That Random Photo Dump I Mentioned

Ok guys, here are some random pictures, giggles, memories, etc. all rolled into one post. Enjoy!

First – A GHOST!

And then some innocent darkness 😅

I took Rowan to parkour last week! It was honestly SO fun!

Wavy likes to practice writing on the boogie board, and the other day when she went to retrieve it, she found – ANOTHER GHOST!

This seems painful, but also, I laughed.

Ok, backstory to this food picture. Rowan doesn’t like chicken. Chicken breasts, specifically, since they’re a bit drier. I’m all for him having preferences but we like to eat chicken. So I’ve made it a bit of a mission to find chicken in a way that he likes. So I tried this the last time.

Boneless chicken thighs, fried in a pan, seasoned with salt, pepper, onion, and garlic. While he still really didn’t want to say he liked it, we agreed that this is a way he dislikes less and would willingly eat in the future. Boom! I’ll take it!

This was a morning where I was gifted a double time back scratch!

And an unrelated time when the kids found swimmies in the back of the bus and blew them up while we were out somewhere.

Out shopping, Laela saw this dish rack and exclaimed “This is all they used for a whole meal of dishes?!”

I sliced and bagged banana bread while I watched a murder show, as I tend to do. Oh and I drank coffee. A GHOST!

Aaaaand last but not least, we watched Despicable Me 4 as a family the other night, and ate corn dogs, lol! I even got a prized Beetlejuice Fanta from Cher 💜 ‘Twas delicious and a great end to the week.

It was a big week, but a good one, I believe. Brady is home tomorrow 💜 Happy long weekend, friends.

Dekker’s Lock-In

*The blog disaster is over for now. Thank you for being so patient and understanding. Onto the next*

Dekker went to his first ever lock-in with his youth group!! Last years lock-in fell on a weekend we couldn’t make, so he was VERY excited to finally get in on the fun!!

He came home this morning once the event was wrapped, insisting he was “not tired.” But it wasn’t long before…..

Note that his book is open to page one. Thats how far he made it into his book.

Its possible we had a little fun with him…..

He wasn’t especially impressed, but he wasn’t upset, so most of us enjoyed a good laugh lol! Dekker reluctantly went to his room to nap a little, but resurfaced soon after, insisting yet again that he was not tired.


This all felt very teenagery of him, and I’m not mad at it at all 😍 I am very fond of this boy, and I remember loving those youth events with every fibre of my being. I’m happy he’s in it now, enjoying them as well 💜

Happy first all-nighter, Dekker!! I can’t believe you’re at this point in your life already 💜 I’m SO happy for you.

Fun Productive

So far, the day has been pretty productive, but its been busy with fun things!!

After everyone slept in, and Brady and I enjoyed a cup of coffee in bed, we got everyone up and the day started moving.

Brady started by putting some things up that have been in the plans for a good long while now! Guitar hooks….. (just showing one here, but he and I both have our acoustic guitars on either side of the front window)

And some coat hooks we bought from Ikea to put up in kids rooms for hoodies, backpacks, etc. (A ghost!!)

We had a couple extra coat hooks, so we put one by the front door for diaper bags and hats and such…

And one behind my chair, to hang my cuuuuute new bag that holds some of my current crochet projects!! 😍 Thank you again, Sandy!!! 👻

Look at my little MAN!!! Oof! I love him!

Before I show you my new bag, look at what else we did! 😅 Yes. Times are this desperate when your toddlers unpack the entire bookshelf every change they get!

Board books will all be sorted down to the bottom, and the rest CAN be protected when I’m in the kitchen and they’re in the living room, which is when they get into the most trouble, hahaha!


For lunch, we all enjoyed some apple crisp!! 🍎 I had made the filling a couple of days ago and its been waiting to be eaten in the fridge. This morning, Dekker volunteered to make some oatmeal but we have run out of eggs. No biggie! I asked if he was willing to try something different, and he absolutely was! I barely helped, and he pieced a beautiful huge apple crisp together for the family. Conveniently, it baked a little longer than anticipated (as tends to happen when one doubles the batch) so the littles were down before it was done. So while it would be lovely to share it with the babies as well, it was more peaceful to eat as a family of seven. We blobbed some ice cream on top and everyone ate in the living room.

