Dekker had SUCH an amazing birthday. It was apparent to any and all of us around him! He was SO thrilled to choose food, thank do whatever HE wanted, and in his own words, he “kinda likes all the attention.” Which I thought was pretty cute 🥰

My mom came out for his day and brought decorations and gifts and thankfully, a few things I had forgotten. The decor was the best tho. He loves that stuff.

The day was a gooder. He requested baked oatmeal for breakfast, and lunch was just our usual snack stuff. He was disappointed because of his closest friends from here wasn’t out this weekend. However, a newer friend of his was around and they were so eager to spend time together! After much building, forts, and golf cart rides, Dekker was invited to join him in a canoe, adult free, to go fishing.
So they did!

Dekker, his friend, as well as his friends older brother, went out for an afternoon fishing expedition.
They were out there for HOURS. Dekker didn’t make an appearance back home for his birthday supper until well after 6:00, but as the guest of honour, he was elated, and we were happy to accommodate!
Supper was breakfast. We had the pancakes, bacon, fruit salad, chocolate milk, and grandmas hashbrown casserole. I had forgotten that Dekker had requested fruit salad, but I found a tin of peaches which gave me enough variety to make one. I don’t think two floors of grapes counts as two different fruits 🤔
What I can tell you is that the day went LONG, but they were all SO happy!
We cracked out the birthday cake after 8pm. If you know us, that is a LATE sugar shock, but it was q birthday so we threw caution to the wind and sugar at the kids.

It was around 8:30 when cake was done; and there was absolutely NO way we could just send them off to bed, so we made a deal that they’d get twenty solid minutes to run it all off, and then off to bed. They agreed and went running.
And just as they took off, some of their BEST friends drove up for the night. So they partied longer than twenty minutes 😆 because you can’t not.
Once all was said and done, it was finally time to wind down. And then Dekker asks innocently,
“Could we take a dip in the golf cart really quick?”
So they did 💜 just Dekker and Brady.

I can confirm is was a total success of a day. He loved it, and even though he was away from us for HOURS, it was just the best the day could’ve ever gone. He was so happy. They all were.

Same time next year!!