The First Weekend With the Kids

We took the kids to the camper this weekend! It was finally time! We packed the best we could while they were at school on Friday, and Cher sent us off around 4:00.

The seven of us, plus my mom, drove the stretch to the lake and ate Mississippi Chicken on a bun upon arriving. YUM!

It was a busy evening, getting everyone settled in, but they were excited to sleep in bunks again and to be free to run and play a lot further than they do here at home.

We had Costco muffins for breakfast, which may be cheating, but is SO well received and I have zero regrets about!

We spent the morning doing some jobs around the site. I levelled some of the dirt we had dug out last weekend for the deck, and Brady fixed the plumbing that wasn’t quite right. We were both pretty wiped, but Brady looked fly.

My mom provided super yummy lunches both days. My FAVORITE kind of lunch – fruit, crackers, cheese, meat, etc.

The kids had some quiet time, and so did the rest of us.

We sat on the deck, sunbathed, scrolled, and sipped. I made a lake version of myself on Voila.

It had rained pretty hard the day before, but it was all dried out enough to have a fire later in the day!! It was SO nice!! Brady can still chop wood! Heyo!!! Just not on a chopping block, lol! (definitely wrote “chopping blog” first, haha!)

Once the fire was going strong, Brady got the BBQ fired up, and we had burgers and hot dogs for supper. And veggies. And chips. It was so delicious.

The golf cart was a HUGE hit! Solly worked his muscles…

But it was MOST fun was fitting EVERYONE getting to ride TOGETHER! (Trust me when I say Rowan was actually SUPE enjoying himself! He just grumped for the picture. Because why not.)

I LOVE this picture! I wish Rowan was happy in it, but 🤷‍♀️c’est la vie.

The kids ran around the beach and raced up and down the dock, and Brady and I opted for laziness and rest, haha!!

The next morning, we decided to thrill everyone’s hearts, and we made a morning fire and had s’mores for breakfast!! The kids were STOKED.

Everyone was pretty stinking cute, if you ask me.

The big highlight for the kids after breakfast was a gross caterpillar, hahaha! They were oddly attached to it, but let it go on their own eventually, thank goodness.

My mom walked the kids to the beach to play while Brady and I did a few things in the afternoon. I continued shovelling, and Brady fixed an exterior outlet that quit working when we moved the camper here.

Aaaaand now it works! So we can plug our golf cart in to charge without having to have the door slightly ajar and an extension cord running underfoot.

I will be honest – it was a tough first weekend with the kids. They were SO excited and therefore SO overstimulated and my goodness, it was pretty hard. Nights were really difficult, and that made daytime attitudes that much more challenging. It was new. So it was hard.

Next weekend WILL be better! We’ll be back!

That New “Voila” App

It seems that a LOT of people are stoked about an app that animates people’s faces in all kinds of different ways. I saw many different versions online, and I was intrigued! So I tried it! Aaaaand I tried it for my whole family! I hope you enjoy!!

Personally, I think these are the cutest things!! Definitely an enjoyable way to waste a little time, if you’ve got some to spare.

Wavy’s Hair

You probably remember that time we had to shave Waverly’s head. If you don’t remember, you probably have noticed she has oddly shorter hair than one might think we’d keep on our children. I LOVE our long haired kids, but clearly I LOVE the short haired ones, too. When Wavy’s hair started to fall out after a particularly vicious rash/illness last summer, she began to eat it. Nope nope nope. We shaved it off fairly quickly one realizing the damage that could cause. It was hard, but necessary. 

We shaved it a few times for a few appointments, but then we let it grow. Because it would still be a good while before it was actually long enough for her to pull it again, and she would likely lose the habit before then. 

So far so good! 

Wavy has reached an adorable state of “shaggy dog” and I love it so much. She’s bleaching out good and proper in the sun, and she just looks like summer with her little overgrown pixie cut!

I had been in touch with my hair girl around the time I shaved Wavy, and she said she could help me when the time came, and we could trim Wavy’s hair up nicely so she’d look a little cleaned up and feminine. I completely expected to take her up on this offer. 


She grew a ringlet in the back!!! 