Except Rowan, which prefers to sit at the table, but was not AT ALL unhappy or feeling left out!

Lunch was capped off with a few kids heading outside, and this one particular kid offering me a back rub.

Does it really get any better than this?!?! 🥰 Thank you Lord!!!

A Sweet Resolve

We had a bit of a sibling spat the other day. They happen always. Thats just life, I’m pretty sure. This particular day, it took a little bit more to come back from it. But when it happened, it was SO worth it. Here is the very quick play by play.

Rowan came to apologize to Solomon, and he gave him a hug, but lingered a little. I wasn’t supervising or anything, beyond just witnessing that Rowan was coming over to make an effort. But when I looked in their direction, I saw that a cuddle had started. Both of those boys are total snuggle bugs, though rarely with each other. But it was SO soft and cute!

It got better still when Rowan went in for the head scratch! 😍

Who doesn’t love a good head scratch??

Everyone LOVES it! Wavy included. So naturally, she inserted herself into the party.

The cuddle got a little bit silly from there on out. Just in the gentle headlock kind of way. You get it.

Aaaaand then it was photobomby.

Aaaaand then we called it. Dekker wasn’t home, otherwise I’m sure he would’ve been sitting across the room, look at me and Brady like “Kids, am I right?”

I loved this resolve so so much. I hope there can be more of these in the future. Soft sorries and loving head scratches 🥰

The Garage: It Begins

Cher and I went out to the garage once the babies were down and lunch was eaten. The garage is a very daunting job, but it NEEDS addressing soon. Like, soon soon. Before it gets cold. That way, kids can get bundled up easily in the garage, but more importantly, Brady could PARK in there! Thats the dream, lol! The dream of anyone with a garage…

However, you may remember that moving was a really huge deal, and it was FROZEN and HARD, and two weeks later, Brady has his seizure and everything went kind of upside down from there. So MANY things are definitely still piled up where they don’t belong. This wasn’t news to me, but became even more so glaringly obvious as we moseyed through the garage.

It is going to be a BIG job.

Before anything big can be done in there, we need to:

Take recycling to Sarcan

Take chairs to be reupholstered

Bring dresser and bookshelf to the people who want them

Once those things are done, we will be able to actually MOVE in there!!! For now, all we could really do was move messes. But that we did! We got all the Christmas stuff found and put in one spot, and we sorted through the MOUNTAIN of shoes and boots lying around and actually got rid of those that are worn out. A box to donate or give away was also removed, thanks to Cher!

So that one section is slightly more compact than it was once, and Christmas is a bit more organized. Hopefully we can do some of the hauling away over the weekend, and get back into it next week! It won’t be done done anytime soon, but to get a van in there for winter would be a huge help to us.

SO many messes to move before the snow flies. Whew. One thing at a time, Hailey.

More Today

Today I got even a little bit more Christmas stuff done! I wrapped six more gifts in the afternoon, and I ended up ordering eight more! I know, it sounds like I’m going a little nuts, but I’m just super not. I’m SO stoked to be this ahead. Because even if I totally lose steam or something happens where all of my Christmas prep stopped TODAY, I’d still have a way easier time of it when I would be panicking on December 23rd. So, I’m super stoked. Of course, right before the kids got home from school, the Amazon delivery guy came, so I had more gifts in hand but couldn’t wrap them right away.

But! As Wednesday goes, every single one of my big children have commitments in the evening! So for that short stretch of time, I was able to wrap the three gifts that were delivered to me! Heyooo!

When I had some downtime, I actually CROCHETED!!!

Mmmmm 🥰 Yes, it was as lovely as it looks. Crocheting. A crappy show. There was coffee and new slippers to be enjoyed. And I made some headway on a Christmas gift I’m making.

If I can ride this wave just a little bit longer, I can have all the kids gifts locked down in advance, and spend December baking and getting teacher gifts and such in order. That 🙌 is the dream!

My Favorite Kind of Afternoon

Today was productive and restful and fun, and I am SO happy to be able to say that! Not all days feel quite so good, but I truly enjoyed my few hours of kid-free time this afternoon! Becauuuuuuse…

I wrapped presents!!!


