Waverly’s Name

We are very name picky over here. I know many couples who basically trade off who picks which kids name, and the other doesn’t really have a say. I can’t imagine!! Kudos to those who make it work but it would NOT work for us. Brady and I LOVE naming our kids. We pour over names for hours and hours and hours. We used to watch movie credits to the very end and read as many names off as we could. We read through baby name books, used websites, watched YouTube “names I love but won’t be using” videos, etc. We work HARD to come up with names that are juuust different enough without being completely off the wall. Names that flow nicely with the chosen middle name, that sound nice when said out loud. Names that work well for babies, children, teens, and adults. We play with nicknames, and ask a small group of trusted friends if we’ve missed any obvious issues in the name. We. Work. HARD.

I wanted to share with you guys how we chose the name of our fifth baby, Waverly Violet. Her name isn’t the most common, so naturally, we’ve had questions. And thats great! Ask away! I’m aware that not everyone loves her name, and thats great, too! Maybe I don’t like your kids names either 😉 Lol! I’m kidding. I GENUINELY am not offended if you don’t love the names we’ve chosen for our children. If we all liked the same names, everyone would be named the same things, which would be boring. I don’t love boring. You probably know that by now, based on my childrens names. #redundant I will, however, request that if you do not like her name, please don’t tell me! I had that happen at her party when she was twelve days old, and I will never forget it. HER party. Telling me you don’t like her name, and telling her guests. Bad taste. Don’t love it, its cool, but keep it to yourself.

Waverly’s name has been on the books for at least two years before she was born. Brady thinks even longer, but he’s mistaken 😉 (Love you honey!) I found this name on YouTube while watching a channel that I duck in on maybe once or twice a year. She rarely posts, and they have such an odd life. I pretty much relate to nothing at all that she posts, but sometimes I just check for fun. And out of nowhere, she had had a baby. A Waverly. It was instant love for me. INSTANT. I LOVED the name Waverly. I had never ever heard it before, but it wasn’t super weird. Just different enough.  It was absolutely my top girl name on our list!

Except I didn’t tell Brady. Because Brady has to grow to love names. I learned that early on. He is quick to veto names, but then actually take some thinking time and fall hard for them later. I was so fearful of him dismissing the name I loved so quickly that I kept it to myself. 

In truth, I don’t remember the exact moment I shared the name Waverly with Brady. It was probably when we were pregnant with Theo. I do remember that I was nervous, though. When I finally croaked it out, I could tell he really thought about it. His eyes grew, and he just simply said “Yes. I love that.” And that was it!! There was never another name that even came close to hers. 

When we found out that this baby was a little girl, we were SO excited to be able to use the name we loved so much. I lived in some very real anxiety that she would pass away, and we wouldn’t be able to use her name on a daily basis. Lots of dreams centred around that in that stretch of time. I actually had one dream that someone very close to us named their baby Waverly, and we legitimately decided to cut them off completely in order to be able to use the name. 

Wavy’s middle name is Violet. Thats for a lot of reasons. Its a name we LOVE but won’t be using as a first name. Its also purple 😉 in case you hadn’t noticed that we like that color over here. It is feminine and whimsical and melodic and just exactly bang on for our Waverly. We tossed around one or two other middle name briefly, but we couldn’t get past the flow of Waverly Violet. It sounded the best, and we loved it the most, plain and simple. 

Since bringing Waverly home and sharing her name with the masses (not actually masses) we’ve had SO much love on her name, and on her in general. I know for a fact that not everyone who knows her name loves it, and while I kind of wish I hadn’t been told that directly, as I said, I’m not offended by our differences of opinions. I think her name is smooth and lovely and musical and just so so her! She looks like a Waverly. Or a Wavy. It suits her beautifully. But SHE is amazing, regardless of how she looks or what her name is. 

I’m SO happy with our choice, and with our child. 