It may look rat taily for the moment, but you better believe its staying!! I choose to believe it will soon be surrounded by many other curly friends! 

I do hope my curly girly comes back! 

Brady’s Next Steps

Well, friends, we have news. It won’t be all too shocking, as we knew what was coming in Brady’s treatment. But suddenly its RIGHT around the corner. 

Brady’s first round of chemotherapy starts today. 


For those who would like details, Brady is taking Temozolomide. Also called Temodar, it is a common chemotherapy treatment used in the treatment of many brain tumours. Brady’s particular tumour ONLY grows in the brain or spinal cord, but aaaaalmost NEVER in the spinal cord. Its “better” but its lesser known. This chemo treatment is the most logical bet, and it is also considered to be a mild chemo. It will go in 28 day cycles. In his case, Brady will take these four pills (to get the dosage just right) before bed for five days consecutively. He already has nausea medication on hand and more on file. Once days 1-5 are done, he has no pills or treatment from days 6-28. Right at the end of the cycle, he will go for bloodwork and make sure things are going smoothly in terms of white blood cells, and then onto the next cycle. He will do anywhere from six to twelve cycles. It just depends on how it goes. We don’t know. So we’re just starting.

He will NOT be at the hospital for his treatments. He will NOT have a port. He will NOT be restricted in many ways that many other cancer sufferers are. We have no idea how sick he will or won’t get, but we are hoping to waste as much of these chemo months at the lake, where time doesn’t matter, we have no expectations or deadlines, and we can be restful. God protect us.

I share this with you in an effort to ask for your continued support, prayers, and care. Uncertainty is mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausting, and we have a LOT of it. Conveniently, we’re told chemo is also exhausting in all the same ways. So we’re entering this next stage of our lives uncertain, apprehensive, and relying FULLY on God. 

To be clear, I do NOT share this because I want to hear any negative stories. Encouragement is welcome, but please don’t shower us with the stories of bad outcomes. Trust me, we’ve done our research and are not going into this blindly. We are aware of the risks. We are also aware of the risks of not doing chemo, so we’ve prayerfully chosen this route and are trusting God to protect Brady. 

Excuse us as we take the weekend away with our family, and navigate these first few days. We have no idea what they hold. But God does, thankfully. So we plod on. 

The CRAZY Day to Get Everything Done

Ok, almost everything. We tried! And we took selfies all along the way, so be ready to see a lot of our faces. You’ve been warned.

We left in the late morning, and headed to Martensville. I dropped Brady off at Canadian Tire to grab some plumbing parts for the camper…

…and I drove to McDonalds to grab some quick, cheap lunch. We had GOALS!

From there, we made our way to the blood clinic in the Lawson area. We did not plan ahead, but thankfully, the wait time wasn’t bananas, and Brady was able to get his blood draw in no time.

See the thing was he had an appointment to get to at 1:30, and we had a LOT on the list for the day, so we were trying to crush as many things as possible before his appointment.

From that blood clinic to another, we drove to RUH. I went in to get blood work that I was supposed to get in January. Whoops.

I wanted for an uncool twenty and resent my requisition twice before I said I had to go, but I would come back after our appointment. Merp.

We walked to the other end of the hall and registered Brady for his appointment with *drumroll please* his surgeon, Dr. Fourney! We just got a call from his office that he wanted a follow-up with Brady, and we’ve both been looking forward to it.

He was running late, but Dr. Fourney did not disappoint. I can go into deeper detail in an upcoming post, but what I will say is that he has real confidence that Brady’s tumour will not grow, and that he doesn’t feel that Brady’s cancer diagnosis is as aggressive as some others are saying and believing. He isn’t by any means casting us aside or not caring about the outcome, and backed up everything he said with real information and practical understanding. We will still be going forward with all of our current plans, but hearing his confidence was very comforting and reassuring. He feels much like we do. A fun bonus of that appointment was that he really recognized Brady’s drive, determination, and positive attitude. He said that is a HUGE part of the reason Brady is healing so well, and I fully agree. Obviously, we give ALL glory to God! But yes, Brady has chosen to grab the wheelchair by the horns and keep rolling! (Ha!) And its working. It was a very uplifting appointment.

