I had one of those awkward bad mom moments where I realized way too late in the game that my kids did not have school today. Whoops. Because of the staggered start, the second half of the alphabet got their shot at school today, and everyone goes tomorrow again. Except kindergarten. But thats a whole other thing.

Joke on my mom, who was anticipating watching two kids during the and had five instead! Hahaha! She was super game and gung ho about it, as you’d expect, and Brady and I were out the door by 7:30am. Barf.

We dropped his wheelchair off at Golden Mobility and went to get some breakfast. We haven’t eaten IN a restaurant in a very very long time!

At one point, I was assess Brady’s hair and pulled a hair out of his beard that seemed like a different color. Not only was I right, but I got a BIG root. So big that I actually made him bleed! Ack! Its ok, he took it. Its not bleeding in this picture, but I’m getting the eye. See?

After breakfast, I was dropped off at my salon to spend FIVE hours with my hair girl. This would not have happened if not for my cousin, Elise, aching to pamper me somehow from a distance. She succeeded, and paid for me to get my hair redone, which has not happened since before Christmas.

I was aaalmost tempted to keep it blonde…

But color always wins 😉

I feel refreshed. I feel like a lady. I know my person doesn’t depend on my hair, but I feel cared for, thought of, and loved.

Normally, my fresh hair gets its own post, but today there is something more exciting to show you! While I was at my appointment, Brady went and ran errands. By himself. Without his wheelchair.

First, he went to the cancer centre to pick up his next batch of chemotherapy. Yay for chemo. *insert gigantic sarcastic eye roll here*

And then he went to a lumberyard. Because he refuses to quit. Because he is amazing.

Aaaaand because lumber prices are reasonable again. Thank goodness!

He’s building me something 😁 I’m excited!! This has been promised to be for a good few months now. Its tiiiiime!

There were definite victories today. I am SO grateful for our opportunities, capabilities, and continual overwhelming support. Some of this SCI stuff feels very isolating and lonely, but I know I am never, ever alone.

First Day of School: 2021 Edition

Our line up for this upcoming school year iiiiiiiiis… *drumroll*

Rowan Toby in grade ONE!!!

Laela Hazel in grade THREE!!!

Dekker Thomas in grade FIVE!!! 😳

These three beautiful offspring are in school FULL TIME!!!

We have one in our lineup who is a half-timer. Solomon Brady in KINDERGARTEN!

More from him later, as this wasn’t his first day yet. Thats next week.

Aaaaand our final member from the home team! Waverly Violet is THREE, and at HOME!

Days ago she asked “How long before I’m in high school?” Ugh. I’m not ready.

The most beautiful group of children right here 🙌

This smooth morning would NOT have been possible without our people. My mom catching up our laundry after the lake so the kids had underwear, and buying us a stack of groceries so we had good packable lunch food. Cher putting in HOURS upon HOURS of work on purchasing, organizing, labelling, and packing the kids school supplies. It was a team effort, and I am SO appreciative of our team.

We walked the kids to school and picked them up. Everyone was happy and lively and completely content both getting to school and upon pickup. What a huge relief. Thank you to their beautiful teachers for all the effort put into them already! Its going to be an amazing year.

All the OTHER Lake Pictures

I lied yesterday, clearly. There are more pictures to share! And here they are!

Our beautiful children were invited to a late movie night with some other beautiful children 💜 They brought a projector, snacks, and Toy Story 4. Somehow, ALL NINE KIDS stayed awake!! But it was a total blast 🙂 Kids at the other site, watching a movie, and adults at our site, sitting around the fire.

These kids have only gotten close and closer through this last stretch 💜 My heart is SO full.

The wood splitter became a pretty popular item over the summer. Everyone wanted a chance. Which was actually a lot of fun, because there was NO shortage of kindling!

No shortage of piggyback rides either!!!

So thaaaaats what teenagers are for!

I was SO grateful to have a happy site where kids gathered! And SO happy they had another site to frequent with more amazing people!

Some of their girls crocheted, and when we discovered that similarity, it was aaaaall over! Crochet and pompom making parties, day in and day out!

Don’t worry, when our friends had to leave, siblings still did the trick!