Fresh Air

I haven’t been outside in a while. I’ve just been struggling. Griefy. Down. You get it. So I’ve been staying in. Resting. Crocheting. Taking deep breaths. Praying. I do believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I’m not hopeless. No one has to worry. This is just a griefy stretch of road, and I’m too weary to run. So, I walk slow, and it hurts longer, but I believe if I keep moving, the grief won’t swallow me, and eventually there will be a lift out of the fog.

It’s coming.

Today, I walked the kids to school. I haven’t walked them in a while, but today called for it. I didn’t feel particularly strong or capable of doing so, as just about everything is extra right now. But it was necessary, so I did it.

The air was so crisp. I didn’t mind it. My adorable neighbour gave me some jackets the other day (because she’s nice and we’re both tiny women) so I had a cute, new-to-me jacket to wear, and I liked that. The kids I walked with were happy and energetic and polite. It was a really nice walk. I walked back alone and enjoyed the fresh air.

But myyyyy goodness. You know when you have been a couch potato for a really long time, and then you go outside and its colder than it was the last time you were out? My legs felt sore, even though the walk was short. My head felt light. I felt completely overextended. But I’m intentionally holding onto the enjoyment of the walk itself. And I plan to hold onto that feeling until I’m home from picking the kids up after school.

And then I’ll crash and have a cry in reaction to my body being so unbelievably tired.

Because thats how we roll 😎✌️♿

Melatonin Monday: Part Fifteen

I have to look back every single time to see what number of the series I’m on. I juuust about went with “Melatonin Monday: Another Part” today, but I figured then I couldn’t use that next time. So, I put in the extra one second of effort and found the number. Fifteen.


I know I’ll kick myself after I type this out, as Murphy’s Law would have it. But Rowan doesn’t seem to sleep walk anymore. He hasn’t in a LONG time. It was really bad at camp for a while, and would always kick back into gear when we got home. There were stretches where he’d be up at some point every single night. It was HARD.

And now, he doesn’t. Or, he hasn’t. He is WAY more rested in the mornings, WAY happier, and WAY more rational!

I think some of our struggles with our Rowan are starting to improve simply as he ages, but I am SO relieved, and its clear that he is, too.

For those who don’t remember, or don’t know, alongside his Melatonin, Rowan also takes magnesium, a probiotic, and omega 3s. The addition of those has made a gigantic difference in his overall demeanour.

So far in grade one, Rowan hasn’t seemed to struggle as hard at all. I was waiting for a bomb to drop as he settled back into the school schedule from camp, and full time rather than half. But it seems as though its done a beautiful job regulating him and his emotions.

I am SO proud of how hard he is working, and beautiful his heart is.

My Top Three Coping Mechanisms

I title this halfway jokingly. Its been a hard series of days, where my mental energy seems to be used up a little quicker, making me an emotional basket case struggle a little bit extra. The things that have kept me afloat aaaaare…

My super cute kids!

I was loving Solly’s fruit clothing choice. Fruitstume. Its hard to let go of the swimwear, hey Sol? And Wavy was being a monkey, as she always is. Before I stopped her from falling on her head, I took a picture, as most of us parents would do. Her hair is getting SO LONG!

Next we haaaaaave…

Crocheting! Surprised? Didn’t think so.

I finished this blanket yesterday. Its a throw blanket, so its not huge, but works for a decent cuddle, or a BIG cuddle if you’re a kid. I’m not sure what the end goal is for it right now, but its folded up nicely in my drawer of finished projects, waiting for homes. I’m happy with how it turned out. Its soft.

Lastly, we have pizzaaaaa!!!
But what is even better than pizza, you ask?
Christmas pizza!!

I know, I know, its dumb. But I was crying at the table and for whatever reason, I looked down at my pizza and saw a Christmas tree, and it made me laugh. And I needed that. So I made it up on Insta and now I’m sharing it here.

I’m sorry for these lame posts. I will feel better soon, I’m confident. I just need to give my body, brain, and heart a bit of extra rest.

I hope you’re all feeling strong and healthy and well.

About These Griefy Days

With the change of season around us – summer to fall, camp to school – my brain and body are more tired than they were. Not necessarily more physically tired, but I’m sure you understand. The whole mindset changes from one to the next, and shifting gears takes time.