I went back to the blood clinic after the appointment and they still didn’t have anything. They said come back another day. I told them I wouldn’t be back in the area anytime soon, and they said sorry. So, I left. Merp. Did I mentioned I NEED it soon because I have a day surgery coming up?! GAH!

The Cancer Centre was just across the parking lot, so Brady dropped in there, too, to pick up some meds.

From there, we drove to Saskabilities, where Brady’s brace was being modified. I’m realizing now I should’ve taken a picture of how it looks now, but this will have to do!

His brace used to have his foot fixed Ken doll style, and now the ankle has a hinge! Woot! More mobility is always a win!

Then we hit Walmart. We were SO far across the city, and we never get to the Stonebridge Walmart. See the thing is, I crocheted a project, and I am barely short just ONE color! I’m a little annoyed, because it only comes in a huge ball, and its not even very soft, nice yarn, and I need sooooo little. But, I couldn’t find it at the other locations, so aaaaall the way to Stonebridge, and I can finally bring that purple home and finish my project!

Only mildly passive aggressive about it.

We also got chips and some better plates for camping from Walmart. It was a successful stop!

Aaaaand on the way home, we filled up with gas and bought a few brews from the “scratches and dents” bin! For the laaaaake tomorrowwwww!

We got home shortly after 4:00, and at 5:00, someone from a Saskatoon-based driving school came and picked Brady up. And by “picked Brady up” I mean he showed Brady how to use hand controls, then jumped in the passenger seat, and Brady drove him around Saskatoon until he got home around 7:15.

He had so much fun, and is excited to be approved to get hand controls installed in our vehicle! Apparently it started to feel second nature by the time he was on his way home 🙂 I’m SO proud!

Its been a good day. A HUGE day, but a productive, enjoyable day. We got SO much done! Almost everything 😒I’m still calling it a victory. There is a LOT to come, but we’re doing our best over here. Still, friends, I am overwhelmingly grateful for the help and care we’ve been receiving. I do not take it for granted!

Five Things That Make Me Happy

Its an oddly unsettled, discouraging time in some ways. It never hurts to share joy, tho! So in no particular order, here are five things that make me happy.

Sleeping. Whether its me or them, I love sleeping. You know that joke people make about how, as teens, all we wanted to do was stay up, and now we cannot wait for bedtime? That rings truer to me now than it ever has before, and consider that I had five children before Brady was paralyzed and diagnosed with cancer. That is how tired I am, hahaha! So, I’m pretty much in a relationship with sleep.

White macaroni makes me happy. It has to be Presidents Choice, and it has to be el dente. Made with juuust a little extra milk to get it super creamy. Made perfectly, this is SUCH an indulgence for me! Yum! Brady and I may have eaten two boxes of it last night in bed after the kids went down for the night. Maybe.

Brady makes me happy. He is the epitome of man. The ultimate husband to me and father to our children. I could not have chosen a better person to do life with. Seriously. We have such a good thing going, and I am incredibly grateful for a healthy marriage. Being apart those nine weeks made us even stronger. Don’t get me wrong, I super hated it, haha! Because, as mentioned, Brady makes me happy. I’m so grateful to God that he came back home to me.

Finding the end of the yarn that pulls from the middle makes me happy! Only some of you will understand this one, but trust me, this is HUGE! Especially with these huge skeins of yarn, that piece is almost impossible to find, and most of the time, you end up just unrolling it from around the outside, and the stupid ball of yarn rolls all over the place. Finding the one from the centre is victory! And I FOUND one!!! And it made me happy!!! (Just you guys wait for the post showing you what I’ve all been working on!! Eek! Projects!!!!!)

And snuggling with my kids makes me happy. I’ve had the privilege of getting closer to my Solly, as he is SUCH a daddys boy! He still LOVES his dad, don’t get me wrong, but its like he sees the value in me, too. He is a total snuggler with me now, and I LOVE it! I often find myself with a kid on either side, or one will just walk by and flop onto my lap. Legs are always tangled in mine, a head is always on my chest, and hair is always in my mouth. But tt is a true treasure, and one I feel very fortunate to know.