We still had some good laughs…

some good snugs…

and even got some work done!

It was such a beautiful time. Ten days at the lake. I am overwhelmingly grateful for our opportunities. To be SO happy at the lake, and SO happy at home. I even got to be the passenger on the drive home, and finished up a crochet project!

I’d call this summer a great success 💜Thank you Lord for all You have done for us!

From Laela

Its not over over for the summer, but school does kick off this week! So we say goodbye for now 💜And see you soon!

ALL the Lake Pictures

Ok, so this isn’t all the pictures from our last trip to Kinasao, but its a bunch of them! If you hadn’t noticed, we had SUCH a blast out there that I didn’t want to take mountains of time to write long, detailed blogs. So now, after the fact, here is your standard pic dump with captions! I make no promises that anything is in order!

When we got to the campsite on our first day, it was SO beautiful. All the levelling, shovelling, raking, and fuss we had put into it the weekend before had packed down and it looked just SO nice. I was so happy.

There was even proof that some squirrel friends had used our chopping block as a snacking ground for their chestnut feast. I really liked that, lol! It made me giggle. 🐿️

The kids helped unpack before they ran off to have their own fun. Don’t judge us for the beer! We are NOT big drinkers! But goodness, this little girl is STRONG!

Shameless selfie 😬 Ok, maybe a little shameful. But it was a peaceful selfie.

Some days, the kids played so hard with their friends that they forgot to eat lunch! So they would have occasional apple breaks here and there. Sometimes in the rain.

We needed to wire up our lights a little differently, and suddenly Brady was standing on the cook nook 😳 “Disabled” my ass.

Dekker had a birthday during our trip, as you know. It was such a happy day! As you can see here, part of his gift from my mom was a date! And they are making it COUNT, today, at the Regina science centre and the iMax!

I show you this drink because I really really like it. I am a big fan of Pure Leaf raspberry iced tea, and this is the boozy version. Its SO yummy!

There was ONE bathing suit day. ONE. It was a pretty cute one, though.

I suffered a great fatality at the fire. My cute pink sweater now has two burn holes in it and I’m SO bummed.

We had a LOT of fires.

My mom came out for a day or two, which was SO lovely! In this picture, Laela had had her feelings hurt by a kid at camp who told her she was his best friend, and then immediately threw a bit of a psych at her and said she wasn’t. And she was SO hurt. Poor sweetie. 💔

Don’t judge me. Purple fungus!!! Its SO pretty!!! Its possible I have these pieces of firewood set to the side because they’re just too pretty to burn.

On one particular rainy day, Waverly helped haul all the chairs in. I was still playing with the fire, because as you know, I love the rain. And Wavy came out to join me. I loved that.

A couple of my sweet boys 😍😍

Waverly always wants the last drop of the coffee 😆☕

I sent Dekker and Laela on an adventure in the rain one day. They were gone for about an hour, and the rain had stopped by the time they were back, but they had had a really really good time! I’m excited for them to be better friends again once school is back in!

Aaaaall five in a row!

More fires, and beetle paths!

We were invited to join a family for their daughters birthday fireworks! The kids had SUCH a blast! Ha! Pun.

Cher came and sneakily stayed for a couple of nights! It looks like a mess but she insists she was SO comfy!

Wavy ended up rocking one of Solly’s long sleeved shirts at one point, and Cher’s shoes were a nice touch, too!

Brady began and completed a project!! Eek! I’d tell you ALL about it, but I want him to!

Whew! This is a LOT! I think we’ll make a part two for tomorrow! You’ll get to meet some of our friends 😉

Today Was For…

Today was for enjoying a warmer day, with sunshine and no rain. It was for starting to pack things up for Fall, and thinking ahead. It was also for staying exactly in the moment and the ability to say “there’s always next weekend.”

Today was for saying goodbye (for now) to friends we have really enjoyed getting to know over the last couple of weeks. It was for speculating when we will hopefully see each other next.

It was a day for crocheting by the fire. Eating s’mores. Listening to Brady noodle on the guitar. Making whipped coffee with the leftover chocolate milk.

Today was for teaching lessons in yarn work and wood chopping.

