filled with clarifying information, as well as beautiful progress with Brady using only one crutch, and also standing without crutches and trying to maintain his balance while catching a ball, leaning, etc. He aced PT and felt great about it.

A friend brought us supper, and it was SO yummy!!! We had a meal train going for about two months, and even though its over, people are still offering to cook for us. Its an AMAZING gift. And that chicken stir fry just really hit the spot for me!

The day finished off sitting on the deck with my mom, Cher, and Brady over FaceTime for a couple of hours. It felt almost normal. It’ll be even better when his actual butt is in the actual seat, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it! Soon enough, Lord willing!

Old Dutch is Better Now

Cher here! 

Today’s post as you may have already figured out is about Dekker and Laela! Monday, I asked if it would be all right to take them to the park on Wednesday since the weather was going to be so nice. One thing about Dekker and Laela is they are the two oldest, so they don’t nap. Taking them out doesn’t make me feel SUPER guilty because the nappers nap. I got to the Born’s at 12:25 right as a surprise showed up. Not sure if I can say. So, we got the seats set up and got a block away… then realized no masks! So Lala ran home and grabbed some and came back. I kept them in the dark until we pulled up to Warman Dollarama. On the trip there, I showed them everything I love about driving on powerline rd. The old barns, black houses, boats in ditches, beaver damns. It was a fun drive. We had the windows down, music up, and the sunroof cracked. 

Once we got to Dollarama, I handed the kids 5-dollar bills. They were SO EXCITED! I remember as a kid when I got to pay for my own stuff, I would be SO excited. I wanted to see them experience that too. What a treat that was. I let them pick whatever they wanted with their 5 dollars. The first thing that happened was Laela wanting to get flowers for Hailey. Man that girl ADORES her mamma SO MUCH. It’s near heart-breaking. Then, she picked a few girly things for the lake, but as always, Dekker looked for something he truly wanted. Usually, it’s something WAY TOO practical. He is only 9, but there is a reason why we call him Dave. He is SUCH a dad. He chose a digital alarm clock. I wasn’t surprised. I also wasn’t surprised that Laela wanted the same thing LOL. So, we put her stuff back and went through the line-up. I let them choose a candy and a drink. They both chose mint gum and lemonade. They paid for their clocks and away we went. 

Tim’s drive thru was a success. A bagel and coffee for me, Tim bits for my Born bits. We got to Prairie Oasis Park, and the kids WERE STOKED!

They played for about an hour after devouring their Timbits. Dekker CHUGGED his lemonade and Laela, very much like her sweet, adorable mom, took tiny sips that LOOKED huge. It’s okay, Hailey, you are dearly loved. 

Everyone had to pee, so we went to Co-op. I made Dekker take his empty lemonade bottle and fill it with water. Laela was afraid of the toilet so I went in the stall with her and showed her a trick. Sometimes when you close the lid and then flush it, the loud sound isn’t as scary. She was very cute. We found each other after that, and I let the kids choose whatever chips they wanted. Dekker chose popcorn twists, because there are NO kernels, and he now loves Old Dutch… when he didn’t before because it wasn’t as good. But.. it’s better now. ( apparently ) Laela and I chose cheezies because we are very smart ladies.

We went to Lion park after that. Dekker totally DEVOURED his twists. I think he came back every couple minutes to shove his face. I didn’t stop him. I felt like he deserved to be free today. I took some pictures of the kids climbing this weird rope thing. Do they name playground equipment? I dunno. I watched them play for over an hour while I went through school notes. 

On the way back I played some 80s fun music. ALL windows down. Kids were happy. Laela finished her cheezies and was totally orange by the time we got home. Only a few mins later, my sweet best friend came home, and we got to talk for a few mins. I loved that. In case you didn’t know. I am a HUGE fan of my best friend. 

A couple hours later, I get a photo from Hailey of a sticky note Laela had written. SO SWEET.

When I arrived to get them, she gave me gum. And as I left, she gave me a candy cane. That girl has SUCH a big heart. She is very tender, generous, and loving. I am so excited I get to watch all of them grow up. I am a proud auntie.