I had one of those awkward bad mom moments where I realized way too late in the game that my kids did not have school today. Whoops. Because of the staggered start, the second half of the alphabet got their shot at school today, and everyone goes tomorrow again. Except kindergarten. But thats a whole other thing.
Joke on my mom, who was anticipating watching two kids during the and had five instead! Hahaha! She was super game and gung ho about it, as you’d expect, and Brady and I were out the door by 7:30am. Barf.
We dropped his wheelchair off at Golden Mobility and went to get some breakfast. We haven’t eaten IN a restaurant in a very very long time!

At one point, I was assess Brady’s hair and pulled a hair out of his beard that seemed like a different color. Not only was I right, but I got a BIG root. So big that I actually made him bleed! Ack! Its ok, he took it. Its not bleeding in this picture, but I’m getting the eye. See?

After breakfast, I was dropped off at my salon to spend FIVE hours with my hair girl. This would not have happened if not for my cousin, Elise, aching to pamper me somehow from a distance. She succeeded, and paid for me to get my hair redone, which has not happened since before Christmas.
I was aaalmost tempted to keep it blonde…

But color always wins 😉

I feel refreshed. I feel like a lady. I know my person doesn’t depend on my hair, but I feel cared for, thought of, and loved.
Normally, my fresh hair gets its own post, but today there is something more exciting to show you! While I was at my appointment, Brady went and ran errands. By himself. Without his wheelchair.
First, he went to the cancer centre to pick up his next batch of chemotherapy. Yay for chemo. *insert gigantic sarcastic eye roll here*

And then he went to a lumberyard. Because he refuses to quit. Because he is amazing.

Aaaaand because lumber prices are reasonable again. Thank goodness!
He’s building me something 😁 I’m excited!! This has been promised to be for a good few months now. Its tiiiiime!
There were definite victories today. I am SO grateful for our opportunities, capabilities, and continual overwhelming support. Some of this SCI stuff feels very isolating and lonely, but I know I am never, ever alone.