It feels SO GOOD to have gifts already wrapped and up on a shelf. I took multiple pictures of the stack to post on here but they’re all sharper than I thought they’d be and I’m not willing to take the time to blur the names out 😅 So rather, just take my word for it. I wrapped over thirty gifts!! Ack!!!

Ok. Whew! Thats all I have for today. While I was in the city this evening, waiting for a baby to be done at a visit, I was able to procure another five gifts off my list! Sooooo I’m off to wrap those now before I crash in my bed.

Goodnight, friends!

Thankful for Brady

Today was a very special day 💜 Brady’s birthday fell directly on Thanksgiving! So we get to celebrate him and also be thankful on the same day!!! 😅 I’m pretty sure I’m very, very grateful most days of my life, if not all of them, but it seems like an extra good day to be thankful for Brady.

I don’t have very many pictures of him without a baby in them. Which is a bummer for the sake of the blog, but is a beautiful problem to have in every other way.

I’m thankful for a lot of things.

I am thankful for my marriage to Brady. I never anticipated what a healthy, loving marriage would feel like, and somehow I always thought it would be so much more difficult. But I am just so very happy with the husband that I chose. It is not work to love him. It is easy, and it makes me happy.

I am thankful for Bradys determination and grit. He does not back down from a challenge, even when he is less physically able than he was a few years back. He is not afraid. He is strongly protected by God.

I am thankful for Bradys amazing job, and how much he loves it.

Working at Zak’s has been a gigantic answer to prayer, and Brady continues to progress and work his way up. He has beautiful work ethic and is actually appreciated and well cared for at his job.

I’m thankful for doctors. Specialists. Surgeons. Radiologists. Oncologists. Pharmacists. Nurses. Techs. Social workers. Therapists. All the health care professionals we’ve come across in the last few years who have carried Bradys health in a way not many can.

I’m thankful for cancer research. MRIs. Technology. Radiation therapy. Chemotherapy. Mobility aids. What an amazing time to be alive, where so much help exists, making Brady’s life easier.

I’m thankful for our people. My mom. Cher. Our Dahlsjos. Our Moodys. Not to mention many teachers from the kids schools who take SUCH intentional care of our kids. Pharmacists from TWO different pharmacies who make house calls. A doctor we can text directly. And a church family who is invested because they love us, not just because they want an inside scoop. We have an AMAZING group of people in our corner, and they have remained strong in our times of further trial, such as Brady’s 36th year of life.

Above all, I am thankful for the knowledge and faith in Gods existence, and how evident it is that He holds Brady, my most precious person, in the palm of His hand. Which is the BEST place he could possibly be! None of these things I have listed above could be here, or be ours, without God.

And for that, I am SO thankful 💜

Onto the next year of life, my man. You certainly have kept them interesting, which is both thrilling and also exhausting 😅 Feel free to sign us up for a boring one for year 37! As boring as it gets, anyway, which isn’t very boring at all, lol!

However it looks, whatever we meet, I am VERY thankful for you, Brady. We’ve known each other for half of our lives, and I wouldn’t trade it at all. Not a single day 💜

Onto the next, expecting the best! 💪 Thank you Lord for Brady!

A Moment of Peace

You might have noticed that our lives are fairly busy over here. Really, everyone is busy. Big families are busy. Small families are busy. Single people are busy. Establishments are busy. Heck, even the flies in the house that refuse to die are still getting busy! 😳 Clearly, no one is immune to the busyness of the season.

We went to church this morning. It is the first time in MONTHS. With Bradys brain surgery and recovery, and then a summer of camping, and then still a couple weeks of sickness, we have not been able to make it happen. The last time we did ALL make it to church was during Brady’s recovery in spring, and he found the bustling social aspect incredibly difficult :/ Which was NO ONES FAULT!!! It was just his brain, and the neuro pathways that needed rebuilding. I remember so clearly observing someone come over to him, hold out their hand, and say “It is SO good to see you, Brady.” And Brady regarded this person blankly for a confident five seconds before putting his hand out. It was HARD. But every last one of us was eager to get back there! So today was a big first. And a lovely one 💜

As often happens, we were among the last to leave. Everyone was happy, Brady included. We got home, and I instantly left to go gather up some grocery items I had forgotten. Brady made sure everyone ate at least a snack, and he got the babies down for naps. I brought him back ice cream for lunch and we sat for maybe twenty minutes before the babies started talking and I got up to get on supper.