I feel so fortunate. Even amidst these darker times, I have joy. We are happy and secure and faith-filled. Uncertainty is there, but not in the forefront. We are breathing in and out, and moving forward. God knows what we need.

Our Garden

So. It was a tough call whether or not to put in a garden this year. Because my goodness, EXTRA!!! I do not have a lot of room in my life for extra. Extra work. Extra plans. Extra conflict. Extra big feelings. Extra dirt. The only extra I can really hack is extra fresh veggies. Hence, the garden.

It helps a lot that Cher and Rae both started tomatoes for me! Isn’t that incredible?!

I also have peppers started, and all my seeds were brought to me in a cute little seed tin. With the promise of helping hands from multiple people, I felt like we could do it! As a team. Definitely not all by myself. Not this year.

In the morning, it looked like this.

We had some tomatoes in already, and they almost all died :/ That sucked. But whats done is done. We had more! Tom had so lovingly rototilled for us recently, so we were ready to go! And today was the day for it, too. We had a couple of friends offer to help my mom and I, plus we only had two littles on our hands! And they were terribly cute!

I don’t have a lot of progress pictures at all because I was super dirty and didn’t want to touch my phone, but we planted tomatoes, peppers, corn, potatoes, carrots, and cucumbers. Just the basics 🙂 Many hands made light work, and we were done in no time!

Wavy helped water the rocks, so those should only get bigger…

She’d pour water from the big watering can into her little watering can, and then water the rocky edge. It was adorable.

And Brady got onto the trampoline with the kids at one point 🙂 It was pretty much the best.

The highlight of the day was probably the time where Solly decided he didn’t want to play with Wavy and said to her “You make me a boring person.” I LOVED that! Probably laughed a little too hard 🤣

I am SO grateful for everyone who participated in the garden today! That includes planters, starters, diggers, providers of coffee, and the eye candy. I preemptively am grateful for all the care that will be put into the garden in the coming weeks by the willing hands that are not mine. I know much of it will be otherwise cared for. Praise the Lord for willing, loving, close people who WANT to pitch in in this way!

The Great Deck Build

I wanted to call this post “The Great Lake Deck Build” but it sounds like we built a deck on one of the great lakes, which we did not. Just at our lake. Christopher Lake. Our spot!

Brady and I were gifted yet another weekend to go up to the lake and get as much work done on our deck as we could possibly do! We approached actually a pretty good handful of people and asked for help, but unfortunately, it just wasn’t the weekend of availability! And thats ok! We’ve had SO much help along the way, we figured we’d go and do as much as we could possibly do on our own 🙂 So we left Friday morning and got there before lunch!

We got to our site and unpacked the van. The first order of business was getting the hand controls on the golf cart! Freedom!!!

We ripped around a little but and then got on the real work!

Brady counted the lumber package. It was all there!

We still needed the ground levelled before we could really begin building, so while we waited for the skid steer, we nailed on all the joist hangers. It might’ve been the most fun of the whole weekend, honestly. It was very relaxed, but productive. Felt like real quality time.

It was REALLY good to see Brady back at it, woodworking, busy.

Once the joist hangers were done, the campground manager showed up, ready to work! We discussed our plan, and he got to it!

Can you imagine if we had to dig it out by hand?? 😳 Oof. We were SO grateful that he was so willing to help us level the ground out a little bit. The goal was to build the deck pretty much flush with the ground, so Brady could wheel right on and off of it, and have a nice big chunk of level ground to feel stable on. Woot!

Once the digging was done, Brady and I hauled concrete blocks over and worked hard to level the first few footings. But it was gruelling, and we had done enough for the day. So we tidied up and called it.

Saturday! Brady and I managed to level and square up nine of the twelve footings, but in the afternoon, two lovely strong pairs of arms arrived at our site, offering to help. THANK GOODNESS!

We were already quite worn out for the day, and if you’ve ever built any kind of structure, you know getting the base of it square and level and perfect is easily the most miserable part. These men came and lifted a lot of that weight off of our shoulders, and together, we got the frame put together properly. One of them stayed and shovelled dirt for probably an hour and a half, to fill in some of the gaps underneath. While he did that, Brady cut joists and I put them into the hangers that we had already put together the day before. It was SO nice to already have that done!