These days, my mental energy is sucked absolutely dry. I’ve been feeling on the verge of tears for the last couple of days. Not in an unhealthy way. But in a realistic way. I battle emotional struggles day in and day out, but recently, I don’t have the mental strength to get through them as smoothly as I did before. I’m definitely not as tough right now.

Yesterday, going back through Brady’s progress pictures and videos really hurt my heart. It was hard to see we had been and how much had changed.

A couple of weeks ago, I went into a tub of kids clothes to find Waverly some long sleeved shirts in a better size, and that pretty much wrecked me. So. Many. Baby clothes. And no babies.

Of course no one should be trying to have a baby during all of this chaos. Especially not during chemo! These are things I know. I’m still logical.

But we didn’t ask for this. Paraplegia. Cancer. Sickness. Physical struggle.

This was just so far from what we had planned.

When we started losing babies a few years ago, I started being able to express my trust in God better. I am both relieved and infuriated that He has control and I do not. I have often wish for something – anything – tangible for me to do to better our situations, and its just not on the books for me to solve these things.

I am so grateful that it is NOT up to me how this all plays out. I know God is in control, and He has allowed these things to happen. If it was up to me, this year would look completely different. Like, the POLAR OPPOSITE. A total 180. But. Then I would be doing it wrong, because that way is not God’s way. And I trust God.

I know this to be true, so we plod on.

We trust you, Lord.

I Won’t Lie: Technology Version

I could cry. I feel so low today, for lots and lots of reasons. The obvious ones being the daily life challenges that are new and struggly in our home. The change of routine and getting up earlier. Kids being more tired after school, and therefore grouchy. My period. All my day plans fell through. Its just been a long week.

We recently discovered that something went wrong with our laptop and a bunch of our photos and videos were corrupted. Brady painstakingly worked through a weird hack and got the photos resaved, albeit lower quality, but at least we still have them. Today, we’ve been battling to get our videos back. Every video taking back from about mid last summer, as in 2020, it corrupt and while I can see the thumbnail, it says the file is lost.

That includes a TON of the kids.

That includes the entire RV build.

That includes EVERYTHING since Brady’s surgery.

I. Could. Scream.

I’ve spent a couple of hours now sorting through old iMessage conversations from months back, trying to find every single video I could possibly save. And it has been hard. Not only because I feel SO defeated, but because its been a whirlwind sifting back through where we’ve been over the past year. Don’t get me wrong. We have come SO FAR. I could not be more PROUD of my husband and my family! Praise God for endurance, determination, and glory strength. 98% of every day is spent celebrating how we’ve overcome.

But it was a punch in the gut to see Brady, the day after his surgery, flat on his back, unable to sit, pee, stand, walk, balance, etc. Where as, just days before…

Everything was so different 💔

Its a griefy day.

“Mommy Can Do That?”

Today is a day where four out of my five children go to school. It is always a super cute sight as they take off together.

Solly was particularly adorable this morning. As a boy who has always rather had things done for him, he requested to brush his own teeth this morning. I helped, I promise. Hee chose a shirt he has refused to wear in the past. He is oddly particular about clothes. And upon leaving for school, he asked for a hat. Which doesn’t sound that weird, but no one else had one, and it was just a specific request for whatever reason. I’m not making sense. I guess I’m saying I like seeing him think for himself a little.

Once they were gone, we were down to the three of us! I am working on some reorganizing in our room, so Brady and Waverly came up with me. We listened to music. Wavy played in empty boxes and with the few toys she brought along with her. Brady worked on planning out another project we’ve been sitting on for a little while. And I worked, ran all over the house, and got things in their homes.

I am hesitant to even write this out, but I’m sure many of you won’t be surprised.

