Must’ve Farted

*** A brief disclaimer here that this post has darker humour in it than I tend to share. Its not gross by any means, but some people might not find the same humour in it, and I’d be very sad to offend anyone. Take my word for it that we have to laugh at these things, otherwise its all just very, very sad. So feel free to pass this one by, or laugh along with us! ***

It probably goes without saying that has been the most stressful time of our lives. Yet, as we tend to do, we try to find some humour where we can. So I thought I’d share a few laughs we’ve had along the way. Some of them are a little dark. Some are bathroom related. Just laugh with us, ok? I am allowed to share the vulnerable things, so I’m going to, in the name of jokes. 

In chronological order: 

The first one wasn’t funny in the moment, but it is now. So you’re allowed to laugh, I promise. Back in the days of the last hospital and the neuro ward, Brady was a lot weaker and less mobile. He would get hauled out of his bed with a big lift, and he would be rolled from place to place. They’d lower him back down into a sitting position, where he would try madly to maintain his balance long enough for them to unhook him from the lift and help him lay back down. At that point, he couldn’t sit on the edge of his bed without really hanging on. And I will not ever forget the time where they brought him back to his bed and lowered him onto his hands. He was trying to reach for the bed in preparation but was out of alignment and ended up being set down on his hands. The panic that washed over his face, as he tried madly to pull his hands out from under him while not falling over is a look I won’t soon forget. Yes, its terribly sad that he was SO vulnerable, and that is many people’s reality, but now we both laugh really hard about it. 

The rest of the funnies have taken place in the rehab ward. Neuro wasn’t very funny, but rehab is. A small but humorous observation is that Brady’s phone is still trying to count his steps, but its clearly moot at this point. Many days, his phone registers something ridiculous like thirteen steps, hahaha! He went from an AMAZING amount of steps, even when his spine was SO BAD, to double digits. Man, how things have changed. His phone will not so gently point out that he walked a LOT more last year… 

Must’ve farted. This has become one of my favourite things. Which doesn’t make a ton of sense, but please understand. I’ll be sitting with Brady, doing whatever, and suddenly he’ll sniff and exclaim “Oh! Stinks. Must’ve farted.” Because he can’t feel it!!! So its just a guessing game! It is SO funny to me, and thankfully, to him. This also means that, now and forever, I can fart whenever, wherever, and blame him. So, win! 

We’ve had some good laughs about a particular nurse. Not because of ANYTHING bad, don’t worry, ZERO nurse bashing here! Earlier in his stay at City Hospital, Brady had it marked in his chart that he didn’t want to be checked on a bunch in the night, as he was able to move around on his own in bed and get what he needed. As soon as that was officially noted, he had his pulmonary embolism, so they started checking on him a lot again. Which makes sense, but its obviously was not his ideal for his sleep schedule. Still, we get it. There was a particular nurse who checked on Brady a LOT. At first, Brady would hear her come in, and she’d accidentally wake him, even when he had earplugs in. But she got quieter over time. One particular night, Brady had to pee a number of times. He pees in that pee jug we talked about a while ago, and sometimes in the night, when a nurse pokes their head in, they empty it. And on that one particular night, that nurse snuck in and emptied the jug about five times. Brady got such a kick out of her, and while he worked so hard to remember everyone’s names, that nurse is dubbed “sneaky pee-stealing nurse.” Affectionately, of course. 

The last one is probably the best, and maybe the most shocking of them all. Its not actually shocking, but, you’ll see, I guess. I call the situation “testes in distressties.” You can see where its going. A transfer from one place to another is one swift motion for Brady. Wheelchair to bench. Bed to chair. Wherever. The other day, Brady was telling me about a particular move he made after a shower. He had shifted over to where he wanted to be, and, in his words, he had a brief sense that his balls were in distress. Again, in his words, “I looked down. No junk.” I laughed SO hard when he told me this story!! Its happened a couple more times since then, where he’s accidentally sat on his balls and not noticed right away. He called me one time from the hospital and told me “I sat on my balls again, but I couldn’t immediately save them.” Man, he is SUCH a good sport about these things! But hey, now when the kids rush at him and knee him in the crotch, it doesn’t hurt as bad! Heyo!!

So, yes, I realize some of these things are kind of sad, but we are laughing, so you can, too. We have to find some humour in our circumstances.

Brady’s Headaches

Something that is discouraging about radiation is that side effects come and go like the wind. Some days, Brady is nauseated from the moment he gets up. Driving makes that worse. Thankfully, he has a medication for it, and has started drinking Boost drinks with me in the morning. He is definitely fatigued, to the point I mentioned yesterday about switching from his crutches to his wheelchair. The fatigue paired with the extra concentration needed to use the crutches was leaving absolutely NO energy for anything else.