Today held a lot of laughs, a lot of restful conversation, and even some peace. It was a day to truly enjoy and have as little pressure as possible.

Today was a beautiful day. What a bizarre, terrifying, peaceful time of life. Thank you Lord.

I Will Never Tire of This

Camping is crispy these days 🍂 My shoes are always soaked by the end of the day, and they are never dry by morning. I don’t do cold well, but I am SO enjoying our lake life, I truly wouldn’t ask for anything to be different.

Me and the heater are getting pretty close these days, but again, I wouldn’t change a thing.

As we move out of the thirty degree weather into the ten degree whether, I find myself ready for change. I’m not mourning the end of summer or the start of school. I’m not worried about things getting cold, and the impending doom of my least favorite season – winter. Maybe my heart has had enough “recreational” worry for the year. I am rather anticipating the start of school and all that will come with that. There will be SUCH a different dynamic, which I’ll talk about in more detail soon. But for now, we coast here.

I will never tire of this.

Our longest stay of the summer comes to an end tomorrow. It’s been amazing, and I am IMMENSELY grateful for it! Thank you Lotd for providing in a way we didn’t know we’d need. We trust you.

An Update on Wavys Huge Face

So, on Tuesday, Wavy came home from the park at bedtime with a fat lip.

She had not gotten hurt or cried at all, so we figured it was a bite. She’s always reacted big to bites. We gave her some Benadryl and put her to bed.

On Wednesday, she looked even crazier.

The morning…

And the afternoon, as you saw.

Thank goodness, that was the worst of it and it was significantly better the next day!

Aaaaand today, she’s back to her adorable chubby cheeked self!

Maybe a liiiiittle chubbier than average but she’s looking fly and happy and she’s not uncomfortable anymore!

Waverly, you’re going to give me grey hair with your bizarre reactions, rashes, and whatnot. But I really love you, so I’m just really happy you’re well 💜

Solly and Sunsets

Solly: Oh no!!! 😳 I ate a wish chip and forgot to make a wish!!

What could we possibly wish for?!

He’s such a goofball. Such a weirdo. But I’ve got to say, he is crazy social and is making friends up here so well! He’s brave and friendly and getting more independent by the day!!

We are over the moon grateful for this spot. We can only pray that we are always so fortunate to wind up here during the summer, hopefully rolling over weekends with our friends, old and new.

I have so many more pictures to show you, but there is visiting to do, food to eat, and about a hundred school emails to read 🙃



Wavy is storing food in her cheeks in preparation for hibernation.
Wavy ate a pingpong ball.
Wavy got elephantiasis.
Wavy was recruited by the TMNT and got kicked in the face by a swamp rat.
Wavys chubby cheeks are asymmetrical.
Wavy slept wrong.
Wavy tried to contour her cheekbones and failed miserably.
Wavys hamburger wasn’t quite done and she got bit by the cow.
Wavy was kissed on the cheek by Chuck Norris.
Wavy blew a bubble with her gum and it inverted.
Wavy resorbed her twin.
Wavy is always ready to be a golf caddy.
Wavy bit her lip.
Wavy is packing lindor chocolates.
Wavy ate a watermelon seed, and it’s starting…

Or Wavy got bit by a mosquito. It’s anyone’s guess.

Popularity at its Finest

I say in advance, I promise I’m kidding 😆

In the last week or so, two ten year old boys have asked for my phone number. And I have thoroughly enjoyed watching them squirm when I’ve responded in surprise, asking “why??”

I can tell you why! Because my kids are making real, meaningful friendships and I can’t blame them for a second because these boys are SO sweet! Who wouldn’t want to stay in touch?!

Don’t get me wrong. They have amazing friends in town and that will only be more evident when school starts. But their friends here last from morning to night. They go on adventures together, eat treats together, snuggle in each other’s campers, and sit around each other’s fires.

The kids will miss their friends, and so will I. There are some immensely beautiful people up here, and they will be something our family mourns at the end of the season.

This also leaves me realizing how long it’s been since a boy asked me for my phone number 🤔 Pretty sure that was Brady, in 2007, asking for my dorms pay phone number. Over fifteen years ago 💜 No regrets.