By the end of Saturday, we felt SO good about our progress! It was far from done, but there was a light at the end of the tunnel!

We woke up to POURING rain the next morning! Which normally, I LOVE, but it was not ideal for the day we had planned!

In a last minute change of plans, a friend of ours went forward and called her dad, and asked him to help us. He recruited another family member – his nephew – to join him, and they happily drove out from Nipawin, to build with us. It was unbelievably humbling, and we were truly grateful! We have what seems like an immense blessing over us, where we are never without the help we need, and our help is always warm and willing, while being extremely productive. It is just unreal. Undeniably God-given.

So, they arrived around 9:30am and got to work!! They wanted to know Brady’s vision for the deck, and completely embraced our ideas without any pressure to change anything. They just dove in. They helped us get the awning out so we had some cover, and everyone got to it!!

I say again, it was SO good to see Brady working out there!

We worked HARD all morning! Once the blocking was attached and the edges were extra strong, perimeter boards went on, and the deck boards began. It went pretty fast after that!

The final product!!!

We are SO happy with our new lake deck!!! 😍 Isn’t it beautiful???

It still needs strong stairs, a landing, and a railing, but we’ll start that next weekend. That is lower pressure. This we can work with!!! This makes life at the lake SO much easier!! We are overwhelmed with gratefulness for the help we received, from the people who helped us build to the people who fed us to the people who cared for our children. We are beautifully cared for. It is clearer and clearer that God is in control, as if it was ever in question. He is working through His people.

As the rains continued to pour, it was time to pack up for home. It was pretty awesome to just back up to the deck and load up from there!

Cannot complain about that!!

There are still things to do. Work to complete. Things to build. Ground to level. A fire pit to move. But all of that can be picked at over the weeks to come. We have a good setup here. We are SO grateful, I say again.

What I Can Tell You Today

Today’s post will be short and sweet!

Yesterday evening, we were invited to join another couple for supper. We had a really lovely time, with good food and great company. It is such a special, warm community out here! We are incredibly grateful!

As our evening wrapped up, the rains came. You probably know how I feel about rain 😉 I LOVE rain. So I was ALL for it.

It rained overnight, and it sounded amazing! I am confident the fire ban is on the way out! At least for a time!

Unfortunately, today is THE DAY for the deck build. We had loving, willing help yesterday, and managed to get the frame built, squared, and levelled. But yesterday was sunny. Today, two men we had never met drove out around two hours to help us. A friend of ours called her dad on our behalf, and he wrangled up her cousin to join the fun.

And they have been working in the rain ALL morning, HAPPILY. We are SO fortunate! Overwhelmed. Grateful. Those are all good words…

I’m calling it on the blog for the day. I’ll show you how far we got soon enough. Tomorrow, maybe, even. But its time for me to head back out there.

It Feels Like Home Here

Camping feels like home.
Not in every way, but many.

There is lots to do.
Building the patio.
Digging. Hammering. Digging some more.

My fingernails are so dirty.
Deodorant once a day is not enough.
Heart rates are up, and things take longer than they should.


I climb back into the camper for lunch.
Easy food. Leftovers or something snacky.
Pizza pops.

Off go the pants and into the bed to watch a show and eat lunch.
Just like at home.
Once lunch is done, I crochet.
Because I’m a die hard.
Just like at home.

The metal crochet hook is cold against the blisters on my hands.
The pineapple cider can is cold against my blisters.
My rings pinch my blisters.
I won’t take them off, though.

The AC is pumping in there. Thank you, Lord, for operational AC at the lake.
When not even everyone has it at home.
Feels unfair, but I am grateful.

I smell of sweat, dirt, and bug spray.
As I should.

Dishes aren’t done. Water is off.
We have a leak.
We’ll get there.
The deck comes first.

The deck comes now, in fact.
We will do our best.

Supper with new friends at the camp, because people are lovely.

Tomorrow, BIG work will go down!

Camping feels like home.
I cannot wait to get the kids up here.