The headaches, however, are kicking Brady’s butt, and I’m giving them their own post to ask for prayer from those of you who would like to pray.

Brady’s headaches show up absolutely any time they feel so inclined. Brady will have a distinct tightening in his neck that tips him off that one is on its way. He is on regimented Tylenol preventatively, but he immediately takes Naproxen to try and curb it. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn’t. Almost every time, he ends up in bed, flat on his back, in the dark, waiting for it to be over. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn’t. And then, whether in the form of searing pain or pressure, it sticks with him for the rest of the day. This mornings headache was stopped in its tracks with medication and a hot rice bag. But the hot pack didn’t even touch yesterday evening’s headache. It is just impossible to know.

The entire issue of unpredictable side effects is tricky because after days of headaches, he’ll have a day without, which feels SO hopeful, that just maaaybe they’re done! But then the next day, they’re back in full force, and my Brady is SO discouraged, and SO frustrated that they just show up anytime, and take him away from his daily life.

We ask for prayer. For healing and for comfort. For endurance and strength of mind. For guidance and resolution. For God’s will, most of all.

Bradyation: Week Two

Two weeks of radiation under our belt over here! We’re getting into the “groove” of cancer treatment, whatever that means. The routine of driving in for radiation has become super normal, and we’re learning what Brady needs to manage side effects along the way.

(I’m trying to convince Brady that you guys would like to hear from him what actually happens in a radiation treatment, but he figures that would be boring and no one would actually care. But if you’ve never had radiation, I say it would be new information. Anyone wanna know? Speak up!)

The theme of this weeks treatment is headaches! Poor Brady has been hit with some brutal headaches, that come on fast and strong. Unfortunately, at the moment, his oncologist won’t prescribe him pain killers, so Brady is making it work on regularly scheduled Tylenol and Naproxen, when needed. Yes, its hard on his stomach. He’s on a stomach protector. Also, ALL of this is hard on his body. We’re doing our best over here.

Yesterday, we suffered our first fatality.

Sooooo this was a huge bummer. Brady immediately called Saskabilities and they said they could replace the crutch before the end of the day. Thank goodness, because it was Friday, and this was greatly limiting. My mom offered to run in and do the pickup, as too much driving makes Brady carsick now. Thank you, mom! In the meantime, we took Brady’s wheelchair out of the van and brought it into the house for the first time since he got home!

And guys, it opened a door for Brady. He was capable and had more energy. It was beautiful to watch. He has worked SO hard to walk with crutches, and we have all figured the chair would live in the van pretty much indefinitely, because it would be clunky around the house. But he was able to do SO much more without getting as fatigued as quickly! He could also hold things when he went somewhere! Thats been the biggest hangup with the crutches – the inability to carry or hold anything, or bring anything with him. Now, he can, and he was so much happier. At bedtime, he changed diapers and got a couple of kids tucked in, and it just felt more normal. There is the relief for everyone that he could feel so much better and move around more, but the worry around losing all of his progress towards walking isn’t lost on us, either. Its an internal battle, for sure.

The weekend feels so much better. His body gets a little rest, which we are all grateful for. We’re 40% done radiation, and while we’re getting used to the system, we are completely and utterly exhausted, physically, emotionally, and mentally. It has been QUITE a time over here, but we are making it. All glory to God!

This Morning, Before School

Its not everyday I have a handful of cute pictures from the short window of time before the kids are off to school. That hour or so is usually pretty busy and often feels somewhat rushed. But this morning was smoother than usual, and I want to share!

When I surfaced to get the kids up, my mom had gotten up early and was making pancakes and chopping cantaloupe!! That is a pretty special treat for a weekday breakfast! I got the girls up first, and Laela asked if she could get the boys up. It was pretty cute 😍

He was trying to squeeze her as hard as he could. They were both giggling like crazy. I loved it.

As the morning rolled on, and some people were ready and others weren’t, Brady read a story. It was one of those “order restored” moments.

The kids were happy and lighter than usual this morning. Laela and Dekker have taken to writing on our fruit. I’m not even mad at it, haha!

You may notice that the kids don’t look ready for school, but they are. Its pyjama day today!! I love that they wore matching onesies to school 😆

Its been a cute morning. And it still is. Wavy and Solly are playing magformers and singing made up songs. The sun is streaming in through a crack in the curtains, letting me believe its SO much warmer out than it actually is. Ignorance is bliss, in this case. We don’t get to be ignorant about a whole lots of things these days, so I’ll hold onto the weather as something I’m allowed to not know about.

Radiation at 1:00 today.