At that point of the afternoon, Brady was absolutely WIPED. So he took off for a nap. Laela and Wavy took the Morsel downstairs to play. The Spoonful and the Lemon Drop are hanging around upstairs, crawling and shuffling around totally happily. Dekker just got back from running an errand. Rowan is playing in his room. Solly is building lego at the table. And I’m in the kitchen, surrounded by yummy smells.

For this moment, it feels really peaceful and calm. These moments come around sometimes, but not often, and I really enjoy them when they do. I have ham and pineapple on a big pan, cooking into a honey glaze. I have broccoli roasting as well, with parmesan and garlic. And baby potatoes roasting just with oil and salt, which will be dressed after the fact with bacon, peppers, and cheesy ranch. (<— Me trying to convince my kids to like potatoes) Carrots are boiling on the stove as well. And I pulled out some pint ginger ale, and 7up as well, which I’ll bloop the pineapple juice into for those that want. There’s even a little whipped cream to top off the gigantic Costco pumpkin pie I got the other day! 🥧

I think its going to be a yummy supper, and I’m feeling really happy to be able to serve my family at this time. It gets to feel like a drag sometimes, I’m sure thats not surprising. We all feel that. Not the flies, clearly 🙄 but the rest of us. I am SO grateful to have this family to feed and care for and do special things for, when I can.

We celebrate Thanksgiving today, and Brady’s birthday tomorrow! A lovely big weekend of celebrating while also being as low key as humanly possible! 🥳🥱

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone 💜 What are you thankful for?

Our Friendaversary Date

Cher and I had the pleasure of celebrating our friendaversary today! It is rare that we get out to the city together, just recreationally, so it is a VERY real treat when it happens! 💜

We started at the food court, because food court asian is affordable and delicious! We love to share a super combo!! YUM!

Also, Lawson Mall has a Spirit Halloween to peruse, which we did. We are VERY cool 😎

Our next stop was the new Michaels! Did you know they JUST opened a Michaels in confed?? As in, JUST yesterday?! Well they DID! So we had to go check it out, and we had no regrets!


My happy place, if you hadn’t heard.

I got some yarn for myself, some for a Christmas gift or two that I have on the books, and some ornaments for the kids!

We got a little Starbucks, because we like to try to get a seasonal drink when we can! Cher is rocking that caffeine free life, and because of that, she hasn’t had iced coffee in a good long while! So, today was that day. And she was STOKED, as it plainly seen in this picture 🤣

We drank our Starbucks (those of us who didn’t chug it on the spot in the van) and moseyed through Dutch Growers while we waited for our movie to start! It was VERY festive in there!

My FAVORITE display!!! They hung wooden spoons from the ceiling that looked like they had been dipped in batter and icing! Cute!!

But it was finally time for our movie to start!!

Except it wasn’t, haha! Like, it was, but we watched previews for twenty minutes after the showtime, and then it seemed like things started to take a turn towards a totally different movie! So Cher ran out and confirmed it. We scooped up our things and made it to Beetlejuice Beetlejuice pretty late in the game. It was a good solid funny musical movie, but it felt SO short, which was a bit of a hard pill to swallow since we had missed such a good chunk. However, once it wrapped up, we inquired and were instantly offered free tickets and popcorn vouchers and upgrades and ALL kinds of lovely things for our next trip in. The manager actually said “Thank you for not yelling at me,” which tells you the quality of communication some people have. We thanked him profusely for caring and wanting us to be well taken care of, and we left totally happy. No bad feelings whatsoever.

We hit up Dollarama to see if they had anything fun out there on the Brighton side of the city, and then headed home.

It was a BEAUTIFUL day out with my very best friend. My sister 💜💚🧡 I’m so grateful to have a dear friend who wants to invest in our friendship and in my life and family. It is an honour to know her and love her and to be loved by her.

And a GIGANTIC shoutout goes to Brady for spending the day with all of our munchkins so we could go out and play. It was an incredible gift to us. Thank you, love.

I’m home now. Kids are in bed. Brady is about to hunker down to finally eat the burgers I brought home for him. And then, it’ll be tuck in time. I am very grateful for the day I had 💜 Thank you, Lord!