Sometimes its really hard to be the one who does most of the legwork. My partner in crime, as badly as he wants to, cannot move around as simply as he could before. While he is capable of going up and down the stairs, it is not an especially mindless task. So when there are runs to make up and down the stairs, that’s on me. This morning, that was a hard reminder for me. As I awkwardly stumbled my way down the stairs, my arms filled with 8′ long boxes, pieces spilling out of them as I went, I felt exhausted and discouraged. But I heard Wavy say behind me “Oh wow. Mommy can do that??” Brady confirmed that yes, I absolutely could. And that helped a lot. It was a one second conversation, and it was probably only significant to me, but it brought forth to me yet another way that this year has given our family new opportunities. Not only is it giving me ample chances to grow and stretch myself, but my children will see other ways that we all overcome. We will only be stronger because of Brady’s surgery and the outcome of it.

We’re all taking on new roles around here. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and change and grow.

But today…

No photo description available.

Watch over us, Lord.

Help Me Choose

So, friends, I have to choose between two items to spend my birthday money on, and I need input. If you haven’t noticed, the crocheting bug had bit pretty hard over here, and I’m upping my game in a lot of ways. So these options are both related to that. Upping that crafty game.

Option one is a new set of hooks.

Clover® Amour Crochet Hook Set

They would feel nicer in my hands while I worked than the plain aluminum skinny ones I have now. Though I’ve used them for years, and they are more than fine, these would be what I would consider luxury, hahaha! Feels SO weird saying rubber crochet hooks are luxurious but 🤷‍♀️it happened!

Option two is a yarn winder.

When I’m using from a skein of yarn and it starts to get to about the halfway point, it gets really easily tangled, and I need to roll it into a ball. And those suckers roll EVERYWHERE! A yarn winder is a quick, mindless way to roll the yarn up in a way that gives it a flat bottom and will sit nicely and not roll away from me when I want to use it. It also leaves me the option to pull the yarn from the centre, which you can understand if you’re a yarn person, is SO much nicer!

So guys, I have to choose. One or the other. What do I do? Help me chooooose!!!


Guys, I will be honest with you and say I am feeling SO much joy in the last day or two. I have been working on a project in Brady’s and my bedroom, and while I find myself fatigued and maybe working a little too hard, I’m sure many of you can relate to a rewarding task that brings you joy. Reorganizing parts of our bedroom has been life-giving! I am thoroughly enjoying getting things set up in a way that contains less furniture but stores more of what we need.

I ducked out today to try and find some items and accessories that I need. Cher came with me, and we scoured Dollarama, and Dollar Tree, and back to Dollarama, but to no avail. Merp. The mad hunt online is ongoing, but I may have a solution for the time being. I will obviously let you guys know when there is more to show off 😉

For now, trust me that I am happily working at home, getting things tidied up. Believe it or not, there is a lot to do! And now that I have fewer kids at home aaaaand a husband with me, we are getting things done! Take that, critical illness! 💪 You are not match for us!

If you’re looking for me, I’m upstairs.

The First Day of the Rest of the Year

It really feels like we’re in a new season, even though the kids started school two weeks ago now. Being officially packed up for the lake means the weeks don’t feel like limbo anymore. This morning, we got the three kids off to school, and Brady, Cher, and I had a coffee while Solly and Wavy spend time downstairs, playing “camping.” It was adorable.

Cher had to head out and do her day, so she left around 9:00 and my mom arrived shortly thereafter to help us with the great summer unpack. Whew! I am SO grateful for all the help we’ve received. From Cher, getting us in and unloaded, with a huge handful of things put away yesterday. From my mom, doing our laundry and helping with any job we throw at her.

Because without our help, we would be nowhere near where we are now! Kids are about to get out of school. Wavy and Solly had good naps, and we all ate good food. Laundry has a good bite taken out of it. Brady was able to do a workout and have a shower. Dishes are caught up.

I’ve been able to start picking away at a bit of a refresh of our room. Its starting to be less of a comfortable rest space and more of a chaotic dumping ground. I really want it to be cozy and relaxing up there again. I’ve done a single small part of it and I am already BEAT! But its been a productive day so far, and it feels really good.

I will leave you with a funny journal entry by Laela that I found in a notebook in my room 😆Little twerp thinks she’s sooooo good.

I am happy. I am strong. I am tired.