More Signs of Spring

As if the changing weather and golf cart parked in our front yard aren’t enough, there are yet further signs that Spring is on its way! One of them being my flowerbed!

I wish I had a before picture, but you’re going to have to take my word for it – it was a mess! Last season, we suffered an attack of the ground squirrels, and they went at our front flowerbed HARD. It was SO SAD. They gutted a LOT of our flowers. We. Tried. Everything. We filled holes with water and closed them off with rocks. We put some poison down. Put in motion sensing lights and sounds. Got a little more sadistic and FINALLY made some progress, but by then, it appeared most of the damage was done :/ The flowerbed was FULL of rocks, solar lights, solar frogs (yup) and a couple of very dead pumpkins.

And Cher took it upon herself to clean it all up the other day.

I can’t tell you what everything is, whats going to make it and what isn’t, but I CAN tell you that when all the crap was cleared away, there was life!!

There is HOPE!! I’m excited to see what comes up, and a little apprehensive to see what doesn’t. I REALLY want my peonies to live!

I think its pretty amazing to have someone in my life who comes over, guts the crap out of my flowerbed, swigs some iced tea, hugs me, and asks for nothing more. I WANT to be a family who has LOTS to offer, and it is odd to NEED so much help these days. But I am overwhelmingly grateful to have the people we have, and the love and support we have. Even just in these last few days, we have been shown love in an extreme way that we have NEVER seen before. Its just completely over the top.

For you, friends, we praise the Lord.

Humbled, Once Again

We need to be more careful about what we say on Facebook…

We’re deeply anticipating being at the lake this Spring and Summer, but even with our spot being within walking distance to the water, some of those details are trickier for us this season. Brady could wheel that far, absolutely, but the last long stretch of the path to the lake is just roots and roots and roots! His wheelchair wouldn’t make it, and it would be WAY too uneven on crutches. Not only that, but there are paths and walks and lots of opportunities to explore and be out and about. So, we figured we’d put out feelers for an old beater golf cart that needed minimal fixing, and hopefully get Brady a bit of extra mobility at the lake!

Yesterday, Brady and I posted on Facebook that we were in the market for exactly that – a golf cart that was both basic and affordable. It was a “Does anyone know anyone?” kind of post. Because we could go on kijiji, absolutely, but we always like to ask our circle first. Isn’t it nicer to buy from someone you know, or someone someone you know knows? Lol! Well, we do. So we asked on Facebook if anyone knew anyone selling a golf cart. We were looking for leads.


…someone just brought us a golf cart 😳

I don’t know all the details about it, but I can tell you its a Yamaha. Its very well kept. Its electric. It can hold a handful of people at once, lol! The seats are the color of butter. Its SO cute!

Best of all, it is ours as long as we have a use for it. Indefinitely.

We rolled it onto the lot beside ours, just temporarily until we move some other things around. And then we got into it!

Yes, Brady got into it ON the trailer!!!! So actually getting into it when its on the ground will be easy peasy 😁

The kids in the background tho 😂


What. A. Gift. We are BLOWN away, overwhelmed, and deeply humbled.

Thank you, friends, for showing us love in this way. Thank yous seem inadequate, but thats all we have to offer. My gut reaction is always to apologize, but rather, I will say thank you, and rejoice!

Our summer just got a whole lot more exciting!!


Five Good Parts of Today

There have been some high points today, and I have cute pictures to back them up! Hopefully you can join in our bright spots ☀️

Wavy somehow got a chocolate granola bar instead of an almond one today at lunch, and really made it count! Lucky girl! Good thing there are some brown animals on her sleeper. The chocolate can just blend right in as though it belongs.

Then she went down for a nap, and we made eggs for lunch. Turns out, we all felt decisive in different directions today! Three adults, three different kinds of eggs.

Then I took Brady to radiation and Cher hung at our house. When we came home, she had left this on our fridge. She was SUPER casual about it, but I LOVE it!!!

Shortly after we got home, nap time was over! Or was it?

It was once everyone came home 🙂 Rowan read his green bag book with Brady, and he was really excited to show him the book he chose!! I LOVE that this is something that will never be “weird” in our house. 💜

Its good to lay out some of the positives like this and have some light memories on record during this time of our life. It was a cute day, despite the visit to the cancer centre and everything that goes along with that.

We praise God from whom all blessings flow!

However Briefly

Time is fleeting, and we don’t know the future. But for this moment in time, in its own small way, order is restored.

There is some normalcy back in our lives.

We can all rest a little easier, and breathe a little easier.

Brady being gone took a big piece of our family away. A big piece of our normal. Who would’ve thought Brady was SO normal?! 😆It is such a relief to have that back. To have him back.

