Brady the guest poster today!
Yesterday I was given the chance to try out a little bit of paid work for the first time since my surgery. A friend of mine contacted me and said he was painting a hallway in a commercial building and thought I might the chance to stretch my legs and see what I was capable of. And I accepted.
There were three of us there and the other two guys did all the prep work so I didn’t have to bend down too far or put myself in a precarious position.
My friend then handed me a paint roller with an extension handle and asked if I thought I could reach the whole wall from my wheelchair. I was able to but I felt limited in how much I could move so I stood up. And I was able to stand and balance while I PAINTED!!

It felt so good to be able to work and contribute and not be a hindrance. I was even able to push my paint tray along and I painted a whol 10’ x 40’ wall. TWICE! Primer and then colour.
It was a total of 4 hours but there was lots of coffee and visiting interspersed. I was actually working for maybe 1.5 to 2 hrs. And my back was sore after. But not painful. Just a ‘I worked a solid day’ kinda sore. It feels good!
My back is a bit tighter today than usual but no more than a good workout would effect me the next day.
I can’t wait to keep doing little jobs like this and slowly build my strength and endurance again.
Turns out I CAN still contribute to society! 😃