If you think of us today, please do pray. Week two of radiation begins, and we are hoping his bigger side effects are just adjustments that come along with the first week. But, God’s will be done! We will take what comes, and with His help, we can handle it!

Take care of us, Lord. Wherever we land, protect us.

All Along You Were Blooming

Cher here! 

When I visited Hailey and Brady today for a few short minutes, I could tell how tired they were. THEY HAVE DONE SO WELL. I wanted to write a little about my perspective on how I have observed things since Brady has been back. 
First, absolutely everyone is happier. EVERYONE. Even my days are easier, knowing my best friend is okay, and her husband is home and doing well. Wednesday was such a whirlwind day. There have been such big changes for everyone settling back into normal life.. but life isn’t normal. It’s still new. Still, lots to figure out as time goes on. I know they know that. 

When Brady went for his surgery, he took Hailey with him. I didn’t even realize it until he came back home for good. Hailey’s demeanor changed immediately. Her capacity grew. Her observations grew. Her smiles stayed longer. She has that bounce in her step again. Less things seem forced. Still, there is fear, I know. But there is also confidence and relief. 

Hailey and Brady went for their first walk in town yesterday. They stopped by at my house to say hello, and it just felt SO normal. Laughing, joking, hugging. Nothing felt heavy, scary, or weird. I loved that so much. It felt like old times, the three of us being goofs. You should have seen Hailey’s eyes. Just pure happiness. 

Brady is pretty tired from radiation, so he naps a lot more. Yet, he still finds the strength to scoot downstairs and spend time with the kids. He is still himself. Still absolutely welcoming, kind, positive, and funny. I know he is so happy to be home, and so are we. It’s a huge comfort for him I’m sure, but for all of us, to see him walking with crutches and being able to get in and out of the house and vehicle. He is still very independent; despite ALL he has been through. I am absolutely amazed by you, Brady! You have some physical boundaries, but you find ways around them without complaining or ever feeling sorry for yourself. You are such a good example for your kids. 

There is an adjustment period still. I think the most for Hailey. Her brain is so GOOD at soothing itself, but her poor body holds stress. Please pray for her heartburn. It is overwhelming for her, and I know all she wants is to be present and feel good with her family. It seems so unfair that she must endure such pain and discomfort when she should be able to enjoy and embrace the changes. 

I have said a few times before that Hailey is the type that can bloom in a forest fire. Nothing I have said takes away her positive attitude, her faith, her perseverance, or her strength. If anything, she is STRONGER than ever before. She is so capable; more than she will ever admit. All along, she was blooming. 

So, when you think of my Hailey, please pray for her. Pray for them all, too. Pray for smooth. Pray for solutions. Pray for healing.

Bradyation: Week One

Brady has completed one out of five weeks of radiation! I thought it would be good to let everyone know how its been going 🙂 

We’ve gotten into a bit of a groove. It only takes about a half hour to drive there. We park in the same spot each time, and then I get Brady’s chair out of the back of the van, and he heads into the cancer centre. The whole process is very quick. Originally I imagined I’d accomplish things while I waited for him, but today it was less than 20 minutes before he texted that he was on his way back. Sometimes I scroll my phone. Sometimes I phone Cher. Its pretty relaxed. And then when Brady comes back, I spot him while he gets into the van, and load his chair back up. Thats it, thats all! 

When Brady goes into the centre, he checks in with the front desk, and they confirm his schedule for the next day. He gets his time slots for the week on Monday, but he has to bring the schedule in every single day because it can change anytime. Then he goes back to his particular location, takes off his shirt, lays on something like an exam table, and he’s lifted up in the air so the lasers can move around him and get him in juuuuust the right place. Then he’s blasted in three places by radiation, taking a total of 2-3 minutes. And then he’s good to go! Thats all it is! 

The most important part of this post is how Brady’s been feeling. The answer is that he’s definitely feeling it. His first treatment was Monday afternoon, and he was nauseated by morning :/ He’s been fighting for betterment since then, and yesterday, was finally was given a good prescription for the best nausea medicine on the market, in my opinion! Hopefully that really helps. He’s also been completely exhausted, as so many people said he would be. Last night, we were both asleep right around 9:30pm. His legs have been feeling weak and fatigued as well – more than usual. But he’s coping and doing his best, and we’re trying to give him all the grace possible. 

I wish week one had gone a little bit smoother, and that the radiation hadn’t affected him as much as it had. He had SO much energy just a few days before he came home, and I know he would’ve vastly preferred to come home with that level of energy. But we know this is for a time 💜 And its going to be just fine. We can do some tired weeks. God knows what we need.